Saturday 1 September 2007

Maggie's an Agent Provocateur and Jake's ride for a good cause

Today is 1st September which means that today is Maggie's first day as the representative of Agent Provocateur, and we get our first glimpse of her in her frillies. These pictures were taken just six months after she gave birth to her daughter Ramona, which is quite some tribute to the Gyllenhaal metabolism. I do think I would prefer to see Maggie in the news for her undoubted acting skills rather than for her charms as a model of lingerie. When in Cannes, my hotel was adorned with posters of George Clooney advertising coffee - should we see Jake go down this line, I wonder what product it would be...

But here's Maggie and there are more pictures here.

Ride for the Roses 2006

Last summer we were treated to months of Jake riding around LA and Malibu on his personalised bicycle with Lance Armstrong and sometimes with someone else who rarely wears a shirt. This culminated in a private eight-mile Ride for Roses in 2006, when Jake cycled alongside Lance, in Lance's hometown of Austin, Texas, in a charity ride to raise money and promote understanding in cancer.

Today an article appeared in which one of the young riders from last year's event, Jimmy Fowkes, a survivor of brain cancer, recalls his experiences cycling for the LiveStrong Foundation, for which he has raised thousands of dollars. Jimmy is now keen to participate in the 2007 event, for which he must first raise $30,000 in order to enter. Jimmy could do with some immediate help to reach his target, so if you would like to contribute please visit Jimmy's donation page. Jimmy is pictured here with Jake and Lance.

At the event last year, there was a Saturday banquet, during which Lance gave a talk and Jake sat enraptured - this is one of my special favourites and here it is untagged (click on it and it shall be bigger).

Pictures from Webshots and Kreutz Photography.


Anonymous said...

Hey WDW...thanks for the pics of Mags in her undies...she looks great...I did too after my first was the second one that killed my girlish figure..LOLOL!! love love our boy in the spandex. I have a feeling Jake does a lot more for charities that we do not know about. The photo of him at the banquet is a fave of mine too...just want to add an overall thanks to you for maintaining a site that always has something fabulous to read and contemplate..I do not always comment..but I am a loyal reader...Michele

Cherita said...

I think Maggie looks gorgeous in the second two shots. Her expression is a little iffy in the first one, but of course her body is fantastic. I don't know why people (like the commenters on that blog) feel the need to say negative things about her, other than jealousy. I don't know enough about her to have an opinion on her personality, but the reactions to her every time I read some comments would suggest that she doesn't quite have the universal and undeniable charm of her brother. People seem to be much more judgmental of women when it comes to personality and public behavior.

Anyway, the more I read of her and see her, the more I like her. Screw those other people.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Michele - thanks so much for your comment. I've never had a child but I seem to have missed having that figure ;) That's such a lovely pic of Jake, isn't it?

Thanks, Michele. I appreciate that and I always love to see you here.

Hey Cherita - I'm just appalled at some of the comments I've read about Maggie today - just horrendous. I agree that Maggie has a far harder time of it than Jake - and, yes, actresses and women have a tougher time of it. Good for Maggie for seeming to be so strong. She's also quite a beauty.

Thanks for that comment - it needed saying.

Anonymous said...


I also think Maggie looks beautiful "in her frillies" as you say. Very tasteful and 40s film star glam, especially the last one. Part of that look is her hairstyle, with the low side part. I can't imagine why people would feel the need to say something negative, they are very glamorous pictures. I hope she follows her brother's advice and only listens to encouraging comments (didn't he say something like that in an interview, WDW?)

That pic of Jake at the LiveStrong Foundation banquet is one of my faves too (the eyelashes!), and I love hearing about his involvements in issues he finds important, such as this charity. Love the adorable pics with Jimmy Fowkes too. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I was interested, WDW, that jake's papa's reading created such a buzz but that Naomi's evening in Chilmark on the 29th did not wonder if jake was there? I miss him so much!

Anonymous said...

"Enraptured Jake" ! - I pray so hard that Jake may remain enraptured but do understand that is our own task.

