Some excellent news is that the very influential Guardian has given Rendition a great review today in an article that reminds us, angrily, that we should not tolerate the type of behaviour revealed by this film. Peter Tatchell urges everyone to see it for what it is telling us about how our world is run:

'As a thriller, Rendition is good entertainment. But it is much more significant than a good night out at the cinema. It dramatises what has happened in real life to hundreds of families - many of them families of entirely innocent men who strayed into the wrong place at the wrong time, or who were victims of identification mix-ups. See this film. I hope it will make you angry enough to protest to your MP, and to prime minister Gordon Brown, at the way the British government is complicit with the criminality of US rendition policy.'

When Jake Gyllenhaal left London a week or so ago, he left behind some interesting interviews in the UK press - the Telegraph and the Daily Mail.
Both interviewers, not surprisingly, fell victim to an abundance of Gyllencharm and he responded with statements about everything from not thinking himself attractive (remembering - as so many of us do - what it was like to wear glasses in school as a child) to women peeing louder than men.

Jake admits that he was competitive with Maggie for a time and that he also had to compete for his parents' attention, something we've heard before. He also had to deal with periods of gloom when there was a 'bad project'. The Telegraph interviewer notes that it can't be easy to have more success than anyone else in your family, especially your parents. 'I do get taken down a lot at home. Put in my place. I'm the little brother.' I was amused to read that Jake's parents were terrified of him when he returned from the Jarhead bootcamp.
As for Rendition and what Jake thinks about America's role in this practice: 'Back off: 'I don't think audiences need to know my political beliefs to appreciate this film. Nor do they need to know who I am dating. It's not important.' Modestly, Jake tells his interviewer to 'Say I tried to torture you during the interview. Say Jake was torturing me with his boring comments.'

In the Telgraph, Jake also discusses his previous statements about how he is not afraid of homosexuality and how this has opened himself up to a level of ambiguity about his sexuality which, like it or not, has existed ever since Brokeback Mountain. 'Nothing like that has ever happened to me. I live in a different world. What I was trying to say was why leave out possibilities in my life? It wasn't meant to be provocative... It was meant as a way of saying it was important for Heath and I to have the movie exist as the movie, but also to have people know it was two straight actors playing those parts... Here are these two lonely people who find themselves through love. Love has no bounds and these two people found a connection in this massive, lonely landscape of Wyoming.'

In The Daily Mail Jake tells us that his best advice came from the pen of Eminem of all people. 'He didn't give it to me personally, but it's on one of his records and he says: 'When you're in it and you've got it, you've got to get as much s*** as you can, cos you never know when you're never going to get it again.' So who knows which track this is from as I don't recognise it? What Jake wants to give up the most is thinking too much: 'No, really. I would like to quit thinking. I tend to over-analyze things and decisions, although I end up going with my gut feeling. I was once told by a director to take a year off from thinking. That made me really laugh - and really think.'
It's not a surprise to hear Jake say that making movies is a turn on for him: 'I love being involved in the story and I love being involved in how the story moves. It's like, so hot! It's almost sexual. When it works right, it's such a turn on.'

'I think as an actor you have to be open to your emotions - that's how you tap into other characters. Besides, by being so open I've come to terms with how screwed I am!'
Jake knew he was famous because of the 'screaming girls' but he also knows that a Gyllenhaalic is no ordinary fan: 'It's sort of nice, because most of the people who come up to talk to me are pretty interesting. I pride myself on making interesting films, as opposed to the type that just draws a huge audience of teenagers, so I think they are pretty smart fans. They always have questions for me, something that hasn't been answered by the movie. They'll scream: 'What's the ending of Donnie Darco[sic]? I don't understand it!' That is so nice.'

And Jake's ideal woman: 'Well, probably just an innate quality of being comfortable. That is sort of the biggest thing. Beauty is not always bad. For me, I think it's the comfortable factor. How does she feel about herself? Is she happy? That is so powerful and sexy to me.'
The politics of making a film like this
Jake told the Telegraph that he has no intention of becoming professionally involved in politics but 'I am an active member of the Civil Liberties Union. I believe in the First Amendment. I believe the right to free speech is inalienable and that we put that freedom in jeopardy when we throw out due process with rendition. Personally, I would say extraordinary rendition is not morally ambiguous. It is wrong...'

