On Sunday 16 March, or Palm Sunday, Jake attended a private service in LA with Reese. A good excuse for the Sunday best sweater. Thanks to
IHJ, these pictures of Jake leaving the service show that all our TLC paid off - not a crutch in sight - so nothing to detract (or distract) from that neckline.

Pictures from
He's looking good in grey :)
a PRIVATE palm sunday service? my reform protestant hackles are in full bloom.
Hey there Winterbird - he does, indeed. I like the way a man can throw a smart sweater over a completely dishevelled, untucked shirt and think he's dressing up ;D
In some of the video footage X17 online shot,I believe the same morning,he didn't have the crutch but I think he had the new male contraceptive pill in his shoe....well something was still making him limp ;-)
if this is Sunday Best for a church service even in CA I am confounded. please explain!
Hey Pia - I have mixed feelings on this one as I've spent some time in Israel and I had two Palm Sundays in Jerusalem, watching the processions and then attending services in the Holy Sepulchre and it was intoxicating, and it didn't seem to matter I was a non-practising anything. Why anyone wuld choose to mark the day privately is beyond me, but we are talking LA here.
sorry again above anon is me Im so shook up - my bar mitzvah boy is going to church. I cant bear it.
o well Bob Dylan had his conversation expereince, didnt hurt him a bit.
Naughty Nadine - what on earth are you talking about! You're not on the Rescue Remedy again, are you?
Anon - please feel free to disagree and move on...
sorry, I cant believe this, and a political radcial - oh, Jake, you're breaking my heart. where is this story, by the way?
Pia - that was you? Maybe you should take the Rescue Remedy! It doesn't feel so unusual to me.
The fact that it was a private Palm Sunday service seems weird to me too, but Jake going to a Christian church doesn't feel strange - Naomi's roots are Jewish but Stephen's are Christian. Better that people of different religions should mingle anyway...sure beats blowing each other to pieces... :-(
Jake could wear anything and still looks better than any best dressed man in his sunday best in that church.
but isn't Jake a non-practising Buddhist but also raised in Judaism? is that like a catholic church he went to?
sorry for my religion igorance... i only went to faith (protestant) school for 6 years and that totally turned me into a atheist.
Pia, the story came from the paps at x17. I'm sorry it's got you this one :(
Reformed Nadine - I totally agree with you. I'm not religius myself but I've always enjoyed experience the cultures of others and I've attended all kinds of religious services with people. Jake's own religious heritage - as he's said - is mixed and he draws from it all - the Christian and the Jewish, not to mention the Buddhist teaching he's had. He seems to have been brought up to have an open mind whilst having reverence to the traditions that created him.
Hi Winterbird - definitely agree! Jake just knows how to outshine the smartest man (so long as he's not wearing a plaid shirt with birds on it ;D). I don't know what denomination the church was - I'm an ignoramus myself - I was excused religious education at my school!
thanks for the source, doesnt sound lke a private Palm Sunday service and I dont think any Catholic priests give "private sermons" there could be all kind of reasons they were there - I could think of four without batting an eyelash but am trying to concentrate on Jake's chest hair and his career.
she's an episcopalian, I think, so i guess it was an episcopalian chapel, not Catholic -
still, never heard of a "private sermon".
pia actually I am catholic and some priests do give private services, was it a catholic church anyway?.
Hi Pia, it could just be a coincidence it was Palm Sunday, I think it's an occasion Reese would celebrate but I don't know. Reese is an Episcopalian so I see no reason to think it would be a Catholic service.
I suppose it's bad of me, but the open collar and neck were my first thoughts...
Ooh, we're all talking at once - as you say Pia, Reese is episcopalian and so, anon, I doubt this was a catholic service. But who knows....
Is it too early for a drink???
Anon, the comment said it was a "private sermon" not private service.
okay Rescue Remedy, come get me.
Is it too early for a drink???
i think the peek of chest hair totally justify this.
Hey Pia - I wonder what happens if you spray the Rescue Remedy into a glass of wine... all academic as Mr WDW nicked mine.
oops sorry meant sermon not service.
