This post comes with a warning - it includes chest hair. Good job to Stephanie for being able to track down two more pictures to go with the rather frightening one People published online today. These pictures constitute another chapter in the No-one Wears a White Shirt like Jake Gyllenhaal book. It's also good to know that The Jacket was able to enjoy another outing. The party in question was, of course, last Friday's CAA pre-Globe bash in Santa Monica.
Jake is among the celebrities listed who will take part in Friday's Hope for Haiti Telethon, hosted by George Clooney. Who knows, maybe Jake will answer your phonecall.
Enjoy below an interview with Maggie Gyllenhaal, a fabulous dress and Peter Sarsgaard from a Golden Globes after party.
Rest assured that Jake can wear derelicte homeless outfits and still look hot!
I suppose the telefon will run for hours? Seems like Jake will be taking the calls... I can just imagine people not willing to get off the phone with him... *g*
Greetings from the Bahamas! I've been quite out of the internet loop these past few days but it's been a wonderful vacation. And hearing about snow, sleet and ice back at home only makes it better...hee hee!!
I just got caught up on things I've missed...Jake is Lookin' Good! :-) So good to hear about him out and having fun and 'chatting up' Jennifer is icing on the cake IMHO! Now there's a fun gal!
I just heard a news story this morning about the telethon and thought immediately Jake would probably be a part of it - it was great to read here that he is. I will be home in time to set my DVR. Phew!
BBM anniversaries galore from this point on...let the emotional roller coaster ride begin (but such a nice balance with all the fun Jake stuff coming up). Best Wishes to all of you finally getting to see Brothers for the first is amazing!
Hi Anon! Oh I do agree - very sexy. And yes no wonder he's wearing The Jacket so much - it suits him. I also agree about the weight - except when the role calls for it, Brothers, PoP, Jarhead, Jake is very slim and toned. Gulp.
Hey! Guess who posted at the same time?! BBMISwear over there in the Bahamas with her Goombay Smashes! I have no idea what one of those is but I do know I want one, with a little umbrella :-) I hope you're having a lovely time but very glad you can pop by when you're not building sandcastles!
LOL WDW at the sandcastle comment as I was never very good at those and today, while walking along the beach drinking a Goombay Smash, I saw a wave crash into one and knock it over. Glad it wasn't mine! I continued my walk!
I don't really know what a Goombay Smash is either but they serve them at ever bar at the Atlantis and it has a lot of rum and fruit...YUM!
So good to stop by here and catch up on things. Didn't want to start going into withdrawals or anything...hee hee!
I definitely knew Jake would be part of the telethon on Friday. Hearing the "chatting up" Jen Aniston story did make me smile today. Love the pics except for that frightful one on the People website:(
Have to say Maggie was looking fab at the Golden Globes. Love that dress.
Morning all! So far we have heavy rain but the snow is coming - run for the hlls! Or away from the hills might be better. Or to the Bahamas.
Hi Olympia!
Good to see you, Bertie :D
Morning Get Real :D I know, People picked the worst pic. Pledgers must repeatedly phone up until they speak to Jake. And all for a good cause :)
Very true, Paul :)
Hi there Molly! Thanks for the link, that's great :D
That's interesting about Brothers. I'd thought that too and then I was puzzled why Crazy Heart was included when that's not out until 2010 as well so I wonder why that's included.
His face is thinner.
This jacket is ugly!
I will not put the link, because I do not access the E! (Argh), there is a story saying that Jake will participate on the Teleton Haiti.
Great to see pics of Jake! Thanks Steph *)
Monica, one of these days you'll have to tell me if there's anything about Jake you actually like... Puts a bit of a downer on things.
I'm happy to go to E! so I've added the link in the post - this is good news indeed.
I hope everyone's having a good day and happy BBM anniversary to Olympia :D
Rest assured that Jake can wear derelicte homeless outfits and still look hot!
I suppose the telefon will run for hours? Seems like Jake will be taking the calls... I can just imagine people not willing to get off the phone with him... *g*
It's just a coincidence. I don't like the color and I don't like velvet.
It's great news about the Telethon.
