It is a well known anomaly that no-one knew as much about space time continuums and singularities and folds in space like Donnie Darko. And while we wait to learn if Jake will be boldly going into Doug Liman's vision of space colonisation - a project that is redefining the term 'If in doubt, rewrite, rewrite, rewrite' - I like to think that a science fiction revival may lead Jake to make that one giant leap into the final frontier. As the respected Klingon warrior/philosopher Worf once never said: "Jake tuj 'a Jake daq latlh tuj" (which roughly translates as 'Jake is hot but Jake in space is hotter'). Jake has certainly mastered one Spockism:

'I call them ears'.
... and another:

'There is a multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder'.
This post is headed by what is possibly my favourite Spock quote which I tried and failed to relate to Jake because we rarely see Jake in a marine context and also because I don't think he's been to Wales, which is a shame, because it's lovely.
Happy Mother's Day to all the appropriate parts of Earth celebrating it today.
Includes pictures from IHJ.
Tell me about it, Mr. Spock! ;)
Great post - I can hardly wait to see the new Star Trek, so as soon as (humanly) possible, I'm there! I'm not a Trekkie, but I do enjoy Star Trek, and a good sci-fi movie. I love these two main characters, the fiery Captain Kirk and the-aloof-but-simmering just beneath the surface Spock! I've always loved and had a bit of a crush on Mr. Spock (I like a challenging man), and would love to see someone bring out the animal in him. If he had looked like Jake, I'd really have been a goner. :)
Happy Mother's Day!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post, Anon! A new Trek Film can't go past postless. I like your description of Spock as a challenging man! Would love to see what Jake could do with a character like that - vulcan or human :) One thing I enjoyed about the Trek film is that everything is driven by the superb characterisation, plus good acting. I hope we see some of those strengths in PoP too. Much to Mr WDW's disapproval, Voyager is my favourite series, but Jake has now replaced Chakotay in my heart! I do want to see Jake in scifi :D
Thanks for humouring me with my Jake and Spock Interlude! I hope you enjoy the film :D
I hope everyone's having a good day. Happy Mother's Day over there across the pond!
LOL at Spocked Jake! He really looks good! :)
I`m not a Trekkie but I did like to watch that show when I was a kid. I remember how fake looking the special effects were at that time. And OMG, the totally not scary looking aliens and monsters! :D Good memories...
OMG, what a great Spock Jake! LOL, love it.
Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful moms of WDW!
Hey Olympia! Ahh the dream of seeing Jake put on those ears while having a twinkle in his eye. I want to hear him say 'Fascinating', as Spock does, with a quizzically raised eyebrow :D
I've definitely had too much sun today - I've been sitting outside, trying to ignore the big smoke cloud from a barbecue a couple of doors away.
Oh the monsters! I was watching a programme about Star Trek last night and it featured the man who wore the lizard suit to fight Kirk, I think he was called Gorn. Absolutely dreadful! But funny. I like the rocks. Very good memories :)
Hey Get Real! What a lovely thing to post :)
OK, I've come in to bake a cake - it may get messy...
I used to love to watch Star Trek when high, when it was obvious to me that Capt. Kirk was a mother figure.
Happy Mom's Day USAans! ! !
And thanks for the nod, WDW, and a witty post!
Good morning, wet dark!
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers of the world, especially for my mother. She's the most important person of my life!
Do'nt forget, every day is Mother's Day!
Hi Pia! I always get the feeling when I see the original Star Trek that they were all high on it (certainly the set and costume designers - and the scriptwriters - and the actors - oh, everyone!). My formative Star Trek years were with The Next Generation, where I hated Beverly and Wes Crusher from day one but got on very nicely with Riker.
Good to see you, Pia! And I'm tickled that you enjoyed the post *)
Morning Monica! What a lovely thing to say :)
It does feel now like there are two Mothers Days - with the UK one in March and this one in May - I'm not telling my mum that though...
I hope everyone's having a great day. Such a lovely one here :)
Coool post - can't wait to see Star Trek :)
TNG was best though - I liked Wes, he looked so clean.
Hugs WDW, pia and all x
Hey Nouskie *) The best thing about Wes was when the Traveller took him into another dimension - much better for this dimension, I thought. I did like TNG but loved Voyager :D I wonder which is Jake's favourite series? I must add that to my list of Jake questions :D
oh Jake as spock is so funny. I hadn't heard him being up for the part of Spock. Sorry to say I don't think the part would suit him, Zach Quinto looks so much like Leonard Nimoy he fit the part perfectly
but I did like how you made Jake a vulcan :D
Hi Anon! Unfortunately, I don't believe Jake was ever up for the role of Spock, although I think I've shown here that he was the logical choice :D Zach was great in the role, wasn't he? I'm glad you liked by Vulcan Jake :)
Hi there - great new video of Jake as the Prince - which means I've ahd to disable the video of my beloved Spake as he insists on talking over it :D
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