At the opening of the Festival, amongst a montage of clips from all of the films, a glimpse from Doctor Parnassus was shown, and there is Heath, again in disguise. You can see the clip here, go to about 21:40.

Terry Gilliam has been interviewed in the Times this week and the passion with which he speaks for Heath... this film is almost like a crusade for Gilliam. He is using Doctor Parnassus to win every piece of recognition for Heath he can, every award for Heath he can. On Heath's posthumous Oscar: “But wouldn’t it have been nice if they had noticed before? Even before Brokeback Mountain he was doing brilliant work. Everything he has done has been solid, even the earlier silly things. I first saw him in The Four Feathers and he just takes over the screen. He was what, 21 years old?” The planned release date for Doctor Parnassus is in the autumn. “We want to be in that last third for the Academy Awards! Maybe we’ll get another award for Heath. We’re going to get as many awards as possible for him, long after he’s gone.”'

'“I think there are going to be moments in Parnassus; I’m just waiting to hear what the audience does when they see certain shots. There are lines that we refused to change after Heath died. It’s like the script was prescient. It’s really spooky.”'

The video below, of stills from the film, has Heath talking about what working with Terry Gilliam means to him and also about future plans. But be warned - there is a sting in the tail that will just rip your heart out. I wish I'd have known before I saw it so you might want to leave it be.
Includes pictures from the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Support Site.
Good morning - err, or rather almost good afternoon (despite me still sitting in front of the remains of my breakfast...)
I found that interview clip when I went to YouTube after the mention of a Parnassus clip in yours and Monica's comments to your last post... Seeing all those pictures of people when it should have been Heath in them was so painful... And then the punch in the gut in the end... :(
But OMG that first pic of Heath in the clip is so beautiful!
I was quite okay when I watched The Dark Knight in the cinema - only got teary eyed when I saw the dedication in the credits at the end. But I am a bit afraid of watching Dr. Parnassus. As thankful as I am for Jude Law, Colin Farrell and Johnny Depp helping to finish the movie, it will hurt so much to see them on the screen instead of Heath.
Thanks to your new post today I finally found the Parnassus clip you were talking about initially...
Oh, Heath... *sighs*
Have a good weekend!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
No one can't replaced Heath, he was such adorable human being.. he had such warm personality, when i watch his first pic i want to cry and believe me guys i don't cry that easily.
I can only thanks to this three guys, because we will watch movie, but knowing that Heath will disappear in middle of movie it will make big emptiness and grief.
WDW Thanks for refreshing memories on great actor and friend.
Uli great weekend to you to!!..
Hi there everyone! A slow day for me - I'm feeling a bit cream crackered (worn out :D)
Afternoon Uli! I've only just finished my breakfast too. That video really threw me this morning too. I didn't get teary eyed with TDK and I was really looking forward to seeing it - I don't feel the same about Dr P. At the fact that Terry G's movie also scare me in a way doesn't help!
Hello Hapi :D
Hey Flower :D Watching a movie and knowing and then seeing Heath disappear halfway through might stop me seeing this one, I must admit. But I really hope that the film gets some great reviews and a lot of support, so it will have a wide release.
Have a good day everyone - very blowy out there :D
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Hey! I just realised it's the Eurovision Song Contest tonight! Been watching Norway on YouTube :D
Wow. I'm crying now but...Wow. That audio clip of Heath is part of an interview I have heard before but the way this person put it to the movie photos got me good. And then, of course, that last thing he says. Damn. Really crying now. But thank you just the same. Always good to "celebrate" Heath even if it makes us sad sometimes.
BTW - A notation to what Flower said - I'm not 100% sure but the way the movie has been described it sounds like Heath is actually in it all the way through and the 3 additional actors are edited in throughout during dream sequences so even though Heath stopped in the middle of filming he doesn't stop appearing on screen in the middle of the movie. I hope I'm right as it will make it easier to watch this way I think.
