Hollywood in space
The Guardian newspaper today ran an article about Hollywood's search to find an actor with sufficient gravitas to play Neil Armstrong in a new movie. What's interesting here is the criteria that the producers must be using to select an actor to play this ultimate hero. For instance, they will want someone who is not only famous but also has global appeal, respect and is sufficiently 'worthy', as well, of course, being able to look photogenic while moonwalking.

Brad Pitt and Viggo Mortensen have been mentioned, along with other stars of the right age: Matt Damon, Eric Bana, Christian Bale, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jake Gyllenhaal. I like to see Jake's name on such a list.

The role itself sounds like quite a challenge: 'The astronaut, now 77, is solitary and monosyllabic. 'The word "no" is an argument to him,' his first wife Janet once remarked. He still refuses all interviews, makes only occasional public appearances, and goes out of his way to avoid any form of civic honour. 'I don't want to be a living memorial,' he once grumbled. He has even refused to let a hospital take his name... Playing Armstrong won't be easy, especially as the leading man will be required to deliver the most famous fluffed lines in history.'
I'm still hoping that Jake will be able to squeeze in his own Moon Project at some point this year.

Jake and Peter Part 2
Following on from yesterday's post on Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard, notably the bit where Peter poo pooed Jake's regime of 500 press ups in preparation for Jarhead, here is a quote from Jake that shows that Peter may have been stretching things just a little as well. But I do like the way that Jake is able to convince himself as he talks that, yes, maybe it was a 50 mile hike after all.

'“Jarhead” co-star Peter Sarsgaard claimed they had to go on a 50 mile hike, to which Gyllenhaal responded, “50 mile hike? Is that what Peter said? The smoker… We did go on a long hump at the very end of our week of boot camp. We basically went through what they go through in six weeks but in a week - very, very quickly and just getting a taste of it. And at the end, we were running drills. We were in teams and we were taking hills and things like that. And we were sleeping out in the field but had to hump out to the field. So we got all of our gear together and went for a pretty long hike. I don’t know about 50 miles, but I’ll go with 50. I’ll go with that. That sounds intense.'

As the cast and crew of Nailed gather around the streets and public buildings of Columbia, South Carolina, the question has been raised here of what one should do or say when faced with the possibility of an imminent Jake encounter. When doing further research about the Palm Springs Festival, I came across this fan's account of seeing Jake on the red carpet as he strode into the auditorium. Her impulse was to turn her back on him and pose for a photograph. This is not the WDW recommended course of action.

This also shows how times have changed - in the theatre foyer in Rome, Jake had to walk through an intimidating scrum to get to his seat.
Talking of Palm Springs, here is a fuller account of Peter's affectionate presentation speech: 'Sarsgaard said he was planning to say nice things about Gyllenhaal, since they all picked on him during the making of "Jarhead." However, the first thing that Sarsgaard noted was Gyllenhaal's great hair. He said, "Jake's got an amazing head of hair. Look at it, it's incredible. He then proceeded to talk about other eccentricities: "His dogs are named Boo and Atticus (the characters played by Robert Duvall and Gregory Peck in the film "To Kill a Mockingbird). If that doesn't tell you who Jake is, I don't know what will. Jake grew up in a family that loves stories, and Jake chose acting to tell stories."'

Going off on a tangent here but all of the presenters and honorees at the festival that year, including Jake, were given a Pevonia beauty goody bag, including anti-stress shower gel and a silky skin body scrub. See page 10 of this pdf.
Hollywood leaving Hollywood
This article caught my eye for a couple of reasons. It gives an account of a decision made by one of Rendition's producers, Erin Newell, to establish a company in Indiana which will focus on drawing film business to that state. While this sounds like this was partly in response to home sickness (possibly brought on by the distant shoot of Rendition), it is also further evidence that states outside California are becoming increasingly competitive in their campaigns to seduce filmmakers into their area.

Just following Jake's career, we have seen this with both Brothers and Nailed, with New Mexico and South Carolina putting serious efforts into beating their rivals - especially in Nailed's case, which appears to have shifted its base entirely from Connecticut to South Carolina. It's also interesting for an outsider to see just how big a business it is attracting productions - it involves local government, tourist boards and local industry. Of course, in the end, it appears to boil down to tax incentives and scenery.