Hey Winterbird! It's a miracle I even notice the clothes considering who's wearing them :DD
Jake could take calls, he could take pledges... he will look hot.
Jake seems to get thinner when he is about to start a new movie. Not with PoP or Jarhead, but with the others.
I think he looks jacket he's wearing looks black, but in any case, it isn't velvet. It's a corduroy.
Greetings from the Bahamas! I've been quite out of the internet loop these past few days but it's been a wonderful vacation. And hearing about snow, sleet and ice back at home only makes it better...hee hee!!
I just got caught up on things I've missed...Jake is Lookin' Good! :-) So good to hear about him out and having fun and 'chatting up' Jennifer is icing on the cake IMHO! Now there's a fun gal!
I just heard a news story this morning about the telethon and thought immediately Jake would probably be a part of it - it was great to read here that he is. I will be home in time to set my DVR. Phew!
BBM anniversaries galore from this point on...let the emotional roller coaster ride begin (but such a nice balance with all the fun Jake stuff coming up). Best Wishes to all of you finally getting to see Brothers for the first is amazing!
Well, time for another Goombay Smash! Cheers!
Hi Anon! Oh I do agree - very sexy. And yes no wonder he's wearing The Jacket so much - it suits him. I also agree about the weight - except when the role calls for it, Brothers, PoP, Jarhead, Jake is very slim and toned. Gulp.
Hey! Guess who posted at the same time?! BBMISwear over there in the Bahamas with her Goombay Smashes! I have no idea what one of those is but I do know I want one, with a little umbrella :-) I hope you're having a lovely time but very glad you can pop by when you're not building sandcastles!
LOL WDW at the sandcastle comment as I was never very good at those and today, while walking along the beach drinking a Goombay Smash, I saw a wave crash into one and knock it over. Glad it wasn't mine! I continued my walk!
I don't really know what a Goombay Smash is either but they serve them at ever bar at the Atlantis and it has a lot of rum and fruit...YUM!
So good to stop by here and catch up on things. Didn't want to start going into withdrawals or anything...hee hee!
I definitely knew Jake would be part of the telethon on Friday. Hearing the "chatting up" Jen Aniston story did make me smile today. Love the pics except for that frightful one on the People website:(
Have to say Maggie was looking fab at the Golden Globes. Love that dress.
The Bahamas?! I'm so jealous right now and that Goombay Smash sounds yummy! I hope you have a great vacation BBMISwear! :)
Sounds fabulous BBMISwear! I'm remembering our MV rum experiments!
Hi Carol :D It's so so good to see Jake involved in this. I loved the Jen thing too!
Hi Olympia! I suppose we can pretend we're in a kind of wintry version - doesn't work :)
LOL! No, it sure doesn't! :D
So nice to see that Jake is going to be taking part in the Haiti relief telathon. I think he looks great, I love The Jacket. :)
So glad Jake will be part of the telethon. Wonderful to see him helping out. :)
I think he looks super sexy in The Jacket!!
I wish People had used one of the other pics. He looks so happy in the others. The one they picked seems like he was being blinded by the flash bulbs.
I hope he is one of the ones who answers the phones! :D
Maybe people will be more likely to pledge money if they think he'll be the one on the other end of the line. :-)
Good to see Jake will be part of the Haiti telethon.
Jake and Jerry Bruckheimer at a Hockey game yesterday:
Jake and Jerry
BTW - "Brothers" is not eligible for the BAFTAS because the film has not been released in the UK in 2009.
Morning all! So far we have heavy rain but the snow is coming - run for the hlls! Or away from the hills might be better. Or to the Bahamas.
Hi Olympia!
Good to see you, Bertie :D
Morning Get Real :D I know, People picked the worst pic. Pledgers must repeatedly phone up until they speak to Jake. And all for a good cause :)
Very true, Paul :)
Hi there Molly! Thanks for the link, that's great :D
That's interesting about Brothers. I'd thought that too and then I was puzzled why Crazy Heart was included when that's not out until 2010 as well so I wonder why that's included.
The rain is now snow...
Have a good day everyone!
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