Lisa xoxo
Morning Lisa *) I had a good cry too. I'd not heard the interveiw before but it fit so perfectly with the pictures. And thanks for that about the dream sequences. I remember hearing that too. That would make the film much easier to watch - having Heath at the end as well. Gonna be hard... Hugs to you too xx
Ooh, I just noticed (I am a bit slow like that...), you have a Blogger pic, BBMISwear - looking gorgeous *)
If this is truth than i am happy.
but it want bring smile on my face, i saw some pics from movie, including one were Heath is hanging it brings only but pain.
Don't Cry.. Thanks to WDW we have beautiful memory on Heath.
I'm still happy to have seen this clip, in spite of "the moment". Heath was so wonderful, I still miss him. I would have given anything to see him in the Terrence Malik film "Tree of Life". I'm so looking forward to Dr. Parnassus; it looks really magaical, and I'm amazed how much of a resemblance I see with the wonderful Johnny D, Jude Law, and Colin Farrell, so great of them to do what they did for the film. I love hearing about how Heath measures his success in films - he was so great. I hope I have reached the point now where everything we read about him makes me happy, although I still fee a bit of a twinge. He was so beautiful, and not just his formidable outward beauty, but as a person too. Thanks a million, and have a great weekend, WDW'ers! :')
Sorry WDW i simply can't hold on..
I love changing pics :)))
Flower! You have a lovely new pic too - I love having the avatars here, brightens the place up :D
Hey Bertie :D I'm just about there now - I am very happy when I hear Heath's praises sung and I get a great deal of pleasure from seeing him on the screen now. I may give TDK another viewing this weekend. I'm glad Heath has such support in Cannes. It's interesting to see Johnny, Jude and Colin in costume too. I hope you're having a good weekend too :)
I'm listening to U2's new album. I do hope you can't hear me singing along...
LOL at my blogger pic as there is a little story behind it...I have had a google account for a while but couldn't log into it to post here (I later found out I was doing something wrong when logging in - DUH)! It was such a pain to keep logging into LJ first whenever I wanted to post so I finally sat down one day and figured it out and now I can log into google easily AND get to have a pic too! This pic is the same one I use on every single Jake/BBM related website I go to...people have told me they know me by this pic now! It has always been my most FAVORITE picture (and that was BEFORE Jake explained it in detail)! *passes out just thinking about it*
So...ya...a little background on this one (not that you asked to hear it or anything)! LOL!
Happy Weekend everyone!
Well, I love it, BBMISwear, and that is one very special pic - I think that's probably the BBM pic I post the most, and after Jake explained the picture to you I just loved it even more. I associate you with it too! I have a couple of avatars - my Bafta picture is for LJ and my Toronto pic is usually for here (although I'm rather attached to Dastan as you can see :D). I always recognise some people by their picture, such as Uli, Ruby, TL.
I'm having such a nice day - love to talk about Jake and Heath :) I'm not surprised, Lisa, that you feel faint remembering talking about that picture with Jake - makes my heart thud faster!
I just saw the Cannes clip of Dr. Parnassus - it's wonderful! Very Alice-in-Wonderland-ish. Heath is very dashing looking. Can't wait to see it! Got a little teary. :)
I like your avatar a lot as well, Lisa, and the wonderful story behind it that you were nice enough to share with us.
I've watched TDK a lot, WDW, because I find Heath's performance and all of the little nuances he put into the character just amazing. I love The Joker. Definitely an Oscar-worthy performance IMO.
Have a great day, all -
Hi Bertie :) Ooh, that reminds me. My dad used to read Alice in Wonderland to me when I was little and the nightmares it gave me!
I thought the Joker was an just incredible - totally stole the show from Batman.
Oh...that last phrase of the clip just hit me like a punch in the gut... :( I've been having these sudden waves of sadness for Heath in the last weeks, and I think it's because of all the Parnassus information we're getting and its really sinking in that this will be his last movie. I'll have to go see it alone because I'm sure I will cry at some point and I don't want to have to explain why. I'm so glad to have all you to share this with.
I saw TDK 3 times in theatre, 2 times in IMAX (which was so awsome!) and I couldn't get enough of the Joker. I can't believe Heath made me almost like him. He's a psychopath for God's sake! I felt guilty for laughing everytime I saw the pencil trick scene. :D Batman actually got on my nerves, I couldn't stand his voice!
