The article does end with an old quote from Jake, which still strikes resonance: 'Don't listen to what anybody says except the people who encourage you. If it's what you want to do and it's within yourself, then keep going... for the rest of your life.' As someone who has recently made a life-changing decision, this kind of encouragement from Jake, however general, is a useful spur.

Jake's travelling tips
To coincide with the release of Rendition in Australasia, on Friday 28 March, Jake can be seen on Australia's Getaway TV show: 'Tonight the GETAWAY team check out the luxurious cruise ship Queen Victoria, which harks back to the golden age of ocean travel when travelling in style took precedence over the destination. Plus where to go in Australia for the Easter holidays and later Hollywood actor Jake Gyllenhaal talks about some of his travels.' I believe that the interview was recorded in LA, at the same time as the other Rendition publicity interviews.

Many of us are not in Australia or New Zealand - although I hope that any readers here that are will watch it and let us know what happenes - but fortunately we have a clip from the show on the Getaway website, as well as a transcript there that doesn't match Jake's words in the video, which makes the TV show itself more intriguing.

It's no secret that I've been battling major jetlag this week and so I was interested to hear Jake's tip: 'I always feel like water and exercise - like exercising as soon as you get to a place where there's jetlag - that's like essential but water makes you keep your sanity.' I can see now where I'm going wrong - as soon as I arrive anywhere I head for the bar and put my feet up. To be fair though, Jake constantly mentions jetlag whenever he's travelling so this tip can't work 100%.

Jake flies many miles a year - even earning wings on one flight (see picture above) - and his recommendations for an easy flight are ear plugs and Doctor Bach's Rescue Remedy: 'Stress spray or whatever it's called. It's a homeopathic stress remedy thing for flying... No it’s like, comes in drops or whatever. It's called Rescue Remedy, yeah Rescue Remedy.' Possibly a better option at 37,000 feet than my traditional Gin and tonic. Next time I fly thousands of miles for another Jake red carpet, I'll track this Rescue Remedy down. Of course, Jake is also an advocate of lollies on a flight.

Quantities of stress spray would also be vital for Jake's trip in Mexico either last Christmas or the one before: 'I've been in this teeny, tiny little house in Mexico, like right on the end, and you had to take this crazy prop plane that landed in between two mountains... that's sort of the most remote I've been.' It's interesting that in the transcript, Jake mentions that he went there with his family and that: 'When I was younger we'd all go to pretty interesting places, I guess not necessarily remote but wherever there was good food. There wasn't really good food in Mexico, but there was good fish.' As Mexico is famous for its food and Jake is famous for liking his food, this makes me wonder if we have found one type of cuisine that's not to Jake's taste.

Jake's admiration for Morocco and the people of Morocco especially, is abundantly clear: 'Everybody in Morocco, particularly in Marrakesh where we were, that's where we went to shoot, were the kindest, sweetest, most loving people, and the atmosphere around that city is extraordinary. And then as a culture, you know, artistically and musically and the colours all around and the people and the food - it's an incredible place.'

