Wouldn't I just know it? I put a post up with the new picture of Jake Gyllenhaal and Jim Sheridan in Los Angeles taken on Tuesday, and a moment later more pictures emerge of Jake and Reese Witherspoon in Rome. So here I go again. These are from the UK's
Sun newspaper.

The new picture below is from
This is London.

I would like to know Jake's secret - he gets away with one t-shirt while I had to wear four serious layers and still got a bright red nose.
WDW you are amazing... I dunno how you do it!! Hey I know we are here on this blog to celebrate his work but I'm just as excited about this romance thing...they are so damn cute together...the perfect couple, now that Rendition is out maybe they feel they can express themselves alittle more. I sincerely hope it works for them.
I had said, the first time I saw who was going to be in the cast for Rendition that Reese and Jake would make a good couple. They both seem to be down to earth. I think they played this well...now that the official Rendition stuff is done they don't have to field embarassing questions that take away from the film itself, and it gave them time for Reese's divorce to come through officially. The whole thing seems to have been designed to protect Reese's children as much as possible and keep their private lives private, as it should be. Although it was frustrating to deal with all the innuendo and speculation, I think it's very cute that they outed themselves as fast as they possibly could! Like the day after the press junket! Very sweet. I guess now we await official word from the publicity machine.
If I can't have him then I guess she can. But woe unto her if she breaks his heart!
I am not the mushy type, generally speaking. But that 3rd picture of Jake and Reese makes my old heart happy.
Hi CWG - I'm definitely not one for gossip but I'll post the pics when they turn up. Rome is such a beautiful city it could bring out the romantic in all of us.
Hey Em, just as long as Jake's smiling, that's all I need to know. Oh, and that he has another project lined up :)
Welcome anon - I'm glad you like the pictures :)
I know it's none of my d*** business, but these pics make me strangely happy! The personas Jake and Reese project lead me to believe they have much in common. And it does seem that Jake has always had a thing for small, skinny blonds -- and toothpicks. Oh, yes -- and older women!
Hi Beckela! The older woman thing is definitely a good thing :) I think I'd make him lose the toothpick though... What a day, what a week, off to bed, g'night!
I'm not one for gossip, but those pics look as staged as anything I've seen in a long time.
Welcome anon - thanks for commenting.
Your right WDW, Rome does bring out the best in people I've heard...and he only needs a T-shirt because remember, he is the hootest bachelor in America (the world;).
Hi, Becks! I, too am strangely, absurdly happy right now. I saw a clip of Reese on Ellen and when Ellen tried, very transparently, to get Reese to talk about Jake, Reese blushed and got all giggly like a little teenager. Very cute! She is clearly smitten. Welcome to the club, Miss Reese LOL!!!One thing. Both Reese and Jake know what it's like to work in movies from a young age. To be "in the business" and to deal with the public demands. Reese is big enough and secure enough and mature enough to handle the tidal waves that are sure to come. I hope they can ride it out, and then resume "normal " life...whatever that is. I really am happy to finally not see Jake by himself. For so long, whatever he was doing, he was by himself. Now he has someone to share with. (Sigh!) WDW. You are an angel for posting these pictures. I really appreciate it. Oh. and BTW:
Miss Laura Jean Reese Witherspoon,you take extra special care to be real sweet now,ya' here? Bcz that's a real special man. LOL!
Looking at her expression I suddenly heard the voice of Julie Andrews in my head, singing:
"For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good"
At least, I know that's what I'd be singing. :) Best wishes to them.
Very nice pics of Jake and Reese in Rome. Here's hoping that the media won't hound them too much. I had also read that they were spotted sightseeing at the Trevi Fountain on Saturday.
Got to sort of admit, its nice to know that Jake isen't like alot of the celebrities out there today....that seem to jump from relationship to relationship as often or as quickly as changing their socks, LOL. That often baffles me how some celebrities can move on to another relationship so quickly.
Both their down to earth personalities suits them well!