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Monday is a public holiday here. Yay!
I'm glad too, Olympia :)
OMG, that pencil scene - I just can't look! Batman's voice really irritated me too. I hope you have a great, looong weekend :D
It was wonderful hearing Heath's beautiful voice again saying something new. Thank you so much Kate for the post and the warning, still 'suckerpunched' me though. I feel numb again at the thought of Dr Parnassus being IT.........
I love Terry and his wonderous imagination and especially his genuine love of Heath and his work. I'm so proud of him and his tenacity.
I feel like Heath will never ever be far away from my thoughts... always in my conciousness forever.
I was thinking of the timing release date for Brothers and it being oscar worthy. To have U2 singing the theme surely will garner the musical score/theme tune an oscar nomination. I saw them at Obama's inauguration celebration and they were powerful and amazing. I'd love to one day attend a U2 concert...my favourite song 'Still haven't found what I'm looking for' I felt they'd written and sung it just for me at the time hehehe..... Very, very hopeful for Brothers.
Hi Sheba! My pleasure :D I love Terry's pride and love for Heath - it shouts out.
I'd not thought about the possibility of the music for Brothers also being up for an award. But there is just so much to do with Brothers that will catch everyone's attention. I just cannot wait!
Can I just say... come on Norway!
What!! Is it Eurovision again? Don't think there's much hope for us really.
BTW watched Star Trek at the pictures yesterday and have fallen in love again with Spock and the new one too... I can't seem to get them out of my head... like I'm seeing him in another light.... very sexy....????.... well, I can't explain it - he was so sexy *blushes* :DDD
It most certainly is, Sheba! I don't normally bother but I hear they've done something to the voting so I'll give it another chance. I've not heard the UK song but we have 0 chance, I reckon :)
Glad to hear you liked Star Trek. I loved it - and the two Spocks, and Kirck and Scotty. Well, all of them, really! I was going to see Angels & Demons tomorrow but I suspect my feet may head for Star Trek again instead. I blame my shoes...
OK Eurovision starts about now. I'm prepared for cheese :)
^^^ I do know how to spell, Kirk... honest...
Well you enjoy that, I'm off to watch Rendition on Sky Drama... love the opening HOT scenes.. whew!
Enjoy Sheba (as if one could possibly do anything else with those opening Jake scenes :D) I don't have Sky so it's a night in Moscow with Graham Norton and some hot Nordi-Scandi singers for me :D Come on Norway!
That last sentence cut through me like a knife :(
I miss you every day Heath x
(((Anon))) That sentence does that - thanks for commenting.
Have a good night everyone :)
I wish I could be at Cannes, but you at least got to be there for a Jake film debut, WDW. Do you think Ing has been there since?
I saw "Angels and Demons," and was impressed by the high level of suspense that the director was able to maintain. I don't think there were any direct Jake links, unless you count Ewan M cGregor, who beat jake out for a role in "Moulin Rouge." He did a really nice job is "Angels and Demons," though I bet jake could have done well, too. ;-)
First let me say a big thank you to WDW for the continued support of Heath and for all the postings you have done over the past year. It's been rough, it's still hard to believe he's gone and that this will be the last movie we'll see him in.
I believe I have seen this clip before. It was very eerie with what he said at the end. But he was working so hard he hadn't had much of a break and I think he was looking forward to doing "Tree of Life" then taking a break. I know he was in the process of getting Queen's Gambit going (he was going to direct. probably would have gone on to do that after he took a break)
just so sad.
Thanks for a wonderful site, so much info you pass along about two great guys
Good night, wet dark!
Great post!
Thank you for support Heath and Dr.Parnassus.
He did a really nice job is "Angels and Demons,"My great Ewan!
Morning everyone - what a day for hibernating - chucking it down out there :(
Hi there Paul! I loved my experience of Cannes and seeing Jake in such a beautiful location with such big happy smiles on his face (and ours) - a very special memory. I hope I get to see him again there some time, and Ing too :D I don't know if he's been back.
