Wednesday 9 June 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal's KFC turn back time dream and a Right Royal WDW interlude

It has most assuredly been one of those days - it started off with a reminder that Prince of Persia has done a lot more for Jake Gyllenhaal's fitness levels and body tone that it has done for mine. It is certainly possible that blogging about the Prince of Persia uses up far fewer calories than being the Prince of Persia. Nevertheless, it's good to see that Jake is back at the gym on a daily basis once more, getting us all fit and ready for the next adventure. The day continued with another Prince (see the interlude below).

The anticipation for Prince Charles entering the room today was motivated largely by intense heat, humidity, high heights and the most uncomfortable wooden slabs for seats. The anticipation for Jake Gyllenhaal entering the room is often coloured by stomach pains, a need to chant loudly, sharpie marks on your neighbour's shirt, sore feet and an out of body experience. Thanks to PoPsugar for sending me a link to another part of their 'Greatest fan' series from the LA PoP screening. This video shows what it was like for the audience waiting for Jake to arrive. I must say that this lot are very well behaved indeed.

I can't help thinking back to the time when I saw Jake walk out on stage in front of me in the theatre in Toronto and he almost tripped. It was edge of the seat stuff - deep worry and concern that he'd be all right. Then I saw Rendition and I swear I may as well have sat in front of a car commercial, I remembered so little about it.

Jerry Bruckheimer's company have just launched a YouTube channel and on it has gone a video from the Prince of Persia premieres and footage of Jerry's hand and foot ceremony. Jake looks starstruck - one feels that he has an inkling of what it's like to be starstruck. Maybe not. But he gives that impression.

I've done one post today already so I don't want to outstay my welcome but I want to post a link to this German interview in which Jake talks again, amongst many other subjects, about his shampooing and conditioning regime which, he reveals, took four and a half years to get him into PoP shape, and that he should apply for a job at l'Oreal. In Morocco 'they sometimes set up a bucket for me, so I could play with shampoo and conditioner.'

Jake also says that he's aware of some of the internet bad feeling against Jake for bringing the game hero to life: 'I've noticed too'. And he speaks about the chemistry with the feisty, lovely Gemma Arterton: 'On the first day on set she looked down at me and showed straight away that she was not impressed with me at all... I am an actor after all and spend at least 75% of the day in front of the mirror. That was a joke. The flirtation was natural between Gemma and me.'

When Jake is asked if he has ever been lost for words with a girl, as Dastan was before Gemma, he replies that it's all part of a boy's biology: 'I drew on my own experience fot the scene.' And on why Jake has done another blockbuster when, after The Day After Tomorrow he'd said that was a one off: 'Oh God, it's hard to live with all the things I said when I was 23, with no experience of the press. I'd now better be careful what I say.'

And to continue yesterday's cooking theme. If Jake could turn back time, 'I would turn back time to when 'Kentucky Fried Chicken' was still "Chicken Littles" - like "Chicken McNuggets", but with a lot of dough around the outside drum. That was my favorite dish when I was eight, but it was taken from me.' Count your blessings, Jake.

A Royal WDW Interlude

Today I popped down to the Sheldonian, Oxford University's stunning theatre built by Christopher Wren in the 1660s, to listen to Prince Charles commemorate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies with a lecture on the relationship between the environment and Islam. He spoke for an hour, which was, to be honest, one of the longest hours of my life. However, it was enlivened by a girl in front of me fainting due to the heat and vertigo of being perched at the very top of a Restoration Chimney. I also got told off for taking pictures by a blue-rinse scary lady but, in my time old tradition of ignoring that kind of thing, I took a few anyway and dared her to come and get me - and then ran away.

Pictures from IHJ and WDW.


TD said...


Thank you for posting on this horrible muggy eve. Practically everyone I know is just a little ill today - headaches, eyeaches etc. Depressing day.

Sad to hear that Jake is 'aware of internet bad feeling'. That's awful.

He needs to be 'aware of' WDW, like we are. So that on a depressing day he knows where to come.

Bravo with the scary blue-rinse. I would have done the same. Indeed I have come to think of it, at the Albert Hall on one occasion. Did Charlie say anything interesting? Imagine having to plan and write an hour long speech! A 10 minute presentation seems to take 1000s of words.


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi TD - very nice to see you :) I know what you mean - Mr WDW has a migraine and I have my nosebleeds and vertigo giddiness! It's very muggy. So very good to see you!

I think Jake goes into all these projects with eyes open and he would have know how he would be scrutinised for this role. But he has fighting spirit and hes done himself proud. Put yourself out there though and you take a risk but I hope he also knows how protective so many of us are. Thank you so much for that :D That's lovely to hear.

I heard on the news that Charles is unwell and has cancelled all other engagements but he didn't want to cancel this one so I don't want to get at him! But... I didn't agree with him at all - he was talking about how turning back time (ooh, how PoPish) was the way forward and that science had failed the environment as it is market driven. I thought this was very simplistic, especially to say so in a place like Oxford where science is driving forward technologies that could make the planet a better place if they get the proper push. The whole discussion was also based on faith. Interesting and very sincere and out of date. D'you think he writes a whole speech like this alone? Maybe not.