And finally
If anything shows that there is an urgent need to get information about practices such as rendition out there into peoples' minds, it's this: 'I teach a college seminar called "Secrecy: Forbidden Knowledge." I recently asked my class of 16 freshmen and sophomores, many of whom had graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school classes and had dazzling SAT scores, how many had heard the word "rendition." Not one hand went up. This is after four years of the word appearing on the front pages of the nation's newspapers, on network and cable news, and online. This is after years of highly publicized lawsuits, congressional inquiries, and international controversy and condemnation. This is after the release of a Hollywood film of that title, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Meryl Streep and Reese Witherspoon. I was dumbstruck. Finally one hand went up, and the student sheepishly asked if rendition had anything to do with a version of a movie or a play.'
I can just imagine Jake throwing his hands into the air at that one.

Includes pictures from IHJ.
Okay, that interviewer who was talking to that fan at the Palm Springs Film Fest irked me. As if he would ask a fan if it impacted their feelings about an actor they liked if he played a murderer. The fan gave a very thoughtful answer, brava, but the interviewer still made his stupid "jokes". The fan clearly didn't care if Jake played a gay character or if he was gay in real life. It shouldn't matter either way and she seemed to appreciate him more for it! Thank you for sharing it with us though, WDW. I did really like the fan. But yeah I would not have wanted to turn my back when Jake was right next to me, LOL.
Hope I didn't offend anyone.
Love the Jarhead stuff. Poor Peter and Jake were not on the same level of fitness..hehe. jake really was in amazing shape for that movie...oofa! ;p
I like that other states/cities are trying to get filming done. It brings in commerce to their towns and can be really good for the movie and its actors.
Also always appreciate when Jake runs. Go, Jake, go!!
Hi there Get Real :D Hope you're having a good Sunday.
I just think that Jake has had to put up with so much rubbish either directly or indirectly (ie what this interviewer said to a fan) - the 'jokes' Lance Armstrong made about Jake at that awards ceremony spring to mind, but he always bears it with grace. The things I've heard shouted out at Jake when I've seen him too. But this just shows them up. I did have two thoughts about putting it up here but I did like the rest of it so I went with it.
It can't have been easy for Peter knowing how fit Jake became for Jarhead! I bet he teased Jake about it though.
I'm so interested in following these films across the states and across seas. Looking forward to seeing what happens in South Carolina.
I really do think Jake should get over here and use the scenic streets of Oxford for a movie - it could look very Persian...
I had a lot of fun with the running pics :D
Thanks for all the jogging Jake shots I miss all the shots of him jogging and biking, either alone or with his friends.
I wish he'd make a movie here in VA/DC area.
Hi Trekfan :D I'd love to see pictures of Jake running again. Hopefully we will as the summer goes on. Maybe we should draw up a rota of filming locations for Jake!
"I just think that Jake has had to put up with so much rubbish either directly or indirectly (ie what this interviewer said to a fan) - the 'jokes' Lance Armstrong made about Jake at that awards ceremony spring to mind, but he always bears it with grace. The things I've heard shouted out at Jake when I've seen him too."
So true WDW, not only being shouted at but also being written about.
great post! maybe i will ask jake if he would like to go on a run with me..haha but i probably couldnt keep up with him..can't believe that girl just turned her back on jake like that..i definitely wont do that! one more day to go..
Hi Anon - stars do get rubbish written about them. It seems to go with the territory.
I'm watching an archaeology programme and I now have in my head images of Jake filming a Roman or Greek epic - obviously southern England would make the perfect location for that one as well :D
Hi Nicole! So exciting - you must let us know what happens and if you see anything (take a camera - if you get any shots of the set it would be so cool for us if you could email them to me for everyone to see). Even when no stars are about it's so interesting watching all the stuff going on.
I think I could only keep up with Jake when he's on the crutches.
oooh..I loved the running shots too..and I love your recommendation for Jake filming his Persian epic in southern England..specifically Oxford, I'd personally suggest around June time....I've heard conditions would be perfect then... hell...I'd be prepared to decorate the town myself if I had to... hehehe
Hi Rosie :D That's a great idea. Oxford in June would be perfect for filming the Prince of Persia. Just need to bring in a bit of sand, that's all. Lots of good places to go running too :D