Good thinking Winterbird - I should take advantage of my last week off work :D I do love a peek of chesthair. One minute crutches, the next chesthair - it's all too much...
Um, Stephen Gyllenhaal was brought up as a Swedenborghian, a small Christian denomination that emphasizes love. Chances are, there would not be a Swedenborghian church in L.A., so nowadays the Gyllenhaal family would (as a family) go to a different church. I have heard that their affiliation (as a family) is with a Catholic church.
I was brought up in a federated Protestant church, which welcomed Baptists, Quakers, Unitarians, Methodists, and anyone from any other denomination. It would have welcomed Swedenborghians with open arms.
Hey, Paul. I belong to the United Church of Christ that is defending Jeremiah Wright's freedom of the pulpit right now. Obama (or Barry O, as we call him) just gave a stunning speech on race, in Philsdelphia.
Hot times im the old town, tonight.
Swendenborgians are crazy but fun. Henry James' father was a Swedenborgian
sorry, its me, Ive opened the Scotch so I will calm down soon.
Hi Paul - it's a lot simpler not being religious that's for sure! My head hurts...
Stephanie has said that the pictures of Jake and Reese today were completely separate and they were taken at two different places even though X17 put them together in the caption so who knows!
Hey Pia - can I have a glass?
OT but yesterday I had a seafood feast - oysters, mussels, clams, turbot and I topped it off with a glass of Laphroig single malt - highly recommended.
Stephanie has said that the pictures of Jake and Reese today were completely separate and they were taken at two different places even though X17 put them together in the caption so who knows!
OK, busted. Actually I took Jake to see a Chinese bone doctor for his ankle and we saw the paps, so I ditched him.
Good try, Winterbird! Actually, he was with me - I took Jake up to meet my mum :D
The pictures of Reese at X17 look really casual for church. She usually dresses up for services. I wonder if X17 isn't guessing about things?
Hi Anon - I agree. As Jake and Reese have been photographed here at different times and places, it's difficult to say at which point of the day Reese's picture was taken. After X17 got their bits of LA muddled up the other week, I don't have a lot of faith!
But also, who's to say from this how 'private' the service was? I definitely take their captions with a big pinch of salt :D
That was flynet that got the markets mixed up!
Hello everyone. Wow skip one day in the world of Jake and you miss a lot.
I am glad to see that he was out without the crutches yesterday. I am not sure how I feel about the "church thing". I can completely forget about it when he shows that little peak on chest hair.
Hey anon, I saw the Obama speech and it was great. Why are candidates responsible for everything that every person they know says? Okay maybe I am a little bias being the Obama mama that I am.
As for X17, I choose to believe that 90% of what they say is bs. I do love to look at there pictures though. ;)
Hi Anon - oops :D How about when the Urth cafe was muddled up with the Ivy the other week?
Hey BirdGirl - good to see you! I agree, instead of focusing on the confusion of pics and videos from the weekend, it's much better to enjoy the tantalising glimpse of Jake's chest hair :D I also have to agree that I do love to look at the pics!
I saw Obama's speech on the news here - I was surprised that Obama should be held accountable for the words of a preacher. 'Obama mam' - like that :D Hope you're having a good evening!
It's good. I am stuck in the house because it has been raining really hard day. I don't know what I would do if I left anyway, so I will cozy up to the computer and enjoy ya'lls company.
Hey BirdGirl - it's chilly here - I'm curled up with a bottle of wine, a chocolate bunny (dark chocolate) and YouTube clips for US TV shows and Jake clips :D
I just put up a few Easter decorations. I wasn't going to since it's only 5 days away but I couldn't resist. I saw them sitting in the basement when I put the St. Patty's stuff away. I am such a dork. Maybe just bored.
instead of focusing on the confusion of pics and videos from the weekend, it's much better to enjoy the tantalising glimpse of Jake's chest hair
Yep, couldn't agree more! Especially since I've spent all afternoon helping TL Jr learn her lines for her Easter play (she's playing Jesus, which would make me the Virgin Mary - stop laughing you lot!!) so I've had more than enough religion for one day.
