Brothers getting underway
Thanks to IHJ, we now have more photos of Jake's meeting with Jim Sheridan, the director of Brothers, in LA yesterday. As was pointed out by Jantoinette in the comments to a previous thread, a poster at IMDb has said that at least part of the film will be shot at 'The College of Santa Fe in New Mexico. They start on Monday and they're there for 18 weeks.' That sounds like a long shoot to me. The Monday referred to is last Monday when obviously Jake wasn't there and, judging from these photos, neither was the director but work could be underway.

The inscrutable Douglas?
An enjoyable short interview with Jake, recorded over the phone, turned up today on Indiana's Indystar media site. In addition to some very familiar comments from Jake about the character of Douglas Freeman (he must know them by rote now), Jake also comments 'People have said to me, 'All the characters you play, you can really read everything going on on your face.' I wanted to play a part where you didn't read anything, you know. Where he's almost invisible and functioned, like in apathy rather than emoting.' It's possible then that this interpretation of Douglas, and Jake's method of playing him, could be construed as a conscious reaction to Jack Twist. However, I would argue, that the manner in which Jake as Douglas averts his eyes or chews his lip or nods his head speaks louder than words. I don't think Jake is capable of not being expressive and all of his characters are graced by that.

Speaking of his career, Jake says 'Lately, it's felt like a great responsibility... It's an interesting thing, in our generation at least, to be thrust into (a position of importance). There's the line from 'Spider-Man': 'With great power comes great responsibility.'' I've just realised that, in the last few days, we've had Jake quote Shakespeare, Eminem and now Spider-Man. I wonder if this sense of responsibility, almost of a burden, was a reason for the six-month break.
Interestingly, Jake says that he aimed on having the torture scenes 'affect me as little as possible... [which] gave me perspective on the fact that it really happens.'

Jake's hope that Rendition can 'aid in a discussion that's just beginning' is mirrored in a passionate article in the Guardian, in which Peter Tatchell, urges everyone to go and see Rendition so that we will all know what is being done in our name. Ignorance should not be an excuse. I posted a link to this last night, but I don't want it to be lost.
And finally...
Thanks to a poster at IHJ, we can all enjoy this appearance of Jake and Peter Sarsgaard in InStyle magazine this week. It also provides a fun look at Jake's handwriting.

The lovely Emmy Rossum has just released an album of 'ambient pop' called Inside Out. In this interview in USA Today she gives Jake a brief mention, descibing him fondly as 'A prankster. The big brother I never had.'

Includes pictures from IHJ and InStyle.
I'm reposting this from a few posts below if you don't mind WDW. Hope to be back later this evening.....
WDW, this was a new interview to me that I stumbled upon when Jake was in Toronto:
Since I happen to notice you and some of the WDW members say where Rendition is ranking at the box office in the UK and US....thought I'd put in my own Canadian statistic that it ranked at #5 at the Canadian box office.
Hi Jantoinette - thanks for this. I think this is a great interview. I have a few things saved up for when Rome (and whatever else Jake has in store for us!) eases off and this is one of them. That sounds like a pretty respectable showing for a film on a subject matter like this. See you later!
Hi WDW that E! video was hysterical, LOL!!! When she asked him for a kiss and he asked 'where do you want it'? I would have said something different ;)Thanks again for the gems.
I'm surprised how people are responding to all the recent news. I think he's done with all the game playing in young hollywood and is ready for a mature relationship. Reese has a life outside her career and that is her children. Anyone with kids knows how grounded you need to become and that's what Jake is all about. I can totally see it working and very well. Also, anyone who's known someone or has been through a divorce knows how sticky it can get and I'm sure they waited to show committment until Reese closed that chapter. Kids are first and that's all that matters.
I'm on the lookout for the People magazine, I'll get one for you if you want or any other UK friend here, just let me know. I'm sure you'll have your own version as well.
