Jake and Peter's roles
Jake: 'I would much rather play the guy who makes the really good choice - I'd hate to be Peter's character, Peter sucks [laughter]... The irony is that most likely in reality we'd both make the opposite decision, I think. I would make the really bad choice and he would make the right one. I'm just trying to help you along, Peter.'
On being asked why anyone would want to see Rendition
Jake: 'Who wouldn't want to see a love scene between Meryl Streep and Reese Witherspoon?'

Did Jake meet with anyone who had been involved with rendition?
Jake: 'Not in person, no. Over the phone, and I never talked to anybody who I don't think would ever admit or say that they'd been involved in any type of extraordinary rendition situation. But I only talked to CIA officers for sort of... fact-checking. At least I found that when you talk to somebody with a job like that, it's usually very technical and the questions you want as an actor are a little bit more emotional but I think that that's a real key into a character anyway. And so a lot of it was actually watching movies of people who played CIA agents and officers and a couple of movies of people who've played alcoholics. The Spy Who Came In From the Cold - which is a merging of the alcoholic and the spy (literally and in the movie!) - and then also The Good Shepherd actually, which is think - just a little shout out to Matt Damon - that's a pretty incredible performance. More about less he does, the more he does. That's the kind of performance I look up to. So I just tried to copy it.' [laughter]

Jake: 'and there's my story about the guy who's approaching 40 who's struggling with all the things somebody approaching 40 struggles with.'

Rendition's perspective
Jake: 'I would like to add that I think we're pretty near-sighted when I think about time - 5 years is not that long and most of the movies that are political that we're talking about in a period of time - any movie from the 70s or a movie about a war - was made 5 or 6 years after that war either ended or it began. I think it takes people, particularly artists and everyone, journalists, always, if someone said to you 'write it now! write it now!' You need perspective, you need time for opinions to come up, or a point of view. I think this is really very quick! I think that's really important. We just get very near-sighted of that.'
The joke!
Gavin: 'Whether this movie makes 50 cents or 50 million, it matters to keep my producers in business, but they had the courage to make a film based on a decision that this story needed to be told and I want to thank them and applaud them for letting us do it.'
Jake: 'That's why Gavin's doing Wolverine next!' [much laughter]
Gavin: 'And that's why I love him!'

Douglas' decision
Jake: 'I'll put it frankly: I think that hope is dangerous and I think that practicality gets things done. I think the character asks himself the question, not 'is this the right thing or the wrong thing?' but 'does this work? or does it not work?'. And it's very simple. And I think that if he weren't an analyst, I think the decision would be very different... This was a very practical move and if there can be more characters who make practical decisions, I think that's hopefully the way modern cinema can move.'
'The reason why I say hope is a dangerous thing is because I think it takes you out of the present. And I think that this character makes a decision very much in the present moment.'
'And also I don't think the white man is the one who makes the right decision... all of these people who were inolved in this situation are the ones who led this one person who ends up holding the key that he doesn't even know he's holding.'

Jake: 'What do they say? That the elephant and the donkey and that Emily Dickinson says hope is a thing with feathers and neither an elephant or a donkey has feathers.'
Gavin: 'That's way deep.'
Jake: 'There you go - see you later... all right... goodbye!'

Thanks very much to a Wolverine fan!
Pictures from IHJ and Just Jared.
Great post WDW. I'm too tired to say much more than that tonight. Be back tomorrow. :)
See you tomorrow Ruby *) Sleep well.
Yep, the Wolverine comment had perfect timing! Looking forward to Jake's upcoming TV appearances too.
Thanks, WDW! :)
The press conference was recorded?! We can listen to it!? Where can I listen to it,WDW,spoilers and all?! Please,do tell!
I love the extracts you've printed here, but I'm going to have to bale out on you without too much more ado as well,cos I'm too jiggered to think straight...or is it the Jake-pics affecting my powers of comprehension?!!
Back tomorrow,hopefully more awake. Nighty night,Nxxx
Thanks Marina :)
Nadine - the link is in the Article I link to, just read down it's there. It lasts an hour. G'night :D
Thanks for transcribing Jake's comments, WDW - do you recommend the "huge MP3 file" (an hours worth!) for our listening pleasure?
I liked the Toronto FF press conference. Quote a bit of Gyllenspeak here - was Jake getting bored?
Im to bed early, also. iat's been one a those days.
g'nite, lovelies.