O whut a hard world! (so it seems, sometimes!)

Anonymous said...

I don't know Pia, I wonder if there's any mention of it on the Film Festival website? I had wanted to go to the lecture, but, alas, real life had other plans for me. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow,Maggie looks fantastic- good for her! I haven't read any comments that you mention, but I've read stuff elsewhere in the past that's been really nasty, so I can imagine what you mean. Most of it seems to be slagging off her looks, which is just plain nasty. If you don't find someone attractive, fair enough, but why waste time and energy even talking about it? It's not like Maggie earns a living from looking pretty anyway,like some so-called stars. Maggie has plenty of talent to back up her fame, and I for one think she's a great role model.
Having said that, I don't generally like the idea of celebrity advertising, especially when the celeb in question is actually talented and doesn't really need the money. I was disappointed with George Clooney doing the Nescafe ads, cos they've been associtaed with stories of very un-fair trade policies in Africa. So I hope Jake doesn't go down that road, although he would be an advertising campaign dream! Those blue eyes could sell sand in the desert!!!
I wouldn't mind seeing him doing a modelling campaign like Maggie though (arguably he already does that for Nike and Spandex;) Btw, that's 3 spnadex posts in a row, WDW! Not that I'm counting;D)
Jake as the new,er... face of Calvin Klein, anyone? I vote Yes please!! As long as he doesn't wax his chest like my old crush Freddie Ljungberg!

Anonymous said...

Pia, that's a perfect description Jake in the banquet picture - enraptured! Something about the lighting, and his beautiful expression.

Twisted, I second that emotion on the Calvin Klein modeling - he's a killah in spandex, and he would be also on a billboard in his skivvies, just as he is, with his beautiful chest hair. And in black and white please, like a beautiful Herb Ritz photo. :)

Anonymous said...

^^sorry, that should be "Herb Ritts". :)

Anonymous said...

Jake's already done quote a bit of "modeling" or whatever you call it - the GQ inteview noted everthing he wore - I dont have a problem with this - I become MUSH seeing him in great outfits. I dunno - we're all in so deep - on the other hand, I've always loved "style" and interesting clothes -

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi everyone - Sorry, I've ben distracted - by Swoff no less. I'm enjoying Jarhead right now 9just had the shower scene...).

Hi Marina - yes, Jake said, only list to those who support you Good advice. Why bother with those who want to knock you back?

Hi Pia - I've been trying to find out about Naomi's talk and there's just nothing. I think we can take from that, that Jake wsn't there, but I'd like to hear about her talk.

Twisted Logic - like you, I think Jake would be an advertiser's dream but I really hope he doesn't go down that path. But I do like the idea of seeing him in huge, glamorous, beautiful billboards! I can see Jake and Nike.

I realised afterwards, that this was the third post with Spandex - I hope I'm forgiven ;)

Marina I love the sound of Jake on a billboard in his skivvies... :D

Now what is Swoff up to now...?

Wet Dark and Wild said...

positively pia - it;s the santa hat scene in jarhead now so I may sound... a bit.... distracted...(better rewind it).

What was I saying? Oh yes. The adverts that Jake's done as part of interviews seem different somehow. And I think that's because, as you say, we love to see Jake in interesting clothes and we love his style (I'm trying not to think of the cardigans ;) )

Anonymous said...

I agree, Pia, I love seeing celebs in fabulous outfits, remember Jake during the Zodiac promotion and those gorgeous suits, ties and shirts? I wonder what he'll wear for the Rendition promotion? As WDW would say, "the mind boggles" just thinking about it! ;) It's fun to see them casual tho too.

WDW, we don't mind the Spandex pics a bit - it's just like with Brokeback, never enough! ;)

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that Jake's competitive streak comes out when he sees Maggi's pics and he decides to get a modelling contract too. Although I can just imagine some killjoy jobsworth banning a billboard campaign on Health and Safety grounds, on account of people crashing their cars and collapsing in the street when faced with a larger than life semi naked Jake gazing down at them. I'm feeling faint just thinking about it.
WDW, of course you're forgiven for making me look at pics of Jake in spandx for the last 3 days;) It's tough, but I love your site, so it's worth it;)

Anonymous said...