When Charles was sitting down between introductions and valedictions he looked dejected, his feet on the seat in front. But now I think that was his chest infection. It's nice to chat about it, thanks TD :D

Oh yes, what amused me is that the only protestors I saw were students outside wanting to save a college bar! Yeay!

TD said...

Very glad to be of service! My google word is 'wheriz'. Wheriz everyone?
Those protestors had the right priority, as ever where a college bar is concerned ;D

Pity about Charles, strange place to take that angle...I wonder if Philip Pullman was in the audience? .
I can't imagine he writes the whole speech but maybe a large percentage, I'm sure.

I'm listening to the PoP soundtrack as I type this. I love it, its such an escape route. I've just been over to your WDandW Channel on YouTube and subscribed at last, btw.

Hope you feel better! Hope we all do. I should get my Brothers DVD tomorrow. That'll be a cheersome thing.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

...was the way forward and that science had failed the environment as it is market driven.

There is a sense of this tho - and many, many examples, uncontrolled pesticide use back in the '50s, etc. Repercussions of that are still being felt today. Science isn't the answer to everything, people like Oppenheimer have said as much.

I have so much admiration and respect for Prince Charles and his thoughts on the environment. I watched him years ago on television and he talked about a farming model or environmental model projects at Balmoral? I don't exactly remember the location now, but I thought it was a wonderful thing at the time. :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey TD! I don't know, I must've scared them off - or maybe they're all out watching PoP :D

Phil Pullman is a good speaker - he talks in Oxford quite often. There were a couple of people in the audience that I recognised but couldn't place.

OMG the PoP soundtrack - I absolutely love it!! I play it over and over. I'm going to do a post on it - I play it on the bus, in the car, walking my mile to work that I do every morning. Love it!

Hope you get Brothers tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful soundtrack. :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there 23:02 :) Posting at the same time. Indeed, science has been the cause of a string of catastrophic disasters, but is it the science or the people behind it to blame? I'd argue that science is used as a scapegoat and that abandoning scientific solutions to environmental damage won't remove the cause - us. You can't turn back time - we're the products of our age just as medieval man was and we have made our world. It seems an easy copout to me to think that things were golden in centuries past - we were on the road to now.

But now there is a chance to put some things right - science isn't driven entirely by the marketplace. Maybe in the past it was driven on by war and materialism but in a town like this, that's not the feeling you get. I think I'm an optimist and I also think the CS Lewis belief - which Charles quoted a few times - that going backwards is the way forward is naive in this day and age. And I also don't believe religion is the solution, which was the basic argument of Charles' lecture.

Ooh, I am so off topic! But it's just us :D

And Jake is hot...

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi 23:11 - it really, really is! I absolutely love it!

sheba said...

Haha, watch out for the blue rinse brigade. If the 1st one don't get you the others will :DD I bet you wish you had the Dagger of Time for Charlie Boy. I do admire Charles though for going against the grain and being controversial even though he may be so outdated in his views. He speaks from the heart sometimes I think. Sympathies for you and yours and his illness. Get well soon.

Was Jake talking about Golden Drummers those horrible Bernard Matthews chicken drumsticks? Thank goodness momma Foner stopped this culinary disaster from becoming a favourite staple.

I've got to say what a wonderful evening I've just had with my family. We've all just come home on this wet, thundery night with all smiles and warm feeling after watching Prince of Persia. Yes, I did threaten to evict my eldest son if he didn't come - but he absolutely loved it and he grudginly said so. He's played the game many times and was able to tell me exactly which moves were in the game and the film. His girlfriend came too and because we missed the 1st 5 minutes - it was Orange Wednesday and the cues were huge :( she said she's going to see it again with her girlfriends. The cinema was also full so we had to sit at the front.

At the end of the film, for the first time, there was applause and cheers. Amazing, I couldn't believe it. Walking out a couple were talking about it behind me, they said they loved it but hated the end - to predictable. I turned around and said "well there's room now for Prince of Persia 2" to which they agreed and said "I'd watch that, it was so good".

So, with pride, I wait oh so patiently for the DVD. At last, my favourite feel-good movie. Deeply satisfying <3

Ewww... my word is mices

Anonymous said...

And Jake is hot...

He sure is!

I know what you mean - I think people need a little bit of a sense of something greater than ourselves - because when man thinks he is all powerful and has all the answers, that's hubris. I hope our disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is a wakeup call. They are an example of having every available monetarily and scientifically, but having nothing done in the way of research to manage this kind of a catastrophic spill - nothing. So I'm with you hoping we are on the right track going forward. :)

Enough of that, let's talk about Jake. :) I think he must be a very strong person with a strong sense of self - if he's aware of what's going on on the 'net!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks Sheba! And that sounds like a wonderful evening. And I have to totally agree with you - TDAT was my escapism film of choice but now it is superseded over and over by the gorgeousness of all-leaping, all-jumping Jake in PoP. Everytime I see it I want to see it again and I know I can just watch it over and over and I'll smile all the way through. Just what I wanted from Jake. I have Zodiac which I adore and makes me think. No thinking required for PoP - just totally enjoy it!