Rendition has received support from Amnesty International, in this video Gavin Hood is interviewed by Ben Wizner, an attourney for ACLU, who represents victims of rendition. Wizner argues that the depiction of torture and the process of rendition in the film demonstrates why 'art is important'. An audience can respond viscerally to a film's drama, more than to a victim's true account of his suffering. This may be the very thing that has put some people of. It's not easy to watch but I know I've learned something.
I also learned today that Rosie Malek-Yonan, who plays Nuru El-Ibrahimi (Isabella's mother-in-law), is in real life an Assyrian activist and author, who has campaigned to have the world recognise that the Assyrian Genocide took place. This article reveals that 'on the suggestion of famed Oscar winning director, Terrence Malick, in 2006 Malek-Yonan testified on Capitol Hill about the plight of the Assyrian Christians in Iraq.'
The Rome press conference
Hopefully, more will emerge from the press conference in Rome but this ITN video has a little snippet from a very serious looking event, although the language barrier may have contributed to this impression. Unfortunately, as seems the norm, one first has to sit through 'The Gossip'.

The picture
Who would have thought that the freebie London paper Lite would have been among the first to publish pictures of Jake and Reese walking arm in arm around Rome on Saturday. Thanks to a poster at IHJ, this is what the fuss will be about. There were other photos of Jake and Reese holding hands at LAX yesterday but these have now disappeared from Just Jared and from OK! (they have been bought by People) and so are a little too toasty to post here.

