Did you know that the small scar above Jake Gyllenhaal's left eye was caused by the ladder on his beloved fire engine hitting his face as a child? Or that, when little, he would write the capital letter E with a whole bunch of horizontal lines ('It didn't make any sense that there would be only one line')? There is this and so much more than this in a wonderful, compelling interview with GQ. So, for once, in this post I shall be quiet and let Jake do all the talking. Click and they shall be embiggened. [Note: Article by GQ, scans by WDW. If you use them anywhere, please credit WDW as I had to hire a private jet to get this here and it took a peculiar kind of yoga torture to scan it under my desk... Thanks.] Hopefully, you'll all be able to get your copy soon.
And no matter what relationships you make along the way - which occassionally have been really, really influential on my life - ultimately I choose all the mishigoss, and all the complication and confusions in life, which takes courage and patience to sift through.
What I learned: Might as well jump while you have the chance. Whether it be out of a bad situation or into a freezing river.
Such an intimate, behind-the-scenes interview. I'm not use to those. Jake is intense! I should be freaked out, but I'm only more attracted. He's such a man's man, you know?
And, I was not into fandom when I found out about Heath Ledger but at the time I imagined just how devastated Jake was. So sad to finally read about his devastation. I only recently watched the movie again after so long(I just couldn't watch it). It's even better than I remembered it being.
Thanks for the scan, WDW. Can't wait to get my own copy. I'm so excited for all the goodies we're getting in the next month.
I cant read right now wet dark! I'm going to sit down later with some chocolate! THanks so much for getting this so quick!
Duncan replied to my tweet! I'm so happy :D
Have you read it? I asked him whether any Jakes were harmed in the filming of the scene and he said thats what you get when you try and improv on one of my films :P hehehe!
Great interview. Definitely going to have to read it again to take it all in.
I was struggling to read about Heath but I'm glad I did. It was obvious how much he respected and cared for Heath by what he said. I love his honesty and intensity which is something you don't often get in these interviews.
On a lighter note it made me smile to know that Jake enjoys Mumford and Sons as much as me:)
Thanks again for bringing us the news as it happens WDW.
Thanks for the scans WDW, Great interview very open love where he loved his family but loved soccer more - lol. Anyone know where in the UK we will be able to get this issue?
Thanks so much for taking a private jet and get us the scans! Very good interview. He lets Jake talks and let the topics go further than most regular interviews.
Watching Brokeback on Film4 at the moment... *sighs*
I liked this interview! Like, really really liked it! It's not an easy one and needs to be re read and thought over.
What I'm thinking right now is "Who would have thought Jake was ever afraid of life?". That's quite a revelation. As is his saying that his work allowed him to hide from that fear while taking his time to figure life out. Best thing is, his choice of films throughout his career also tells he's been trying to find some truth out. He hasn't been hiding in mindless entertainment all these years. Like Picasso said "Art is the lie that helps us understand the truth". Sometimes one wonders why actors do that to themselves: put themselves in such odd situations -from dangerous stunts to emotional pain and the like? Jake just answered that to me. Most honest answer I could have ever expected.
Thank you for the scans. There's plenty more to discuss. I know I'm forgetting something I meant to say here in this comment but... I'll try to remember and if it's worth it, I'll come back with that too.
He is such a great guy and amazing artist, it's an honour to witness his presence in this time in history. :-)
Hi everyone! I'm enjoying the comments :D I love that Jake wears his actors' pendant too. And Jake loves soocer!
T, some shops will see the US GQ here (although in a while). Smiths sells it a few weeks later. Otherwise, I think eBay is your best bet, which is where I got mine. We miss Borders!
Yep, our Borders in Brum city centre has closed down too. I tried everywhere today but it was here all along. Thanks WDW. I didn't want the interview to end.
Oh soccer, yes! Wonder if he still loves it, tho. I'm an Argentinian so obviously soccer/football is something I'm familiar with. This reminds me of the photos I saw here of Jake at a tennis game. Think it was Del Potro vs. Federer. Jake didn't seem too crushed Federer lost that time (and I like to think he was actually happy Del Potro had won). In those pics, you could also see Guillermo Vilas (Argentina's tennis hero of all time)... oh and there's that other photo of Jake looking all happy again and shaking hands with the composer of Brokeback Mountain's music, Gustavo Santaolalla -another Argentinian. Sorry these things excited me like they do. It's just the feeling of familiarity, I think.
