It might be Friday but today we got the fifth Prince of Persia Thursday question with Jake Gyllenhaal telling us what it was like when he received the offer of playing Dastan. 'I was super excited - I knew what a huge undertaking it was going to be and how much time I would I would have to devote to it but I was just so excited.' You can see the video here (recorded on that super dope set with gold elephants) and below.
With thanks to BBMISwear, who (the evidence suggests) must be a secret avid gamer, we have a scan from the brand new edition of Gameinformer magazine. Jake says about spending time with PoP pop Jordan Mechner: 'It was cool, because the best day was when Jordan came on set and said, 'This is awesome'. Everytime he would see stuff, he'd say. This is my dream.'

And on playing the game: 'I got really into it - too into it, actually. They would call me to set and I'd say 'Just give me one second, I need to finish this!' I don't want to get too sucked into it, because who knows what will happen. But, yeah, I'm definitely into it.'

We also have some delicious new images from two of the veritable library of PoP books that we will be filling our shelves with this summer: We Make Our Own Destiny and Movie Storybook. There are some stunners here (especially the guy with the big blue eyes, the bursting muscles, the leather straps and the flying scarves).

Jake also models here the perfect outfits to wear just in case you have a run in with a volcanic ash cloud.

The Afterword to Destiny - written by Jake himself - has his personal and very endearing take on what it was like to make that big leap on Day 1. 'It's high'.

We have a Prince of Persia group photo - I do apologise for the girl picking her nose.

I know Jake likes to eat adventurously but peacock may be a step too far... But he has the outfit for it. And the knife to cut it too.

Maggie, out and about last night, had this to say about PoP: 'That will probably be a big deal. I hear it's really great — it's really funny and kind of smart. I hear it has a little Indiana Jones quality to it. I have not seen it, but I hear it's great!"

Incidentally, the feisty Princess of Persia, Gemma Arterton, is on Jonathan Ross tonight...