Hey CWG I'm glad you liked the E! interview, I just love it as I saw it being done. I think I would have answered differently as well. Thanks so much for the offer of People magazine, I wouldn't say no :D
I LOVE it that Jake takes popular culture seriously, quoting Spiderman! Haha! I am SO in tune with this perspective! I find I have mixed perspectives regarding Jake dropping out of Columbia after two years. (Why did his mom let him do that?) But mostly I think it is a good thing, since although his syntax has much to be desire, his instincts are, in my view, spot on.
I used to drive my profs crazy, quoting Bob Dylan.
Ive not recovered from Rome, WDW, and I wasnt even there! How are YOU doing?
Hi Positively Pia - thanks for asking - yeah, I'm OK. It's been a bit surreal to say the least. One day you see Jake and have to deal with all the emotion of that - and seeing Rendition of course - and then you come back to all this. To be honest, I'm not over Toronto yet!
It is a fascinating look into Jake's mind to see how he mixes cultures like that, just as he mixes music and I'm sure other things. I think probably many of us here are the same. I know I am. My mind is a jumble at the best of times. As for Jake's college decision - I support it totally. Sometimes you just know that what you're doing is wrong and not for you - that there are other ways to achieve an education. My degree was useful - not for the degree itself but for the life experiences offered by living as a student in the heart of London. Jake could get that and more a thousandfold by his involvement in the film industry. I don't have too big a respect for formal education and now I fight against being considered 'academic'. As Bobbyanna said on the previous thread - life is a wonderful adventure. I would have loved to have known you at college :)
Hi again WDW,
The Italian interview was fun. And Jake, so serious with his Canadian interview answers; it's hard to realize he's only 26 years old. My del.icio.us bookmarks are bulging from your site. TY.
Could post some of the UK box office information sites later his week.
Yea, WDW - in university I had a GREAT womans "collective" that we called "Wild Geese" - one prof later admitted that all the faculty was scared to death of us! Hahah! We took no hostage, and are still great friends, going in VERY diff'rent directions! In fact I am celebrating that today! It was aMAZing!
Once again lots of goodie! Very interesting interviews from Rome. Glad to see the pics of Jake and Jim Sheridan getting ready for Brothers! I wonder if that posting on IMDb is correct though about New Mexico. Guess we will just have to wait and see.
So, Chillinwitgyllen, is there something going to be in People magazine about Jake? I know it comes out on Friday.
And continuing from the last thread, I just want to say how much I love the thoughtful, intelligent and interesting posters here. All made possible by the lovely and intelligent, WDW. (((group hug)))
what am I supposed to do? update my adobe flash or somethin? I hate this stuff. I cant access videos. I guess I gotta hunker down and figure it out. grrrrrrr!
Hey, Get Real, just to say yeah, so much appreciation for this convo and site!
I lived in New Mexico for seven months and will absolutely go OFF THE WALL if this film is based in NM. But how? It is such a diff'rent culture!
I keep thinkin' I oughtta just get in my car and return to that magical place. (it is truely magical!) Maybe I will!
Hi again Sass! The Italian interview was - oh, I have no words. That's my Roman Jake in that and I'll keep that as my souvenir. I think it is very easy to forget how young Jake is - just 26! That would be greatly appreciated if you could find out the box office info - thank you :)
Positively pia - I bet you were a formidable and entrtaining bunch. Great you were commemorating that today and are all still in touch - that's pretty rare.
Hey Get Real. I know, I'm intrigued to know how that New Mexico comment works out. People is due to contain the LAX photos of Jake and Reese. And thanks for the Group Hug. I think a lot of today has been about that. Thanks so so much for the 'lovely and intelligent' - a very pleasant change from lardbrain (take note Mr WDW) *)
I am very proud of the posters here.
Jantoinette, thank you for that access Hollywood video! Very interesting interview and the interviewer asked some very good questions and seemed to really appreciate Jake's film choices. Great stuff. ITA Jake can be very serious at times and shows another side to himself. :)
Pia, sorry you are having 'puter video problems. Hope you can resolve them quickly.
