The other videos include Jake and Naomi's lunch from last Thursday which shows that the vast majority of that time was spent on the phone and a couple of times, at least, Jake wandered off to continue his phonecalls. It's possible they weren't alone as Jake was distracted from his phone call by a pat on the shoulder by someone saying their goodbyes. Interesting how Jake leaned at one point on the car containing the photographers.
Note: I know that paparazzi videos are contentious - if readers would prefer me not to post them in future, that's fine. Let me know what you would prefer.
Edited 20 June: I'm afraid that these videos are no longer available on the Guest Archive. You now have to be registered to view them

Thanks to a DC friend for alerting me to these videos, which were available the guest archive section of Splash News.
Okay I watched the videos. *Hangs head in shame* and I find the paps so fucking creepy. The flashes going off in their faces in the night time one, which seemed to follow them right to their door. Yes, Jake kind of smirked at the questions, but they really are like vermin/lies, as Jake aptly described them.
Hi Get Real
I know what you mean - if people would prefer me not to post pap videos again, I won't. It's a difficult one. I've tended towards the view that I would rather present fellow fans with the raw data and let them make up their own minds as adults.
I would be grateful if readers could let me know their feelings on this and I'll decide.
Hi WDW -
I just saw the last one, and I must admit it did bother me, but I did watch it. You could feel Jake and his mother tense up, and they were very much apprehensive, at least that's what I felt. Maybe I'm projecting my own feelings, because I certainly wouldn't like that either, but I felt that, at least initially, they were very uncomfortable with the paps being so bold, following them right up to their doorstep, lenses clicking and a barrage of questions. I think they eventually did "grin and bear it", but I hate that they felt so uncomfortable.
I guess I'm of the mind that if there are pics and info Jake and family would like to share with fans, I'd love it, but if they feel it's just too intrusive, I can certainly live without it. :)
WDW. Thanks for the videos. My feeling about them are that I love to see Jake walking around doing normal everyday things as long as he is not being harassed by the paps. I have seen some very disturbing ones in the past where Jake was clearly insulted with rude comments that I won't even repeat. But these seem very light and he was not trying to really get away.
well, if you want a reader's opinion, here's mine.
These particular videos didn't really bother me that much. The first one was relatively non invasive..... hardly what one could characterize as unseemly "spying" on a very private moment. The 2nd one was a little more intrusive, but despite the walking backwards "message", Jake didn't seem that upset.
While I am NOT a subscriber to the "well, they are celebrities, so they are fair game" school of thought.... I also am not a fan of mindless censorship. I think you should use your own good judgment, WDW, as to which pap videos to post. I'm sure if you ran across a truly distasteful or disrespectful one, you wouldn't post it. And I would totally support that decision. Otherwise, I'm a believer in allowing your readers to decide for themselves if they want to view them. We are all adults here (aren't we?). : )
I agree with Birdie. WDW, that this is your blog and I trust your judgement on what to post. :) We are all adults here and I have the choice whether to view or not to view the videos. I was just expressing my own personal feelings on the video.
Keep doing what you are doing, WDW, love this blog!
Hi Marina and Dani
I agree, Dani, that these seem relatively harmless although I did feel uncomfortable with the third. I wouldn't have drawn attention to the third video if it had been on its own but it wasn't on its own.
Hi Birdie - I totally agree with you - I do think people should make up their own minds whether to look at videos or pictures themselves and take the responsibility for that. I don't want to decide what people should see or not see.
I agree, I'm torn between loving seeing him out and about doing everyday things, but don't like the idea of his privacy being invaded by the paps. I also have been very impressed with WDW's blog and I know that anything objectionable would not be posted. Birdie, I think that's a good idea, the reader can decide for him/herself if they don't want to view something because they find it objectionable. It's a great discussion though, how far is too far as far as paparazzi pics and info? :)
Hi Get Real - Thanks for that - it's a difficult one - I certainly don't want to offend anyone but I also don't want to pretend that videos or photographs don't exist.
It is good to have a discussion about this in such a calm manner - I know how emotive this whole issue can be and for that it scares me to death! I'd never put up anything that offended me - I am intent on avoiding any gossip for example. But photographs (and videos to a lesser extent) are out there and I'm not able to ignore them.
I was just thinking about the whole pap video/photos issue.
Maybe you could devise a rating system (I'm actually semi serious about this) to alert readers/fans to potential objectionable content. You could use symbols (smiley or frowning faces), or some other device..... I know that there potentially could be some video or photo of Jake that would really bother me to see. I have no desire to see him truly upset or hurt by some scummy pap.
Don't ever worry - your admiration and respect for Jake is very apparent. You are doing a great job. We can certainly have a rational discussion about a hot topic without it degrading into a battle I am sure. I realize that it's a bit of a trade-off for celebs - for doing what they love and to be successful at it in such a public forum, they do lose up some privacy, but I don't think it has to mean that they have none at all. Gossip comes with the territory, but I don't like it and won't participate when it gets to the point where the celebs aren't treated like the human beings that they are, and just thought of as a one-dimensional objects on a movie screen, or that somehow being rich and famous "compensates" for hurtful and disrespectful remarks and treatment. Part of admiration is respect, IMO. :)
Hi Birdie
I know that there potentially could be some video or photo of Jake that would really bother me to see. I have no desire to see him truly upset or hurt by some scummy pap.
If I saw anything like this, Birdie, rest assured you wouldn't find it on WDW. I don't want to see Jake hurt by anybody.
Thanks Marina
I agree that gossip is unfortunately part of the territory for people in the public eye such as Jake, but I just have no interest in it. It's pure speculation.