They will be filming in Morocca and Pinewood and Shepperton studios.
imdb now has Orlando Bloom as rumoured.
Hi Anon :) Thanks for the link.
Orlando has been rumoured on IMDb for a few days now. I don't think they've got round to taking him down yet.
Great news about Pinewood and Shepperton Studios! My neck of the woods :D
Haha... you're all dreaming of Jake in Persian costume, waving the sword in southern England? Great idea!
I don't understand why some people would turn their back on Jake when they see him on red carpet (or any other occasion), just to get themselves in the shot. who cares if I am in the frame????
love all the jogging/running shots. :)
WDW, you sure love all the moon projects :)
Hey there Winterbird - posting at the same time :) If Jake's got any swordwaving to do it's best done round here :D Yes, I love the idea od Jake doing sci fi, and the idea of him doing a serious movie about the landings on the moon sounds so good to me - Jake has a heroic air to him :D
Turning my back on Jake when he's right in front of me is not something I am physically capable of. It's the Jakereflex.
Jake in Shepperton and Pinewood?
Suddenly, I want him to do PoP.
Hi Anouska! Thought that might change your tune ;D
Prince of Pinewood?
Hmmm ...
Sharif of Shepperton?
What a clever post! I loved it! and also yr headline!
Naptime see y'all sometime later.
^ ^ ^
fell asleep. sorry, was me.
Aaaah finally back after a lovely relaxing sunny/sleety/rainy/sunny weekend break. Loved that Jake and Peter post. So happy for them both that they build each other up and genuine love and friendship is so evident. How wonderful to be able to work with someone you trust implicitly - that's rare, especially with actors I guess ('cos how can you tell when they're not acting???).
As Monday approaches, Jake may well need his running shoes during filming of Nailed and I wish him all the luck and hope he gets a beautiful experience out of filming with the cast and director, David O Russell.
I was just watching an interview with David,Lily and Dustin. Lily, amazingly, talks fondly of him by saying that working with David is like "working with a director whose artistry you have regard for" and I think essentially that's what drew Jake to this project. It appears he may be allowed the freedom to be present and creative. Interestingly, David apparently like to run a mag of film rather than cutting which adds to the idea that the actors feel they are still rehersing rather than doing an actual take. I hope that some of that footage ends up on the dvd either as extras or eggs (or both).
I have a newfound appreciation for David's artistry and zeal in bucking the 'hollywood' system and getting his work out there. I think David and Jake should get along well because of their eastern religion studies background, existantialism and their love of Salinger's work. A creative tour de force. I wish I was there even just holding the boom to see the creative process (not that holding the boom isn't a tough or creative job). Break a leg, Jake (figaratively of course :D)
Like the Sharif of Shepperton, Anouska. I now hve the image in my head of Robin Hood riding a camel :D
Hi Sleepy Pia! Glad you liked my headline :)
Hey Sheba, thanks for that :D I do agree that Jake and Peter are very lucky to have each other as sounding boards and for support. Let's hope Jake doesn't need to get advice from Peter on how to deal with David. You're right, running shoes may be a must.
That is really interesting about David's filming methods. It sounds completely different to Fincher and, yes, giving Jake that creative freedom he relishes. (I wonder how it went on the set of Brothers.)
Your comment is a mine of information, Sheba. Thanks for all that about the shared interests. I had no idea. I feel less worried now!
I hope you all are doing well today. I am. :)
Yay Jake and Peter part two!
I also love to see pictures of Jake running. I am looking forward to some warmer weather so we can have more.
Can you believe I still haven’t watched Southland Tales? Hopefully one day this week the opportunity will arise.
Thanks WDW, your blog inspires me to delve deeper into the art and background of the filmmaking process. You can just imagine the political and religious conversations David and Jake will be having especially how they were both taught by Uma Thurman's father.
With all the salaicious activity going on in Washington and with congressmen in the US, it's another 'ripped from the headlines' film, which may not necessarily be a bad thing right now. BTW, I love the Jake and Peter rock the vote add. *hand up in the air* I'm not a blonde but I vote Jake!
Hi Bird Girl! I had a look at Southland Tales in the shop this week but unfortunately I'm too skint at the moment to get it. I hpe you get to see it some time this week. I'm so glad you didn't mind Jake and Peter Part Two. I start off with an idea and then it grows too big :)
Glad to hear you've had a good day - me too :D