Ooh sorry you're having trouble with the vids Pia - looks like you do have to install something. I think you may have to update Flash. I would love to go to New Mexico - I nearly did some archaeology there many years ago. Another of those places with the wide open spaces I love.
I thought that was a great video Get Real and I'll do a post on it when I get the chance.
WDW New Mexico is truly amazing and magical! In my seven months there I felt as if I were on some kind of mind altering drug!
Its not part of the USA (they deny they ever agreed to be annexed), and a real trip! Can't believe they're filming in this place!
Hi Get real, from what I understand People purchased all the photos from LAX, that's wht we haven't seen them. The new People coming up will most likely have a huge story...that's what i know.
Hopefully New Mexico won't feel as isolated for Jake as Morocco Pia, I'd really like him to have a god time on this shoot. I would've thought he would with Natalie.
Hi CWG - I think it'll be the cover story. All a bit predictable really :)
WDW, you wrote 'a god time on this shoot' no bun intended right? I was in Sante Fe last winter and went skiing up there, it was a zen experience for me at 9,000 feet above sea level, something I'll never forget, that's why I noticed your typo ;) If you get there go eat at The Shed...the best Mexican food around.
A freudian slip no doubt CWG - it sounds gorgeous there :)
Hey WDW! Thanks for the links!
I didn't know purple was an unlucky colour either and I wear it quite a lot, so that explains a lot!:D
I saw a trailer for Rendition tonight at half time in the Chelsea game (they won 2-0 big deal, my boys got 7 last night!:D ) so it looks like they're hoping to build on the success (cos I think number 3 for a film of this nature and during half term could be described as success) it's had so far. With that and word of mouth I can see it doing well here.
Pia, I can't get the Access Hollywood video to play either, it keeps stopping and starting, so it might not be you cos I have the latest Flash player (as far as I know!).
Quick question:Is that InStyle pic of Jake and Peter all there is or is there more somewhere?
Hi Twisted Logic - I'm a purple fan myself so, as you say, no wonder! I did like how Jake's tie matched Reese's dress in Rome, just like his tie matched Chloe's in Cannes. Also te texture of his suit in Toronto matched Reese's dress. I'd never thought about that kind of thing before, but attending these red carpet vents shows how carefully orchestrated they are - right down to Jake's tie.
It sounds like you have Flash issues too ;)
I think Rendition is doing well here to take the No. 3 spot - especially bearing in mind it's an adult film out during a week traditionally full of children's films for the school holidays. Have a good night :)
A few hours on from seeing "Rendition" for a second time, I'm a little surprised that in the E video on the Rome red carpet that RW described it as "exciting" - not the first word I would have chosen to describe a film which I found compelling,thought-provoking,emotional,shocking,brave and fiendishly clever but just too moving and haunting to be tagged "exciting".
The subtleties of Jake's performance hit home even more so on a second viewing. It reminded me,in it's understated brilliance,of the stunning portrayal of Lady Dedlock in the BBC's "Bleak House" by Gillian Anderson. Just by the tic of a facial muscle or the clouding over of their eyes (how do they do that??!!)they confide to the audience their inner feelings and emotional turmoil while still keeping those emotions hidden from the characters with whom they interplay. You're right,WDW,Jake can speak volumes with the tiniest reaction,blink or gesture.
As Gavin Hood said,Jake had a very difficult job to do, because he had to make us,the audience, aware of what Douglas was internalising, while concealing it from the dangerous people with whom he was forced to deal - and he did it beautifully.
Once again, Omar Metwally tore me to shreds. I have to dig around for more about him and his back catalogue!
This is yet another important film of which Jake should be justifiably proud and is just crying out to be recognised with many awards,both technical and artistic. Let's hope the Awards committees are brave enough,especially those in the States where this film is obviously more contentious.