Great to see you got this up so quickly, WDW, but I can't commet just yet. I got my copy of GQ today and I am not going to read any of it until I am sitting down with some quiet time later tonight. I am blown away by the pictures alone...I always love to have those big, bold, glossy photos in my hands instead of just on my computer! I read excerpts from the interview last night and it was a HUGE mistake on my part...pulled at too many emotions for me. I need to digest this when I can handle it (which may not even be tonight but I don't think I can wait much longer). It sounds like this is the killer of all interviews and we have this person Chris Heath to thank. Interesting name, huh? *heavy sigh*
Wish I could sound more...ummm...excited. Is anyone else feeling this way??? I'll get there, I know.
I got the We Make Our Own Destiny Behind the Scenes PoP book today as well. GORGEOUS!! I know you'll have yours soon WDW...you'll love it...I recommend it to EVERYONE here as well! Oh, and I got some...ummm...Legos. :-) I haven't bought Legos in years. It was strange (but made me smile)!
thank you, wet dark. I don't know, but I think is the best interview of Jake in years.
Still do not know what to say, because I was broken hearted when I read about Heath and BBM. So many experiences, so many nice things to say about one of the nicest human beings in the world. Thanks, Jake. Thank you for sharing your life experiences; show your human side to us.
It's been ages and ages since Jake has given a real interview that wasn't specifically about promoting a movie. Nice hints at his life there although his flightiness makes me laugh sometimes. I think sometimes--and this is just the vibe I get from him--that his attitude towards fame and his career verges on the obsequious. I love him all the more for it, though. He clearly wants to do all that he can do. He's going to be exciting to watch for years to come.
I just read the article and I can't tell you how touched I am at how forthcoming Jake was about Heath. Despite the fact he said it was difficult to talk about his feeling over his death, he does tell us what it was like during BBM and how they stayed in touch and how they were like creative partners. I have to wonder if Heath told Jake about TDK?
I was also glad he let us know he and Michelle keep in touch.
Maybe this article was in a way very cathartic for him. He is growing in so many ways and still trying to find out what life is for him.
Hi I'm new to this site but not a new Jake fan (be kind to me please) :)
I was able to get my hands on a copy of GQ tonight, if you're in NYC some places have it available already.
I fell further in love with Jake after reading this article and I didn't think that was possible. I loved his comments about music. I also loved the stuff regarding Brokeback Mountain and Jarhead. Having recently re-watched those films this past weekend it was great to get more insight to what went on behind the scenes.
I'll definitely be reading this article a few more times to really take it all in.
Morning everyone! Brrr, it's freezing out there - must be all that Icelandic volcanic ash!
So good to see you all here! And new faces too - welcome, Leslie :D It sounds like you're well on the way to being a Jake fan! It's been a good couple of years since we had the last 'proper' interview with Jake and this shows exactly what we've been missing. Noone does an interview quite like Jake. I hope you come back, leslie :)
T! I think mishigoss means one of two things... a) it's a type of fridge or b) an annoying, irritating and avoidable problem (been doing some research :D)
Chuckling at Monica not liking soccer!
I hope everyone has a good day - I want to spend lots more of it rereading this amazing interview. Mumford & Sons shuffled on to my iPod this morning - that made me smile :)
WDW, thank you again for the scans, I don't think I'm going to see this mag anywhere - British editions only here.
Fascinating insights. Hard to read in places, both subject-wise and semantically! It seems Jake can say just about what he wants in an interview as his answers are now assumed to be mostly impenetrable - quite a useful trick for a movie star to have cultivated (I am not saying its deliberate!). Its not just him though, I don't really get what Peter said at the end there at all. I know I don't like any comparison between Tom Cruise (ugh) and Jake, though.
Very English of you to pick up on the 'soccer' reference, inevitable really. ;-/
I sympathise with BBMISwear, don't worry I think a lot of us feel the same. I think its the same way I feel if I watch too many spoilers before a film. Sort of exhausted.
