Obviously, the first thing that we will all notice is that Tobey Maguire is not wearing a shirt and Jake Gyllenhaal is. To say that I'm dumbfounded by this mixup is an understatement. Despite this regrettable error, this poster presents a powerful image of a family splintered.
So, how about a UK release date?
Jake is back - and so is the LiveStrong band
After what seems like an age in Hollywood, Jake has at long last turned up! Proving that the Intelligentsia coffee house in Venice is the new Peet's Caffe, Jake was seen yesterday drinking something red while reading something intriguing and wearing the t-shirt of Goodness Mfg. And I quote: 'Goodness Manufacturing is a full service advertising agency, founded on one philosophy. We create brands people fall in love with. By any means necessary. We are all hard-charging midnight-oil-burning advertising zealots dedicated to this philosophy and we see only opportunity on the horizon.'

Several things to note here (beware of incoming WDW list...): Jake's left wrist suggests his mind is clearly on the Tour de France; Jake has spectacular new Nike; who is the mysterious owner of the other Blackberry cup of the red stuff; Intelligentsia is a very long name to fit over a door. This coffee house visit was captured by the 'Nice video camera man' and you can see that video here. Looking great, Jake!

NB My YouTube channel has been deleted because I posted the Brothers trailer from Entertainment Tonight. No email from them, no warning, nothing - all deleted. Shame on you.
Many thanks to IHJ for the very welcome new pictures!
I love that poster!!! Very understated and tastful :)
You have rightly pointed out the error in choice for flashing flesh, of course *g*
and new Jake pics! mini sideburns alert!!! LOL.
Hi Winterbird! I think it's a very cool poster and very suggestive.
Hopefully, they'll realise their error with the misplaced t-shirt...
Oh no, the sideburns are growing? I was distracted by the gorgeous Nike - I'll check that out. The hair is definitely still growing :)
I'm so furious - My YouTube channel has been deleted because I posted the Brothers trailer from Entertainment Tonight. I had an email from them to say the trailer infringed copyright and then half an hour later the whole channel was deleted with no email from them, no warning, nothing - all deleted and lost.
The e-mail didn't tell you they were gonna delete everything? That's horrible! Couldn't they just erase the Brother's trailer? I'm so sorry, I hope you had copies of your videos somewhere. It says your account is suspended, maybe they didn't delete everything. ***crossing my fingers***
Thanks for the Brother's poster, I understand the idea behind it (although I am with you on the wrong person being shirtless!) but it is kind of plain isn't it? I was expecting something different.
That second picture of Jake is breathtaking! He looks so young! I can't believe the Live Strong bracelet is back. Is this 2006? God I wish it was!
If you read the captions on the pics at IHJ, they say he had a 2 hour meeting with his agent with script in hand. The cup you were "curious" about most likey belonged to his agent.
Looks like he has a new car too.
Hi Olympia! I'll get over it and rebuild - I'll just sulk for a bit :P
I quite like the plainness, I find it quite striking. I love that the band is back as it's the charity I've supported for years now :)
Anon - I didn't see the caption you mention so I was 'curious'. Your tone is odd and unfriendly but thanks all the same for the information. Always good to hear Jake was discussing a script with an agent :)
I'm off to mope...
WDW, so sorry about the You Tube action, that sucks.
Love the poster - nicely done. I'm starting to think that I'd enjoy Natalie's job a bit more than my own. :)
Good night, wet dark!
It's a good poster.
Note the way the cast appears in the poster:
Tobey Maguire [Jake Gyllenhaal] Natalie Portman
My YouTube channel has been deleted because I posted the Brothers trailer from Entertainment Tonight
Absurd. They should have just deleted the video!
Script?? Very good!!
He's so sexy!
Thanks Rubes *) I'll try and rebuild it over the coming weeks.
I think this poster is so classy, intimate and sexy! Very clever. I wouldn't mind Natalie's job - I wonder how we get it?
Thanks Monica *) I noticed that - looks like Tobey has the top billing, but presumably Jake knew that? It'll be fascinating to see how the balance works out when we finally see the film. And it looks so good! Very sexy!
Brothers trailer HD:
Ohhh WDW, I'm so sorry your YouTube channel was deleted. Besides the videos, you had a beautiful BAFTA pic of Jake on it. :(
I love the Brothers poster too - there's such a big gap between Tommy and Sam&Grace - I like the simplicity of it too. I have a feeling my sympathies are going to be with Tommy, but we'll see.
Jake looks gorgeous in these new pics, love his hair, and those great shoulders and biceps! Sorry to go all fangirl on ya, but it's all his fault! ;)
Thanks for the link, Monica :) It looks like they wanted to delete YouTube links in advance of this. There must have been an agreement in place. Very petty but a shame they took my whole channel with it.
Thanks Bertie *) I threw stuff around the room and felt a bit better then.
The poster is very stark and powerful, with that crack through the middle. A very effective way of showing the distorted relationships. I like the simple colours too, very much.
Jake looks great in these pics! The hair is definitely growing :D I've missed him...
that's a very good poster.tasteful.i like it.(considering some other posters of Jake's movies.Rendition,Zodiac dvd cover)
yay new pics.he looks so much like circa 2006 there.aw i felt nostalgic.those were the days.
i'm sorry about your youtube channel WDW.but that's weird cause there are still a lot of videos of that ET trailer.i don't get it.
anyway.good night everyone.
Sorry to hear about your YouTube account. Is there anything better than them out there, more reliable and less touchy and crappy and more user-friendly? Well at least you got the cafe pics, those have been deleted at IHJ and even an ONTD Jake walking post about those pics was deleted (or locked) as well. But of course as a substitute there's 36 pics at IHJ of Jake making a 6 ft stroll from a gym building to a car with whatshername behind him. But of course.
Hi WDW, so sorry about the utube channel, I do hope you rebuild.
Why would the cafe pics be deleted from IHJ I wonder?
He does look young in that pic.
Atticus has a twitter lol.
Good morning everyone! I'm having an under the duvet day today so do feel free to visit with grapes and soup :)
Morning Gretchen :D I like it too. I thought the Rendition poster was all over the place. My favourite Zodiac poster was the one of the bridge rising out of the fog.
I'm nostalgic for those days too...
I don't get why they wanted the trailer removed from YouTube either. It looks like they only wanted to keep it on ET. It's all very odd. Fortunately, I'm feeling a bit less grumpy about it today :)
It was one of those days yesterday, Azaria - I'll rebuild.
It was really good of IHJ to post those cafe pics yesterday as it was very likely that Splash would ask them to take them down - as they have done before and as they did this time. I'm glad we got to see them :D
Hi TD! IHJ were asked to take the pics down but I'm so glad we got to see them first :D
That's funny, LOL! That is one clever dog :D I wonder if he has his own computer or if Jake lets him borrow his! I miss Atticus posting here :(
Have a good day everyone!
It is weird, Gretchen. I see some have gone but not others but it does look like they want it off YouTube now it's on iTunes. They probably deleted my whole account because ages ago they asked me to remove a small snippet of an interview with Peter (which I did). Sigh.
Mishma sounds good :D
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