Although, as far as I'm aware, Jake has not yet been sighted in South Carolina himself, his co-star Jessica Biel - now to become a familiar figure to us - was seen eating out in Charleston over the weekend, saying that she would be filming there for a few days this week. Elsewhere, there was a sighting by another IMDb poster of the Nailed production crew hard at work, albeit starless, at WIS News in Columbia where a news segment was filmed. Another report suggests the production will also be at the Columbia statehouse for a few days this week.
In an interesting twist on the post here yesterday about the hard work states put in to enticing film productions away from LA and California, it came to light today that South Carolina almost lost Nailed at the last minute because the Commerce Director, Joe Taylor, didn't agree with the morals of a sexual comedy. 'It actually took maneuvering around the Secretary and confronting the legislature directly that was crucial in landing the film in Columbia. It was so bad that last week the Senate apparently had to have a committee meeting calling members of the Film Commission, the Commerce Department and the film itself to count before it to discuss the film - including the Film's Director.'

It's a strange state of affairs when commerce directors take it upon themselves to make moral judgements about what time of film can be made in their state, to the extent that they would turn the business away. After all the hassle of having to justify his film at the twelfth hour, it makes one wonder if David Russell would bother making a movie in South Carolina again. Read more here.

Speaking of David Russell, there has been some alarm that David has been known to give his actors (ie Lily Tomlin) a bit of a roasting but, with big thanks to Sheba, it's now clear that there is more to the relationship between David and Jake than I first thought. It turns out that both David and Jake studied under Professor Robert Thurman at Columbia and it appears that Russell is at least well known to Jake's mother, Naomi (see below). There is evidence from interviews by both David and Jake that the ideas they developed under the nurturing of Thurman still influence their lives and one can imagine some earnest conversations when the cameras turn off in South Carolina. Bob Thurman is, of course, Uma's father.

When David Russell was asked about his Huckabees film (starring Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin), he came out with some quotes, which are almost worthy of Jake Gyllenhaal himself. For instance: 'All I am saying is that it is good to stretch, it's good to try to push yourself a little bit and talking about the tenth dimension or talking about infinity is, to me, a very useful thing, it relaxes me, it makes me feel more alive. The people that do this are my heroes, I think you have to be a hero to get beyond the conventional shit on a daily basis because it is uncomfortable. So, you may be asking now, like I was, "When does it stop and when does it start? When do you think people can find a perfect balance in their life regarding these things?" I think everybody has to decide that for themselves. If I was running around like Jim Morrison, then you could say that's out of balance. I think if it makes you more open and more relaxed then that is a good thing, ultimately. More open to more people and less uptight about yourself, that's a good thing.'

Just compare all that with Jake's account of what Donnie Darko (never a film to be described in easy terms) means to him. I can honestly say I am none the wiser: 'When I read the script I was in college studying eastern religions - Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, basically - and the issues in the movie were metaphysically similar to things I was thinking about at the time." His course, taught by Robert Thurman (Uma's father), dealt with "ideas of illusion and absolute realities"; similarly, the film shows Donnie in a somnambulistic state, caught between real life and a dream.

'"That half-conscious state when dreams feel completely real is fascinating to me. At the end of the film, you ask: is it a dream or isn't it? Is this a dream that we're living now? Those questions are really interesting because the unconscious hasn't really been explored yet. People think there's not much more to discover, but there is - there's this fourth dimension, or whatever it is."
'It transpires, though, that bonding with the script and actually understanding it are two different things. "When people ask me, 'What does the rabbit mean?' I say, don't ask me, and don't ask anyone else involved, because we have no fucking idea. It's something out of the director Richard Kelly's unconscious and even he has no explanation for it. To me, the film is about that initial entry into what could be adulthood, when everything loses its context and all of a sudden nothing feels solid. The rabbit and the spears coming out of people's chests are almost literal manifestations of those questions everyone asks at a certain point: am I crazy? Does God exist? I was asking myself those questions when I was growing up."'

Getting back to David's Huckabees interview, David discusses how he used the ideas taught to him by Robert Thurman in the characterisation of the film's roles and how his own experiences are there. And relating to Nailed, the sexcom, David is asked how humour fits in with this zen model, to which he replies: 'A Zen monk once said to me, "If you're not laughing you're not getting it," it meaning the whole thing. The humor is the substance in its most sublime form.'

Back in November 2004: 'Last night (11/15) Jake Gyllenhaal was at the Central Library downtown for the dialogue between Robert A.F. Thurman, Buddhist prof, and former student/film director David O. Russell (why do all these people use their middle initials?). Jake was running up the dry-cleaning bills in a white cashmere sweater, plaid scarf, and flanked by his parents. The family was all cozy and commenting to each other during the talk, and Naomi (Mom) asked Thurman a question, but the audience mike didn't work, and Russell ran down to her and handed her his mike (whereupon she said, "Thanks, David.")'