And thanks for the Access Hollywood link,Jantoinette,hats off to the interviewer for helping to bring out calm,considered answers about the film from Jake, seemingly relaxed in the presence of a genuinely interested interviewer with a sensible line of questioning. I adore funny,playful Jake,but love serious,thoughtful Jake too :-)
Hey Nadine - thanks for that. My second Rendition viewing seems similar to your's. The first time I culdn't take it in at all - not helped by being in Toronto. I enjoyed that production of Bleak House myself and I know what you mean. Jake may say that he tried to make Douglas apathetic but it was all captured by the tiniest gestures and that skill and empathy is something Jake should be proud of. I have little faith in the awards festival ahead but I truly believe Jake deserves something for his Robert and for his Douglas.
G'night all - back to work tomorrow. Sigh... :)
Lol WDW ! All I usually notice about Jake's clothes is does he look hot in them? The answer being almost always a resounding YES!!
I'm so desperate to see Rendition again, it's been literally haunting my dreams for the last few nights:(
Hope tomorrow's not too bad for you, WDW! We're all here for emotional support whenever you need it :)
Thanks Twisted Logic - I'm going to need it :\ I hope you see Rendition soon, you need to work those dreams out of your system.
Thanks WDW! I won't get to see it until next week though:( It's getting to the point where I'm dreading going to sleep cos I know I'm going to have really horrible dreams.That hasn't happened to me since I was a kid and used to dread going to bed after watching Dr Who. Trust me to dream about a film where Jake looks smoking hot with his kit off, and not actually dream about anything er...pleasant! I even watched SNIT a few times last night before bed but even that didn't help:(
Best of luck for tomorrow :)
Damn, that's bad TL - I wish you could dream of those 'other' scenes. I've had some pretty strange Jake deams myself the last few nights but fortunately they've been calming. I wish you one of those dreams tonight. See you all tomorrow *)
Aww, thanks WDW :) Hopefully my subconcious will snap out of it soon. Goodnight, and good luck for tomorrow:)
Hi WDW, thanks for the links!
You always do a wonderful job!
Ah flirty!Jake in Rome...;)
Here in Italy purple is an unlucky color in show business because in Catholic Church calendar it's the liturgical color during Lententide (the fourty days period preceding the Holy Saturday and Easter) and during the Medieval Eve all performances were banned during this period and actors had often to deal with starvation and poverty.
Hence the color purple bad luck!:)
Morning everyone :) - back at work :(
Hope you got some sleep in the end TL
Morning Xenia - thanks for the info about purple - intreesting. But I'll still keep it as one of my favourite colours.
Have a good day everyone :D
18 weeks! They had Michael Winner (of all people, has written a diet book apparently)on the radio the other day, and he was talking about how in the 1940s and 1950s, even the biggest films would take no more than 8 weeks to shoot. Back then, far fewer camera angles were used so you wouldn't have to play scenes over and over again.
Hello folks,hi WDW,hope you're rubbing the rust off ok at work. First day back's always a downer,isn't it?
I haven't been having sleeping dreams about "Rendition" but I'm having a few flashbacks SPOILERS AHEAD......,some of them,the obvious ones, being extremely pleasant,but the most insistent ones being the electrocution scene and Anwar's despairing scream in his miserable,miniscule cell. Euuughh! Not sure how to type it out,that was meant to represent a shudder. It's good that we should be haunted by it though,shows that it hits home...but maybe it's colder- hearted people than us with whom it needs to hit home the most!
Crikey,TL,if several viewings of the SNIT can't exorcise some of your "Rendtion" demons then that's serious!
Talking of "Brokeback" that's why I've signed on as "Mystified" for this post. A couple of days ago I lent my only copy of "Brokeback" (used to have two - don't ask....!)to one of the girls at work (well,she's 60 but sparky!)feeling sure that she would be just as blown away and forever devoted to it and devastated by it as I am.
When she gave it back to me yesterday, she apologised, bless her,saying it had "done nothing for her". I said there was no need to be sorry,we all have our different tastes, but I asked her to clarify exactly what she meant. For one thing she thought that the FNIT was tantamount to rape and that her over-arching reaction was that she just couldn't understand,if Jack and Ennis loved each other so much, why didn't they just be together,what was the point of them getting married etc and never living the life they really wanted.