WDW...My romantic heart is always happy when love is around. The pictures are great. Jake and Reese look cozy, rumpled and happy. She'd better be good to him or she'll hear from this DOW PDQ:)
I like that they waited until after the divorce and movie PR tour to go public.
I'm trying, I really am, but I can't stand her for some reason. It's not the fact that she's all over Jake, as I thought (and think) than Kirsten is pretty cool, it's just...Reece. She looks like the type of girl who at school, all the teachers loved but she would be the b*tchiest bully. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. I do seem to be the only person in existence who hated 'Walk the Line'.
RENDITION THIRD AT UK BOX OFFICE! After Ratatouile and Stardust. Not bad, huh?
I don't understand -- you all are saying that you're glad they waited until after the press junket and premier to go public, but I've heard that the "walking in Rome" pictures were either taken on the 19th, or on Saturday? And the Rome Rendition deal was on the Sunday night, the 21st? When were the pictures published, on Monday? It just sounds weird, considering the timing.
bmg, I totally agree with you about Reese. And it really makes me reconsider Jake, who I thought was smarter than to be manipulated by someone like her. If I saw him right now, out on the street or somewhere, I don't think I would give him the time of day. He's a total turnoff to me now, with his denials and phoniness and PR spin. I'm sad to say that this whole thing really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
These pics are so staged! The timing is suspicious.
In Elle magazine last month, Reese said: “[My dad and uncle] taught me that in every relationship, the person least interested in maintaining it is going to dominate it, because they'll never compromise. So you have to always maintain that position of least interest, and you'll always control the relationship."
Oh yeah, good luck Jakey. Sounds like you're gonna be needing it.
Oooh I'm getting the Sun today! I said yesterday whatever makes Jake happy makes me happy too. And the pictures so far look like he is relaxed and comfortale with Reese. So I wish them well.
And now that all the Rendition promotions are over, I'm hoping Jake gets some rest in before he starts shooting his new movie..
Morning everyone :) Last day's holiday for me so good to see you all. I was well aware, I'd be insane if I didn't, that these pictures would provoke a whole range of mixed emotions and I thank everyone for their respectful comments and I hope we can all look out for each one of us. My own stance here is that I wish Jake happiness in every area of his life and I respect him. I also prefer him to be with someone than noone.
I also have to echo your opinion Bobbyanna and say I really do hope she takes care of him!
Hi Neely - in good voice today!
Hey Jantoinette - I'm adding that picture. It's strange to think I was driven past that fountain the same day.
Morning Romantic Sass - these pictures are making me want to head back to beautiful Rome. I'll have to work on Mr WDW!
Hey bmg - it's OK *) I was always such a big fan of Kirsten's. That's good news about the UK box office, isn't it. In a post earlier yesterday, before all these pictures of Jake with Jim Sheridan and with Reese, I did a post on Rendition which included a review by the Guardian, which fiercely directed everyone to see this film. It does sit easier on me to discuss that.
Hi wondering and disgusted - I respect your opinion entirely. The photos were definitely taken before the gala. I hope you can forgive Jake in time.
Anon - thanks for commenting. It would be so good if people would post with 'names', of whatever kind, to keep a human face.
Off to add the photo...
These pictures are staged. It’s a diversion tactic to concentrate the media attention on something positive (romance) and no negative (Rendition box office) and create a product to keep them as bankable movie stars. It’s so manipulated it is not even funny. Pure business strategy. I am disappointed. I miss the natural spontaneity of Jake and Kirsten.
I hope you can forgive Jake in time.
Forgive Jake for what?. What I find disgusting is some peoples comments, as if Jake has done something bad to them personally.
Sorry Anon - I misunderstood you, if you are Wondering and disgusted.
Thanks for your comment prsham - and thanks for putting a name to it :)
Morning Rosie - I'm hoping Jake's going to get straight to work!
Anon 11:13 here, no I am not wondering and disgusted, I am just disgusted by their and other peoples comments re Jake and Reese, I think they have been together for months and waited until PR for Rendition was over and Reese's divorce to be finilized. I don't remember reading ANY denial from either of them (if you know of one please let me know), on JR I think he was joking, like swimming the Atlantic to get there. Anyway this seems to have upset a lot of people and I feel sorry for them but at the end of the day they had to come public some time and its none of people's business.