Naomi is proud of the spiritual education both her children have received and is aware of the benefits for their chosen career: 'Both of my kids studied with Robert Thurman at Columbia University and I think they've both been drawn to that. I think they're both very spiritual beings. Both have a real awareness of what's going on around them which is why they're good at what they do because you have to be a real observer to represent things for other people (in acting).'

As for Jake's own perspective: '"I was probably doing it for them,” he says. But his stint as a student of Buddhism has left its mark. “I haven’t really found happiness in material success — wanting more hasn’t brought me happiness. Now I realise that whenever I want something more, it’s not going to make me happy,” he muses. “I’m not a card-carrying Buddhist, but I do try to practise mindfulness.”
I'd better stop there and continue later as this is more than one post. In the meantime, this video shows Professor Thurman speaking up for the rights of Tibet and the freedom of its people outside City Hall in NYC just last month.
Maggie is Interview's covergirl
As previously noted here, Maggie Gyllenhaal graces the cover of the May issue of Interview. The picture was taken in London. Here is a peek.

And finally
I am grateful to Channel 4 for premiering Kinsey on tv tonight but why oh why is the Film of the Week on at 1.35 am? Not all of us have recorders that actually function.
Includes pictures from IHJ.
Hi ((WDW)).I think I've figured out why Jake hasn't been spotted in South Carolina yet - it's because he and David O. Russell were last seen disappearing up their own backsides ;-) :-D
Jake said we might wonder at the end of Donnie Darko whether or not it was a dream. Nah,I just wondered what the blood and sand that was all about. Hasn't stopped me going back to try and figure it out though.
Must go and read your post again too,see if I can figure out what Professor Thurman's famous pupils were actually trying to say ;-)
Oh and if I'm not about when she drops in, "Hi Pia :-D"
Nailed has the morality police's panties in a wad? I'm liking this movie already! Nice to see Jake isn't interested in repeating himself and this politician he's playing sounds like it could give him a chance at some real grown-up humor. It tickles me how concerned Gyllenhaalics are that David Russell might unleash his bad temper on our beloved. Jake has such devoted fans, lol. I hope he knows how much we fret on his behalf.
Hi Nonplussed Nadine :DD Well, you're not the only one. Speaking as someone who has spent a fair amount of time in pubs having a pint and trying to work out Donnie Darko with a web designer who likes to dress as a pirate, I am none the wiser from Jake's comments.
But what intrigues me is that Jake has these two perspectives time after time. He can go on and on about Zen Buddhism but in the next interview he'll say that it wasn't his choice to study it or that he's happier not being intellectual and so had to leave college - 'my heart is a bigger muscle than my brain' I remember Jake saying last spring.
But I suppose that's like all of us - I know I get carried away by certain ideas but I'm instantly distracted by the idea of Jake as the Prince of Persia. Human nature :D Blimey, I'm waffling... (doing a Jake and David :D)!
Hi JoeAnn! Posting at the same time :D Jake doing adult humour is fine by me. It feels like this is going to be a whole new Jake - I remember saying that about Rendition and now I'm saying it again - and in the meantime we have Jake as the ex-convict in Brothers with tattoos on his neck. A lot of different roles.
And this agro makes me all the more keen on Nailed :D
I wonder too if Jake knows how we all fret for him :) It's gotta be flattering if nothing else.
LOL NP Nadine.... worthy of Jake indeed.
WDW, again, you have surpassed yourself with this wonderful post. Thanks for the 'shout out'. Charlie Rose's interviews are very insightful that allow the actors/directors/producers time to formulate solid thoughtsif not totally coherant :D (I still love the Ang and Heath interview he did).
If David wants to open a verbal can of whoop ass on Jake or any co-star, I'd love to see it (youtube quickly please) 'cos I know Jake can handle it (remember what he did to Selma in Highway and I'm sure there was a lot of Jake in that).
I feel it in my waters that this will be a real good and meaningful experience for Jake to spread his wings and be creative. Off to read some more and get back to work x
Sheba, thanks so much for the inspiration :D
That Charlie Rose interview with Heath is just excellent. I really hope you're right about Jake being able to handle David's 'artistic temperament' but I'm very interested to see what this film brings out in Jake. Have a great evening *)
I've just seen that wonderful and inspiring speech by Robert Thurman, very powerful, factual, unafraid of reprisals and he makes you want to listen to what he has to say. I'm so full of admiration for people who have the courage to stand up for what they believe in. Again, I'm inspired by this as I can use this very speech as part of my work to inspire debate.
