Anyone from Oxford, like myself, may well have come across Harry Potter movie sets, extras and crew over the years - I've seen a quidditch camp take over the centre of town. And Hermione is a local girl. Daniel Radcliffe, continues in my good books since telling Film 2007 that Zodiac was his film of the year, while Rupert Grint (Ron) gets my vote for his enjoyment of Jake Gyllenhaal's BAFTA win in 2006. Let's take another look.
Back in 2001, Jake attended the Hollywood premiere of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (or Sorcerer's Stone as it is known elsewhere in Muggledom) wearing an ensemble dubious even for 2001.

Jake could be seen at a number of public events in 2001 sporting a look that shows how Jake has changed, just as Daniel Radcliffe has transformed over the last 7 years of Harry Potters.

How Jake has grown over the years - and the magic grows.

Includes pictures from IHJ.
The tenth photo in your montage is one of the ones I mentioned in your post about smiling Jake. It looks like some kind of auction or gift-giving charity event.
I've seen the trailers for the new Harry Potter movie, and they look awesome!
Hi Paul! Do you mean the seconf drom bottom? That was from the LA Conservation Corps Awards back in 2008 when Jake was on crutches. It's a beautiful smile.
I'm really looking forward to this new HP movie. I saw a group of kids today walking around in their Hogwarts uniform and capes! I much prefer the films now that they've grown.
LOVE IT!!!! Look at those changes in him from the early 2000's through now. I think the biggest jump is from 2003 to 2004 - that little boy face finally started to go away then (I bet he was glad about that..LOL)! Although it will never be gone completely I don't think. :-)
What a cutie he is...then and now.
Thanks WDW...fun stuff!!
Aaahhh.... the BAFTA win! Never get tired of seeing that. And yes, Rupert Grint has somehow become part of that fond memory :)
I don't care for Harry Potter myself, but finding Jake being a Potter fan extremely cute :)
I just saw my reply to Paul and I've gotta say I'm ashamed of my 'seconf drom' - I've not even opened the wine yet :D
Hey BBMISwear! I loved looking at pics of Jake through the years and I definitely agree - 2004 was the year in my opinion when the Jake of today appeared in his full glory - stunning. He still has that cuteness and fun of childhood in some of his expressions but that puppy fat is gone and his features are in full display - sigh :) A cutie! :-)
Hi there Winterbird! I love the BAFTA win and I'll always remember Rupert for that expression :D I'm more of a Harry Potter movie fan now than I was back then, but I have always enjoyed the books :D
I hope everyone's having a good evening!
Wow, what a difference a couple of years can make! I couldn't help but chuckle at the first half of this post (sorry Jake!), some of the pictures are just funny to me. Jake's hair in the fourth one is just incredible. :DDD
But the second half of the post...my, what a fantastic transformation! Jake really grew into his looks and found his clothing style. What a handsome man he makes. :)
Hey Olympia! That hair is spectacular. I wonder how much product it took to get it that disshevelled. I did enjoy doing this post but there are so many photos and so many Jakes but the change and growth is clear. I must do another post on this and include a wider range of photos than public events.
Jake's grown into a very handsome man from being such a loveable and cute boy :D
Good night, wet dark!
I hate the movies of Harry Potter
I hate the books of Harry Potter
Jake fan of Harry Potter ... nobody is perfect!
But the photos are perfect and it's always good to see again the moment of Bafta. Heath was so proud of Jake.
Thanks, wet dark!
It's BAFTA Jake all the way for me, he's just gorgeous, stunning, dashing. That was quite a moment, and well deserved for his beautiful portrayal of Jack Twist. He was a very cute boy, but has matured into an incredibly handsome man, and the best I think is yet to come.
I've loved the Harry Potter books ever since someone at work introduced them to me, and I opened it and fell into another world. I love the films, and to watch the characters grow. Can't wait for this one.
I probably also would never have seen BubbleBoy, but since I did, I'm sure it wouldn't have been the movie we all love if it weren't for Jake. The TDAT post was interesting too, always perplexed by denials and ignoring of the efffects of global warming, thank goodness for Al Gore, and movies that bring it to people's attention, fictional or fact, like TDAT and An Inconvenient Truth. :)
Good morning everyone! Is it Friday yet...?
Hi there Monica! I'm sensing that you don't like Harry Potter? Chuckle. I'm glad you like the pics, and Bafta was one of those nights to remember.
Morning Bertie! I do agree that the best is yet to come - I love how we've watched Jake grow. I'm glad you enjoyed the TDAT post :D
Have a good one everyone :D
Morning everyone.
Thanks WDW for a reminder of how Jake has grown over the years. I agree that the best is yet to come and I think he is looking better than ever now.
Harry Potter fever seems to have taken hold again. I tried in vain to read the books but only got half way through the first one. Whilst I've never watched a HP movie it's interesting to see how the actors have grown up in screen. I will be interested in the kind of adult roles they will play once HP has finished. Emma Watson is a stunning girl and
she looks fantastic modelling for Burberry I think.
BTW I finally got to watch the Rufus special last night and really enjoyed it:)
Hope everyone has a good day.
Hi Carol! Emma Watson is lovely :D I'm ashamed to admit I've not read the last HP book yet. I've been reading too many trashy thrillers (:D). I'm glad you enjoyed the special.
Hi, WDW, I counted again, and the picture I meant was the 9th of 13.
Sorry. It predates the crutches era by quite a bit. Number 8 had Jake with two othert guys, and number 10 had Jake on the red carpet with his arms out.
I had the chance to buy a Harry Potter teapot from Wedgwood, but didn't take advantage of it, and now I wish I had. :-(
You know what I love about that BAFTA clip? That everyone seems so pleased and happy, and proud that Jake won for Jack - that it's such a loved and respected role - some of the faces were Matt Dillon, Pierce Brosnan, George Clooney, I loved Patrick Stuart's expression, and of course, our dear Heath. It makes me teary. :)
Have a great day, all! :*
Hi Paul! That picture was taken at an awards show when Jake was interviewed about BBM and Jarhead. I have the interview somewhere, I think. I must find it. Jake looked so happy here :D
Hey Bertie :D You are so right! That's what I love too about that clip and you've put your finger on it - Jake looks so happy and everyone looks glad for him. It's so hard not to warm to Jake :DD
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