Nothing gives me more pleasure on this site than when friends and readers get to see Jake Gyllenhaal in person as he goes about promoting his movies. I am so grateful, too, for the time that they take in sharing the story with the rest of us. Last night, Jake Gyllenhaal premiered Enemy at the Palafox Cinema in Madrid and I'm delighted to say that longtime WDW reader Eureka was there! As well as watching Jake introduce the movie, Eureka was also there for the photocall. The photos here are by Eureka - and such good ones, too. No sign of the earthquake that usually hits when I try and take photos of Jake - and the words below are also Eureka's. So, I hope you are sitting comfortably.
Eureka's report
Yesterday was such a busy and fun day for me.
Jake was back to Madrid to present Enemy the movie. From the moment I knew I would have the chance to see him live again I was really excited and looking forward to see him my secod time. Last time and my first time ever was in April 2011. See
here and on
This time I won 2 tickets to see the movie and see him presenting it. I took my sister with me. She's not a Gyllenhaal fan. But she was there to support me. And have a fun time.

I arrived really early to the cinema and there was already a queue of photographers and many girls awaiting.
Finally they let the photographers come in and I was let in after asking. Again waited inside the cinema for Jake to arrive. In them mean time some girls commented whether if Jake would come with full bear or maybe clean shaven, had he cut his hair....? Fun to hear all those comments. Others were profesional photographers and were more interested in whether he would arrive on time or not. Cause it was late in the day. Of course I didn't mind the waiting....
Then we heard the cheer outdoors and see the cameras flashes lights. And we knew he was here. When he entered the corridor first he stopped with the TV reporters and spend a good time with them answering their questions. I took some blurry photos. Awaiting for him to move down the line to the photocall spot. He was fully bearded (bad luck for me good luck for others) and with a hair bun.

When he moved there, one guy organizer warned the photographers (me :o) too) that he had some ailment in his eyes and that they should shoot for photos 3 secs and then stop and then go at it again. I think this can explain why some tweeps commented on him looking sad or tired. Nevertheless he was so charming and handsome as I remembered him. I did my best with the camera. Photo session was so short...... He wore a very nice blue suit and the brown shoes. I couldn't help but smile... Some of you reading this (Gyllenfriends) you know why...
Then I run into the cinema room where my sister had kept me a place. Both the spanish movie producer (Miguel Angel Faura) and script writer (Javier Gullón) were already in the movie theatre stage and introduced themselves. They introduced a video with Denis Villeneuve I captured. Soo funy. And right after the video there came Jake down one of the theatre aisles up the stairs to the stage.

He had really warm and thankful words for the spanish movie team and the producers. And said, as you will
see in the video, that is movie was his best work ever.
He moved on to say this was one of the strangest movies he had ever made. And I couldn't help it and yelled 'Donnie Darko' and he replied 'Yes, that one too'. Hey! he replied to me.
[Updated to add
a link to the video]
Later he said he did not know which character we would identify more with if Adam or Anthony. Perhaps Anthony was more likeable for us Spaniards and here I went again I yelled 'Yesss', and he laughed, and audience laughed. So yes basically I was the only one in the audince saying something to him. Ha,Ha. Really I felt like I was having a conversation with me. Sounds crazy, but hey. I'm a die hard fan. As many as you are. And my only occasion to interact with him, even if it was in this ackward way and he couldn't see me in the darkness of the room. It sure felt good! Now you all know my lovely voice. ;o)
I won't comment about the movie as so many of you have not had the chance yet to see it. I'll just say is worth to watch but hard to get...
Bye Jake! See you soon in Madrid again.

And I didn't want to end this chronicle without remembering a very dear Gyllenfriend, whom I miss so much and would have been so excited for me like you: Marzena AKA Mermon in the internet.
Thanks so much, Eureka, and here's to the next time!