You are off the wll, WDW - I understand why -

Im going to bed!

G'nite, lovlies!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Oh Marina - Jake wore some fabulous outfits for the Zodiac promotion. And for Rendition? My mind is definitely boggling :D

Twisted Logic - I'd not thought about that - you're driving along and then suddenly you come across a huge billboard of Jake modelling undies - well, you couldn't be held responsible for the aftermath...

Thank you both for your sacrifice in looking at Jake in cycling attire ;) It' a tough job but...

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Night Pia *)

Anonymous said...

one last word before I hit the sack . . .

twisted logoc = haha! - I cant imagine dealing with a supersize Jake while driving! get emiff mojo from the Vanity Fair portrait on my fridge - amy more might do me in!

Anonymous said...

I think Jake on a billboard would definitely be worth the risk to life and limb. They could just put up warning signs with "Caution! Mega sized Jake Gyllenhaal ahead!" so we'd be prepared. And to assist people actually wandering around town for hours looking for the billboards. Not that I would be so sad as to do that, of course ;)

Anyway,I'm off for quick fix of Jarhead Jake before I go to bed! Goodnight everyone xx.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Night Twisted Logic - Enjoy Jarhead Jake - it's just finishing here for me - thoroughly enjoyed it. So off to bed for me - G'night *)

Anonymous said...

Jake and Reece have cancelled all one to one interviews for Rendition. Its a pity but probably best.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks for the link Anon. Well if it's true it's a shame but I can understand why - I think both would want to keep the focus very much on the film. But at least this confirms they are going to Toronto despite the hoopla (another Jake word ;) )

Anonymous said...

Thank you WDW for linking to "Ride of a Lifetime" on Jimmy Fowkes and for posting my favorite picture from that event of Jake with Jimmy. I love the concerned expression on Jake's beautiful face, the nurturing body language and the response in Jimmy. After reading the piece I've been sitting in silent contemplation thinking of these words spoken by such a young person
“I wouldn't trade the last seven months for anything because of how cancer has shaped me as a person” and
“My real fight ... is just beginning. I am committed to ‘paying it forward’ and giving back to others who are fighting cancer just like I am”

Nobody should miss out on that article.

Anonymous said...

That's really disappointing about the no-interviews thing. Half the fun of looking forward to Rendition is wondering what pearls of wisdom, wit, or downright weirdness Jake is going to come out with in his interviews. Surely he could just refuse to be asked personal questions, I don't see why he has to cancel the interviews altogetker. Most of his real fans don't even care about his private life anyway.*sigh* I know Jake doesn't owe us anything, but I can't help feeling disappointed about this.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Incognita, any survivor of cancer or cancer's toll on life, is bound to be moved by the activism of young and old. Jake's friend Chris lost his mother, recently, and Jake also lost an uncle to cancer.

I am disappointed that Jake and Reese have cancelled one on one interviews. Times like these I wish "I knew how to quit him" - my emotional involvement in J's life and times does occasionally get out of hand! Must discuss this with my shrink! (I'd rather not)

It was WDW who described Jake's expression as "enraptured" - dont want to take the credit for that! so perfect a description, and also for my own feeling for Jake.

A beautiful long weekend in western massachusetts, usa!

Anonymous said...

Hello all,

Incognita what a great post - I love those pictures of Jimmy and Jake too, the one where Jake is writing something on Jimmy's back is adorable, and what a great comment from Jimmy. I'll be sure to read the article "Ride of a Lifetime". Thanks WDW for the link.

Sorry WDW - I should have given you the credit for coming up with the perfect description for "Enraptured Jake". All hail WDW! :*

Enjoy the beautiful long weekend in Western Mass, Pia, it's nice over here on the other side too! :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi everyone - another day working - thanks for commenting :)

Thanks so much Incognita for drawing attention to the article. Such a great story and I'm glad Jake's been involved in this cause.