As for the photographs - Jake manages to spend most of his time avoiding them. We're all too familiar with the Jake droughts! They really are a bi-product of becoming such a big star and I don't think Jake is under any illusions about that and he does deal with it very well - like the professional that he is. It's also a fact that fans, definitely including myself, really want to see Jake out and about when they can, doing those ordinary things that we all do. I just can't deny it.
"If I saw anything like this, Birdie, rest assured you wouldn't find it on WDW. I don't want to see Jake hurt by anybody."
There is not a doubt in my mind that you would never do anything like that here. I was only trying (not too well) to clarify my earlier objection to censorship...... only wanted to say that I'm not one of those fans that wants to see literally anything and everything regarding Jake.
I agree with Marina's lovely observation that our respect should always be an integral part of our admiration!
Me either, I have to admit I love to see him getting coffee, out with Atticus, or whatever, doing real person things. I know he's said he has no idea why people want to see him doing the most mundane things, but there's just something about it! :)
And sometimes, gossip and speculation is more about the people doing all the talking, and less about the celebrity they are talking about. The celebrity became the catalyst for it somehow, some way, and the whole thing just takes on a life of its own.
I like Birdie's rating system idea too. :)
"And sometimes, gossip and speculation is more about the people doing all the talking, and less about the celebrity they are talking about. The celebrity became the catalyst for it somehow, some way, and the whole thing just takes on a life of its own."
Marina that is very insightful and sums up what this whole tabloid-gossip-speculation phenomenon is about. I think it's worth starting a healthy and mutually respectful debate about this phenomenon. I would certainly join in.
WDW I think by posting these links to Pap videos, you are actually doing a good thing because you are catalysing a process of re-thinking and change. It is all about the stand that you yourself take while posting them. As with any responsible media person, it becomes important to bring what exists to people's notice while also having one's own stand on it. We all know that your stand is ethical and respectful towards Jake and his family and towards your posters here. The way your blog draws attention to the reality and gently encourages us to examine our own ideas is at the opposite pole from a gossip-mongering tabloid using this data to titillate its reading/viewing public. Keep up the good work
I promise, this is my last post on this topic.....
I just realized there were 3 videos (duh).... totally overlooked the shopping Jake one the first time I went to the site. This one (shopping with Naomi) made me smile, only because when my mother and I run errands together on Saturdays, I find myself always walking ahead of her (just like Jake is doing). I know it's a bad thing, but my mother is such a slow walker, it's really hard to not get ahead of her. Makes me feel better that Jake was doing the same thing.
See, sometimes these pap videos can serve a useful purpose! :)
Hey WDW Babe...I was not bothered by the videos...AND..ultimately...this is your post as you feel it appropriate. love seeing Jakey anytime...but if Jake and/or his mother had seemed agitated or tried to push the papps away..then I would have been disturbed. Thanks for posting these vids for us..Michele
I know that Jake could be sometimes annoyed by the paps and I would never see him annoyed but...the fact is that I LOVE to see him moving, walking, smiling, talking, even at his cellphone touching all things around while he's deep in conversation(like everyone of us does when is on the phone, touching what is on reach, doodling on every piece of sheet that comes to be handy...)makes me feel like I'm there, with him, staring at him unnoticed, instead of miles and miles away from him!...I'm weak when it comes to Jake, really really weak...;D
So, since these video are yet on the internet, I think that it's good to post them WDW, leaving anyone to judge if watching them or not...just my two cents...:)
I agree with Xenia..I love seeing Jake doing normal things but I know that for him (and his family)this could be annoying!I don't know what you should do about the paps video..let your heart decide..
WDW- I think it's entirely up to you what you post on your blog (which I have to say I absolutely love). Personally I don't like watching the paps vids, I watched one or two a while ago and felt really uncomfortable so I don't bother anymore, but I don't think others should be prevented from doing so if they wish. I don't believe in censorship.And you, or anyone else, posting or not posting them isn't going to make any difference to the paps. I know I'm being hypocritical, cos I look at the pics that result from the vids, but I think it's up to each individual to decide what they feel comfortable with.
Hi everyone - what an interesting discussion. I'm sorry I missed most of it.
I think the general consensus is that it's up to the individual whether they look at these videos. After all, these are sometimes the source for the still photographs. If I see anything that I find offensive I'm not going to post it, I might tell you about it - as you all have the right to make up your own minds - but I won't put it up.
So I'll carry on posting what comes up and then we can all make our own decision to ignore or watch as we see fit. As a writer, I have strong feelings about censorship.
Thanks Incognita for what you say - it is interesting that behind any presentation of material, whatever it is, there should be some thought about its context and what it reveals - about Jake and his world but also about the media and fandom as a whole. And I repeat - I have no time for gossip.
Xenia - when you say this: I'm weak when it comes to Jake, really really weak...;D - believe me, you're not alone! I too want to see Jake doing all those little things that are part of real life. I know that part of me thinks that this is an intrusion but my weak, larger part knows that I'm hooked.
If Jake were just an ordinary actor, a normal human being, and merely handsome, I wouldn't be interested.
Thanks all of you for your comments :D
Hi WDW, I tried to go and view the vids, but I can't find them anymore. Do you know if they are still viewable?
thanks, I'll check back for an answer....
Hi Welliwont
I thought they'd be available for a bit longer than that but no these videos have now been taken out of the Guest Archive and put in the other archive for which you have to be a registered member. And for that you have to be a photo editor. At least they were available for a short while but sorry about that.
I'll amend the post. Thanks for letting me know.
thanks for the reply WDW, even though you didn't see fit to answer correctly. :-p hahaha, j/k!
Hi Welliwont
thanks for the reply WDW, even though you didn't see fit to answer correctly. :-p hahaha, j/k!
sorry my answer didn't satisfy, that's all I could find out :(
No worries :)
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