Thanks for telling us about Angels and Demons. I did like the book but I haven't made up my mind whether to see it or not, although I do like Ewan very much. It sounds like I should see it though.
Thanks so much Sweetpea - what a lovely thing to say :D I'd not heard of these other projects Heath was preparing for. It's just too heartbreaking it really is. I am grateful though for what we do have.
Morning Monica! I know how you love Ewan! One of these days let's hope we see Jake and Ewan together on the big screen - wouldn't that be great?!
Have a good day everyone - stay dry :)
Good morning. I have just watched the clip from the movie and the interview clip. I have shed a tear or two aswell. It just brings up all those sad feelings to the surface again.
I do hope the movie is done in such a way that he won't disappear from it half way through. It was great that Johnny, Jude and Colin stepped in to save the movie but it will still be difficult to watch knowing that is the last time Heath will ever grace the screen in something new.
I went to see Angels and Demons yesterday too and it was a major improvement on the DaVinci code. I still disagree with Tom Hanks casting as Robert Langdon but I enjoyed Ewan McGregor's performance.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Hi there Carol - Thanks for sharing your feelings :)
That's good to hear that Angels & Demons is better than the Da Vinci Code. I love Tom Hanks but I just don't get him in this role - not even a little bit. So it's good to know this one's better.
Hope everyone's having a good day - I think the rain's stopped. I might brave the great outdoors.
Good morning, wet dark!
Ewan is my favorite actor. Always always always my number one!
Have a great day
Oh yes, WDW, we certainly have noticed that you have been "rather attached to Dastan" lately - hee hee!
Such nice comments about my sharing of the story behind the picture. I so love to share all that I can about my visit with Jake with those who feel the same as I do (which I think is most everyone who comes here on a regular basis)!
As I've said before...I'm in such good company here!
You sure are Lisa... and I will never get tired of hearing of your account at a time when some of us really needed to hear he was OK. It was like waiting to exhale. Your exclusive meeting was wonderful and to share it with us, all the details, was and will always be so wonderful. Heath has been in my thoughts a lot lately and I don't want to dwell on the sadness but that picture of yours now make me have the largest biggest smile when I see it. People say, what so special about that.... I just smile.
Anyway, watching a marathon of Trek movies today and still thinking about new Spock... hotness! Some of my students got me a McCoy figure from McDonalds that says "I'm a Dr not a Physicist" and they repeated it over and over again. I had not seen the movie yet but it made me laugh so much. So you can imagine during the movie how I was the only one in the cinema that let out a big dirty laugh when McCoy said "Good God man, I'm a Dr not a Physicist". The cast were superb. I need to see it again.
Happy, peaceful Sunday everyone xx
Excellent post, WDW.
Thank you so much for the Cannes report. I'm having mixed feelings about whether I'm up to seeing Heath's last film, but after reading this film review (warning! It's spoilerish) and what it says especially about Heath's performance, I don't think I could pass it up.
Have a nice Sunady,
Thank you, Lisa.
Lisa, thank you for sharing your encounter.
It was very good to know a bit more about Jake and especially about my favorite photo.
Hi Monica! I hope you have a great day too :D A lazy one for me :)
Morning Lisa! I know, my feelings for Dastan are well known - sigh... I'm just waiting for that life-sized poster. I'm so happy and grateful that you've (and Ted of course!) been so generous with your Jake adventure - all the things you've shared are just so precious, and they put a huge smile on my face xx
Hi Sheba! I need to see the film again too! Bones was my favourite when I was a kid - you have great students :D I'd love to rewatch some of the earlier films, but this week I have been watching a few TNG and Voyagers on DVD :)
Hi Paola! Thanks very much for the link - it's good to see the film getting so much attention. I hope you have a good day too :)
Waves to Monica!
You guys are so sweet...you've seriously brought tears to my eyes (happy tears that is) with all your 'thank yous'...so thank YOU for that!! xoxo
(((Lisa))) Thank you so much for being such a part of this place xx
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