As Jake Gyllenhaal continues to torment us with his absence - although, rather obligingly and considerately, leaving Dastan with many of us for consolation - I thought I'd take the opportunity to do a poll. It's been a while and you'll see it to the right. After the results are in, we'll be able to tell Jake exactly what kind of role we would like him to sign on to next (whether it's before or after UMP, Damn Yankees and Born to Run). To help you make up your mind on this very important question, here's a look at Jake as he whips through the genres for your delectation.

1. RomCom

2. Horror

3. SciFi

4. Action

5. Weepie

6. Comedy

7. Whodunnit

8. Western

9. Drama

10. Musical

11. Film noir

12. Cartoon

13. Biopic

14. Historical

15. War

16. Other
How about another disaster movie or what about a certain agent working for Her Majesty's Secret Service?

Over to you.
Includes pictures from
wow what a mishmosh of choices.
of course I loved him in a western type movie. We'll get our first look at a romcom with LAOD.
How about a comedy and musical?
what is UMP? I drew a blank.
WDW, thank you for entertaining us in this time without fresh news from Jake.
I like a picture from Vogue - with a model I guess. If there are more somewhere, let us know. I would like to see them.
That's a lot of fun choosing next genre of movies for Jake. I choose historical movie - he would look great in costume from the past. As a musketeer for example.
Whodunnit - Jake as detective, solving a mystery of murder - great!
A drama, comedy and adventure movie with Jake - always!
And some weepie. Oh! A kind of BBM, some touching story. I would love to weep looking at Jake.
Have a good weekend everybody and rest well.
Hi Sweetpea! I know, so many choices, and there could have been more but the poor blog wont stretch that far :D And the genres can be combined. UMP is Doug Liman's Unnamed Moon Project, we've talked about it a bit over the years. And I still want it!
Thanks Mermon! The Vogue pictures are amazing. You can find more on IHJ and there are more scattered through WDW. Historical would be wonderful - I can see him in the musketeer costume too. But yes, I'd like weepies and all those other things too.
So far the vote is telling Jake to brush up on his history, tights and billowing white shirt :D
WDW! Polls like this one are hard for me! I generally need an "All of the above" choice...
Recently I asked my best friend, who's also a Gyllenhaalic, to make a Top 3 of Jake's films... just to watch her suffer. :-) I gave it a try myself and... with all the categories and subcategories I used as excuses, I declared all of Jake's movies my absolute favourites. You could call that "cheating", I know.
I wish I knew what Jake would like to do next. What his current dream film is. In any case, I wish him all the luck in this world to make his every dream come true.
Right now, tho (and to prove I keep trying to make up my mind for once) I'd go with "musical". Cause I'd love to see him guest starring in an episode of Glee. :-)
Hope you're feeling better, Kate. And hope everybody's weekend is full of joy.
Hello WDW and everyone
Oh this was fun! I voted for the historical as it is not a genre he has done before (except PoP maybe).
I would love to see him in eighteenth or nineteenth century costumes. I know it's a bit shallow! But he would be interesting playing a character from these periods.
I like that, Alejandra! IT's so hard having to choose between Jake's films. I have three which are possible top favourites but then when I think deeply it comes down to two and then the one but then I still feel guilt for the others!
And definitely what Jake wants to do counts as my first choice. But until we know, musical sounds good!
Thanks - I'm getting better. A way to go yet I think, though. I need some hot sunshine :)
I;m so glad you enjoyed it, Tui! I love hearing what everyne thinks and historical seems to have grabbed people - and that will lead to another poll, I'm sure :D 18th or 19th is good!
Definitely musical and/or animation, I feel like Jake has already done or is too good for the other choices, but anything with him is a slice of Heaven. Us Gyllenhaalics have gotten a taste of his singing: and heard him as a voice over: I'd really love to see him bring those qualities into the big screen! I'm stuck between wanting or not wanting Jake in a weepie move but I don't really care as long as I get my dose of Gyllenhaal!
Georgie - thank you for the link to "The Man Who Walked Between The Towers" tale. It's a good story and Jake as narrator is just great. His voice fits the story wonderfully. I can easily imagine him as a daddy telling bedtime stories to his children.