You saw it with a great audience. I've been going alone and so sticking with matinees but that sounds wonderful! I'll be seeing it again shortly, I should try and go in the evening.

Being a veggie I have been spared KFC - I've never even been in one!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Agreed 23:23 :) Huge and costly mistakes have been made. Hubris is a word that recurred in the lecture. It would be good to think lessons are learned.

But yes, happier subjects - Jake! Very strong, very driven and sensible :D And hot...

Carol said...

Hope yourself and Mr WDW feel better soon WDW. A lot of my friends are ill aswell:( Must be something in the weather.

There is so much positive feeling toward Jake and PoP on the net too that I hope Jake has seen that also. Hopefully he has seen all our positive comments and not just the negative stuff.

I most certainly agree that Jake is hot and may the daily gym visits continue:)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Meant to say before, thanks TD for visiting the WDW YouTube Channel :D

Thanks Carol! There is so much positive buzz about PoP, I hope Jake and the others see that, I mean, No 1 on IMDb today! This is great and the critics can take a hike.

Oh yes, very happy to enjoy Jake's gym visits - the gym has never looked so good!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear good buzz about PoP too - and if the critics don't seem to all-out embrace it, just remember how they have ripped SATC2to ribbons. Hee! Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Linda said...

hello WDW :)
Aww Jake looks stunning in every pic!
yesterday I saw PoP again , and today I bought some posters to put all over my room walls
haha :)
I Love to check your blog everyday :)
you just are so dedicated and I know it must be a very hard job!
I hope you're doing well.

Jake Fan said...

Just wanted to say I have always admired the other Prince for a long time. I think Prince Charles has never gotten enough credit for his dedication to the perservation of the environment and of historical landmarks. Like the fictional Prince, too much focus has been on Prince Charles' personal life unfairly.

BBMISwear said...

Short catch up tonight as I'm being pulled away to watch last night's season finale of Glee! One of these days I will read more than a day or two of posts! But I love what I saw here today and am very much enjoying Jake being out every single day...more more more please (hee hee)! Never enough pictures, never enough.

Interesting "other Prince" stuff WDW - always something new going on with you!

I'll be back tomorrow and hope to get past June 6th in the post catch up - LOL! Oh, BTW - not such a good night in Boston sports last night...apparently the Celtics only do really well at home when Jake is at the game. Perhaps he should come back (ya, right...he wants the Lakers to win). I'm not giving up yet!!


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good morning! Is it Friday yet...?

Hi 00:21 :D You are quite right! Oops, I brought it up too - :)

Thanks so much Linda! Love that you've got posters on your walls. I have posters but I'm short of walls to put them on, but I keep them in hope!

Hi Jake Fan!

Morning BBMISwear :-) Sounds like you're catching up! This thing called Glee - I hear of it and know not what it means :D Jake's working his magic for the Lakers all right. It's about time we saw him at another game/match...

Wonder if Jake's flying down to S Africa for Sunday's game...

Have a good day!

T said...

Think Jake maybe cutting it fine to get to SA for Saturdays game, its an 730pm kick off Saturday night which is 2039 in SA (i think) so he'd have to leave today or tomorrow at latest - but it may encourage me to watch the footie more closely this weekend see if i can spot a certain Prince xx

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Blogger just ate my comment... :(

Hi T! I read on a news site that th match was on Sunday! Thanks for the update - although I suppose I would have noticed when the streets emptied... I'm not much of a footie fan either so I'll be keeping an eye on the executive seating!

Jake was still in LA last night - tweets put him out at a club with the lovely Adam levine.

Hope this comment posts ok *crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

It's such a good thing for Jake to still have friends from school. To have people who were there Before you were "famous" (and would work for Adam too) because you know they're actual friends not someone who wants to know you because you're an actor..or singer. (Naturaly works too for other friends from childhood).

Am hoping one of these days soon we'll be seeing a headline saying what movie Jake is going to be doing next.
Those look like - I'm getting in shape for my next movie - pictures.

Carol said...

I was thinking that he was leaving it tight to get to SA for the game on Saturday night. If he's not there on Saturday night he might be at one of the other games.

T said...

Some pics not sure if these were last night but always nice to see, Esp the return of the jacket - He needs nights out over here in the UK we'll show him how to party xx

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Carol! Maybe he's decided to hang out in LA instead, but I'm sure he'll be watching it. He can come and watch it round here if he likes... :D

Hi T! Lovely to see the jacket again. Jake does love Nobu over here too.

New post and a new video!