Normally, one of the best things that can happen to improve a Monday morning is a set of new pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal out and about. But not today. Today's pictures of Jake out shopping with Reese in LA yesterday (16 March) show that Jake's left ankle injury is no better and he's now having to use a crutch, looking like he's in some discomfort. If I could say anything to Jake right now it would be 'Put your feet up and please look after yourself' and if I could say anything to Reese it would be 'Please slow down a bit!' I hope you're on the mend very soon, Jake.

Pictures from
Poor Jake!! he looked like he's in pain :(
well, all can I say is... there are 6,083,473,787,878.00 men and women in this world who would slow down or even give a hand to Jake to help him.
Morning Winterbird - this is not a happy sight, to see Jake in pain - ooh, those maternal instincts coming out again.... He should put his feet up and eat icecream in front of a good movie.
That's an impressive number of people - but I think you missed one...
Poor Jake :(
oh no poor Jakey. :( I'm still not feeling remotely maternal though. I'm more about lying him down and doing something to distract him from the discomfort. ;-)
distract him???
Ruby... you know you can always play on that "you can leave your hat" track and... ermm :P
often advice from MD is to keep goin' - and I assume Jake has a topnotch sports medicine MD.
oh, hi sweetpeeps! isnt today st pats day?
hi ruby! If there's any distracting to be done, it's gonna be by moi. Also I am a firstaider.
Hi Pia :) I do believe it is st pats. Good excuse to get the beer in. I'm sure you're right - Jake will have the best advice. I really hate to see him hobbling tho.
Hope everyone's having. A good day :D
Hi sweeties :)
..and Jake, honey, was it necessary to go shopping? Shouldn't you be resting...with me, on the sofa, or the bed...or the floor, or just wherever you want! (ok I know I have to get in line after you guys :P) ...and Reese... darling... where the hell were you running?! At least YOU are carrying all the bags this time :P ...ok I want to believe she was going to open some shop's door for him ;)
Morning WDW & peeps:)
Poor Jakey:(
Up and off, to who else, my doc...stopped over to check in and spot poor Jakey on crutches. What will our Page 6 do now?
I think he should take it easy and let one of us gyllenhallics run his errands.:lol:lol
take care everyone:)
Ever since the day in college when I came down the wrong way on a trampoline (OUCH!), I've had an ankle that is prone to being reinjured. :-( So, I've been on a crutch a few times, and I can easily relate to what Jake is going through now.
Well, at least now, when we see pictures of Jake emerging from a medical building, we'll know why. ;-)
Take care, Jake. Be patient. Think of Michelle Williams, who injured her ankle the first day of BBM filming, and had to be propped up for all her subsequent scenes.
I hope Jake's ankle will be okay by the time he starts filming his next movie.
Okay let's do Jane Eyre, I am Jane Eyre, Jake is Edward Rochester, oh sweetie, at last,I have you all to myself, I dont care if you're blind in one eye and missing an ankle, we'll be so happy, just you and me. . . .
Yuck. No way. Get well soon Jake!
(shouldnt he be on two crutches, Paul?)
I hate to say "I told you so", but I did say that Jake should not have been wandering round that market the other day - someone obviously stepped on him or dropped a box of organic cilantro on his foot and now it's got even worse;( *sigh* Jake, when are you going to learn to follow my advice?!
Seriously though, isn't he supposed to start filming Nailed soon? I hope this ankle injury isn't going to cause any delays. He needs to stay home and recuperate,even if it means no pics for a few days. Actually, that doesn't have to be a problem, he could take pics of himself lying on his sofa in just his boxers and email them directly to WDW. Problem solved!
he could take pics of himself lying on his sofa in just his boxers and email them directly to WDW. Problem solved!
or better, I could take the pics for him and send them directly to WDW. :P
how about a video?
Jake on crutch (es)... :( I wanna nurse him back to health. ;p I hope he takes care of that foot and that he is being taken care of lovingly.
Oh, poor Jake -
Doesn't look like he's improving. Stay off your feet, darlin'. I agree Sass, any one of us would be more than happy to do your errands for you! ;)
Hi all :) using my phone at the mo so can't leave a proper comment but thanks for the comments! Gotta say Yes! All pics of Jake in boxers gratefully accepted and Yes! Jake let us do your shopping and chores for you. It's no fun being on crutches.
Good to see you all :D
Now let's see...your gentleman friend has a bad ankle and it's been exacerbated by too much walking round a Farmer's Market. So what could be better for said damaged limb than another slog round the shops on crutches!?
Sorry for the sarcasm chaps,but when anyone I really care about is even slightly off colour I'm a member of the "pamper them,wait on them and love them better" school, so it just seems alien to me that Jake isn't at home with his feet up and being generally spoiled and adored,rather than having to limp around as Pap-fodder. Ah well,he's a grown man,he makes his own choices - I just worry about him,in a totally maternal way of course (and if you believe that then Jake's middle name is Oedipus!) ;-)
I know what you are saying Nadine, but let's allow for the fact that Jake may be a bloody-minded stubborn bugger (and I say that with affection) who refuses to sit still and rest. Either that or he's a demanding pain in the wotsit (again said with affection) when he's ill and R can't stand waiting on the wimp any more. :D:D.
Either way I hope he heals up soon. ((Jakeandhisankle))
You're right Ruby,both perfectly plausible hypotheses! :-) He may be being his own worst enemy. Methinks he could use a good talking to...anybody got his mobile number?