Anyway I enjoy reading your blog WDW, never posted until today (as you can see not to good at expressing what I mean).
Hi Anon 11:13. Jake has personally hurt someone I know with all this, so please don't assume that its harmless. Theres a lot of lying going on that they were unaware of before.
It's sad, he's turned out to be like all the rest of Hollywood, obsessed with image and power. I'm sorry, but I'm liking him less and less, the more I'm knowing about him.
Hi Anon 11:13 - thanks for coming back and I'm so glad you enjoy the site. I'm easily muddled by anonymous commenters and can answer the wrong one :) You expressed yourself well and I appreciate you sharing your opinion here.
Hi b - thanks for your comment - I'm sorry your friend is hurt.
I tell you, if I could get you all round here for a beer tonight, I would *
Hi b, How has Jake personally hurt someone, do they know Jake and as for the lying are you sure it is not someone else lying, as I said in my previous post, neither Jake nor Reese ever denied anything, Actually I don't think they ever commented on their relationship until they started their PR for Rendition. And if you are not liking Jake anymore your loss. It just makes me sad that certain sections of Jakes fandom are so dismissive of him now.
Whats really upsetting to my friend is that trash tabloids and gossip websites turned out to be right about Jake and Reese.. so much for trusting what the real person involved is telling you, that its not true. I know it makes me think twice about anything anyone says, especially guys and especially actors. :(
O dear! I wish we COULD all sit around together and I would really like it if the Anons would not be Anons. I "vent" on another site, where I am known for behaving badly at times and called to account, now and then. But I would
love it if we could remain gracious here.
I will only say that I feel devastated and "used" at the moment; on the other hand, Im glad that I did this wierd recommitmemt ritual to Jake last week, just in case this DID happen.
Ive loved lapsing into adolescent fantasy but as Bob Dylan says ina wonderful song, if you cant take the pain dont play the game.
On the other hand, there is a true and deep appreciation of Jakes beauty and I wanna keep on loving him. Im not going away!
boo hoo hoo.
Yes, Anon 12:14, its sad that Jakes fans are dismissive of him now. But thats what happens when they lose respect, when they feel they've been manipulated by the actor and his PR machine.
WDW, home from the holy city, wave your wand and make things right!
Pining Pia - thank heavens you're not going anywhere! I'm processing myself and have found the last 24 hours or so quite an eye opener. I have to say that this is all intensified for me because I was actually in Rome at the time and I still have all that to process as well.
I'm not going anywhere either :)
Anon 12:14 - I would hasten to say that you are not speaking for all Gyllenhaalics - that is just your opinion, as all our comments here are personal opinions.
It is very important to keep the comments here as gracious as possible and I would urge anons to use names, not only to avoid confusion but also to maintain the chatting in a pub atmosphere.
WDW, home from the holy city, wave your wand and make things right! - I would love to, Pia! I think we all just have to be kind to one another, while possibly listening to some mellow sounds. My MP3 seems to have come across Santana...
when they feel they've been manipulated by the actor and his PR machine.
Whatever has Jake done to manipulate people, I think it is obvious he has been with Reese for months now (I am going by the independant sightings not the tabs) and they did not want to go public with it until now. Anon 12:47 don't you think you are being manipulated by a gossip columnist because I do not see what Jake has done that is so wrong.
Hi WDW, I have to say I'm ridiculously proud that they decided to 'come out' in Rome, they couldn't resist its charm...:)
When did these pics were taken, when you were there hangin out as well, could you imagine bumping them? :D
WDW, thank you as always for your intelligent handling of this site; as you know from our many enjoyable debates I am cynical about this pairing and, hostile anons, *everyone* is entitled to their opinion if it is a polite one - you don't have to challenge it, just let it stand, then have yours. If b is an actual insider, b deserves respect, not a challenge.