I've concluded IMHO that Jake seems to be a 'pot-stirrer' as my Mum would call it. Provoking people in order to (ultimately) test the strength of a relationship. But being one myself, I know its quite an innocent impulse:)
Hi TD! Intreesting commentary on the interview - thanks! And I think pot stirrer is right. I think Jake has developed his interview art to an amazingy high standard and it says just enough about him - with enormous charm - while keeping everyone perplexed. It's an amusing use of language and, as a writer, I rather like that that!
Ooh yes about Silver's tweet! Im catching up on all that now :) well done, Silver!
mishegoss is a yiddish term meaning crazy or senseless behavior (this coming from a fellow Jew like Jake)
I was touched that Jake used the term, I wasn't sure how in touch he was with his Jewish roots. I think he embraces many things. He has said he follows buddhist teachings too. So he is a mishmosh of things. Which is GOOD :D
Morning[to the Americans] and Evening[to the Europeans]
I did get a deeper understanding of the article after thinking about it a bit. Of course, I'm sure we all got a little something different out of it. For me, he was obliquely referring to his last relationship in spots and how that, the death of a dear friend, and his parent's divorce have affected his outlook on life. He's definitely still a positive person(which is essentially what Peter is saying...although I don't get the Tom Cruise reference either because he[Tom] is so fake to me) but he's not hiding in his work anymore. He's genuinely finding the joy in his life while at the same time actually coming to terms with the grown up reality that it never ends up how you think it will. Believe me, I wish I could do both...it's difficult, I think. I hope that made sense.
And, yes, to put it in layman's terms, the man knows he's got it going on. But, he's not cocky about it. Just sure of himself. That is sexy as hell.
I always loved the term "meshuganeh" too, because it sounds like sugar (means crazy person). I know this from lovely and dear people. :* sugar for Jake. :)
I'm going to read it again, but I'm impressed with how he's always about learning and growing from experiences, and not afraid of life. He once thought he could "hide" in his work, but now he finds freedom in his work. He's constantly impressing me. He's a young man of substance. I like messes, too, Jake!
"And, yes, to put it in layman's terms, the man knows he's got it going on. But, he's not cocky about it. Just sure of himself. That is sexy as hell."
This question is for Wet Dark and Wild: it is for sale GQ magazine? is that I want to buy it .. Answer me please .. and went on sale the magazine ... ?
Hi there everyone! Made it home and lots more stuff to post!
Good to see you all, and to get the meanings for all these glorious words and the expressions. I didn't know what that meant either, Stace! As is so often the case, I learn lots of new things from jake and his fans :)
Hi Michelle and welcome! The GQ is on sale in the US. Outside the US it may be more difficult to find. I bought mine on eBay and got hold of an advance copy :)
I like the cute abbreviations better than the annoying [THIS] that people post when they reply to a comment. As long as I know what they mean. lol Young people don't know how to articulate anymore(not that I'm that old, but still...). Such a pet peeve of mine. Sorry going OT again.
Is there a way to lobby People Magazine to influence the choice for Sexiest Man Alive 2010? :D Just sayin...
WDW, totally looking forward to your post although if you put up any more hot pics I may never get caught up on my school work. ;)
So many new updates on this site these past few days, thank you WDW! I was away in Sweden meeting another Brokie so didn't have much time to go online. Had a wonderful time there, and also got to talk to Uli on Skype while there! :))
I had to look up a few words in the dictionary while reading this wonderful interview, including misshigoss (?), never heard of it.
I like it so much when Jake lets us see some glimpses of his more intimate side. Some of the things he said, especially about Heath, but also about his parents divorcing, really touched me. But I'll have to read this interview again, 'cause I'm probably not bright enough to grasp some of the Gyllenspeak that shines here... I liked the style of the interviewer too. He was not afraid to ask potentially uncomfortable questions, but also tried to remain respectful and discreet.
I hope that Jake is a mighty presence in People's list, Stace. I expect nothing other than the no 1 hot spot!
Good to see you Paola! I'm glad you got back ok. I don't think anyone's going very far here for a day or two. I doubt if anyone can fully get the meaning of all Jake says, including Jake! I like the interviewer too.
Hi! Finally I had a chance to read this wonderful interview!!! Thank you so much for posting the scans for us, WDW!! This feels like the most personal interview I ever read from Jake! So touching to see him opening up a bit more about Heath and also learning more about their relationship and what his death meant to Jake...