Thanks for this WDW :) I've only skimmed over it cos of spoilers, but I'm looking forward to reading it in 2 weeks and one day;) I managed to miss the chance to tape the trailer again :( I wasn't expecting it to be on in the middle of The Simpsons! (although now I think about I can see how they both might appeal to a similar audience) I was filling out a permission slip at the time for TL jr's school trip and I was so distracted by the trailer I started to write "Jake" in the bit where it says "child's name"!! I really have got it bad! Still, at least I didn't sign my name as Mrs Gyllenhaal;)
I did read the Wolverine joke though - I've been dying to know what it was all about. I can just picture Jake saying that:) No wonder everyone loves him *sigh*
Hi Lovely positvely pia - I do recommend you listening to it but only if you mind spoilers. I picked out all of Jake's comments that don't refer to the end - he talks about that a fair bit. There's hardly any Peter which is a shame, and not much Reese. But there's a great bit where Reese talks about how intimidated she was by Meryl. Also Gavin talks about how shocked he was to see all the paps on the first day of filming when Reese was filmed playing football (in Pasadena as it was cheaper than Chicago!) but how impressed he was with the way Reese dealt with that level of attention. I liked that. Also Reese says that she's known Jake a long time. But otherwise she says little. Omar and the other actors (including the torturer) talk about their roles but it's very spoilery.
So what's with the donkey and the elephant eh? It followed Gavin's discussion of judicial process. But Jake is so funny, he knows he's said something odd and he sounds like he's running away:)
I certainly didn't get the impression Jake was bored here - quite the opposite - definitely interested.
Everyone's tired! G'night *)
Hi Twisted Logic - there shouldn't be anything in what I posted that's spoilery. I left all of that out.
I had a letter yesterday which said it was from Jake Gyllenhaal! I wonder what the postman thought...
I've not caught a single trailer yet. Problem is I don't watch TV so I'm going to have to start!
Hey WDW! I know you're really good about spoilers :) It's not so much the spoilers as such, more that reading about the film makes want to see it so bad the only way I can cope is to avoid reading about it. I did read the "sweaty and shirtless" spoiler bit over at JW though, so I guess my definition of "spoiler" is pretty flexible;) One thing caught my eye in your post though: I didn't realise Doug was as old as that! Not that I'm complaining:D
I wish the postman would bring me a letter from Jake *sigh*
Btw, sorry about putting that song in your head :( If it's any consolation I can't get rid of it either now! At least it makes a change from The Kaiser Chiefs "Ruby" except I change it to "Jakey" !!
Hope you're all having sweet Jake dreams:)
Hi Twisted Logic - I was surprised when I heard Jake's comment and realised that the 40 year old thing is one of Jake's jokes - there's no way Jake or Douglas are as old as that in the film. This is his first case after all. It's Jake messing around and it does sound pretty funny (speaking as someone approaching that milestone :( )
I love the song Ruby as it reminds me every time I hear it of one of my dearest friends :D
My Jake letter was very funny and it did make me stop and think for a moment or two!
Aah! thank you for explaining that:) See what happens when people read Jake's words out of context;) To be fair, in the clips I've seen he could pass for mid-thirties. Not long now, and plenty to look forward to in the meantime:) Ok, I'm gonna go before I start singing again!!
WDW, what a great press conference! Thanks for the link. I did listen to the audio and it was fantastic. Jake does have some hilarious moments, espcially the "Wolverine" comment, lol.
Such exciting Jake news keeps coming in. Variety confirmed Natalie Portman in Brothers. Jake will be on Letterman Oct. 15th, Regis and Kelly and Conan O'Brien, Oct. 16th. :D Hope we get even more chat shows like Jon Stewart. Love Jon and he and Jake had a great chemistry.
Also, forgot to wish little Ramona a happy first birthday! :)
WDW!! TY for the press conference news. I love listening to Jake whenever he opens up about a subject; he usually speaks his mind, as does his entire family; very refreshing IMO.
Just to let you know, this week many teaser trailers, are running 24/7 on TV, especially on our entertainment news shows and on "E" TV. I've seen the teaser twice today.*Woot*
rest well and take care
"Hope we get even more chat shows like Jon Stewart. Love Jon and he and Jake had a great chemistry."
Ask and you shall recieve...:-))
Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Date: October 17, 2007
Time: 11:00 PM Eastern
Channel: Comedy Central
Thanks for the great find, WDW. Jake has just a perfect timing and a great sense of humour. I would love to see him in a dark comedy with absurd dialogues and situations - Coen Brothers would be excellent.