Jake said in the Sunday Telegraph that it shouldn't matter who he's dating. Clearly it *does* matter, and Jake knows this very well. I wish him and Reese well in their careers.
Interesting times, in a kind of Chinese proverb way.
PIA, we wouldn't love you if you didn't misbehave * * *
How sad that some folks are so upset about so little. I, too, don't recall either Jake or Reese's denying anything. If not speaking to rumors is "manipulation," then so be it. Their personal lives are just that -- theirs.
Hi Xenia - I did have my eyes wide open when walking round the sites that's for sure :)
Hey Anouska - I don't know where I'd be without our debates, demonstrating that it really shouldn't matter if opinions disagree; it's all about the conversation. Oh, and the vino that usually goes with it ;)
Hi Beckela - I totally agree and I hope it all settles down very soon.
WDW...I can't believe it...
trust you to have a photo I haven't seen. I still can't believe people feel betrayed because Jake and Reese didn't let us in on their private life; they didn't let us know they were dating. I'm surprised how many people took "I'm single" to mean I'm not seeing anyone, and how many people are just not happy with him, no matter what he says or does.
I just want him to be happy, he looks happy, so I'm happy. They look really cute together and make me think about my early romantic dating days with Mr. sass:)
Two things. First, I've always been under the impression that the tabloids were clueless about this realtionship.They made things up to appear to be "on top" of the gossip. But they weren't and never were. If there is any "lesson" to be learned from this, I would think it would be that ppl shouldn't put much too much stock at all in what tabloids "report." I have put more faith in independent bloggers who have nothing to gain. I don't feel at all manipulated. Second, I read somewhere that the quote about the person "least interested in a relationship" never came out of Reese's mouth. It was something Terrence Howard said about his father and his uncle giving him advice,in some random article. How it got placed into Reese's mouth I will never know. Just like they are claiming Reese denied something a few days ago. All Reese said was that Jake was "kind generous and funny." She also said at another time she'd "known him for years thru other friends." She never denied the relationship. Jake IS single. He never denied his relationship. In fact, he told that one UK interviewer he wanted to be able to answer questions honestly. So he wouldn't answer that question at all. I think people including myself, have very selective memories...and we see and read and hear what we want to. It reminds me of that old Japanese movie/fable,Rashomon, with it's various "versions" of the truth. Point is, they are dating. They seem happy and comfortable. I want Jake to be happy. I want him to be with someone who is good to him and really appreciates him.I hope they will be OK. Jake has already given me all I can ever hope for from him...and that is more than enough for me. He is still my Beautiful Jake. He has really grown up a lot these past three years.
I feel like Jake's an old friend that finally found love (although I think it's been happening for awhile now) and I have to say I'm so excited...my best to both of them, just tooo cute for words.
I'm just going to wait and see how things go with this one. I want to see Jake happy with someone who is really right for him and who really loves him back,not someone who just wants to use him as a plaything for a while then cast him aside.
RW may have very good intentions and be the ideal woman for Jake,which would be all well and good,but ,despite the fact that it's absolutley none of my business anyway, if she does break his heart I'll be the first one sticking pins in a Barbie Doll.
And now I'm off to see "Rendition" again,see everybody later...
Bobbyanna: (I had to re-post this because I spelled your name wrong the first time.)
Hear! Hear! I agree with you entirely.
I'm sorry that people feel betrayed and manipulated, especially after the Hottest Bachelor in America moniker granted him by Interview Magazine. The thing is, Jake even said that's something the Magazine did, not him. Plus he is hot and he's still a bachelor, so no lies there.
I wonder, as well, if they were asked by the Rendition Publicity people not to discuss their private lives because of the nature of the film. In fact, the film would have received loads more publicity if Jake and Reese had made their relationship public, don't you think? But not the right kind.
Finally, even if the pictures were staged, who cares? I don't see how this makes Jake shallow or greedy. Let's face it, folks, to some extent Jake is a product of the media. He has to know how to work the system, it's part of his job. Ultimately, what I judge him on is his work and my personal experience. His work - incredible. Jack Twist will always be in my heart. My personal experience - he is kind and generous when he can be.