I hope I will be able to get hold of the magazine somehow... Glad I frequent airports quite regularly at the moment...
And now it is definite - Jake and I are meant for each other... When I was a kid and couldn't yet write my sister made me write into her "Poesiealbum" (a book kids in Germany have for friends and family to write sayings and good wishes into decorated with kitschy little pictures) and she really really tried very hard to teach me how to write my saying, but the "E"s still ended up with more than 3 horizontal lines... I think I stopped at 5, though... We used ink eraser, but years later the ink became visible again and we had a good LOL, because we remembered the obviously painful but futile process of her teaching me... :D :D :D
From what I understand it is available in some places now. But I think will be on sale everywhere in the US on April 20th. (I know I read that date somewhere)
I read most of the article yesterday at the bookstore & was so glad that he opened up about his personal life & his relationship w/ Heath. It sounded very difficult for him to do.
Hi Atalley and welcome :D It's an incredible article and I know I don't want to wait another 2 years for another one like it. Thanks so much for commenting :)
Evenin' everyone! Do tell me what you think...
I'd love to tell you what I think, but I'm not sure right now! No doubt we'll talk about it soon.
It's hard to read about Heath.
That's the first I heard about Peter breaking a rib filming Jarhead. Guys are rough. :D
oops. Forgot to say thank you for scanning and posting this. I didn't expect to get to read it all so soon. xx
Wow. It's a very intimate article, as intimate as one can be. I love that he says mishigoss too. :* for Jake. :)
Rubes! Good to see you, my friend. I think we need to take this magazine with us to a hostelry and mull it over.
I know, that's grim - and then whacking Jake in the windpipe (I nearly said drainpipe). What a shoot...
My pleasure xx
Hi Anon! I missed the mishigoss! Where's that...?
Here you go, WDW -
And no matter what relationships you make along the way - which occassionally have been really, really influential on my life - ultimately I choose all the mishigoss, and all the complication and confusions in life, which takes courage and patience to sift through.
What I learned: Might as well jump while you have the chance. Whether it be out of a bad situation or into a freezing river.
Such an intimate, behind-the-scenes interview. I'm not use to those. Jake is intense! I should be freaked out, but I'm only more attracted. He's such a man's man, you know?
And, I was not into fandom when I found out about Heath Ledger but at the time I imagined just how devastated Jake was. So sad to finally read about his devastation. I only recently watched the movie again after so long(I just couldn't watch it). It's even better than I remembered it being.
Thanks for the scan, WDW. Can't wait to get my own copy. I'm so excited for all the goodies we're getting in the next month.
omg thank you so much WDW!!!!
gosh there was a lot of Gyllenspeak, i need to reread some parts again to really get what he's trying to tell.lol
i love him. :)
Thanks so much WDW can't wait to read this.
I have spent the last hour grappling with eBay but finally managed to order a copy as I don't think it will be appearing in our shops anytime soon.
Will be back with my thoughts later:)
I cant read right now wet dark! I'm going to sit down later with some chocolate! THanks so much for getting this so quick!
Duncan replied to my tweet! I'm so happy :D
Have you read it? I asked him whether any Jakes were harmed in the filming of the scene and he said thats what you get when you try and improv on one of my films :P hehehe!
Great interview. Definitely going to have to read it again to take it all in.
I was struggling to read about Heath but I'm glad I did. It was obvious how much he respected and cared for Heath by what he said. I love his honesty and intensity which is something you don't often get in these interviews.
On a lighter note it made me smile to know that Jake enjoys Mumford and Sons as much as me:)
Thanks again for bringing us the news as it happens WDW.
Thanks for the comments everyone! Sorry I'm not able to reply specifically at the mo - be back later!
Great interview and it's nice he finally was able to open up about Heath. :)
Thanks for the scans! :)
Thanks for the scans WDW, Great interview very open love where he loved his family but loved soccer more - lol.
Anyone know where in the UK we will be able to get this issue?
Thanks so much for taking a private jet and get us the scans! Very good interview. He lets Jake talks and let the topics go further than most regular interviews.
Watching Brokeback on Film4 at the moment... *sighs*
I liked this interview! Like, really really liked it! It's not an easy one and needs to be re read and thought over.