Seven weeks until "Rendition" starts over here.....
athertonMorning everyone - Thanks for the comments :)
Hi Get Real - so much good news - I just love all the excitement when a new film comes out. Thanks for the info about Regis!
Hey Sass Great you're getting to see teasers. I've not seen one yet. I've got to start watching some TV!
Hey Carla - so good to hear about Jon Stewart - love that show. I hope Jake's on it for a little longer this time. The 7 weeks will fly by.
Is it really a year since Ramona was born already? What a year - flown by.
Matt Damon?
Can he get any better? (Though Meryl and Reese aren't working for me, sorry Jake *).
Great find, WDW! I must decide whether to listen to the whole thing before seeing the film. Thanks for leaving out spoilers.
Can Jake get any more fascinating? Not possible -- or is it?
Meryl and Reese aren't working for me either Anouska, but it was a funny comment. One of the few he made that I actually understood! :D
I'd love to listen to the whole thing, but I'm trying to avoid spoilers, especially if he gives away the ending.
Hmm, I'm reaching that particular milestone too. I bet Jake could help me with some of the things I am struggling with. My unprecedented involvement in a famdom is surely related.:D
fwiw I'm looking forward to the Wolverine movie. I like that character. ;)
Thanks for the Jon Stewart info, Carla!! Can't wait!! :D
Hi Anouska - I'm Jake's best friend - that's some title you have there, my friend ;) Someone who may understand the elephant, donkey and feather thing....
hey Beckela - Jake continues to be more fascinating - I don't know how he manages it, but some of the things he says make me think about things in a whole new way.
(((Ruby))) - there were plenty more odd comments where these came from - and all the time you can hear Jake and the others giggling. I'd love to see some pictures. There is quite a long discussion of the end and also of twists in the plot so I'd see the film first if I were you. *)
I can't wait either Get Real - so much to look forward to.
Thanks so much for the press conference, WDW! I will have to listen again with no distractions. The first time, I was writing an e-mail. When I heard Jake's voice, my brain zoned in on him and I was kind of typing on autopilot. I'll have to check my "sent messages" to see what I wrote. *LOL*
I wasnt even sure I understood the Meryl and Reese joke - took it to be a reference to the Jake/Heath hype - no? figure the elephant/donkey/Dickenson bit, that apparently Gavin Hood didnt understand either, to be some kind of political reference, but ahem lets leave Emily out of it. Hope is dangereous? hmmmm! who's Jake been reading? (must discuss this with the darling boy at Barnes and Noble today.)
Beautiful weekend! Beautiful news of Jake - yeah, Jake, I'm willing to STAY IN THE NOW as long as you're on board.
WDW, you've done it again. Your transcription of the non-spoiler-y bits of this press conference is exactly what I was longing for yesterday--I even wrote so in my blog! I could kiss you. :-*
See what happens when people read Jake's words out of context
That was a very good point, TL, because we know it's happened before and continues to happen with him. Consequently, some casual readers of his words have come away with all sorts of misperceptions about Jake, not least of which is that he's pretty, but dumb. IMO that couldn't be further from the truth. He's so damn smart he knows exactly how to keep everyone guessing and how not to answer a question in such a way that the person asking is afraid to ask it again. ;) Every interview with him seems to further confirm that he's perfect for me. *sigh*
Thanks for the post! Having endured a periodontal appointment (ie, paying someone to stab me in the gums for 30 minutes), it put the smile back on my face.
I LOVE YOU!!!!! WDW!!!! Getting that news conference for us. How cool is that!!! Jake is a pure delight. And WDW you are so right. Anyone who thinks Jake hasn't got a brain is living on another planet. He is brilliant and creative and sweet. He's clearly won Gavin over. Let's see. Richard Kelley, Sam Mendes, David Fincher, Gavin Hood....and probably soon to be added, Jim Sheridan. Jake's got some pretty impressive "fans." LOL!
I think bcz Jake has spent so much time on movies sets, most of his life, he has no ne of the usual trepidation when he comes in to a new project. And because he is so intuitive and so really empathetic he instinctively knows how to dispel tensions on a set. I loved how Gavin said Jake is fun!
Hey everyone check out msn.com the 'Big Debate' who's a better man for Reese, bazaar.