WDW - I will say again, I love your site and I recommend it to just about everyone I know. You are doing a fine job keeping things respectful. Let's hope we can meet up next time you're at the TIFF.
Beautiful, Bobbyanna! All I can say is, "Exactly!"
Bobbyanna, I so agree. As I said in a previous thread, I have truly been disheartened by what I am reading around the net regarding Jake and this new relationship. IMO, Jake hasn't manipulated or lied to anyone. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation on his private life! People are acting has if his private life is their business and something to juge. It isn't.
Jake did a wonderful movie, BBM adn has been nothing but gay friendly/supportive. To see all this gossip and innuendo take over and rumors become "truth" is disturbing. None of us know Jake and all he owes us is good performances in movies. I wish more people were interested in Rendition than Jake/Reese. That isn't the case.
That is why I take refuge in this blog. Because it is ugly out there. :( In the end I wish Jake happiness in his life and success in his acting career.
*deep breath*
Having convinced myself over the past few days that the "other" rumours were true, to say that the pics of Jake and Reese together were a bit of a shock would be a huge understatement. However, I have to say I really don't understand why some people are feeling hurt or let down. At the end of the day, what difference does it make to any of us? It's not going to stop me enjoying Jake's performances in his films, or laughing at the things he says in his interviews, and it's certainly not going to stop me drooling over his pics.
So he's manipulated us through the media? Maybe. But honestly, how many of us can say that we've NEVER lied to anyone about something private. And we're not talking about friends, family or even work colleagues here, we're talking about complete strangers, which is what we are to Jake, however much he may love and appreciate his fans.
I was as curious as anyone about what was going on, I admit that, but know I now, it doesn't matter what I think. I don't know Jake and he doesn't know me. As a fan, all Jake "owes" me is to put in a great performance whenever I pay money to see his films and as long as he continues to do that, I'll always be a fan of his.
His private life is his own and as long as he's happy, which he certainly seems to be looking at the pics, then I'm hapy for him. And even if it all ends in tears and he gets his heart broken, well it happens to us all. That's life. But if that does happen, and if Jake's reading this, I'd just like to point out that I'm in my thirties, a single mother, and I'm short;) Not blonde, but that can be easily arranged;D
Hi Sass - glad to find a picture you hadn't seen, never an easy task :)
Bobbyanna - thank you for that marvellous comment. I agree and it's got my brain whirring. I have always been interested in the media and communication and its relation to the Jake fandom which, obviously, I care for a great deal. The whole way that the tabloids and rags have tried to cover this so-called 'on-off romance' has just been an incredible lesson in ineptitude, and a ridiculous mix of hearsay, misquotes, agendas and trying to sell products. Jake himself can be an expert of cloudying the waters when he wishes too, mostly, in my opinion, because he just doesn't want to be asked personal questions - it's his way of dealing with it without either appearing rude or giving away what he's not ready to or is unwilling to give away.
I must repeat what you say Bobbyanna as it applies to me as well. Jake has already given me all I can ever hope for from him...and that is more than enough for me. He is still my Beautiful Jake. He has really grown up a lot these past three years.
Protective Nadine - enjoy the film again. I love how protective you are of Jake :)
Thanks so much Smilesalot! I would love to meet up with you at TIFF - I'm sure we will both be there again. I loved that festival and the town. And I agree with you that on a personal level, Jake has been an incredible force for good in my life and it's been an absolute privilege to have seen him around the world this year, supporting two wonderful films.
Get Real - this comment of your's is something I wish more than anything - I wish more people were interested in Rendition than Jake/Reese. How much do I wish that were true!!
I am so glad and proud you find this place a refuge. That is what I wish.