Sheba, that is so kind of you to say that. Through doing this site and chatting here I have learned so much about the movie industry and films in general. It's this background to films - and the choices that producers, directors and actors make - that really fascinates me.
I also didn't know Jake and David were both taught by Prof Thurman. Amazing.
And yes, I agree, a film about the immoral or dubious behaviour of the government is no bad thing.
I love that video too. I used to be involved in getting people to vote here, years ago. It would have been a lot easier with Jake and Peter on my side.
WDW, I totally agree with you re: Jake and the "jokes" by Lance A. (which I was very pissed about seeing as how he is a friend) and others direct and indirect. Jake has handled them with total grace. As for Peter, lol, he had reason to be jealous of how Jake looked in Jarhead. ;) But I loved them both in the movie and always. I am very glad you included the link. The fan was great and I really liked hearing what she had to say. Plus, her picture just turning as Jake is right next to her is a record of what not to do during a Jake sighting. :p
Oh, PoP filming in the UK. Would be very exciting for you all across the pond! :)
Thanks for all that info on DOR, Sheba. Very interesting, especially that he and Jake were both taught by Thurman. Am hoping that those things they have in common makes things go smoothly during filming.
You're welcome. I think if they both sought each other out to work with then their respect for each other will make for a great film. I can't see Jake keeping quiet if parts of the scripted lines are 'poo'. And, if Russell does blow his stack, can you really see Jake being submissive and taking that abuse? He should have a good time, especially with Katherine Keener for support and Tracey Morgan for a constant supply of light entertainment - as long as he doesn't slap his belly and get anyone pregnant! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOhKrL5DB1Y
Morning everyone :D A beautiful day here - shame it's Monday :(
Get Real, you're right there. When Jake's behind you what's the last thing you should do? It is encouraging that Jake and David R were both taught by the Prof. Should make for some interesting chats in the bar.
Hey Sheba - I'm grateful as you gave me a whole new insight into this film and you've set my brain whirring. I think that Jake's experienced enough now in the ways of directors to stand up for himself although it does seem sometimes that on film sets the actors are the least important element!
Have a good Monday everyone :D
Thanks, WDW, great post as always.I miss running Jake, I miss running Jake, I miss running Jake *slaps herself and starts mentally yelling at Reese:"It's all your fault, woman!Since he started dating you,he stopped exercising!;)* But the way, I had the weirdest dream today. I dreamt that I was Reese's nanny (which would make sense because I've had my share of babysitting )and she came back home with kids and I remember being totally embarrassed because the children's rooms were a mess, somehow I hadn't been able to tidy them.A couple of months ago I also dreamt that she came to my mum's house and it was my mum's birthday. By the way,my mum's birthday is on 22nd March, just like Reese's. She was extremely nice and was wearing something pink. She brought my mum a present and...wanted to sing a song for her. I mean, how crazy can a person get? I mean myself. I don't remember much but I do remember she introduced herself to me and I shook her hand. This dream was so real, I kept thinking:"This is Jake's woman. OMG!!!"
My post is totally OT. I know:)Does anyone dream about Jake? Or Reese? Or am I the craziest person here?;)
Hi Zodiac :D Glad you liked the post and Speedy Jake - sigh :P
It is funny about the dreams. I know quite a few people here have shared their dreams. My last vivid dream about Jake was when we shared lunch together on the set of Brothers. I remember we had to wait in a long line and the food was very disappointing but the company was great!
Apart from Jake, the only other person I've dreamt of is Heath and fortunately I've never dreamt about nannying duties - I'm not gifted in the nannying and housework departments :D
Hey Zodiac. My most intresting Jake dream (besides having a real life vision of him being by my side coming out of anesthesia after minor surgery - that was really cool!- was when his father asked me to show up in my car along with him, papa, that is, in his car, to get Jake out of the hospital after he'd got beat up, the purpose of ths plan being to confuse the paps.
Typical of me to attempt heroic rescues, I guess we dream acc'g to type. Recent dream was that I was told he's somewhere else, but he's okay, and I was given his e-mail address so he could assure me himself. Well, as long as he's okay, I guess I can relax. (I wish!)
Can anyone explain the "famous" line from Southland Tales? Or is it the point that it makes no sensse.
How're our S.C. scouts doing?
O hi everypeeps. loois like weve got a week of sun in the northeast