Includes pictures from IHJ and Just Jared.
Yay... that old picture in IN magazine is also one of favourite of his. I remember that set of picture was also on the cover of "Sight & Sound" - the first Jake Cover film magazine I bought :)
*touch wood* i have to say I rarely suffer from jet lag... but I have no special remedies... I just love to sleep and I can sleep anywhere, including on the plane. First thing I do when I reach a place is to eat! :P
btw, I am a bit confused... Jake is not in Australia now, is he? the interview is done over at LA?
Jake carrying backpack (on both shoulders) is the cutest! :P
have friends over for raclette tonight, catch up with you all later. I wonder if Jake is a cheese-lover as well? for me, the smellier, the better!
have a nice evening.
Evening Winterbird - enjoy your raclette. I love smelly cheese, I bet Jake does too. I'm enjoying a rhubarb pie myself :)
I have never been able to sleep on a plane - it's a big failing of mine. I love those LAX pics myself, some of my favourites from last year.
Sorry about the confusion, I've amended the post. The interview looks to have been recorded in LA at the end of last year when all the other Rendition stuff was done.
Have a good evening :D
I've only just caught up on the two fabulous gastronomic posts,which have certainly worked up my appetite (mainly for Jake in nothing but a pinny - nice buns!....and eclairs,and cupcakes ;-)). Therefore I am determined to get in early on this post!
Yay,Jake is a fellow devotee of Dr Bach's Rescue Remedy (his flower remedies as a whole and homeoeopathic treatments in general are definitely worth checking out. I'm taking a homoeopathic compound remedy to promote post-op healing at the moment). As Jake is a self-confessed hypochondriac(welcome to the club, love) do you think it would be a good tactic to flutter my eyelashes at him and say huskily "Trust me,I'm a Pharmacy technician....". He might let me take down his particulars,you never know....
Sorry! Got side-tracked there...a girl can dream,can't she? And the photos from IN magazine may not be the most recent but they are certainly the stuff that dreams are made of...the cover shot is stunning and you're right,WDW,Jake on the front cover of (tasteful) magazines has to be a good thing.
I enjoyed the "Getaway" clip and article,WDW. Like you,I hope that some of our fellow Gyllenhaalics in the Antipodes will give us the lowdown on the programme,at least every last detail of the Jake segment. I love hearing/reading about Jake's take on the exotic/interesting places he's been as I'm a lousy traveller and have to see the world vicariously. If I had to fly in an old turbo-prop plane landing between 2 Mexican mountains I would need intravenous, industrial strength Rescue Remedy!
All the talk of Morocco has me in "Rendition" mode and as I've made myself wait for the British release I am champing at the bit to get my sticky little mitts on a copy as soon as it's released. I can't wait to see those deleted scenes that all those of you who got their act together and ordered an American copy have been raving about!
As I'm not allowed to drive for several weeks (hideous state of affairs!) and I don't feel like tottering round the shops just yet anyway, I'm going to have to rely on my husband to get me my necessary Jake-fix the minute the DVD is released! He actually seemed quite intrigued,thankfully,when he saw any Rendition publicity (and when I forced him to take a butcher's at the website!)so maybe he won't keep me waiting a minute longer than necessary! Must admit he's doing a fab job with the cooking and the housework and waiting on me at the mo,as well as going to work,so I can't be too demanding...but "Rendition" with freeze-frame is an essential ingredient on the rocky road to recovery! Wouldn't you agree?
He hates cilantro. Popular in most Mexican dishes. And really, Mexican food isn't really haute cuisine. Not even haute peasant food (such as Babbo and its ilk).
Hi there Nadine :D Good to see you - glad to hear your recovery's continuing. OMG, not being able to drive anywhere... I hope your huby gets you Rendition first thing on Monday.
Mr WDW is a fan of Rescue Remedy himself and I think Jake's gone right up in his estimations ('he sounds like a very sensible guy' on telling him as well about the water and exercise). Jake's hypochondria has always seemed so endearing to me :D
I love travelling, but I'd have had a hard time with that little plane in Mexico. I went on a microlight over Victoria Falls many years ago and I can swear never again!
Rendition wil be a great help for your recovery - especially Jake's first bit ;)
