Last night (9 January), a very hairy Jake Gyllenhaal attended a Dior Cocktail Party at Chateau Marmontin held in honour of Dior's spokesmodel, actress Marion Cotillard, and her movie Nine. This gave Jake another chance to wear his VGA outfit. This was in accordance with instructions on the invitations which read 'Smart dress required, except for Jake Gyllenhaal who must wear his woollie cardie (with scarf, if possible)'.

Brothers' Tobey Maguire was also amongst the guests. One thing not in attendance at the cocktail party was an actual cocktail.

Updated the post to include further pictures of Sean Penn and Tobey.

Many thanks to
IHJ for the new pics. Other picture from Life and
Have a great Sunday everyone! Always great to get start a very lazy day with new pics of Jake :D
Wow! Love these pics with Marion. :)
I always love to wake up to new pics too...and 'hairy' is right...LOL! Love the outfit!
Happy Sunday...believe it or not I have one last "Christmas related" event to attend today...UGH. The holiday that would NEVER end!!!
Marion is beautifull, but did not like her smile in these pics.
Jake still need of a personal stylist!
Hi there Anon! Me too :D
Morning BBMISwear :-) I love how Jake gets fixed on certain clothes and he'll wear them and wear them. The beard is very Brothery - how long is it gonna get?!
OMG, I hope you get an end to it soon. I can't go out as we're still in the grip of The Big Freeze. Well, I suppose I could go out but it's so cold!
Hi Monica! Marion looks like she's had to do a lot of smiling, but she does look lovely. I really like Jake's outfit but it does look funny next to a cocktail dress!
I like what he's wearing, defying convention. :)
Wet dark, Jake was more elegant in the past.
Oops last comment, wrong day! Sorry.
Very hairy! and Marion doesn't seem very thrilled either...oh dear.
I really like what he's wearing, I also like when he has the beard but it's a little too much here...
Marion looks beautiful, and I saw other pictures of her and she has the same expression with everyone, not just with Jake... as you said it's probably because she's had to do a LOT of smiling ;)
Love your site!!
Nobody can be more elegantly dressed than Jake when he wants to be - but it's interesting when he wears what he wants to. :)
I like that too, 14:27 :D
Hi Monica :D I don't know, I don't think Jake's had the opportunity to be seen out at such events for a while. I think the beard suggests he's taking it easy at the mo before he's back to filming again.
Hey TD! And thanks for the comment on the last post! I don't think Jake's in the Sundays but I'm about to open the airlock and I'll see.
Hi there 14:44 :D These events are all about posing for the cameras and I think she's bored of it! Jake looks like he stopped by while he was out buying some milk! But I really, really like the outfit. I want to get the razor out for the beard though, a little too bushy. Hopefully, it'll reach that itchy stage soon :D
Thanks so much - do come back!
Ooh 14:45 - I totally agree.
Jake looks dashingly handsome and errr... hairy :) sexy hairy :)
I don't plan to watch 'Nine', I try to avoid musicals like they are mosquitos in the summer... but I bet Jake had a great time watching it.
Marion looks great, she got my vote to get close to Jake :)
A new Jake pics weekend is a good start.
He looks gorgeous, Winterbird! Sigh :) I like the 'sexy hairy'.
I'll wait for DVD for NIne as I;ve been put off by the reviews but it must be great for Jake to see friends in it, like the lovely Penelope. Maybe it'll get Damn Yankees moving :D
I'm watching Orphan - I don't know how long I'm going to manage it for. I'm no good with horror but I'll try and stick with it for Peter - and then watch Ice Age 3 :D
Ohh, good to see Jake!! Great pics of him and Marion, who I adore. He is working the sexy scruff, hairy look. :p
It has been a super busy week and I am just catching up on all the WDW news now. :)
Have a great Sunday everyone!
Also, just looked at other pics from the event and most of the guys are dressed like Jake is.
And Sean Penn was at the event too.
Good to see you Get Real :D This look really does suit Jake. Maybe Marion was overdressing! I'm delighted to see Jake not wearing a hat with that scarf though. I hope you're having a good Sunday :)
Orphan was too scary - sigh... I do hope Jake never makes a horror film, it'd be agony for me!
Updated the post with a picture of Sean and (a relatively smart) Tobey :D
"Jake looks like he stopped by while he was out buying some milk!" LOL!! Exactly! And maybe like he just got out of bed, too. He looks not fully awake and look at that hair! :D
Too much beard and not enough hair for my taste. If he takes a break from shaving until he starts shooting SC, he'll end up looking like Grizzly Adams or maybe even ZZ Top! Argh! :DDD
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. We actually have snow and snowmen invading our estate:)
I have to agree with Olympia that there is too much beard here for my liking. I do like the outfit though.
Marion Cotillard looks stunning as ever. Herself and Penelope Cruz were the best thing about Nine.
Hi Olympia! Ooh, maybe Duncan Jones is going for the ZZTop look for Source Code :D Jake does look so food, though - sigh...
Hey Carol! Good luck with the snowmen :D Marion and Penelope are fine actresses.
Jake looks 'so food'? ;-) Yeah, he is rather edible. :D
That's what happens when you post a comment while eating your pasta and garlic bread! Hi Rubes!
He's yummy even when sporting more fur and casuals and very, very pale. I too love how he defys convention in deciding not to 'people please' anymore.
We love you Jake!
Wonderful pictures of Jake. He looks rather tired. I hope he doesn't need that facial hair for Source Code. I want him clean shaven for that (although a little fuzz on his face wouldn't be minded)
Thanks so much
Hi Anon! I like that too :)
Hey Sweetpea :D I'm looking forward to seeing what Jake will be looking like for Source Code - won't be long now!
Jake isn't defying convention by dressing that way, if you go to wireimages, all the men there are dressed the same except for Tobey.
He looks tired, sad, pale and bored.
Not that it matters at all, Anon, but Jake is the only one I can see wearing a scarf. But so what? I think he looks great. As I said, maube it's Marion whose overdressed! I think you're reading a lot into 2 pictures! He just looks normal! Well as normal as a very hot Jake can be...
Night all!
Morning all! I hope you had a good weekend. Monday... sigh. Have a good one and wrap up :)
Something went wrong with Marion's make up artist. Maybe.
Jake is not exactly well dressed...I guess he needs me around. lol!
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