No guarantees that this will work, but you should be able to watch the telethon below at the appointed time, which is 8pm EST and 1am BST.
Jake Gyllenhaal attracts
Gemma Arterton's new film, Tamara Drew, opened in the UK today (and I was lucky enough to see it) and as part of the publicity there has been the occasional mention of a recent co-star - and I don't mean Daniel Craig. One article came up with some helpful suggestions for Jake's appeal, to which we can no doubt add a couple of thousand.

1. He is devastatingly handsome.
2. He is lovely, amiable and friendly.
3. He has a sense of wit.
4. And despite mega fame, he is extremely grounded and humble.
[5. Your suggestions please.]

Gemma's own suggestion: 'The nicest thing about Jake is that he’s such a lovely, funny, kind and down-to-earth guy.' Can I add hot?

I don't link to the Daily Mail lightly, but they do have a rather complimentary feature about Jake today. There are some old quotes from Jake but there is a mention of 'the quietly beautiful Brokeback'. I like that.

W magazine has a striking photo on its cover this month of Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling. But don't let that distract you from some of the other names on the cover.

I hope you all will forgive me the presumption of wishing Carol a wonderful Big Day tomorrow from all of us at WDW!
Includes pictures from IHJ.
awesome :)
5. He is politically aware.
First suggestion to that list of Jake's awesome qualities coming to my mind right now. Makes him irresistible and a guilt-free delight for me. ;-)
Just want to make sure that we all agree "immensely talented" is in the list too. Too obvious to point it out, I guess. :-)
And there's so much I'd like to comment from the previous posts! Because I haven't commented all week, I think. I might later.
Congrats to Carol!! All the best wishes from one Gyllenhaalic to another. :-D
Thanks Linda!
Good to see you Alejandra! ooh, there are so many no.5s - it's difficult to know where to begin and we each have one I think (or a dozen :D). But that one certainly works. As does the 'immensely talented'.
I hope everyone's ready for the weekend :D And love to Carol x
Hello WDW and everyone.
5. He is highly intelligent and articulate.
It's been a good Jaking 24 hours. That OK magazine sword fighting clip stuck pleasantly in my mind, the POP DVD/Bluray review said "Gyllenhaal makes for a convincing action hero..." and I got hold of Brothers and watched it. What a gritty drama. But Jake was so, so good in it. I'm going to check out the extras today.
May I also add my congratulations to Carol, best wishes from my corner of the world, New Zealand.:)
Hi everyone!
5. He has very tasteful pronunciation
I love to hear him talking. I understand every word! I like the sound of his voice - high and low in POP, American and British English.
I like the way he moves his lips when he talks. :)
Me again - not tasteful, but tasty pronunciation! :)
Though tasteful as well.
He is indeed - Hi Tui! I'm so glad you enjoyed Brothers :)
Hi Mermon - another great no 5 :D Jake has the most beautiful voice. I've always liked the Californian accent but I love the way Jake says some words. And his English accent was amazing :) Hot, too...
Mermon... I absolutely LOVE the way he moves his lips when he talks! Thought it was just me (nah, not really). ;-)
Ahhh... I love everything surrounding the act of talking when it comes to Jake. That's the truth. :-)
Congrats to Carol! Have a great, unforgettable day, dear!
5. He has the most expressive eyes and eyebrows.
I love how he has a smile that's not only in the corners of his mouth but in his eyes as well. It's a genuine one. Oh, and I very much agree with the other number 5's, great ones! :-)
Fingers crossed for SU2C. I'm not gonna stay up till 2AM to watch, but hopefully there'll be presents when I wake up tomorrow. ;-)
I love his voice.
I do not know what it is, but congratulations Carol!
I like the cover with Ryan and Michelle. I want one with Jake and Anne! Please Fox!
I love what Gemma said about Jake. :)
Even though the cover of W is a bit photoshopped, it's still a great cover. Michelle and Ryan have amazing chemistry on and off screen. ;)
Now I'm patiently waiting for LAOD promotion and many Jake & Anne piccies. :)
Good luck for today Carol - they say if it rains on your wedding day you are in for a long happy marriage so eventhough I hope you have a lovely sunny day, rain isn't bad. :))