Hi Twisted Logic - I know it's very disappointing and I don't understand the reasoning for it as I doubt the studios care much about anything other than the main stars plugging their film. Let's wait and see what happens. I'm not giving up hope of an interview yet.

Thanks Positively Pia and Marina :D

And to all Americans have a great holiday Monday which, like our's in the UK last Monday, I hope will be dedicated to Jaking ;)

KeepCalm+CarryOn said...

Finally got here to catch up on yesterday's post (was out partying last night,a rarity for me and, unexpectedly,I enjoyed it!).

What a lovely post and fabulous comments went up in my absence! To take things in order, Maggie's "Agent Provocateur" shots. Wow, no wonder Peter Sarsgaard seems a very happy man! I'm somewhat envious of a girl who looks this gorgeous so soon after giving birth, as I have an hour-glass figure but most of the sand has run to the bottom! :-(
Maggie has that innate knack of looking beautiful and sexy without looking a strumpet.

She may well be making mega-bucks from this and I'm sure Jake could name his price to an advertising agency, but I suspect that in realising how priveleged they are, the siblings use their earning power, in part,to contribute to causes they are passionate about.

A cause I'm passionate about is Jake on a billboard in his would make the traffic chaos caused by Eva Herzigova's "Hello boys" campaign for Wonderbra pale in comparison!

As for forgetting the cardigans,WDW,so help me I LOVE Jake in his various cardies, there's something about him sporting a scarf too that has me all a-quiver. A definite knock-out in knitwear for my money ;-)

I read the article about Jimmy Fowkes and like Incognita I marvelled at the maturity, the philosophical attitude, the courage and the determination to "pay it forward" of such a young boy. Next time I'm getting myself in a stew about something comparatively trivial I shall try to think of Jimmy and get a grip!

Good for Lance, Jake and everyone else involved in the Livestrong campaign for giving their time,fund-raising efforts and encouragement to people like Jimmy. Jake has such a glow about him in those photos from last Summer and I'm sure some of it derived from being involved in such a life-affirming project,the feeling of doing something useful and making a difference to people with a much harder mountain to climb than any he had encountered on his cycling sorties with Lance and co.

And how come until now I'd managed to miss that gorgeous photo of Jake listening to Lance's speech??!! Thank you so much for posting it,WDW, it's so beautiful I actually gasped on first sight of it. I've looked at it many times since and yes,it really is that stunning!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good to see you Nadine - glad you enjoyed the partying :) And thanks for liking the post.

I agree, Maggie is very sexy and appealing to all I think. She's beautiful but she also seems real. I can see Jake modelling the jeans too - hmmm :) Not so sure about the cardies though!

Those photos from Texas last October are absolutely wonderful and I love Lance for bringing so much joy to Jake. Those smiles on Jake's face! I think Jake must have felt inspired next to Jimmy and the other people he met that day. And that photo is unbelievable, isn't it? Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Guys, there will still be lots of press Jake will do for Rendition when it comes out in October. I am sure he will do interviews and the talk shows. The stuff in Toronto will be the press conference. Personally I understand why Jake is doing this because he wants it to be about the movie. It may have been the studios decision not Jake's. I mean it is a big deal for your movies main actors to do press. If Jake and Reese aren't doing one on one interviews it must be for a reason.

And again I just love coming to this blog and seeing WDW's very intelligent and thoughtful posts and all the commenters intelligent and thoughtful comments!

Anonymous said...

Maggie looks fantastic.

I would like Jake to do ads for Calvins.


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Get Real - thanks for commenting and I sure hope you're right about the interviews. I'm defnitely ready for another Conan!I imagine that all of this is the studio's decision anyway and Jake is probably obliged to do the circuit. e always looks like he's enjoying it.

Hey Shallow Anouska - Maggie does look lovely. Calvin's... a good thought for a Monday :)