Pictures from Disney. Many thanks to IHJ and BBMISwear for the scans! And it's not even May yet...
Ha!Ha!Ha! Nice use of "super dope", WDW !
How could they do this to me? I barely managed to go to sleep on Thursday night without my lil Facebook Q&A video. Now that I've finally seen it, I'd like to ask Jake to keep doing this regardless of what movie he's filming/promoting (long shot, I know, but it's what I'd like)...
And thank you guys so much for these scans. The piece that Jake wrote I had to read right away. So great that he shares the credit for Dastan with all those other people.
I'll go read again now and check all the wonderful pics. I doubt I'll be buying much of PoP related material cause my budget is humble. I mean, maybe I should start saving for all the tickets I can get to see the film at theaters as many times as possible when it finally comes out!
Thanks again, WDW and all Jake fans. xo
This movie is going to be so beautiful to see on the big screen, all the gorgeous details. A perfect summer escape. Can't wait! These images are gorgeous.
Alejandra, LOVE your suggestion. More please.
I second the kudos on 'super dope'. LOL
Just purchased last copy of GQ at the bookstore(Books-a-Million)down the street. Jake IS huge! Good to know I'm not the only Gyllenhaalic in the greater Birmingham(Alabama) area.
Also, think I may need to bring a couple of non-Jake-lovin' friends with me to see PoP because I may need emergency resuscitation once I see THAT on the big screen. Those nice snug pants(trousers, for the Brits) are just...*ahem*
Lord have mercy - that new update! ;)
Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a good Friday - I am. It's busy with Jake stuff but it's great!
Thanks Olympia! I'm gonna try and get it in whenever possible :D I'll just slip it in.
Hi Alejandra! I thought we might not get it this week, but I could take that breath of relief. I've booked 21 May off work so that I can spend the entire day in the cinema!
Me neither, 19:34 :D
Hey Stace! Glad you got GQ! ooh thanks for letting me know where you are - I love the US but I've not made it to Alabama. I know Birmingham (Brum) in the UK rather well though!
Hi 22:10! Glad you like the update :D
Yes, added scans from the latest Entertainment Weekly (dated 16 April) with huge thanks to BBMISwear who's running around like a headless Jaking chicken but is finding time to send me scans in between the chores. Thank you! :-)
Great scans, thank you. Love the image of him doing a matrix move near a cliff.
I've always known there's a big black cloud following me and now it's confirmed :DD I'm very concerned that if this damned thing doesn't disperse the premiers in Europe may be called off with all airlines being grounded.
keep up the good work WDW, you can sleep after May ;D
Hi Sheba! Yeah, I intend too :D Fortunately they're saying that the cloud will let flights in in a couple of days so we'll be fine :D Good job it wasn't this weekend! I love that image too.
I keep forgetting to say I'm a Gleek too... Jake might be one also, right? Since he loves musicals. Hope he has the time to watch cause it really is a fun show.
Alejandra, I could definitely see Jake being a Gleek. Whenever I hear the Glee version of 'Jump' I think of him now.
Also, since I am in Birmingham, does that make me a Brummie? Sorta? Kinda? LOL
And, can I just say that even though I don't know you, I love you BBMISwear. Thank you for sharing the hotness!! Those eyes!!
OK, I'm outta here for the weekend...God, please don't let my Jake obsession put me back in the poor house.
I'm still looking at that chest shot (of the prince with his hands on his hips) DROOL!
Thanks so much for this update. Another MAG I gotta go find this coming week.
I've just seen the PoP trailer on Jonathon Ross:)
Just saw Gemma on JR. I loved the trailer, kind of a new composition all the clips we've seen. It gave us the plot without Gemmas voiceover.
JR said something along the lines of Jake being 'such a nice guy' :)
P.S Thankyou for that scan BBMISwear...his eyes...
Thanks for the scans BBMISwear and WDW:) Everyday seems to bring a new treasure. I know it's already been said but I have to mention the eyes too...
Seeing the trailer on JR tonight was really exciting and Gemma was great on it too.
JR did say that he'd had Jake on the show before and he was a really nice guy Silver.
Have to say it's great to meet so many other Gleeks on here too:)
Hope everyone has a good weekend:)
Hi everyone! Boy do I wish I could write a real in depth comment about all the great stuff here but I can't because the truth is I haven't been able to really READ anything the last few days! *heavy sigh* Life is kicking my butt but good and I hope to be able to carve out some major catch up time this weekend. All I know is between PoP, SC, Nailed and even Namath my head is spinning...and it isn't even May yet is right WDW!!
You're welcome re: the scans...I have literally pulled stuff out of magazines, scanned them, sent them to WDW and ran out the door to various meetings without even reading what I scanned! I figured you all would read it and tell me if it was any good or not - LOL!! Oh, that is very sweet Stace - have you not read my story yet? (hee hee)!!
Special note to WDW: I am NOT a gamer and you know this!! LOL!! But I do know a special 13 year old who is...hence the magazine subscription and a moment of "hey, there's a page ripped out of my magazine"!! Oops.
I'll be back this weekend I hope.
And don't forget Love & Other Drugs...
The book's cover of POP is one of the worst I've ever seen. They should have chosen better.
Beautiful image: Dastan
It seems those images of the great epics of Hollywood.
BBM ISwear, thanks for the scans.
Morning all! What a beautiful day :D
Good to see you all and I'm glad you could pop by BBMISwear :-) and I'm chuffed you fitted in the scanning!
I love that pic Monica!
I watched JR over brekkie - Gemma wearing the dullest outfit and she didn't know when PoP was out... but it was fantastic to see the PoP trailer! And yeah, hear Jonathan say what a nice guy Jake was and that this film will make him one of thee leading men.
I'm running around at the moment so I'll catch you all later!
Great update, WDW and thanks to BBMISwear for the scans. If Jake did write the after word himself, I have to say that I really like his writing style, he`s a good story teller.
I went to the cinema last night and saw Death at a funeral, which is a remake of a british movie. There were 2 Jake links from Nailed(I love when Paul does that :)) , James Marsden and Tracy Morgan. Morgan got on my nerves, as he always does but James... I think I have a little crush on him! He is so funny and cute in this movie, in fact I wouldn't have liked
it very much if it wasn't for him. He plays a guy who took acid by accident and is completely high the whole movie and he does it with total abandon, pushing the silliness as far as he can but keeping it very believable. It really makes me want to see Nailed.
There were 3 big POP posters in my cinema, hanging from the ceiling, the Courage, Destiny and Revenge ones. I have to say, I wouldn't want the Sir Ben one hanging on my wall. That man is scary! :D