And the song sung by Jake is smashing! :)
thanks mermon! and no problem! and yes, the idea of Jake as a daddy telling bedtime stories is VERY squee-worthy! ^.^
Jake would make a wonderful 007 but as an American, I think that role should be kept British. I do see Jake as Daniel's American counterpart in a 007 movie though.
17 September 2010 23:52
that was me, it took my name off.
I love polls! Since I'm still high on Moroccan tea and the bubbly pipe I may have accidentally ticked all of them apart from horror. Ups. ;-) There's no such thing as too much Jake.
I laughed my lungs out at those pictures. What a fab choice for each of the categories. :-D And yes, for heaven's sake YES at Jake Bond... *faints*
Off to bed with Dastan now - oh that sounds so good.
@LadyEkster yes, yes it does! :D
I want him to portray either Montgomery Cliff or Kurt Cobain. He reminds me of them both, Montgomery because of his once in a generation looks and Kurt because his vulnerability. I could totally see Jake with blonde hair and strumming a guitar.
I think Jake fans should start a write in campaign for a POP sequel. Gamers seem to praise this movie for its loyal protrayal of the video game. The movie reviewers here in America do not have a clue. They look down on video game adapations unless it Jolie and thats because most movie reviewers are male and think with their penis. Everyone I know that has seen this movie loved it. Disney did a loudsy job of promoting it by picking the wrong scenes to preview, wrong shows for Jake to promote the movie and couldn't decide what audience to target. It should have been everyone, even the poster itself promoted the date instead of the movie title. They should have shown scenes of the young orphan who became a prince. And it didnt help to delay the movie either. Disney sucks. Sorry WDW. If I knew how to contact Jerry B I would and say thank you and don't give up on POP.
Hi there everyone! Thanks for the comments - and the votes!
I'll be bach shortly to comment properly but I was dragged out early to go food and drink tasting and to look at pigs and goats. A hard life :) I do agree about PoP Jake Fan.
Back soon! Have a lovely day!
Waves to Meermon, Georgie, Jake Fan and Lady Ekster!
Haha, thanks Georgie. ;-)
I think Jake fans should start a write in campaign for a POP sequel.
Very much amen to that. Good idea! Now how do we do that?
Now that my head is a bit more clear (for just a couple of hours *big grin*) I think I voted for RomCom, Comedy, Weepie, Musical and Historical, with Musical as my favorite. :-)
I'm distracted by all the mesmerizing photos, I have no idea what the question was (we're supposed to vote on something?), but I'll say that my favorite is no.9 drama photo, melting here...
Oh, what would I like to see Jake in, right, that was the question?
I'd like to see him in nothing :D
But since I'm supposedly getting that in LAOD, my next pick is comedy.
Yes LAOD is supposedly a comedy as well, but I want a real comedy without any drama or tears, something like Superbad. Jake unleashing his teasing jokester side like in the interviews.
Anyway, back to the photos...
Sounds like you and Dastan are having a lot of fun, Lady Ekster! And great choices :D SciFi was my top choice with historical second. I wanna see Jake in Space and then Jake in Elizabethan costume.
The PoP opening theme has shuffled onto my iTouch :) Having a lovely day despite my naughty sinuses!
Hi Lena! Posting at the same time. So glad you like the pics! I like that one too - I took quite a bit of time choosing the pics. A very fun task! An all out comedy would be great! C'mon Nailed!
"I think Jake fans should start a write in campaign for a POP sequel."
I do agree! Let's do something about it. Any idea?
WDW, maybe you could start campaign on the net.
Jake Fan - "I could totally see Jake with blonde hair and strumming a guitar."
Hahaha, I can't imagine Jake with blond hair, but I would like to see that. I heard rumours about Robert Pattinson playing Kurt Cobein, but it was only gossip.
I think Jake's features match Kurt' face quite well.
And I heard that Jake plays guitar and we know he can sing, so ...?
ok i want him to:
1)play a villain.i don't care which type of movie it is,just that he's a really really bad guy in it.i never disliked any of Jake's characters, i really want to see how he'll pull of a villain.
2)sing.doesn't necessarily have to be a musical(actually would be better if it wasn't, i don't like musicals all that much), he could play a singer.or maybe something like Once.