Loved the footage from OK, kept pressing replay! Waiting for Monday to come with my copy of PoP....hubby keen 'to see what all the fuss is about' lol
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
PS my cinema poster from PoP arrived and I have it framed and in pride of place up my stairs !!
Good morning everyone - and a special morning to Carol. I hope the rain's gone by now.
Morning Alejandra :D
I love that No 5 Lady Ekster! I've not seen anything yet about last night - although to be honest I've been rather distracted by a delivery in the post!
Hi Monica! It would be amazing to see a cover like that with Jake and Anne.
Hey Just Fan! I can't wait for all the LAOD pics. Soon we'll have some, I hope.
Morning Claire! Your poster sounds amazing. I hope your hubby enjoys the film :)
PoP has arrived so I don't anticipate moving too much this weekend. Have a good day everyone!
I hope Carol has a wonderful, memorable wedding day. PoP again, I can't wait for my copy but it looks like I'll have to :( Therefore, will live vicariously through you all until I get my own.
Not heard very much at all about the SUTC telethon, other countries got it but we didn't. I suppose BB took over the whole night. Well done Brian.
Loved seeing Jake on the SUTC promo, he's so serene in this and does that little shrug when he's talking about personal things, almost as if he has to shake the information out of himself. I try to stay away from him but maybe I should give in?
Oh and WDW, you're totally forgiven for being in absentia for a while. I can imagine you've also got the lego out :DD
Hi Sheba! There's not much going on about the telethon but I hope it raised lots. Can it be? Has BBrother FINALLY ended in the UK??? Now that's worth a big celebration.
I love that little shrug too - Jake is so modest and unassuming. It's lovely. How can you possibly resist? :D
I'm now settling down with PoP! I've been building up to it :D
Also been writing about Tamara Drewe and Gemma Arterton on MovieBrit if anyone's interested :D It was such a fun movie but not quite as I expected...
Now to see Gemma in her other carnation!
Jake wasn't on the telethon, but I was star watching nonetheless. I wonder how much money was made because of the telethon?
So the prince is in your hot hands, WDW? I wonder if we'll be hearing from you the whole weekend :P
I requested that the prince make an appearance for my birthday next month. That is the only thing I really want (when you have him what else do you need?)
good luck to Carol on her big day :D a happy, healthy wonderful future is what I wish your you and your husband.
Carol - all the best for you on the new way of your life. Enjoy your marriage!
I had my POP DVD on Friday. The same day
I watched extras and yesterday - a movie. It's good to meet Dastan and his world again. I have seen this movie six times already and is still great to watch it!
Combination of eastern music(I like the music from the beginning and when bad Assassins show up), decorations, ancient clothes, British accent, good actors (each one of them) and finally our cute couple Dastan and Tamina is just a pleasure to watch. And Jake as Dastan is irresistible!
I was thinking about "Brokeback Mountain" this morning, not because of that article, but because Terry Jones, the Georgia pastor who had threatened to burn 200 Korans, is a Pentacostal minister. That made me think of jake's song "Water-walkin' Jesus, take me away."
(Jones ended up *not* burning those copies of the Koran.)
Last night I saw "Flipped," a film
about a little girl who moves into a suburban neighborhood and develops a huge crush on a little boy her age. We see their on-again, off-again relationship as time passes. It's really cute! Anthony Edwards plays the boy's father. Edwards was in "Zodiac" with Jake.
Hi Sweetpea - I hope you get the DVD for your birthday :)
Hi Mermon! It's a wonderful DVD isn't it?! I love the menus and the music is just fantastic. I have the soundtrack and I play parts of it every day. It cheers me up on the walk into work with my coffee :)
Hey Paul! OMG that pastor - unbelievable. Anthony Edwards is such a fine actor - as Fincher has said. If I can tear myself away from the PoP DVD I'll see Going the Distance tomorrow.
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