WDW, hope the volcano spewwing is over in time for the UK premiere! Else we might have to see Jake on a Jumbotron.
Olympia, it's interesting that you saw Death at a Funeral. I was slightly incensed when I saw the previews for it because the original was so amazing and the wonder Alan Tudyk played that same Marsden role to perfection(someone gave me a copy of the movie and I fell in love with it). But, I ain't mad at James Marsden because he is Cyclops, afterall :-) And a cutie.
I don't know much about Nailed(The Nail)...need to research it a bit more in old posts here. The synopsis sounds interesting and I want to get as much Jake as I can this year. Hopefully it will be released in theaters and not get the 'straight to video' label.
And I saw those huge PoP posters in my theater a few weeks ago....nearly passed out. My friend(male) was making fun of me because I tried to get him to take me a picture next to Dastan's. I'll have to get a picture taken when I go see it in May. And I am sooo jealous of all of you that *might* get to go to the premiere.
I am in love with your blog! I had to stop myself from buying EW yesterday & I'm glad you have the scans. I'm on a tight budget so I'm trying to pace myself on what I buy. I know over the next month there's going to be a lot of Jake so I have to tell myself I can't buy everything as much as I want to!
I'm thinking I'm gonna have to see PoP at least twice because the first time I might be too distracted by him to actually pay attention to what's going on!
Picked up my copy of GQ!! :D
Great, great PoP stuff.
Have a great Saturday everyone! Am out and about today myself. :)
Awww, I missed Gemma on JR last night. I get BBC America, so they either aired an old program or they aren't current.
It wasn't a total loss tho - John Barrowman, Shahrukh Khan and Marina and the Diamonds were on, so I enjoyed it immensely! JR is so much fun. It's a little bit more "risque" than our American talk shows. JR has a lot of warmth and is so funny. I'll keep watching to see if the program with Gemma and PoP does appear. :)
Off to do some errands and pick up a copy of GQ if I can. :)
Can someone please keep us updated as to when the Gemma episode of JR will air on BBC America? I usually don't have access to television and I want to see it. Although come to think about it I'll probably be able to see it on Youtube eventually. I have adored Gemma since seeing her in Tess of the D'urbevilles and Lost in Austen. Just adorable.
Hi there Olympia! I like it when Paul does that too :D Ooh, great you saw the posters!
Me too, 16:02! And it's weird as today is absolutely beautiful - not a single cloud in the brilliant blue sky.
Hey Stace! It's definitely worth going back on WDW to the Nailed time as it was very exciting. BBMISwear had her amazing lunch with Jake, and then Nicole met Jake on set in SC and also another reader sent in her account. It was great! So we're all keen to see it as we heard so much about it - Nicole was even in it!
Thank you Leslie! I'm so glad you can keep up here. You don't have to worry about buying it all. I think I may be moving in to the cinemas at the end of May :D
Glad you got it, Get Real! I hope you're having as lovely a day as me :)
Bertie! Good to see you! Hope you get a copy. And hopefully you'll get to see Gemma's JR :)
Have a good Saturday everyone! I feel extremely sunkissed :)
Hi Stace - posting at the same time :) Hopefully someone will know.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I have visitors but had to stop by to look at the EW pics again:)
Heading to the cinema tonight so hoping to see even more promo stuff for PoP.
Moving into the theater in May sounds like a good idea ;-)
Thanks for being so welcoming! Sometimes fan bases aren't too welcoming of 'newbies' glad to know there are some exceptions.
Hi Carol - have a good time at the pics!
Hey there Leslie :D I'm sorry you've experienced that - I'm really happy to say that I love to see everyone here and it is great to know Jake is winning over new fans!! Love to see them here - and you!
I have had a lovely day today in beautiful clear blue skies (no ash in sight :D)
Hi everyone!! Just saw that Olympia and I had the same thought - of Paul - when we went to the cinema this week... I finally watched Shutter Island - which has to be the movie with the most Jake connections ever: Michelle Williams, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Emily Mortimer, John Carrol Lynch, Elias Koteas and at least 1 to Peter Sarsgaard: Patricia Clarkson and who knows what else...
I liked it a lot - and Leonardo Di Caprio seems to be more and more a competitor for roles I'd like to see Jake in...
And I went to see Brothers (again), too! I might be a tiny little bit biased, but once more I was amazed at how real Jake always comes across... In my opinion he is not acting - he just is these people he portrays... I was less than impressed with Tobey McGuire, though... He was so "stiff"... The relationsship to his daughters felt already distant and cold even before he left for Afghanistan, actually he seemed strange in general (or was it meant to be that way?) Anyway, Jake was great!
And I was surprised (shocked? LOL!) how hairy Jake has gotten... That scene with the towel? Damn, loads of black chest hair and treasure trail...
Today they had a stupid feature on the news channel here in Germany... Which softy is the most believable action hero... Jake came in 4th (3 from 10 possible points) - then Tobey (4 points), Matt Damon (7 points) and the winner was Daniel Craig (10 points). Idiots, they have obviously no idea! They gave Jake credits for preparing diligently, but in their opinion it unfortunately doesn't help! And some of the reasons why those 4 guys were labelled as "softies" were stupid anyway...
Hm, maybe I should also comment on this post instead of just talking rubbish... :D :D :D
But I ran out of words, so I just say thank you (and your little helpers) lots for all the great scans and beautiful pictures. Althought those EW people must be out of their minds - cutting this gorgeous pic into two... (am I shallow? LOL!)
Hope everybody has a great weekend!!
Hey Uli! So good you got to see Brothers again - and Hairy Jake :DD I agree with you about Tobey but I'm biased because I've never liked him in anything! He's one of those actors I've just avoided. I want to see Shutter Island - loads of Jake connections!
Jake a softy? Just cos he's sensitive and intelligent it does not mean he's soft! Chuckle :D But at least he got a mention.
Hope you're having a good weekend too!
Gemma's on JR next Friday, April 23, on BBC America. I don't know why I didn't check the listings in the first place, but there you go.
Thanks for checking, Bertie!
No post this evening on WDW, I thought everyone could probably do with some catch up time, it's been so incredible. But back tomorrow morning.
In the meantime, I've managed to find some time to do a post on MovieBrit! It's a bit Jake related...
Fun facts about POP i found :P
Hi Anon! I saw that, a fun article :D
Off to bed for me - I have sunburn from a day out under the ash! I hope everyone had a good day and I'll catch up with you in the morning :)
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