We hear 'Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal doing the New York Times crossword together over breakfast yesterday morning at Georgetown's Le Pain Quotidien -- gym clothes, shades, baseball caps (Jake's with a Nats logo!). And then, hmmm, what do you know, they just happened to leave the paper behind ... and they filled it out in ink. And mostly got it right! The Monday puzzle, but still. The movie stars (she's shooting here) seem to have struggled with 57 Down, "Workplace watchdog org." (Answer: "OSHA"; a few more weeks in D.C. and they'll ace that stuff.)' Now, you too, courtesy of an aesthetically pleasing and professional bodge by WDW Operations Ltd, can do the same crossword puzzle... Click and it shall be embiggened to print.

Should you wish to cheat, you can find the answers here.
Top 100 Sexiest Men on the Planet
Heat Magazine has this week published its Top 100 Sexiest Men on the Planet list. And despite having had little film exposure over the last couple of years, Jake is on the list, so look below to seek him out. As is proper when presenting a survey, I have included here the entire results for serious and scientific analysis and comparison.

Number 1 is not a surprise in these vampire and twilight days...but I don't agree with the result at all and so I've shrunk him.

Includes scans from WDW and picture from IHJ.
Oh damn, could they have picked a more stupid pic of Jake for that Sexiest Man on the Planet thing?
Oh, well, yes they could have... The ones from yesterday... LOL!
But seriously, there are tons of great pics of Jake, but I have the feeling for this kind of stuff they always pic the wrong pics...
Oh, damn... Back to work...
I don't know which is worst - matching outfits or robert pattinson is the sexiest man on the planet! *g*
I need to catch up on my wimbledon viewing!
Uli agree with you.. so many great pics and they choose ugly one so unfair.
God what people see in that Robert, he is so empty nothing special, my dog have more chemistry than he. :))
Still I can believe how Goran Visnic come to this list. Not fan of his although he is from my country.
Sorry still i can't....
I'm a bad Gyllenhaalic...I had to go through the pictures 3 times to find Jake. I might have gotten distracted by all the serious and scientific analysis and comparing I was doing (he!he!) but it would have helped if they had chosen one of the billion better pictures of Jake that exists. Come on! They could at least have used one where you see his gorgeous hair and a real smile! And why is he wearing a top? The Treasure Trail alone should have made him number 1!
And I won't even comment on Robert Pattinson as #1...sheesh...
Hi there everyone! Just back from Legs Bums and Tums and watching Andy Murray win - yahoo!
Hey Uli! It was a flippin stupid pic to choose! My friend - who let me scan her mag - was asking me why they picked that pic and I was nonplussed. The wrong pic.
Hi Winterbird! Robert Pattinson is most definitely NOT the sexiest man on the planet, or on any planet.
Laughing about your dog, Flower! There are some surprises on this list - James Clarkson? James May?? (Where's the hamster? did I miss him?)
Bad Olympia! Three times to find Jake?? But seriously that is a bad choice of pic - the hat... where's the chest? Most of the others show chest.
A beautiful evening here - I hope everyone's having a good day :D
PS I've added some more sightings and tweets to the opening paragraph - more may follow...
What a very pretty post!
But.....Jeremy Clarkson? I blame those Top Gear fans ;-)
Ahh we TG fans do get about, Rubes :D But Jeremy is about the only one here wearing more clothes than Jake is in his pic :D I think they all make the post look pretty too :)
Thank you so much for making the day even hotter with all those hot bodies on display *whew*
Rob Patterson or whatever his name is? ..... I just don't get it. And where is Gordon Ramsey? :P
Love the educational slant you're putting in your posts moreofen WDW. More Jake related activities please. Love to hear how down to earth and 'real' they're being. Cool couple.
Well done to Murray although he made a 3 course meal of it. Roddick definately does have IT. I'll be watching that body. Hope you're all enjoying the tennis. Its non negotiable in this household ;D
Go team cherries.
I don't have a problem with that picture if they show both arms in full beautiful display! For shame.. ;p At least he is on the sexy list. I don't get the hype of Robert P.
Love to hear all the Jake sightings/Tweets/pics and get togethers with other actors in DC! Puts a big smile on my face and makes me squee. :D
Hi Sheba! Glad you liked the hot bods and Jake's crossword :D I can be educational... I'm loving the tennis - if only I didn't have to work :(
Hey Get Real! It's fun following the tweets. Owen Wilson is one of my absolute faves and I'd love to see him and Jake together in a film/in a pic/in anything. Yep, at least the pic was a hot arms pic... :D
Hi WDW, commenting earlier this time (this is early?). Hope the keeping fit is going well... Playing any Wimbledon-inspired tennis? Or is it just Wimbledon-inspired strawbees eating? I take the second option.
I too had to go through the pics 3 times before I got im. (hangs head in shame) Well, at least its a big pic. Robert wotsisface is actually, er, ugly isn't he?! Haven't seen that for a long time.
