Sunday, 8 November 2009

Brokeback, film of the the Noughties but still relevant - 'we all have lips'

With the end of the Noughties looming, the impulse to to make lists increases. Two newspapers - the Times and the Telegraph - have listed their best and/or most defining films of the decade and Brokeback Mountain features prominently. I'm also pleased to say that Donnie Darko also gets a nod, as it deserves.

The Telegraph lists Brokeback Mountain as its second most defining movie of the 00s. 'Director Ang Lee insists on calling this simply “a love story” but it broke new ground as a gay cowboy movie. Achingly moving, with career-high performances from Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal as the strong, silent, repressed lead characters. A stunning achievement, brilliantly executed, with an acute sense of time and location.' Fahrenheit 9/11 takes first place. This is an interesting list because it doesn't reflect on what is best but what is important, and how the cinema both reflects and prods at society. The full list is here.

The Times went for the 'best' approach and listed Brokeback at No. 17. Not a bad spot when one considers just how many movies have been made over a decade, but, still, not high enough. 'This achingly sad love story gave Heath Ledger a chance to explore hitherto unsuspected depths. It’s a hugely powerful performance — his inarticulate yearning is almost painful to watch.' I think Jake Gyllenhaal played a part in it too. Obviously, the whole point of a poll is to argue with it and this point is proved by this poll placing The Queen at No. 9 and Casino Royale at No. 8!

Time to crank open the archives chest once more and go back in time to 2005 and listen to Jake and Ang Lee (at a press conference) discuss Brokeback Mountain:

'"There are women I've done love scenes with that I'm not very attracted to, and women that I've done love scenes with that I probably should be a little less attracted to. [This is] different obviously, but there's a weird sense when you're on the set, there's definitely a performance aspect to it," Gyllenhaal said. "Everything is heightened in that way, when you're performing with another actor. When we were doing it, there was something very similar to fighting, especially the love scenes. When we kissed each other, you know whatever, we just did it -- really raw human beings, we all have lips, it just happened, you know?"'

'Ledger's next film after "Brokeback" is "Casanova," where he plays the most notorious lover of women, and Gyllenhaal appeared last month as a macho soldier in "Jarhead." When suggested that these roles have been seen as affirming the heterosexuality of both actors, Gyllenhaal responded without missing a beat, "I don't need to play any role to affirm my sexuality. Whatever questions anybody has about that, if they do have any questions, I welcome them," he said. "I don't need to affirm anything to anybody, that's why I picked the movies I've done and why I've picked this movie. I don't think Heath feels that way either, I mean when someone offers you 'Casanova,' gay or straight, you should do it... I think it's kind of brilliant that people go in with this idea of actors, knowing or thinking that they're straight and then that they're playing these roles too; I think it's just another degree of deconstructing that whole theory of sexuality," he said.'

'"It was written almost 10 years ago. And it just so happens that right now on television, we all love 'Will and Grace' and we all love 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,' and things have changed, and there is a reason why this movie is coming out now," Gyllenhaal said. Seemingly trying to avoid politics, Lee argued for the opposite. "I think if it's a love story, it's important to come out anytime. I think we don't know what love is. We know what love stories are all about and we started making them 2000 years ago. We always look for new material, precious new obstacles to tell the same old story," Lee said.'

Gyllenhaal doesn't seem to be too concerned with offending or losing any of his male fans. "Well, 'male' is broad," he said, adding, "I mean, I've been told by a lot of people I have a very faithful gay audience too, and they're male." After a statement was made about the film being highly anticipated, particularly from the gay community, the actor responded: "I think there should be high expectations for it-from the gay community, from all..." before being cut off quickly by Lee. "I don't think it's for one community. Just because they're gay doesn't mean they think alike. There are gay people who come out crying, there are gay audiences who are disappointed -- they want to see more exposure in the love scenes," the director said. "The other day after I watched it, I was walking on the treadmill and I start crying, not because I'm gay but because I'm middle-aged. You get comments from the whole spectrum."'

'Gyllenhaal gave personal examples of his family's response to the film. "My parents walked out of the movie and my father was like, 'If we weren't talking after this movie, I probably would've gone into the bathroom and kept crying.' And my mom felt the same way," he said. "And my two gay godfathers walked out going like, 'Mm-hmm.' Who is it a story for? I don't know. But it's definitely affecting people in different ways."'