3)be in a comedy.he really needs to do a comedy again.he's hilarious.i think his comedic timing is perfect.Bubble Boy is genius even though people don't see it!! :D
a period drama would also be nice.maybe Victorian?
but whatever he chooses i hope it's something he hasn't done before.
oh and DNW PoP sequel. :I
That sounds like a good idea, Mermon!
Hi there Gretchen :D I want to see Jake as a villain too. I would also love to see him in something lie Once - what an amazing film that was :)
Great to see so many votes - thanks to you all and keep 'em cominh! Back home after a marvellous day out :D
Well hopefully pictures of Jake will be coming soon. He is during an live interview with an audience in New York with LAOD's director Ed Zwick on Oct 2nd according to the New Yorker. Maybe we'll get pics of him in NYC sooner than that I hope.
OMG I've just seen a LAOD trailer on UK orange entertainment web page and it has an opening date of 31 Dec - whether or not this is true remains to be seen!!! It's a different trailer to the others we have seen too.....need to calm down now...can't think with excitment
PS my word is drugg - how appropriate!!
Hi Jake Fan! That's great, isn't it?!
Hey Claire! That is exciting - I've not seen the trailer in the UK yet. I've checked it out and here's the link - there's a link to it on this page.
It isn't a different trailer though, it's the second international trailer which is the good one. There's no date mentioned at the end and so I wonder where on earth Orange gets 31 December from (what a great date incidentally :D) as it did say 14 February on the Fox press release given to the UK media. 31 December is a Friday interestingly. We'll find out, eventually! Thanks for letting us know about that Claire!!
He needs to do a drama, mostly because that's the screenplay I'm writing. You hear that, Jake? I've got a character waiting for you!
Love it, BR! Can you write me in for a Jake snogging scene??
Oh please. Like you wouldn't have to get in line. LOL!
At the front of... :D
My eyebrows are raised...just so you know. ;)
Gosh, so hard to pick one, but right now I'll go for Musical, since we all know what a great singer and entertainer Jake is :)
Though they're not really my genres, I guess Historical and Biopic would be great too. Fact is, I love Jake so much and he is OH SO talented that I always love to see his work, how he faces (and generally succeeds) new acting challanges.
I recall how I was so sceptical about him picking PoP role, now I thank the Lord he did! :P
Hehe, I can tell, BR!
Hi HisVelvetVoice! I totally agree with you - PoP was such a surprise (although I'm one of those who just loved the idea as I'm such a fan of the original game and I love films in deserts :D) for Jake and I am so so happy he made it!! The pleasure I get from PoP - it's huge!
I'm watching it again now, actually :)
PS, didn't reply to this bit - yes, musical please!
Hi y'all,
Hope I'm not to late to vote!
I'd like to see Jake tackle a brooding film noir or a heart wrenching drama.
I'd love to see him play Fred Scully in a film adaptation of Tim Winton's "The Riders". But I guess he's still a bit too young for that role. He'd nail it though.
Fudge, according to Wikipedia (I know, not exactly the best reference...) a film adaptation of "The Riders" is currently in the works... Can't find much more info on it though.
Don't do it without considering Jake Gyllenhaal!!! Aaah!!!
There's my 5 cents worth ;-)
Evening Lemniscate! It's definitely not too late - there are another couple of days :D
ooh I don't know that book - I just looked it up on Amazon and it sounds so good. Talking of books to do with Australia, one of my favourite books is C McCullough's Morgan's Run (although it's historical).
Hope you're having a good day :)
real nice poll WDW, having hard time choosing it...
Would love to see Jake in action movie, fist fighting, maybe some kungfu???cause the action pic really build my imagination, hahaha...with a hint of comedy, would be really nice..
Waiting for the musical Jake, has Damn Yankees start shooting, more info bout Damn Yankees please..
And would love to see Jake in historical movie.
Great pics WDW, love the wet Jake, so hot, could you please give us more wet Jake??? The war pic is hilarious, the weepie pic is sexy, and the comedy pic, did he really use that bycicle, or it's a part of filming?
Ahh, another one, a certain agent working for Her Majesty's Secret Service? PERFECT!!!haha.. LIke the idea so much.
Thanks for the post WDW
Right, what is film noir?
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