And Jake wasn't the only one walking round Rome to see the sights. I warned you that the occasional ruin would turn up!
Includes pictures from IHJ and Lite.
Thanks for this WDW. The Telegraph and Mail interviews were fantastic! Two of the best I have read. I loved that Jake appreciated his fans too.
It's great that Rendition is doing well in UK too, and I see you are doing your bit to help the figures!
That was very interesting to know about the lady who acts act as Isabella's mother in law too.
And finally, Jake and Reese look really comfortable together. And I want him to be happy, so if he's happy, I'm happy...
Hi Rosie - These were amazing interviews, weren't they? The way Jake's mind can leap from subject to subject is something I've always enjoyed.
My mission is to get people into the cinema to see Rendition, just as it was for Zodiac :)
And I want him to be happy, so if he's happy, I'm happy... - Absolutely.
Hey WDW! Thanks for all the links, etc.
That interview with Gavin Hood made my blood run cold.It's bad enough watching it in the film, but when you think that this sort of thing is going on for real and bein sanctioned not just by the US Government but by our own Government, which I helped put into power...it's just awful. I'm glad that Rendtition seems to be doing well in the UK though, obviously Jake's whirlwind visit paid off:)
As for the other thing, well I can't deny I'm surprised but I can only echo Rosie's comment, if Jake's happy then I'm happy for him:)
Hey Twisted Logic! I think Jake's shown that he should come over here more often! In fact he should come over here right now...
Evening folks. Wow,what a detailed and varied post,WDW,loads of info to assimilate,thank you!
And yes,it's true,we must all surely want Jake to end up spending his life with someone who makes him truly happy.
Thanks Nadine - there is just so much to take in at the moment. What with that and watching Rendition again this evening, it's been a helluva day on top of a helluva weekend. It's good to spend some time now mulling it over with friends :)
Hey WDW! Yes,Jake should move here permanenently. I mean, we gave him a Bafta, we go to see his film (I'm hoping to go again next Thursday),what more do we have to do? Of course, I'd be willing to do ANYTHING for that man!!
Btw, I had to laugh about his comment about bathroom floors in the Mail interview! We've all had our drunken encounters with bathroom floors, I'm sure, but it's kind of reassuring to know Jake has too!:D
Hey TL - I think Jake does very well over here with us :) Oh, that bathroom comment - what an image that gave me - and some unpleasant memories! It also made me think of those pre-Oscar 2006 party photos ;)
LOL! Oh, those Oscar pics are so funny! Again, I'm so glad that similar pics of me are confined to friends and family and not plastered all over the net (as far as I know!!) I wouldn't want to be famous for all the tea in China. But I love to see Jake letting his hair down and just being human.
Thanks for reminding me of those pics. I've spent most of today feeling as if I've got a massive hangover but without the benefit of having been drunk the night before, so that's really cheered me up!
I've spent most of today feeling as if I've got a massive hangover but without the benefit of having been drunk the night before. That's just how I feel too :)
Hey WDW I walked among the ruins when poppies were in bloom. Poppies yay, ruins: ruins.
I am somewhat exhausted from culture wars on other threads, lucky you to be floating like a lotus on a pool in your memories of jake, albeit with cold nose.
gavin hood iterview was wonderful! thank you so much for finding theses goodies for us. he wonders why USAans arent up in arms. An interesting NYT columnist, Stanley Fish, points out that democracies work only when there is an educated populace. USA is big, young, violent and - well, I could go on, and on, but this is not the place.
I'm waiting for your own interview with Jake. Are you getting ready?
I've spent most of today feeling as if I've got a massive hangover but without the benefit of having been drunk the night before. That's just how I feel too :)
(((WDW))) I'm sure seeing Jake in all his glory up on the silver screen helped though;)
Hey Positively Pia - that day I spent walking among the ruins of Rome was so good for the soul. I'm already feeling the need to go back. Archaeology - and its timelessness - was my first love for such a long time, until I came across our blue-eyed boy.
It is good to see how important the film Rendition is to so many good causes. It puts some of the petty reviews in proportion. I know I love Jake but I also know that when I'm drained and shattered watching the last scenes of Rendition, that's not all due to Jake. I'm drawn to Jake because of these films he keeps on making - they speak to me.
I'm waiting for your own interview with Jake. Are you getting ready? How I wish! There is so much I want to ask.
(((WDW))) I'm sure seeing Jake in all his glory up on the silver screen helped though;) It certainly did and I thoroughly enjoyed that opening Jake scene :)
I know I love Jake but I also know that when I'm drained and shattered watching the last scenes of Rendition, that's not all due to Jake.
I feel exactly the same. as I said before, after I'd had time to digest the film, it occured to me that Jake wasn't in it all that much (at least that's how it seemed to me) but when I was watching it I didn't even think about it and there wasn't a single scene where I was wishing they would hurry up and get back to Douglas (although I was always very glad when they did!) It's just a brilliant film all round, and Jake is just a massive bonus.
Thanks WDW for the ITN video and the Daily Mail interview, this was my favorite, very thought provoking questions and Jake gave some new answers which is always exciting.
Rome looks very inviting. Thanks for the lovely pics.
I have to say I'm not really surprised about the romance. His answers reflect it perfectly, we need to pay more attention "I like older women" and "smaller women pack a pretty good punch".
I fit into both those catagories and so I'm feeling a little extra special right now ;)
People magazine obtained rights to all the pics of the hand holding and smooches so we should be seeing it next week. They're not even posting them on People.com...I can see it now...it will be the headline for sure...GYLLENSPOON CONFIRMED...mark my words.
Thanks CWG - Rome is an absolute treat. I'm grateful to Jake for getting me over there again after many years. I'm sure People can hardly believe their luck!
am somewhat exhausted from culture wars on other threads, lucky you to be floating like a lotus on a pool in your memories of jake, albeit with cold nose.
I stole the above remark from Pia; I couldn't put it better. I've long come here...this is my sanctuary.
TY WDW for everything.
Loved the Telegraph and Daily Mail interviews! Also, very powerful Gavin Hood interview. I'm really glad that this film was made, and hope that it will make some people think and question perhaps. It's unfortunate that some American's won't even give this movie a chance because of the subject matter.
WDW, this was a new interview to me that I stumbled upon when Jake was in Toronto:
Since I happen to notice you and some of the WDW members say where Rendition is ranking at the box office in the UK and US....thought I'd put in my own Canadian statistic that it ranked at #5 at the Canadian box office.
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