What I'm thinking right now is "Who would have thought Jake was ever afraid of life?". That's quite a revelation. As is his saying that his work allowed him to hide from that fear while taking his time to figure life out. Best thing is, his choice of films throughout his career also tells he's been trying to find some truth out. He hasn't been hiding in mindless entertainment all these years. Like Picasso said "Art is the lie that helps us understand the truth". Sometimes one wonders why actors do that to themselves: put themselves in such odd situations -from dangerous stunts to emotional pain and the like? Jake just answered that to me. Most honest answer I could have ever expected.
Thank you for the scans. There's plenty more to discuss. I know I'm forgetting something I meant to say here in this comment but... I'll try to remember and if it's worth it, I'll come back with that too.
He is such a great guy and amazing artist, it's an honour to witness his presence in this time in history. :-)
I love that he wears the St. Genesius pendant too. :) So many lovely insights.
Hi everyone! I'm enjoying the comments :D I love that Jake wears his actors' pendant too. And Jake loves soocer!
T, some shops will see the US GQ here (although in a while). Smiths sells it a few weeks later. Otherwise, I think eBay is your best bet, which is where I got mine. We miss Borders!
Yep, our Borders in Brum city centre has closed down too. I tried everywhere today but it was here all along. Thanks WDW. I didn't want the interview to end.
Watching BBM right now
WOW how the heck did you get your hands on an advanced copy. I guess you have your vays :P
Thanks so much for sharing. I'll go read this now.
Oh soccer, yes! Wonder if he still loves it, tho. I'm an Argentinian so obviously soccer/football is something I'm familiar with. This reminds me of the photos I saw here of Jake at a tennis game. Think it was Del Potro vs. Federer. Jake didn't seem too crushed Federer lost that time (and I like to think he was actually happy Del Potro had won). In those pics, you could also see Guillermo Vilas (Argentina's tennis hero of all time)... oh and there's that other photo of Jake looking all happy again and shaking hands with the composer of Brokeback Mountain's music, Gustavo Santaolalla -another Argentinian. Sorry these things excited me like they do. It's just the feeling of familiarity, I think.
But I mean, soccer! Alright!
Soccer!! I love that! That made me sit up and take notice straight away :D But please don't pay any attention to Oxford Utd, Jake...
Great to see you got this up so quickly, WDW, but I can't commet just yet. I got my copy of GQ today and I am not going to read any of it until I am sitting down with some quiet time later tonight. I am blown away by the pictures alone...I always love to have those big, bold, glossy photos in my hands instead of just on my computer! I read excerpts from the interview last night and it was a HUGE mistake on my part...pulled at too many emotions for me. I need to digest this when I can handle it (which may not even be tonight but I don't think I can wait much longer). It sounds like this is the killer of all interviews and we have this person Chris Heath to thank. Interesting name, huh? *heavy sigh*
Wish I could sound more...ummm...excited. Is anyone else feeling this way??? I'll get there, I know.
I got the We Make Our Own Destiny Behind the Scenes PoP book today as well. GORGEOUS!! I know you'll have yours soon WDW...you'll love it...I recommend it to EVERYONE here as well! Oh, and I got some...ummm...Legos. :-) I haven't bought Legos in years. It was strange (but made me smile)!
Lots to enjoy these days!
:-) and xoxo
thank you, wet dark.
I don't know, but I think is the best interview of Jake in years.
Still do not know what to say, because I was broken hearted when I read about Heath and BBM.
So many experiences, so many nice things to say about one of the nicest human beings in the world. Thanks, Jake.
Thank you for sharing your life experiences; show your human side to us.
One more thing, I hate soccer.
It's been ages and ages since Jake has given a real interview that wasn't specifically about promoting a movie. Nice hints at his life there although his flightiness makes me laugh sometimes. I think sometimes--and this is just the vibe I get from him--that his attitude towards fame and his career verges on the obsequious. I love him all the more for it, though. He clearly wants to do all that he can do. He's going to be exciting to watch for years to come.
Thanks a million for the scans, WD&W. You rock.
I just read the article and I can't tell you how touched I am at how forthcoming Jake was about Heath. Despite the fact he said it was difficult to talk about his feeling over his death, he does tell us what it was like during BBM and how they stayed in touch and how they were like creative partners. I have to wonder if Heath told Jake about TDK?
I was also glad he let us know he and Michelle keep in touch.