Hi Cyn - you're right about cilantro (can't stand the stuff), but I have to disagree about Mexican food - I absolutely love it, it can be excellent with a huge array of flavours and I'm lucky to have some superb Mexican restaurants near me. And I'm a big fan of Mexican beer needlesstoday. Also Californian Mexican food is something else :D
Nadine, Im glad your guy is taking good care of you. Thinkin' of how Jake looked after Maggie when she was pregnant, scouting for food that she could tolerate. yay for sweet men!
I dont understand why Jake is perceied vas being "dewy" and "wet" (as in wet, dark and wild) - perhaps it is that WE turn dewy looking at him. I do, anyway.
I get really dewy.
Lets see, what else dont I understand this evening. Hmmm. Why Bach's Rescue Remedy works for some and not for me - also, what happened to my darling fondue pot in my many moves? Late March, my birthday, I shared with a neighbor born same date, we used to dip frozen raspberrys from her farmer husbands freezer into chocolate in fondue pot. It was a delish tradition.
What else: love smelly cheese, Mexican food, pictures of Jake travelling, yes WB he is so darling with a backpack on both shoulders. I would love to sit next to him on a plane and watch him sleep. He is so beautiful!
But not with a beard. :(
Jake is absolutely right about water. It completely keeps you sane, as I can attest :);)
Rescue Remedy did nothing for me, either, Pia - I still await rescue, am still afraid of flying and still can't sleep on planes.
Good to see you Nads - I know you've been on other posts but when I haven't been around. ((N))
Hi Pia :D Dewy, you and me both. Jake is adorable when he's travelling - I love how he dresses, how he packs and how he smiles.
Chocolate fondue - ho I'd love that. I've been eating rhubarb pie and pringles this evening, wuldn't mind some chocolate dip.
I'm going to get hold of some of this Rescue Remedy to give it a go cos I could do with it.
Have a good evening :D
Hey Anouska the Lightweight! - I'm a fearsome flyer too and so far my only solution has been a G&T and a load of Jake Gyllenhaal movies. I do and try and drink some water though (usually in the form of icecubes ;))
Greetings and salutations,
I totally agree about the pictures we have seen them before but it never hurts to see them again.
As far as the Rescue Remedy, I think that I would go with your G&T first. I have never had any luck with homeopathic stuff. I tried a sleeping aid once and it left me bouncing off of the walls. Maybe I should have tried G&T for that as well.
Oh and…
Jake carrying backpack (on both shoulders) is the cutest!
I couldn't agree more Winterbird. ;)
Have a good evening all.
Oh WDW you had me laughing tonight!! The Jake advice, plenty of excercise and water...and where you go wrong...heading straight to the bar to put your feet up!! hehehe You and me both girl!!
I have to agree with you too...those airport pics from last year..both LA and the Toronto one were divine... some of my favourites too. And the black t'shirt, just back from the gym is not to be sniffed at either... (well....hehe)
Thank you!!
rhubarb pie! a springtime tradition in new england! also fiddlehead ferns, and parsnips pulled out of the ground that have wintered over and become very sweete. sugar houses are boiling and there are pancake breakfasts in all the sugar houses. not exactly haute cuisine, though!
Another great post - I'm intrigued by the Bach Rescue Remedy remedy - I do get jet-lag and as much as I love to travel, the first day has me all messed up. :) So the first thing I do usually is rest with a cup of tea and room service, and then I'm back to myself, until I have to adjust again on the way back. But traveling is so worth it! :) I love plants and plant based remedies are fascinating to me. When I need to take care of myself, I listen to music, aromatherapy (lavender!), and have tea, and reading about Jake is a great de-stressor, he's like Zen. I liked the IN New York article, and that pic is a favorite of mine too because Jake's eyes look green in it, like his t-shirt.
Hi Nadine, and welcome back! Hope you are recovering nicely. I've loved the two cooking posts as well, and his favorite cooking stuff. I'm kind of a food voyeur myself in that I derive almost as much pleasure from looking at delicious things (fabulous pastries and cakes) as eating them, and I like reading about food and cooking. Mr. Knox is a pretty good cook himself. And the store (Steven Alan) that specializes in "dishevelled perfection", gotta love that. Our Jake is so beautiful.
You all have a nice evening as well. :)