Anyway, I can't tell you how happy I am to have new chest hair pics to drool over:D Jake obviously felt bad about ignoring our orders to rest his foot and this is his way of making it up to us;) You're not forgiven yet, Jakey! (He is really, but don't tell him that, he might dispense with the shirt altogether next time;))
Hey TL - wow, TL Jr playing Jesus - that's some responsibility :D
Good thinking, nothing should be said to deter Jake from losing the entire shirt. I watched Rendition with my mum last night and she could see the appeal of one or two scenes ;) I do love the getup in these pics today. Good luck with the play rehearsals :D
I am late to comment, but I must agree with Pia on a very early comment of hers (16:34)...not our Jewish Jakey in church!!! It is a little disconcerting..but I guess if he is going to date a Christian girl, he will have to go to her services sometime...I am just kidding of course..although..I would like to know how much Jake is observant of his Jewishness..we never see that..but then again, that should be a private thing..I guess I would not want the paps filming me going to temple...I gotta say..no matter where he is..he is hot in that sweater....thanks for posting WDW..
Hey WDW! It's a case of "like mother,like daughter" - I always used to get lead roles in school plays cos I had the loudest voice:D
Sounds like your mum is on her way to becoming a fully fledged Gyllenhaalic too! Let's face it, who could remain immune to the charms of the "sweaty and shirtless" scene (I'm taking a wild guess here that that's the scene you're refering to;)) I might watch it again myself later, if I can tear myself away from the new pics.
Michele, he did say on an MTV interview when asked whether he preferred Swedish meatballs or matzo balls, that he prefers matzo balls. He surely had a bris since he was bar mitzvah'd which means he studied Torah, and learned some Hebrew, although maybe not necessary in California, who knows.
Also acc'g to Jewish law, even among Reform Jews, child is considered Jewish if mom is Jewish.
Of course, Jake has said he's easy, in all respects - but I do giggle when he carries about chocolate bunnies and is assumed in magaxine articles to be a "practicing Buddhist". No need to put him in a box.
Hi Michele - good to see you :D I definitely agree that Jake's religious practices are private. He has talked about it now and again and he is clearly well informed but who knows how Jewish Jake feels today. I definitely feel uncomfortable talking about it because I'm not even sure about my own beliefs! But I do think that if Reese's religion is important to her then I'm not surprised Jake would want to share it to whatever degree.
Jake is hot in that sweater - I definitely feel more comfortable discussing that :D
Hey TL - I have only been in four school productions - I was a shepherd, a belly dancer, a Mash Makes Smash robot and a prostitute in Oliver. A varied experience I'm sure you'll agree (I'm free for Nailed if necessary...).
I certainly agree, Pia, that Jake is not one to be put in a box - not by himself and by us. I really like that.
p.s. apologies if the above is boring, hot topic for me, as a gentile mother raising a semi-semite daugther in NYC.
No worries, Pia :D
Having eaten an entire chocolate Easter bunny myself this evening (minus the ears), I feel in need of a lie down - G'night, friends and see you tomorrow :D
Hey WDW! With a CV like that, you've gotta be in with a chance for Nailed:D I was in so many school plays, but my favourite would have to be when I was an Aborigine Goddess;D
Pia, you're never boring! :) I don't do religion myself (was forcefed Catholicism as a child and it put me off organised religion for life) but I do find it interesting to hear about different beliefs and traditions:)
We were posting at the same time, WDW! What's wrong with the bunny ears?! You shouldn't be eating Easter chocolate before Sunday, it's unlucky!;) Nite xx
before heading off to new Greys Anatomy DVD,
TL, you say you dont do religion but BELIEVE you should not eat chocolate before Easter? Right.
:) :) You are very religious. Also WDW in not eating rabbit ears, it seems to me.
I used to be an observant Peeps fan, before Jake.
Hey Pia! I believe in eating chocolate every day! I admit I'm very traditional when it comes to eating Easter Eggs before Easter Sunday,but that's more for practical and financial reasons than religious reasons;) But yeah, I suppose I really shouldn't buy or eat Easter eggs at all, but then again what does greed and consumerism have to do with Christianity anyway?;) Ok, I'm outta here before I offend anyone. Nite all xx
I hope you know Im kidding about thinking you dont eat choc bunnies before easter for religious reasons, TL!
g'nite everybody who's not yet asleep and sweet dreams.