After I'd got my chin off the floor I tried to explain that,for me,the frenzied coupling of the FNIT was nothing like rape. It was the fevered consummation of a love that had been building between them ever since they met,though each had not recognised it/denied it to varying degrees until at last the disinhibiting alcohol and Jack's finally reaching for what he knew he wanted, unleashed the need in Ennis,which he finally surrendered to completely during the SNIT and for the fleeting halcyon days that followed...
I tried to verbalise my feelings about it,that the whole agonising tragedy of the film was that,despite their great love,they couldn't be together,out of fear,circumstances,the societal attitude of the times,Ennis' upbringing and repressed personality etc etc...I could have gone on and on,but I didn't have much time to pursue it and I'm not sure I would have made any sense to her anyway.
As the poor soul had a dreadful abusive and repressive childhood herself,with which she has only come to terms comparatively recently,I thought there would be many resonances in BBM for her.
I could understand her not liking it,being bored by it,for it to be just not her type of film...but for her not to "get it", to be completely non-plussed as to what was so utterly bloody tragic about it, totally flummoxed me.
Ah well,chacun a son gout,as they say en France. I suppose for people like us,for whom seeing "Brokeback" was an exquisitely agonising emotional experience which changed our lives and will live with us forever,such impassive indifference towards it will always be unfathomable. Just goes to show the truth of the saying,it's different strokes for different folks.
And I know you kindly told me not to apologise for posting long entries,WDW,but I feel I may have abused the privelege here ;-)
Maybe it's that,at times,I can't resist the opportunity to "talk" to people who understand what it is to be so moved and mesmerised by Jack and Ennis for ever and a day....
We've definitely moved past it, but I wanted to add a tiny post script(!) I was a college drop out after my first two years, too. Later, I'd start and stop, trying to go back and finish my degree. Life intervened. I will say this. I've had an amazing, rich, eventful life. I've done some incredible things, met some extraordinary people, and I am the extremely proud mother of two extraordinary young women. My life experiences were invaluable to me when I finally did go back for the last time. The fact is, I always craved the "legitimacy" of a degree. I finally graduated two days before my youngest daughter. And it proved a lovely way to do it. I was able to bring a lot more to the experience, because I had actually lived a life first. And I think that is important. We all learn in different ways, as WDW has so aptly pointed out. I just don't think having a degree at the age of say, 22, without the commeasurate real life experience, is a true measure of anyone's intelligence. A degree at 22 proves you've finished college. It's a wonderful accomplishment. But I think of it as a tool or as a resource to use as you gain real life experience.The thing I identify with in Jake, is that he is in many ways, self taught. And he reads. It wouldn't surprise me at all, if thirty years from now, Jake was invited to teach some classes, as a guest lecturer in the same way that Martin Scorcese has done. I think Jake is always in a learning mode. He seems to have a very analytical mind. One of the things I love about him...his mind(!)
Just dropping in with a short notice,off-topic-ish heads-up to fellow Brits that one of Graham Norton's guests on his BBC 2 show,10pm tonight is none other than the fabulous Rufus Wainwright! If they're both on form it should be a scream!
(Should there be any Josh Hartnett fans out there,he is the second guest on the show).
Hi everyone :) Late back from work tonight and just put the new post up. Hope you're all doing well :) Can someone please pour me a big glass of vino?
Hi Bmg - 18 weeks does seem like an age but I suppose David Fincher would think nothing of it!
Hi Nadine It certainly was a downer... It's a real shame but some people will just never get BBM - I experienced that with people at my last job. To one girl it was just a film about 'shirtlifters' - her words. How anyone could sit through BBM and leave the cinema with nothing but smirks is completely beyond me and I'm so glad I don't live in that world. Thanks for the news on Rufus, I must see that :D
Thanks Bobbyanna for that great post. And I do love Jake's brain too - he's clearly a reader, a thinker and open to experiences.
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