Hi there Pia in the sunny NE - beautiful here (until the next thunder storm hits...). That dream of your's with the email address was a goodie. Interesting that you dream of heroic rescues. Mu dreams usually involve Jake and me looking for people or things - or eating and drinking :D
So what's the 'famous' line then? or is it too spoilery to tell me?
Off home now, see you all soon :D
Another great post,WDW,lots of athletic Jake which always gets my heart pounding!
Wasn't the London Marathon brilliant??!! As I watched all those wonderful people running round that fantastic course,most of them to raise money for charity,many in ridiculous costumes, I thought what a great advert it was for London and for the British people in general!
It crossed my mind that Peter might well still be in London and I really wanted him to be a spectator at the event which was a real testament to the human spirit and embodied what we affectionately call The Best of British.
A group of soldiers had come back from Basra just to run the marathon and then back off to Iraq tonight,some squaddies from another regiment ran the distance in full kit and backpack,a young kid of 21, invalided out of the army when blinded in Basra ran it with a guide runner and Dave Heeley,a blind guy from the Midlands,my neck of the woods,ran with his guide runner,London being their 7th marathon in 7 days on 7 continents! Only the third time it's been done and the first ever by a blind man,( he lost his sight when he was 16), raising loads of money for Guide Dogs for The Blind! SO many people,all with special stories and a shed-load of cash for great causes. It's one of my favourite events of the year. Personally,I can hardly run a bath so all of you who took part,I salute you.
Whether he saw the marathon or not,I hope Peter's had a fantastic time in this country anyway because we want him to keep coming back - thanks for being our ambassador in that regard WDW. Thanks to your inspiration I've just watched Jarhead again for the umpteenth time and appreciated the whole thing, and Jake and Peter's performances in particular,more than ever! Their wonderful incarnations as Swoff and Troy and Sam Mendes' direction should have won them all far more critical acclaim than actually came their way,far more! But I guess I'm preaching to the converted huh?
Talking of filming in England,you know I'm not keen on this "Prince of Persia" mullarkey but I quite understand why the British contingent are much keener on it now that it would seem that those two famous English studios will be used for some of the filming. Don't know whether to cross my fingers or not! ;-/
thamk you Nadine for more details on the london Marathon - thrilling! I wonder if there are such subplots to other marathons - as I dont pay much attention, ditto and haha your run-a-bath joke.
But I DO love to see Jake run, and also Tom Cruise, that's the only thing I love about the guy, how he runs. O yeah that guy from Kojak, that played Lt. Crocker - fell out of love when he stopped running and started wearing a hair piece, though.
I dont know how the line from Southland Tales could be a spoiler since it seemed to me to have nothing to do with anything. It's "Pimps don't commit suicide"
Please explain, anyone who is able!
Hey back home - that traffic, as Graysmith would say 'bumper to bumper'.
Hi Nadine :D I thoroughly enjoyed watching the marathan as always. I saw the soldiers - had a bit of laugh at the guy dressed as a robot, he's probably still got another 19 miles to go. And why would anyon run as a bottle of jiff lemon juice? My younger stepsis did herself really proud and did the course in 3 hrs and 8 mins -an incredible time, putting her right up there amongst the top female British runners.
Love to see Jake run D And yep, as far as Jarhead goes, you're definitely preaching to the converted but now I'm going to spend more time telling people what a good job Peter did as well.
As for Pop, cross your fingers, go on, just for lil ol me:D
Hey Pia - hmm, interesting line. My response would be 'They don't?' I didn't know Tom Cruise was a runner. I know Katie is of course. All power to everyone who runs - it's a great thing to do. I can just about manage a Legs, Bums and Tums class and that's about it.
All this talk of sport is reminding me I need to open a bottle of wine :D
'All this talk of sport is reminding me I need to open a bottle of wine'
Don't overdo it. Remember to warm up first and stretch afterwards. :D
Thanks Ruby - I appreciate the concern. I warmed up with a chunk of chocolate and a vegetarian toad in the hole.
Is a vegetarian toad in the hole just *hole*, WDW? :)
Pia's got me intrigued with that pimps line. Is it because they have a guaranteed income? Because they are the users, not the used?
'You wouldn't make fun of it if you tried it' - I'm in a quoting Zodiac Jake mood, Anouska :D
"Let's hope Jake doesn't need to get advice from Peter on how to deal
with David. " [WDW]
Who is going to advise David on how to deal with Jake's antics? ;-)
"Does anyone dream about Jake?" [Zodiac]
I dreamed about him once, and wrote it down, but the file for it is
not in this computer....
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