Jake Gyllenhall and Joe Jonas #95 -- shoulda been #1 and #2.I love Jake and young Joe Jonas is a real little hottie too.
I can't stand Robert Pattinson. And Russel Brand!!! ewwwwww
They definitely should have picked a better picture of Jake.
Greetings to WDW and everyone else here...I've been slammed by RL these last few days and just got caught up on all I missed on this site...WOW!!
I hope it doesn't bother anyone if I refer to the last few posts in this one comment. Going back to the hands post...Yum!! I always loved that clip from Conan ("snakes on a plane" - hee hee)! I watch that one a lot. Thank you Monica for the links to those wonderful vids of Heath *heavy sigh* I still cry when I watch things like that. I'm not sure if/when that will ever stop.
WDW, that BBM post was so over the top killer! And I mean WONDERFUL when I say that! The hard work you do for us is very much appreciated...so I hope you know that if you don't never know the rest. :-) I have to think that Tonight Show video clip of Heath we all want so much exists somewhere - it's just a matter of finding it. I'll have to check with some of my Heath friends. Oh, and my most favorite picture on earth...saved for the very end...xoxo. You had me cracking up, Ruby - DVD Extras - LOL!! Can you believe he accused me of only watching the extras and not the movie itself?! (I know he was only teasing - hee hee)! I have to say I often think about what we may discover some day (and I'm talking 20 years from now) of "BBM extras" that exist but are being kept locked away. My dream would be Jake and Heath doing the commentary voice over. Oh.My.God. I guess I should wake up, huh? *cries*
On a lighter note...The Red Sox buried the Washington Nationals tonight 11-3. No sign of Jake as far as I could tell (unless we get a sighting of some sort reported tomorrow). 2 more Sox/Nationals games to go this week. Put your Red Sox hat back on Jake...The Sox have 43 wins and 27 losses so far this season...the Nationals have 20 wins and 48 losses! Even the non-baseball people out here can do the math and know who the better team is...LOL!
Sorry for all the baseball talk...I guess that new hat of his struck a nerve. You blow me away WDW - giving us "the" crossword puzzle to do ourselves. What will you think of next?!
Last but not least...the most sexiest men on the planet, huh?! I predicted a while ago that Jake will (finally) make it to #1 in the People Magazine poll in 2010. Maybe the same for this magazine too?! Time will tell...
Sorry for yet another long comment from me...but I wasn't here for a while so I had some making up to do!!
Goodnight all (well, good morning to some of you)!
Lisa xoxo
I am still not over that stupid pic they picked for Jake... Alright it is an arm-pic, but I am so distracted by that stupid hat that I don't even notice his arm...
I mean, even Obama got a shirtless-pic... Have those people never heard about the "blue shorts pic"????
And like Olympia said, the Treasure Trail alone would have made him #1!!!!
LOL about BBMISwear and her long comment... I have the feeling we have something in common (it doesn't show here so often, but in other places...). Just ask some people here...
Other people measure their posts in words - we measure ours in inches... :D :D :D
And I like to dream with you about BBM extras - and I am sure we are not alone...
I wish you all a great day!!
Good morning everyone! Another beautiful day - anyone for tennis?
Hi TD! Yay, earlier :D My tennis is restricted to wii tennis and Pimms - it's doing me good.
Hi 3:04 :D I know - I like Russell Brand but for a hot bod? - ugh :(
Definitely 3:41!
Hey BBMISwear! There are enough inches in that to make Uli jealous!
I'm so glad you liked the BBM post - and I had to put that picture at the end - the other side of making BBM, the comradery and the humour. Talking of extras, I watched Zodiac on Saturday night - sat riveted like it was the first time - and then I watched the extras, and I thought of you!
Thanks for keeping us up to date with the baseball, looking out for Jake for us :D Good on the Red Sox!
Thanks for such a fab comment, Lisa :-)))
Morning Uli! I didn't see that Obama got a shirtless pic too! And Jake got a hat shot!!
Have a lovely day everyone :D
LMAO over my morning cup of tea...you guys are the best! I always do say I am in GOOD company here and I mean it! I think I used up all my 'inches' in my last comment so I'll make this one short. But you guys really do make me smile and I'm so glad Uli has the same problem that I have (once I start sometimes can't stop)!!
Ahhhh...WDW...Zodiac and it's extras. I will never be able to watch the retakes of the 'throw the book on the front seat of the car' scene the same way again. It was great to have our lunch partners look at us like they didn't know what we were talking about (because they didn't)...hee hee! Yay for Gyllenhaalics who GET IT!!
I'll update everyone on the Red Sox later (I'm sure everyone is counting the minutes...ha ha)!
:-) and xoxo
Hey BBMISwear! I'm an extras girl myself - I love that Jake knows we watch 'em :D I remember reading that David had to ask Jake's permission to include that extra on the DVD - I'm very glad they both did. Oh yes! Watch those Red Sox! I wanna see Jake with his proper hat :D
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