I was also encouraged by a video that shows that Jarhead was not simply a waiting game for the soldiers in the desert, the whole shoot had a bit of an expectant and disappointing air to it if you were two of the extras in the squad. Or, as they put it, the two left over hot dog rolls, when all attention is on the lead: 'Jake Gyllenhaal is so cute'.
This video is well worth enjoying for a lot of reasons, but also because it shows how to act 'So Swoff' and because it contains a fine impression of Peter Sarsgaard and a not very fine impression of the Number 1 - Jamie Foxx. Let us hope that neither No. 12 nor No. 13 were the ones Peter and Jake discussed here: 'Peter: We definitely got attached to our weapons, especially after one us – neither Jake nor I, but another guy on the movie – managed to completely trash his M-16 during boot camp. Jake: We still hate him; it really upset us and I never thought I would be upset at someone for trashing a gun of any kind but I really was.'

And while I'm throwing around videos to do with Jarhead, here's a deleted scene from the movie that shows Jake playing with matches - please don't do this at home.
When one thinks of Jarhead, one remembers stunningly realised oil raining from red skies, or the frustration of soldiers fearing untrustworthy girls back home and an enemy they may never reach. A Gyllenhaalic, however, has other reasons to remember Jarhead. When the real Swofford wasn't making Jake read Hamlet, The Myth of Sisyphus (my own personal favourite) and The Portable Nietzsche, he also joked 'Well, I taught him those dance moves'. Fortunately, Swoff wasn't just a soldier who 'wanted to sit alone in the back of a Humvee and read'.

Sam Mendes described Jake's earnest desire for a role that would make him surprise himself: 'I felt like he had not been stretched at all as an actor, but he was ready to be. And just meeting him, he was desperate to be punished on some level - made to feel things that he'd never felt before. You could say that he probably felt he's had it ... not easy, but not that difficult in his young acting life. Because, you know, he entered at a young age, and he's a goodlooking boy, and he's got showbiz family and all that kind of stuff, and he's come up sensing that that was always where he was going to go. But he felt, on some level, that he hadn't earned it. And he wanted to earn it. He wanted to work, and he wanted to explore himself. And I couldn't be more excited about the performance he gives.'

As this is a gratuitous post, here is a video which allows us to focus on the cost that Jake's hair suffered for the filming of Jarhead - the before and after.
Pictures from Getty.
This was a great post and I have to say that when I first clicked on the video link starring #12 and #13 I thought maybe I'd watch a minute or two and that would be it - but I honestly could not turn the thing off! I was laughing so hard through the whole thing! So many great memories of Jarhead with everything they talked about and these two dudes are really, really funny. I have to make a point to watch Jarhead again real soon and look for these two - LOL!
Thank you for, yet again, interesting and unique information!!
Hope you're having a good weekend...
Hi BBMISwear! I'm glad you stuck with the video - I felt the same and then I was laughing and laughing- these guys who'd be cut off in the full screen version... Having to play second fiddle to cute Jake, Oscar winning Jamie and strangely accented Peter! I'm going to watch out for these two too. It just shows though what a laugh they all had even though they were often tetchy.
I'm so glad you liked the post - it was a very happy one to do :D I'm having a really nice weekend - I hope you are too *) Mr WDW and I managed to save my PC too so that that's put a smile on my face.
Ooh, my word is ennises
Hey, WDW, great post, and the Sims&Marz video was hilarious.
There should be more cut-ups doing riffs like this on film sets - I bet PoP was a trip for all concerned, would love to see production notes on this one. The people mostly are all actors/artists/performers, after all.
Sims&Marz should have their own show. :D
did you really get "ennises" WDW? you oughtta go to a horserace and bet on the cutest one. (Donnie Darko reference)
Hope everypeeps having a good weekend!
Pia! So good to see you *) I laughed so much with that video. I love the idea of actors recreating their great scenes, which then get cut and, because we've seen these vids, we really want to see the origiginal scene. Very funny. If only there were two more beds in the tent... I think Jarhead must have been very testosterone heavy, but also very funny.
I really did get 'ennises', which is good today. I've only ever bet on one horse race - but I did win :D
Good night, wet dark!
Thank you for the videos and interviews! Jarhead is one of my favorite movies of Jake and Sam Mendes.
have a great day
Hi Monica :D I hope things are going well for you - how's the studying going? Jarhead is such a favourite of mine too. Have a good night *)
"He's just jealous because at the shower scene you were bigger than he was."
lol.Thanks for the vids and all the links to interviews.i really like this blog.plus people are actually sane here.
Thanks again WDW.(Great name btw)
Yeay Anon! Thanks for the comment - I liked that shower comment too - chuckle :D I'm so glad you like WDW, RDJ takes full credit for the name :)
My studies go well. It's a little tiring, but it's one of the things I always wanted to do. Thanks for asking!
Some of my passions: literature, cinema, cooking, photography, Ewan McGregor, Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger ...
Steph posted new photos of Jake in IHJ!
Very nice post WD&W. I've always felt in many ways Jake's work in Jarhead rivaled BBM. It's definitely my go-to Jake movie.
Monica, those sound like some great passions - I'm glad it's going well. It must be hard work though. I saw the new pictures, I'm going to leave them for tomorrow - I want to leave this post up for a while :)
Thanks JoeAnn :D I think Jarhead is an incredible movie and I do believe Jake's performance in it rivals that in BBMM. And the cinematography is amazing. I like to talk about Jarhead :) Thanks for commenting!
Interview with Peter Sarsgaard
Asked if he enjoys being a father, Sarsgaard seems to light up, enthusiastically answering, "I do, I do."
And is he gooing to teach his daughter soccer?
"I am. Every child that I have must play soccer," laughs Sarsgaard, who says he still plays pickup games and kicks the ball around the house. "I'm one of those people who's constantly chipping the ball over the kitchen island trying to land it into a basket of Ramona's toys - taking out wine glasses and things."cute!
I just got back from seeing "State of Play," which has no links to "Jarhead," but surprisingly has inks to "Brokeback Mountain" and "City Slickers." David Harbour, who played Randall in "Brokeback Mountain," plays a behind-the-scenes source that news reporter Russell Crowe goes to for inside info on a sinister organization, in "State of Play."
Josh Mostel, who was in both "City Slickers" movies, plays one of Crowe's fellow reporters.
Incidentally, "State of Play" has a few ex-jarheads who have signed on to a company that hopes to earn 40 billion dollars a year running the war on terror for Homeland Security. Jason Bateman, Ben Affleck, Helen Mirren, and Jeff Daniels are also in the cast.
Morning everyone! Lazy Sunday :D
Hi Monica! Thanks for the link - I love that interview, and I can just imagine the mess Peter and Ramona make playing footie around the house :D
Morning Paul :D - I saw an item about State of Play on the news this week. It's getting some attention here as it's a remake of an old UK TV programme. Interesting how they turned Bill Nighy's original character into Helen Mirren! Thanks for letting us know about the Randall connection :D
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