Only because I don't want to discuss it in any other place, I'll add my 2 cents in about the "staged" comments. I honesly don't believe it for a second. To say they went public because the movie's doing bad in the box office is a serious insult to both Jake and Reese, who both have managed to stay away from those calculated moves all their carreers. They're not Heidi or Spencer, they're two of the most DECENT movie stars in the world! And honestly, if they wanted to help the movie get attention by their relationship, it would be a little bit wiser to go public BEFORE the movie's released and oh, not really emphasise in every interview that they do not have ANY SCENES TOGETHER. (sorry about the caps lock, it just infuritates me that people believe these rumours) And another thing is if it was staged, I really pity the human brain that choses to go see the movie after seeing the pictures.
and as always, thanks for the pictures WDW! I'm really happy for them both.
Hey Twisted Logic - as so often happens, we're posting at the same time! And, also as usual, you're talking sense. It really isn't our business and Jake does not have to tell us anything, particularly about matters of his heart. That's very noble and self-sacrificing of you to be there for him like that :D
Hi Littlemisslurker - good to see you again, and thanks for adding your opinion. I agree that this romance would be an odd incentive for someone to decide to see a serious film about extraordinary rendition and torture. It's just not that sort of film and possibly it has a different type of audience. I'm glad you liked the pictures :)
Looking forward to opening a bottle of wine tonight and more conversation. But will drop by to say I love the picture of Jake and Reese at Trevi Fountain. I think I'll print it out.
Until they produce their thirteenth child and tour the country as a folky family singing troupe ('The Gyllenspoon Family Band'), I'll still hold out hope that this is a temporary blip on his path to finding true love with a grumpy English art historian...
Hey Positively Pia - looking forward to sharing that wine with you. There is something about that picture. It really did make me stop and pause when I saw it.
bmg Totally OT here but - an art historian! Excellent - I studied art history for a while and it was that which originally took me to Rome all those years ago - before archaeology got me.
13 children?! Blimey. Dance troupe? What an image.
Of course WDW, I check the blog obsessively! I just neglect to comment at times, but I'm getting the hang of it :) And I agree with what you said, possibly the reason Rendition didn't do as well as we expected it would in the US is because it's such a heavy topic, and unfortunately those type of films get more DVD audience than theatre.
Also; 13 children and a folk singing troupe?! I love it.
Hey WDW! It's not often I'm told I'm talking sense but I'm not going to argue - thank you:) And I'll be buying a bottle of blonde hair dye and keeping it in the bathroom cabinet just in case;)
And LML, I couldn't agree more. The thought that anyone would think these pics would enourage people to go and see Rendition if they hadn't before is just ludicrous. That really WOULD be offensive and insulting.
OMG! "The Von Gyllenspoon Family Singers"...who have to escape with their 13 kids in the middle of the night, over the mountains into Canada, only moment before the evil gestapo arrives at the...mission...wait... I think this movie's been done! LOL!
WDW. Have I told you how much I appreciate how much YOU have done for us. I'm at a point where I think life should be a wonderful adventure, so meeting you has been very special! {{{{{WDW}}}}!
Bobbyanna - OMG! You have absolutely made my day, thank you so much. What a lovely thing to say. And you know how much I loved meeting and spending time with you and your beautiful daughter. I would love to spend another evening in the Hazelton bar having a Cosmo or a G&T with you. And I cannot agree with you more - Life is an adventure and to be grasped with both hands - if I had a mantra/motto in life, it would be that. I will treasure that comment *)
Thanks Littlemisslurker - I think you're right that Rendition will be a successful DVD is it too early to think extras?
Hey Twisted Logic - I'm imagining you blonde :)
Oh LML, you touched on an excellent point. I think it's a credit to WDW that this is one of the few places where I feel I can talk about this issue without feeling put upon or accused of being naive.
TL has is completely right. Jake fulfills his obligation to us, his fans, in every performance he does. He delivers. That's all I can ask for. I am not and should not be privy to his private life. What he chooses to reveal, or not, is up to him. Plus I think some of the caution he's shown might have something to do with the very public comments Kirsten made after they split. Good on him for keeping his cards close to his ever so vast and muscular chest.
Thanks for the pictures, saw them in The Sun Newspaper this morning.
About time Jake/Reece came out, was doing my head in a bit... but as long as Jake is happy, thats the main thing...she better take care of him! Because that is Beautiful wonderful and SEXY Jake.