I'd agree with Ruby - my darling OH is a big baby when injured, but he'll still insist on coming out with me to the shops etc, while whinging and moaning softly (and not in a good way) the entire time - I have been known to stride ahead of him (well, last time it was that or beat him round the head with his crutch).
I dont think rest is the answer for sprains/breaks - esp. if you're an athelete.
but "shopping"?
where's his bud Chris to carry the shopping bags?
Hi! Loving this debate :) I think Ruby could have a point but I also want to tell him to rest his bad foot on my knee and let me fan him and feed him chocs.
Just watched Rendition again. Just love it.
NOOOO! Jake! What happened? You forgot how to walk again?!
No worries though! I (and everyone else here) will GLADLY carry you around (and more, but we're not saying anything)! Quick! Now's the time to ravish him while he's down and he can't get away! Go! Go! Go! :D
Ibuprofen is usually indicated for a few days, to dull the pain. A brace for support, and one or two crutches. Plus as much rest as circumstances will allow.
Maybe there was some stuff that Jake *had* to have, and Reese couldn't get fvor him. You know how these things go. :-/
It's Jake all the way - first Rendition and now Jarhead! And October Sky to tempt me on another channel. Thank you mum for having Sky! Missing you all and looking forward to being home tomorrow. Hope everyone's having a good night and giving Jake some pampering :D
I hestiate being critical when Jake is in pain,- although I notice y'all seem to be somewhat lacking in sympathy yrselves, wanting to snatch him away to an undisclosed island, feed him chocs and stuff and do things to him, cause he's sorta helpless but not totally, haha -
but I hate that shirt so much.
p.s hey WDW! glad to hear your voice, and that you're with your mum. Ive watched L&A three times! - it's such a sweetie of a film. one of my favorites.
Hi Pia - good to hear your voice too! So good you liked the film so much. I really enjoyed Jarhead tonight. Must say my main feeling for Jake and his ankle is sympathy - I just want to protect him - that's how it gets me :) it's even distracted me from the shirt! Hope you have a good night :D
Guys don't worry, it seems yesterday morning his foot was ok again, he was seen with Reese without crutches. It seems he's doing better now (you have to copy and paste it);):
Forgot to add, the link i posted is an X17 video of Jake and Reese. :)
by 23:48
Thanks for the link Anon :) I'll be back in touch with the internet tomorrow and not just with a phone and be able to see it. Glad to hear it may not be as bad as it looks here :)
G'night all!
The way things are going, the next time Jake catches a cold, fans from all over the world will be sending him tissues and chicken soup. ;-)
The folks at PageSix have been the funniest about his "injury." Even they were alarmed for poor Jake!:)
Since I've had foot, ankle, and knee injuries, including strained ligaments, torn ligaments, sprains, and stress fractures, (And me not even 30 yet! ...joking!)I can tell you the first few weeks, I was told to keep it as immobile as possible.
In fact I couldn't put any weight on it the first week...and the air cast, which in my case was this huge, awkward, big, black, velcro strapped, foot thing that went up to my knee, was the only way I could walk around in it after that first week.
At first, I couldn't keep it on very long. I'd wear it for two hours, then take it off, then put it on again, etc.
I did try to use a crutch. It was very non-productive and it hurt! The thing is, tho, Jake, while not that much younger then me...(cough..cough...choking sound...) will probably mend faster, and he is more physically active over all.
Love that you are having a wonderful Jake Film Fest, WDW!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!!!!
Morning everyone! Beautiful day here :)
Hi Paul - veggie soup from me of course :)
Morning Bobbyanna! You and Jake both spring chickens :D I'm sure Jake will mend quickly. It's just so boring when you're an active person. He'll have to stock up on cookbooks to read. Loved the films last night.
About to be on my way back home. Have a good day everyone :)
ooh spam :)
Morning everyone,
I love your idea Paul:) Take care Jakey, we love you.
off to catch a looks like rain.
pap video sad and painful. I donet know why I open these links, I keep swearing not to, so often upsetting. grrrrr.
otherwise, morning, y'all.
watching commentary of directors cut Donnie Darko last night, making me glad Southland Tales will be released today on DVD.
snow tonght, but the maple sugaring season is very good this year and I hope to get some of the new syrup for pancakes this weekend!
Nadine, are you accident prone? :)
thanks for the info, though.
Hi everyone - hooray, made it home and settling down to Muse's new album :D
Hi Sass - have a good day!
Hey there Pia - those pap videos invariably crash my laptop. I do love that Donnie Darko commentary, but I usually end up listening to Jake's on the original version. Do let me know what you think of Southland Tales.
Snow? I'm waiting for Spring. But I do like the sound of the pancakes.
Hey ((Pia))! I think it was Paul with the medical info this time,not me ;-)
But as for whether I'm accident quote P.G.Wodehouse,I "couldn't cross the Goby desert without knocking something over!"
Welcome back,WDW! Hope Matt and the boys are keep you a-MUSE-d! Just dropping in to say hello and (((big hugs))) to you all.
His left ankle is spained. Jake uses a crutch on the right side or we use a crutch on the same side of the injured ankle so the weight won't be supported by the damaged leg.
An odd injury or a false injury ?
Anon CSI, why don't you sprain your ankle and try use a crutch to test out this theory?
WDW... I just got Muse's new live album in my ipod too :)
Hi everyone :D
Hey Nadine - great quote! I s'pose there are lots of camels to run into...
Er anon - it's perfectly normal to have a crutch on the opposite side. What a strange suggestion.
Great answer Winterbird :D
I'm on my second listen to the album now - love it - I do apologise to my neighbours.... ;)
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