Morning all :D
Loved the converations Pia and TL! Wish I'd been awake to join in. I am paying for the easter bunny thing today though (I didn't eat the ears as they're solid chocolate and to be savoured :D). Coincidentally, my meal of bangers (veggie) and mash has given me food poisoning - ugh :( I know that's TMI but I don't want to suffer alone :)
I like the debate on the relationship of chocolate and religion. Hmmm, there's also the pagan side of it all of course - I reckon we've been celebrating this time of the year with treats for millennia.
Hope you all had a good night and that you have a good day today - beautiful day out there.
Hi, all! Jake should have a clause in all his movie contracts to NEVER shave his chest hair. Never. Love this outfit.
"I don't do religion myself (was forcefed Catholicism as a child and it put me off organised religion for life)." That's my expereince as well, TL.Went to 8A.M daily mass from the age of 6! DId that for twelve years at church schools. Then had two years at a Catholic college...where they "disinvited" me LOL!!!
The Obama speech was intelligent and very thoughtful. One of the best addresses I've ever heard on that subject, ever!
Now, I hope our media will report on the candidates discussing other issues. Because this whole fiasco is media-driven to a large extent.
I need to know, for instance, what they intend to do about this scary economic meltdown.
Sorry for your distress WDW. I always eat the ears first...it helps.:)
Morning Bobbyanna :D Good advice, eat the ears first. It' always a race to eat a chocolate bunny with Mr WDW - he have necked down half of it while I'm still eating a foot. Blimey, that sounds like some education :\
I definitely agree about Jake and his chesthair - it is a vital part of him and it should never be removed from him, no matter what the role.
I liked Obama's speech myself. It's inevitable though that the media are going to focus on this kind of thing rather than what really matters. Hopefully the candidates will push the issues and not get bogged down. I'm still reeling from our government putting up the price of a bottle of spirits by 55p - as you can see, I'm definitely focused on the issues that matter :D
I need someone to make me a cup of hot sweet tea and fan me... Maybe hobbling Jake and I can look after each other, eh? ;D
"I need to know, for instance, what they intend to do
about this scary economic meltdown" [bobbyanna]
They will push on a string, Bobbyanna. In other words,
their only real tool is lowering interest rates, so the people
who need to borrow won't have to pay so much. But the real
problem is that too many people are defaulting on mortgages,
making lenders worry more about getting their money back if
they do loan. The current problems have building for almost a decade,
and will not go away overnight. :-(
"Jake's religious practices are private. He has talked about it
now and again and he is clearly well informed but who knows how
Jewish Jake feels today. I definitely feel uncomfortable talking
about it because I'm not even sure about my own beliefs! But I do
think that if Reese's religion is important to her then I'm not
surprised Jake would want to share it to whatever degree."
[Wet Dark and Wild]
I've always thought of myself as a seeker of truth. I think Jake
is a kindred spirit. Straying outside the boundaries of any one
system of theology is what we have to do. It's what we need.
Sometimes it gets uncomfortable. When I was a teen, my parents sent
me to a religious summer camp for a week. It turned out to have a
strong fundamentalist flavor, and I ended up hating it! Since then,
I've gone to Catholic services, Jewish services, and even spent time
in a Buddhist temple. There are many beautiful things about all the
above. Why would I want to limit myself? I can imagine Jake searching
widely, as well.
Hi Paul - I think Jake is a 'seeker of truth' too. I've experienced some amazing moments in religions around the world as I've travelled, even though I've always been detached. I just tend to think this is a private matter for Jake as he journeys through life.
"I see shirt-nasty has returned. What is going on with the lumberjake look? Is he trying to look less sexy on purpose"
I figure he may show up in a burka any day now.
thank god I have half nekkid Jake on my fridge. what am I doing up at midnight?
hope all sleep well and me, too.
xxxx snd zzzzzzz
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