Back much later than I intended,so much to cram in today! I've downloaded the Press Conference (thank you for unearthing it,WDW,you are a gem!!),but have only had time to listen to the first few exchanges so far. I just love the way Jake teases Peter, who seems to quite enjoy an affectionate piss-take from his baby brother-in-law.
Not sure when I'll have time to listen to the whole thing uninterrupted,at least for the next 10 days,because hubby and I now have some time off work together,which is fab,but it could curtail my Jaking to starvation proportions some days :-( (well it's our 16th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow,so I'd better make a bit of an effort for my lovely man,after all, if he'd shot me he'd be out on parole by now!)
I might decide to leave the "Rendition" conference until after the film anyway, if it's as spoiler-loaded as you say,WDW. You've pulled out the juicy bits for us and lovingly transcribed them anyway, and they certainly go to prove what a charismatic combination Jake has - a great sense of humour and fun with a ready wit,counter-balanced with a sharp mind and a sensitive heart, a man who obviously thinks deeply and cares even more so. Intoxicating!
I must echo Get Real's "Belated Happy Birthday" to Jake's beloved niece Ramona and to wish a Happy Birthday today,October 4th, to Stephen Gyllenhaal AND his younger brother Anders. Happy 50th Birthday Today, too, to Sputnik! That little satellite not only sparked off the quest for new technologies which now enables us to chat here on the Net to people all roung the world,but it was what inspired Homer Hickam and his fellow Rocket boys to,quite literally,reach great heights.
I watched "October Sky" again yesterday, in honour of this anniversary and Jake's wonderful,sweet and heart-warming portrayal of Homer in that beautiful film was such a glorious omen of the riches he is bringing to us now!
Hi everyone - I'm so glad you're all enjoying the press conference, or snippets of it, as much as I am :D
Neely - hi! I admire you for being able to multitask to the sound of Jake's voice - I'm not able to do that ;)
Hi Positively Pia - hope you had a good chat with your B&N guy! I think Jake's references show his appetite for new and old ideas - he just doesn't think in the same way as so many people do - he doesn't go with the obvious.
Cherita - thanks so much for that comment - I'm really happy I was able to provide you with what you needed. I needed it too and was so pleased to find it and share it. I know exactly what you mean about the mistaken belief some people have about Jake's intelligence - he stumbles over words and thoughts on occasion but who wouldn't in such a situation? But, more to the point, he does that because his brain is so active and alert, it's accessing so many pieces of information and ideas at the same time. He's witty and extremely intelligent - If it were just about Jake's undeniably beautiful face - or even his talent - that wouldn't be enough to make me a Gyllenhaalic. That needs something extra - and Jake's intellect and clever brain does it for me. He is perfect for us, Cherita :)
bmg - I hope you're feeling much, much better now - I'm glad I could help *)
I love you too Bobbyanna!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the press conference. He is brilliant and creative and sweet. He's clearly won Gavin over. Let's see. Richard Kelley, Sam Mendes, David Fincher, Gavin Hood....and probably soon to be added, Jim Sheridan. Jake's got some pretty impressive "fans." - this is such a great point, Bobbyanna. Jake definitely leaves a trail of fans and admirers behind him. His easily bored brain may aggravate directors on occasion but his sense of fun, his love of filmmaking and his personality win them all over in the end. I'd include Ang in that list too.
Hi Nadine - I think you'll enjoy it. I love the banter between Jake and Peter just as they do too. Of course, in the film, they never got to act together but it is good to see them in the same film. Congratulations on your anniversary and on being able to spend some quality time with your guy.
As for the other guy, I love your description - what a charismatic combination Jake has - a great sense of humour and fun with a ready wit,counter-balanced with a sharp mind and a sensitive heart, a man who obviously thinks deeply and cares even more so. Intoxicating!
So many birthdays (I hope Stephen's having a good birthday) - it's Maggie's soon too, I believe.
I watched October Sky at the weekend again with my mother (a coalminer's daughter) - I loved it.
Right, WDW!!! How could I forget Ang! Listening to Jake's serious comments about his character at the news conference was very reassuring for me, too. Jake is a very complex thinker. And I got that there is definitely a sense of outrage there, even tho Jake expresses himself far more subtley than Gavin. When he was talking about Douglas Freeman, and he said , "Hope is dangerous...." I was very moved and fully agree with what he meant when he said that. There was nothing fascile about the way he interpreted his character. But then, there never is! Glad he gave that shout out to Matt Damon. His performance in Good Shepherd deserves more recognition than it recieved.
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