Yay for sweet men,indeed,((Pia))!Hiya (((Nouska)))! Good to see ya!Speak to you soon. Oh and WDW,it might help to know that the base of Rescue Remedy is alchohol,(tastes really nice) so if you choose the dropper bottle version and a few drops aren't doing the trick you could knock back the whole bottle! ;-)
Hi ((Rosie)), really good to be here!
Hi ((Rosie)), really good to be here!
I meant to say hi (((Bertie)),too,so many of us posting at the same time,my poor addled brain can't keep up! ;-)
Oh you lot are so funny! I've had a bit of my own anxiety treatment (Californian red).
Hey Bird Girl - I have to agree - homeopathic has never worked for me either - my constitution is too ruined! But I'm willing to give anything a go, especially if Jake says he won't go on a plane without it. Maybe I should stick with the G&T AND the Rescue Remedy.
Hi Rosie - well, it's you and me in the bar then :D The airport pics are gorgeous and that one of the sweaty sporty black-shirted Jake was too good to resist.
Rhubarb pie is my favourite, Pia. I love it when all of the fresh veg starts appearing in the stores here - won't be lng. In the spring, the cotswolds villages have asparagus festivals, where you just sit out in the sun dipping asparagus in oil while supping local ales. Jake'd love it.
So glad you liked the post Bertie :D How true, Jake is zen therapy. I can't rest while I'm away so I tend to overdo it. It's coming back when it gets hard. I am a big fan of aromatherapy though. And I'm so glad you liked the cookery posts! I really enjoyed though and no doubt there'll be more of that.
Well, Nadine, if that's the case I'll certainly make sure to get some - it's so hard trying to bribe double the dose of alcohol out of the Virgin or BA staff ;)
Hey Nadine - that's so funny, everyone posting at the same time! Fun though :D
G'night all - see you tomorrow :D
Good morning everybody :)
I'm late here :P but last night after my yoga session (speaking of zen philosophy!) I got home and had my dinner (at 9.30 pm..) and then I nearly fell asleep on my sofa...guess I relaxed too much :-/
Well thank you WDW for another great and interesting post, I'm so happy I can get to know so many things and tiny details about my Jakey ;)
I often wonder what he does when he 's not filming or promoting around the world, and I've always been curious to know where he goes on holiday (except NY and Martha Vineyard): I know he has the chance to see so many places thanks to his job (lucky him!) but I believe he can't spend much time visiting them on such occasions and I'd be curious to know where he choses to go on holiday :)
Have a great day everyone :)
Hi there Sonia! I love all these little details too - I'd wondered about holidays because Jake has the opportunity to go wherever he wishes, but this is the first time I've heard Jake talk about a recent family holiday, except for the lodge and the awful fire of course - but this is somewhere pretty exotic and exciting. I'd love to go to Mexico.
You should be feeling relaxed after all that yoga! I'm on the trail of a decent cup of coffee...
Have a good day everyone!
I love Mexican food and cilantro *ducks*! pretty essential in Chinese and Thai cooking too... mmm... maybe I need to persuade Jake about this.
urgh... last night's dinner was tough, I had unwittingly prepared dinner for a Republican (hubby's colleague)!! oh my, the dinner conversation was awkward to say the least... the only consolation is that hubby is going to be involved in building the "rock the vote" website. I was like, "can you go interview Jake Gyllenhaal?" lol.
Hi Winterbird! Oh, I definitely think your hubby should interview Jake and he will need a lot of assistants ;) Cool thing to be working on. Souns like an interestig dinner! Difficult making small talk in situations like that.
I love Mexican food although I'm a novice in it. I got to like it touring California a few years ago. Fortunately, it's about the one cuisine Mr WDW likes as well! But yuck cilantro - I ate some by mistake the other week and if I hadn't have been so well brought up I'd have spat it across the restaurant :D
Jake has an injury in the new pics :( I want to feed him soft foods and put a wet napkin on his forehead :(
Mexican food is not helped by being represented by cheap takeout places like Taco Bell. I used to live near a wonderful Mexican
restaurant. The only thing I didn't like was the chicken in mole sauce. Why mix chocolate with hot peppers? :-(
But back to cilantro. Two of my favorite recipes contain large amounts of cilantro. I have a huge canister of cilantro in my kitchen.
When Jake mentioned that his best recipe was "Milanese," I was not sure what he meant by that. Does anyone have an answer?
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