What an exciting evening. Having collected my Rendition gala ticket, I walked up to Yorkville and got sidetracked by a whole army of locals and visitors, paps and TV cameras, police and security, all outside the Hazleton Hotel. It wasn't long before I saw Jodie Foster and then Crash's Terrence Howard, who took some time to pose for the crowds and sign autographs, all with a ginormous bodyguard.
I was just about to give up due to jetlag but thanks to the 'Hazelton Girls' who yelled out, 'Don't go - there's Jake!', I was able to tear across the road and see him leave the side entrance of the hotel and climb into a SUV (I think) with about three other people - who they were, I couldn't tell. I then left happy, leaving the crowds to await George Clooney.
I regret I wasn't able to get a picture of Jake, I was far too busy hurling myself in front of traffic and getting into a position to see him. It was very fast. I did not appreciate the Brokeback Mountain and Heath 'jokes' that one or two in the crowd were yelling out to Jake. I don't think he heard, the vast majority of people were clapping and cheering. Here are pictures of this trendy area and of the hotel just so you get a flavour of what it's like - full of cafes and bars and litle shops as well as some big, familiar stores.
Great!!!!!! So that's the third time my girl!!
Tell us more. How did he look? What was he wearing?
Good luck for more and more and more ...
It was so fast Incognita I just didn't take much in, just saw he looked smart.
Roll on tomorrow!
Oh and beautiful :)
Will you have access to the press conferece?
How I wish... No Anon - I know where it's being held but it's unlikely I'll be able to see anything - probably best to focus on the gala.
I'm late to wish you good luck to see Jake because IT'S HAPPENED YET! :D But I'm on the right time to say you how happy I am you took the chance again to meet him and give us another thrilling experience (I hope ;)).
Finger crossed. :*
What news to start my last working day of this week! You are a lucky girl!!!
I think I will try to stay at my PC the whole afternoon and night - so much exitement.
I hope this will be a wonderful day and night for you.
And lets hope "Rendition" will live up to our expectations.
Good luck for you!
Oh Kate, thanks for sharing the news! You so lucky! Fingers crossed for today ;)
Will you be at the Gala? So that means you will see Jake for sure, doesn't it?! WOW!!!
Ah I'm so upset! IHJ isn't working on my computer here at work! :(
Anyway, good luck Kate!
I figured Jake would be spotted in Yorkville. That is the hotspot for all the celebs that visit Toronto. Another rumored hotspot during the TIFF where celebs go to shop, is at the Roots store which I think I heard is on Bloor St. there. Try and check it out for yourself WDW! That Hazleton Hotel looks incredible, and it supposedly just opened this month or last.
WDW, how awesome that you caught a glimpse of Jake leaving the Hazelton Hotel in Yorkville. I'm sure he looked amazing as always. Your second pic of the cobblestone street looks so nice. Last year at the TIFF, Heath was spotted in Yorkville if my memory serves me shopping at a baby store I believe.
WDW, don't fret too much about not getting a pic of Jake....by the sound of things, it wouldn't have been easy. Sounds like he was doing a good impression of sprinting! Of course, it figures that there had to be some hecklers with the Brokeback Mountain jokes, geesh! I hear ya WDW, I wouldn't have appreciated hearing that either. Glad to hear that hopefully Jake didn't hear it. Too bad you couldn't get to see Lust, Caution Friday night as well huh?!
Great pics! It certainly looks and sounds like its THE place to be. Lucky you indeed!! No doubt that the gala this evening will be pretty memorable. Can't wait to hear all about Rendition, and all about how Jake looked if you get to see him again. Happy Jake hunting WDW! LOL
There's a new Rendition clip! Sorry to say Jake isen't in this new clip unfortunately....Peter Sarsgaard and Alan Arkin are in this clip, having a fight about rendition.
LOL, WDW, you've outdone yourself -first in ignoring Daniel Craig at BAFTA and now ignoring George Clooney in Toronto - all for our boy Jake :) (I might have stayed to look at George).