Maybe this article was in a way very cathartic for him. He is growing in so many ways and still trying to find out what life is for him.
thanks again
Wow thank you WDW for scanning this! I have to get a copy tomorrow.
I love how intimate the interview is and revealing Jake was. As difficult as it was I heartened to hear how close he and Heath were.
And omg he said mishigoss!!! A word I use all the time, lol. He is just so endearing...swoon!
And thanks for the SC pic. Seems Jake is getting to do some action in that one! :D
Count me a huge Glee fan!!! Last night's episode was fabulous.
^^It was a great interview, wasn't it? :)
Hi I'm new to this site but not a new Jake fan (be kind to me please) :)
I was able to get my hands on a copy of GQ tonight, if you're in NYC some places have it available already.
I fell further in love with Jake after reading this article and I didn't think that was possible. I loved his comments about music. I also loved the stuff regarding Brokeback Mountain and Jarhead. Having recently re-watched those films this past weekend it was great to get more insight to what went on behind the scenes.
I'll definitely be reading this article a few more times to really take it all in.
Morning all, sorry for being dumb but what does mishigoss mean?
Morning everyone! Brrr, it's freezing out there - must be all that Icelandic volcanic ash!
So good to see you all here! And new faces too - welcome, Leslie :D It sounds like you're well on the way to being a Jake fan! It's been a good couple of years since we had the last 'proper' interview with Jake and this shows exactly what we've been missing. Noone does an interview quite like Jake. I hope you come back, leslie :)
T! I think mishigoss means one of two things... a) it's a type of fridge or b) an annoying, irritating and avoidable problem (been doing some research :D)
Chuckling at Monica not liking soccer!
I hope everyone has a good day - I want to spend lots more of it rereading this amazing interview. Mumford & Sons shuffled on to my iPod this morning - that made me smile :)
WDW, thank you again for the scans, I don't think I'm going to see this mag anywhere - British editions only here.
Fascinating insights. Hard to read in places, both subject-wise and semantically! It seems Jake can say just about what he wants in an interview as his answers are now assumed to be mostly impenetrable - quite a useful trick for a movie star to have cultivated (I am not saying its deliberate!). Its not just him though, I don't really get what Peter said at the end there at all. I know I don't like any comparison between Tom Cruise (ugh) and Jake, though.
Very English of you to pick up on the 'soccer' reference, inevitable really. ;-/
I sympathise with BBMISwear, don't worry I think a lot of us feel the same. I think its the same way I feel if I watch too many spoilers before a film. Sort of exhausted.
I've concluded IMHO that Jake seems to be a 'pot-stirrer' as my Mum would call it. Provoking people in order to (ultimately) test the strength of a relationship. But being one myself, I know its quite an innocent impulse:)
Or else he's just young and still learning.
PS I love Silver's tweet. Bravo!
Hi TD! Intreesting commentary on the interview - thanks! And I think pot stirrer is right. I think Jake has developed his interview art to an amazingy high standard and it says just enough about him - with enormous charm - while keeping everyone perplexed. It's an amusing use of language and, as a writer, I rather like that that!
Ooh yes about Silver's tweet! Im catching up on all that now :) well done, Silver!
mishegoss is a yiddish term meaning crazy or senseless behavior (this coming from a fellow Jew like Jake)
I was touched that Jake used the term, I wasn't sure how in touch he was with his Jewish roots. I think he embraces many things. He has said he follows buddhist teachings too. So he is a mishmosh of things. Which is GOOD :D
^^Yes, it is. I thought the same thing. In touch with his roots, and open to other thoughts and ideas as well. :)
Morning[to the Americans] and Evening[to the Europeans]
I did get a deeper understanding of the article after thinking about it a bit. Of course, I'm sure we all got a little something different out of it. For me, he was obliquely referring to his last relationship in spots and how that, the death of a dear friend, and his parent's divorce have affected his outlook on life. He's definitely still a positive person(which is essentially what Peter is saying...although I don't get the Tom Cruise reference either because he[Tom] is so fake to me) but he's not hiding in his work anymore. He's genuinely finding the joy in his life while at the same time actually coming to terms with the grown up reality that it never ends up how you think it will. Believe me, I wish I could do both...it's difficult, I think. I hope that made sense.