Yesterday was 7 November, Pine Creek Day, a Brokie Day. It seems appropriate that I spent it in the good company of Brokies (and some giant pink reindeer). Here is a rather festive Carnaby Street.

Includes pictures from IHJ, article from the WDW Archives - as always pdf available on request.


Anonymous said...

Thank you WDW for bringing up BBM, what are the noughties? (does it mean this last 10 years?) I didn't know there were any awards being given out for best pics. BBM seems to me a movie that will stand the test of time. Even catagorizing it seemed to be hard for both Ang and Heath and Jake. I think it is so much more than a "gay cowboy movie" It shows the difficulties of finding someone to love and how hard it was for them to really realize it.

Just when I think BBM has been talked out (that everything has been said) I see something I didn't see before. I didn't read the interview with Ang and Jake so this was a bit new to me.

I hope Jake will always look back on BBM with fondness and know how many lives he changed for the better and how the movie as a whole pushed so many to examine their lives and try NOT to end up like Ennis and Jack.

Thanks, I hope you'll continue to mention BBM from time to time.

No matter how many movies Jake goes on to make he'll always be Jack Twist to me.


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Sweetpea :) The Noughties are the 00s. They're not awards, just polls. We'll get lots of those at the end of the year - good to see BBM on them. I would have liked to see Zodiac too...

BBM speaks to us all, goes way beyond groups, and so it is difficult to sum up. I'm glad the interview is new to you. It's always a pleasure to talk Brokeback - especially on a Sunday, before we get going again with PoP, Sesame Street, Brothers (hopefully).

I hope everyone's having a relaxing Sunday. I've moved about 6 feet all day :D

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post today - Brokeback will always be one of my most favorite and moving films. I'll say more once I've had a chance to think on today's post.

Dastan is making an impression me, and I wasn't sure he would - since I've seen him in action and heard his voice. :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks very much, Anon :D

I've most certainly fallen for Dastan - hook, line and sinker :) I can't wait to get to know him better.

Anonymous said...

I've just finished watching BBM on DVD which I just recently got, and this was the first time I could see it in English. So far I only had the opportunity to see it dubbed in Hungarian. And when it was over, I turned on the internet and saw how 'current' I was. There's a new post again on BBM. As if you were reading my mind...
Thank you for it :)


BBMISwear said...

Oh I just love when you "crank open the archives chest" WDW - thank you!! I was hoping with Pine Creek day being yesterday there would be a BBM post. Makes me happy and sad at the same time, though.

I love all the BBM connections...Livia from Hugary with her well timed experience and WDW connecting with Brokie lives on with so many of us, doesn't it? *heavy sigh*

LOL at not moving 6 feet all day...this pretty much describes me too! I've been looking forward to this 'day of rest' for 2 weeks and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it before things get busy again tomorrow. Hmmmm...wonder what video clips I should watch. :-)

Speaking of...more fun stuff in the week to come I bet. Whoowhee! Things just keep getting better and better!

Enjoy the rest of the day!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Livia, that shows so well just how current Brokeback is and it's wonderful to hear that people are continuing to see it, discover it, rewatch it and want to talk about it. I'm especially glad I did a Brokeback post today now - thanks!

Hey BBMISwear :-) Definitely a lazy day. Today does feel like a little island of calm - in a lot of different ways. Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look like Jake will be in L.A. tonight for the Brothers screening:

elysianfantasy Just spotted Reese Witherspoon & Jake Gyllenhaal at Whole Foods! OMG 32 minutes ago from txt

From Pittsburgh

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there Anon :D I saw that - I think now the people going to the screening are only expecting Jim Sheridan now, but I can't blame them hoping for Jake! I wonder if we'll hear about the screening.

New post! New movie!!

Anonymous said...

Another great BBM post, WDW. Thank you so much...
Just yesterday I finished reading a very good short book on Annie Proulx' Postcards and BBM, by Marc Asquith:

The author draws many interesting parallels between Ennis & Jack, and other Annie Proulx characters, and gave me lots of food for thought.


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks Paola! I'm glad you liked it :D I'll check out that link!