Anyhow thanks for what you WDW...as i've said before always on this site, but never really comment but thought i would drop something today. But you do a really wonderful job on what you do! ohhhhhh and his new film is great. Thnx!!
Thanks so much Smilesalot - I tend to feel that here we're all in the same boat. Thanks by the way for the image you put in my head of Jake's vast and muscled chest... :P Needed that!
Cassie - thank you so much for commenting. I appreciate that very much. I'm particularly glad you enjoyed Rendition and I love your description of Jake - he is all those things indeed :D
Reece. She looks like the type of girl who at school, all the teachers loved but she would be the b*tchiest bully.
bmg, i feel like you're unfairly projecting reese's character from election to her real personality! her interviews reveal her to be nothing but a sweet, bubbly, grounded, at-times dorky, and humble young mom...
Hi Anon thanks for your opinion - BMG's entitled to her's as well :) I think Reese has come out of these recent interviews very well.
Well, I got lost in all those comments about manipulation and what have you, I don't understand what the problem is. Whether Reese and Jake are together or not, how does that affect us, his fans? I don't get it, really. Shouldn't we all be happy because he seems to be REALLY happy? I saw him when he came to New York and there's just something about him that's different, before he looked, I don't know, like he could be really funny at times but then turn all serious and make this sad faces, it really got to me, it bothered me. But when I saw him here, in NYC, not that long ago, there's just something about him that assures you he's happy. Whether is Reese or anybody else, let him be, he deserves to be with someone who appreciates him, who makes him trully happy. I don't care if he goes out with every lead actress he works with, as far as I'm concern, his private life is his, nobody else's. I don't understand how so many people feel entitled to think that they should have a say in Jake's life, in whoever he's dating or not, it's just hillarious. We are his fans but we do not own him, therefore we don't have to be the first ones to know who's he going out with. He's definitely maturing and I'm glad he's keeping everything less public this time around.
About the movie, I loved it, too bad it didn't do as expected. It's a great subject to start considering.
Thanks for your comment Anon - I have to say that I think many of the people here, including myself, would agree with you - the main points being, we don't own Jake and we want him to be happy. If Reese is the person putting the smile on his face then all hail to her :)
As for me, I would always much rather talk about the films than Jake's private life and Rendition is far better than the US box office would indicate to those making up their minds about whether to see it.
Wet Dark and Wild said...
Thanks for your comment Anon - I have to say that I think many of the people here, including myself, would agree with you - the main points being, we don't own Jake and we want him to be happy. If Reese is the person putting the smile on his face then all hail to her :)
As for me, I would always much rather talk about the films than Jake's private life and Rendition is far better than the US box office would indicate to those making up their minds about whether to see it.
25 October 2007 08:53
It's me who should thank you, for this wonderful site you have here, I keep coming back and I promise I'll register, my name is Paola and I'm crazy in love with Jake; I knew about him for a very long time, went to see his movies but for many reasons, neither of which was because of him, I have to confess that. Then, BBM came, I saw it and Jack Twist occupied a special place in my heart and he's the reason I'm sooo crazy about Jake. I love him sooo much that I just want him to be happy, even if I'm not the chosen one LOL. I had the chance to see him here, in NYC, and it will forever be a special day and I'm really excited about his proyects, I want to see him back on the big screen, meanwhile, I'll head back to the theaters to catch Rendition again, I just loved it and I'm taking every single friend I have to see it. Your blog is a true oasis because there's so much bs around. I used to frequent this site which at first I found funny but now it's kind of annoying with all the crap they talk about Jake. Anyways, I always come back to yours, so thank you.
Paola Thank you so, so much for your comment, you've made my day. I am so glad you like the site and keep coming back. Please feel free to say here whatever you want about Jake, because we all love him here and all want him to be happy. I am absolutely delighted you saw Jake in NYC - how great is that! - and good for you for spreading the word about Rendition, that's what I've been trying to do too. I love that film. Please come back and comment again. I would love to hear from you :)
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