Good luck in all your endeavours - even living vicariously at this moment is making my heart pound.
DUDE!!! You don't call, you don't write, and THIS is what I'm missing?!?!? We must meet up...
My heart too is beating like a jungle drum - ! - and OMG PG hello! I really dont understand why you guys are not courted by Jake's people and given interviews. Well one a these days!
Where's Bobbyanna and her stilletos? Watch his back, darlins, and we'll watch yours! O Im going to cry! (I guess that's what I'd do if I saw Jake - burst into tears!)
Oh, Pia, so would I -- I'd blubber like a baby. How exciting to have our very own WDW once again breathing the same air as Jake!
By the way, here is a spoiler-free look at Rendition by The Toronto Star's Geoff Pevere:
Morning everyone - I have no idea what time is is - these time zones... :)
Far too excited to sleep. Thanks so much for all your messages today - I ish you were all here too. And a welcome to newcomers Soneja and PG :)
PG - I hear you dude and I've rung you up - you're up even earlier than me... see you later!
Xenia and Carla - thank you! I'll post as soon as I get in tonight, and may try and do a little post too before.
Jantoinette - that hotel is amazing. As far as I can see things seem to have moved away from the Four Seasons. The whole are of Yorkville is great - very European with the cafes and bars. Also a Nike store close to the Roots shop. Last night people were dancing to salsa in the streets. It was so warm and beautiful. I met a film producer later for a drink and she turned out to be a Brokie too - we are everywhere.
The general consensus here is that Jake is gorgeous and everyone wants to see him - hardly a surprise :D
Thanks for the Rendition clip. I can't wait to see the film but I fear I may not be concentrating on plot due to a certain young man being in the same theatre.
I heard last night that Meryl Streep is here after all. I've not heard that anyone has seen Reese here yet.
Hey Positively Pia - it was emotional! I just walked away quickly grinning and knocked back a red wine (the most expensive glass of red wine I've ever had I might add) to toast Jake - this is a tradition begun at the Baftas and continued at Cannes.
Rapt Anouska - I thought of you, Ruby and Mouk when I toasted Jake *)
I'm becoming an expert in ignoring all other stars. However, I may see if I can see Brad on the red carpet on Saturday night - only because I suspect Jake will be on his way out of town by then ;)
Hey Beckela - you snuck in there! Thanks very much and for the article link. Dep breathes!
Yay WDW!! So pleased that you saw Jake! I almost squealed with excitement myself when I read it, I can't imagine how excitimg it must have been to experience for real. But please be careful, hun. All that dashing between traffic sounds rather dangerous! Fingers crossed for you tonight:)
In other news, IHJ have pics of Jake arriving at the airport - swoon alert!!
I've got butterflies in my stomach for you already,WDW,so you must be going into adrenaline overload about now!
I'm SO pleased for you that you got a glimpse of Jake,however fleeting. Good job you've been a sprinter in your time or you might have missed him :-D But no more jay-walking my girl,do ya hear?!
Mind you,my friend's girlfriend and her companion,the two I told you about who were hanging around the "Dark Knight" set and got recruited as extras,they ran across the road in Chicago as some traffic lights turned green and nearly got run over by a huge chauffeur-driven car...and a wryly smiling Heath wagged his finger at them through the window from the back seat. I suppose if you've got to be run over by someone,you couldn't do better than Jake or Heath.
How original,Brokeback Mountain "jokes" from the hecklers, the only saving grace being that you don't think Jake heard. Hopefully, it would be water off a duck's back now if he did hear anything so asinine and predictable.
Yorkville looks lovely and the Hazelton a very swanky joint. Would I like to be the lady sent up to give Jake some room service ;-) !!!
I'm hoping and praying that tonight goes better for you than in your wildest dreams! With you in spirit,hon!
OMG WDW!! You've got me jumping around my living room and bouncing out of my chair. You got a glimpse of him...OMG!! He all ways looks smart and handsome and gggorgeous:) Have fun.
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