Not wanting to be left out of the End of Watch exercise regime, everyone's favourite floppy-eared dog Atticus took Jake Gyllenhaal and friends out for a hike in LA's Runyon Canyon on 14 May. Speaking from personal experience, I can vouch that the Canyon is excellent for dogwalking and is also well known for runners carrying rocks.

And finally...My report from the Pirates of the Caribbean 4 press conference and premiere is now up on
Blogomatic3000. My
review of the film is also up there.
Many thanks to
IHJ for the great new pics!
"Speaking from personal experience, I can vouch that the Canyon is excellent for dogwalking and is also well known for runners carrying rocks."
WDW, were you the runner carrying rocks (if so, why?) or did you encounter runners carrying rocks? Do the rocks fall into a souvenir category (that seems a bit bizarre) or are they for flinging at other runners (that seems a bit hostile)?
Loved your report and review! One question: I thought this fourth PoC was supposed to be a prequel? It sounds more like a continuation, which is just fine with me. Prequel or sequel, as long as they've gotten back on track, I'm on board.
Good to see Atticus again! :)
Before I read the review: is it spoilerish or safe?
@Susan: I think it's a sequel, because at the end of pt3 Jack cuts out the part of the map with the 'location' of the Fountain on it. Remember that angry look on Barbossa's face? ;-)
*by the way* It took me a few seconds before I realised I had written Jake instead of Jack first. *grin*
How perfect that I came upon the last few posts on my "lunch break" and you included the links to your Pirates reports. Good timing for me - and I enjoyed them so much - thank you for sharing them here! I love all the great detail you give and the wonderful pictures. I, of course, kept thinking of you being there for PoP!
I've been loving the many photos of Jake lately - and he is just full of energy, huh? I can't wait to hear/see more about filming after all this prep time.
Well, back to work for me...see you next time!
Hi Susan! I've walked in the canyon a few times and each time I've seen joggers run with rocks in their hands or pickets. Bizarre fitness training. There must be a name for it... :D
I think POTC is a bit of both. A continuation in some ways but, as Jerry said, the start of a new set of adventures. I think any subsequent ones will be stand alones.
Yep, it's spoiler free, Lady E! It sets the scene nothing more :)
Hey there BBMISwear ;-) So glad you enjoyed the reports! It was so strange being back there after PoP and I think lessons were learned from that about how this one would go. A much better arrangement. Mind you, I was in a prime place. I'm not sure how it was for fans but hopefully Johnny gave them what they wanted. It certainly looked like it :)
Jake is full of energy! And it's good to see Atticus getting some exercise :)
Mr WDW has fixed my blackberry!! Ahem...
Have a lovely evening. After writing for over 12 hours yesterday, I'm putting my feet up :)
Hi WDW...
We've been missing Atticus lately, haven't we? Atti really does have interesting ears...
And, what's with that so uptight look, Jake? So serious..hahaha
I've enjoyed reading your post on POTC press con, I love the POTC trilogy, so excited for the new adventure... The only sad thing is that I don't know if it would make it to my local theatre, not even Source Code has arrived here :(
Thanks for the posts WDW, off to read your spoiler free POTC review!!!
Hey WDW,
it's good to see Atticus again, he must have DRAGGED poor Jake out to the canyon. Probably said to Jake you can come if you want but I'm going. So that is why he has that look on his face :D
I think I will wait to see pirates before I look at any reviews
Thanks Kate for your funny post.
I thought with "runners carrying rocks" you meant Atticus because our neighbor's dog keeps carrying rocks around, but obviously I was mistaken. Maybe it's a replacement for forgotten weights...
Thanks for the PotC preview, I think I wanna see the movie now.
Morning everyone!
Hi Serene Hill! It is good to see Atticus with his very charming ears :D I'm so glad you enjoyed the report! I hope the film does make it to your theatres - that's a real shame about Source Code :(
Hi Sweetpea
My pleasure, Mrs JG! I think they are weight replacements but you'd have thought carrying weights or water bottles would be much better than clutching at rocks...
Have a great day everyone! I think I slept for almost 12 hours last night... it's catching up with me.
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