And, yes, to put it in layman's terms, the man knows he's got it going on. But, he's not cocky about it. Just sure of himself. That is sexy as hell.
I always loved the term "meshuganeh" too, because it sounds like sugar (means crazy person). I know this from lovely and dear people. :* sugar for Jake. :)
I'm going to read it again, but I'm impressed with how he's always about learning and growing from experiences, and not afraid of life. He once thought he could "hide" in his work, but now he finds freedom in his work. He's constantly impressing me. He's a young man of substance. I like messes, too, Jake!
"And, yes, to put it in layman's terms, the man knows he's got it going on. But, he's not cocky about it. Just sure of himself. That is sexy as hell."
Sorry to be so ignorant but what does ITAWTS mean? That one is new to me.
Stace, if I'm not mistaken, it means "I totally agree with that sentence".
This question is for Wet Dark and Wild: it is for sale GQ magazine? is that I want to buy it .. Answer me please .. and went on sale the magazine ... ?
Hi there everyone! Made it home and lots more stuff to post!
Good to see you all, and to get the meanings for all these glorious words and the expressions. I didn't know what that meant either, Stace! As is so often the case, I learn lots of new things from jake and his fans :)
Hi Michelle and welcome! The GQ is on sale in the US. Outside the US it may be more difficult to find. I bought mine on eBay and got hold of an advance copy :)
Wet Dark and Wild.. Thank you very much for answering .. will try to get the magazine! I'm from Mexico.
I like the cute abbreviations better than the annoying [THIS] that people post when they reply to a comment. As long as I know what they mean. lol Young people don't know how to articulate anymore(not that I'm that old, but still...). Such a pet peeve of mine. Sorry going OT again.
Is there a way to lobby People Magazine to influence the choice for Sexiest Man Alive 2010? :D Just sayin...
WDW, totally looking forward to your post although if you put up any more hot pics I may never get caught up on my school work. ;)
So many new updates on this site these past few days, thank you WDW! I was away in Sweden meeting another Brokie so didn't have much time to go online. Had a wonderful time there, and also got to talk to Uli on Skype while there! :))
I had to look up a few words in the dictionary while reading this wonderful interview, including misshigoss (?), never heard of it.
I like it so much when Jake lets us see some glimpses of his more intimate side. Some of the things he said, especially about Heath, but also about his parents divorcing, really touched me. But I'll have to read this interview again, 'cause I'm probably not bright enough to grasp some of the Gyllenspeak that shines here...
I liked the style of the interviewer too. He was not afraid to ask potentially uncomfortable questions, but also tried to remain respectful and discreet.
Thank you so much for these precious scans!
I hope you get a copy Michelle :)
I hope that Jake is a mighty presence in People's list, Stace. I expect nothing other than the no 1 hot spot!
Good to see you Paola! I'm glad you got back ok. I don't think anyone's going very far here for a day or two. I doubt if anyone can fully get the meaning of all Jake says, including Jake! I like the interviewer too.
It's a pleasure :)
Hi! Finally I had a chance to read this wonderful interview!!! Thank you so much for posting the scans for us, WDW!! This feels like the most personal interview I ever read from Jake!
So touching to see him opening up a bit more about Heath and also learning more about their relationship and what his death meant to Jake...
I hope I will be able to get hold of the magazine somehow... Glad I frequent airports quite regularly at the moment...
And now it is definite - Jake and I are meant for each other... When I was a kid and couldn't yet write my sister made me write into her "Poesiealbum" (a book kids in Germany have for friends and family to write sayings and good wishes into decorated with kitschy little pictures) and she really really tried very hard to teach me how to write my saying, but the "E"s still ended up with more than 3 horizontal lines... I think I stopped at 5, though... We used ink eraser, but years later the ink became visible again and we had a good LOL, because we remembered the obviously painful but futile process of her teaching me... :D :D :D
Hehe, *waves* at Paola!! :)
From what I understand it is available in some places now. But I think will be on sale everywhere in the US on April 20th. (I know I read that date somewhere)
I read most of the article yesterday at the bookstore & was so glad that he opened up about his personal life & his relationship w/ Heath. It sounded very difficult for him to do.
Hi Atalley and welcome :D It's an incredible article and I know I don't want to wait another 2 years for another one like it. Thanks so much for commenting :)
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