so here's another love fest.... thank you.
Maggie looks so lovely, her inner beauty shines through. Her smile reminds me of my own mother's smile, so warm and sincere. Is it the British version of Interview that Maggie is on? If so, I'm off to Borders in the morning :D
Hey Sheba, I think Bob Thurman must be an inspring teacher and an inspiration speaker and he's not afraid to stand up and be counted.
That's the US edition of Interview so it won't hit Borders in the UK until at least the end of May unfortunately :(
Nadine, disappearing up one's own as is a kind of yoga. Or else, irony. Maybe both. :D
All this and Kristin Gore, too. Gonne be verh intresting, that's for sure.
Not concerned about Jake taking care of himself and holding his own. As Dustin Hoffman observed on MM: "How come you're not intimidated by me?"
Beautiful Maggie, I love her. Hope we'll get a scan of the interview.
Hi Pia - oh yes, mustn't forget Kirstn Gore. I've always thought Dustin was a bit miffed that Jake stood firm.
I'll definitely scan Interview for the site as soon as I can get my mitts on it, although someone may do it sooner. If anyone could send me scans to put up I'd be grateful.
I wonder how soon they can get "Nailed" out... quicker than "Brothers"?????
Remember how close "Jarhead" and BBM's release dates were?? In UK, they are literally overlapped... for about a few weeks, I stood outside Odeon Tottenham Court Road, with the BBM and Jarhead posters on the "Showing Now" section - what a scene!! I ended watching BBM 3 times and Jarhead one time there :)
Good thinking... it's true that Kirsten Gore could be an important factor... especially since she got the SNL connection. I do think Jake's SNL has got him noticed as comedy material.
oh.. OT, but amazon rental is not sending "Southland Tales" to me yet *fumes*....
Ey up Winterbird :D That's bad news about Amazon. They should get some copies from Sainsburys...
It's funny you should say that about the released dates of Brothers and Nailed (it seems strange taling about Jake films without using abbreviations..), I was thinking about this the other day. BBM and Jarhead were pretty much on top of each other when they came out in the UK and Proof sort of slipped through altogether. It is very possible these two are going to be out around the same time. This might mean a lot of running between theatre screens...
It's like Jake's doing his bit doing the fiming and we're doing our bit doing the watching.
That's a good point about SNL.
How's the jetlag?? Better I hope :)
Maybe "pimps dont commit suicide" is a Hollywood in-joke. Kelly says the film was orig just about Hollywood.
WDW Dustin was if I remember also a bit miffed that Jake got top billing in MM. Jake's got a bit of clout in "the industry" I gather
For some reason now, Pia, I've got that Robbie Williams song Me and My Monkey stuck in my head!
I can imagine Dustin being a bit peeved at that. This is very spooky as I've been doing some reading about Dustin tonight.
Hey everyone! No Jake sighting today but they have shut down a particular street here for filming until Sunday..i plan on going out there sometime this week and I will keep you guys posted! im actually in nursing school so its hard to find time..but no classes on wednesday or thursday so you know where i will be!
Hi Nicole! Thanks so much for the report - this is really great for us so please know how much I appreciate it. And I sympathise with how hard it is when you have to work knowing there's someign going on round the corner. But good luck later in the week and thanks for keeping us posted :D It's great you're so close!! So exciting!
oh... it's not really the jet-lag... I am just physically shattered... so I was sleeping like 12 hours a day the last few days... and i have an ulcer on my tongue.. urghh...
does that rescue remedy cure mouth ulcer too?
running between theatres for Jake movies is good exercise :)
G'night, everyone.
Ooh ouch, Winterbird :( I don't think Rescue Remedy would work for that. You'll have to eat yoghurt and icecream for a month :D I can't believe I'm still up so g'night from me too :)
Maggie looks beautiful. Of course my subscription to Interview just ran out.
I try not to over analyze DD anymore. When I first saw it I couldn't stop thinking about it. It got to the point were it just made my head hurt. It's funny how it can be my favorite movie. I think you all can understand.
I thought that I remembered that Dustin and Susan where fully aware that Jake was getting top billing on MM. In fact I thought I heard that they pushed for it. Then again I could be imagining the whole thing. ;)
Have a good night all.
Hi Bird Girl - glad I just caught you. I agree about Donnie Darko. I've spent quite a few years trying to work that one out while just thoroughly enjoying everything about it - especially Jake, the music and the photography. I've reached a kind of happy state with it now where I know enough about the 'plot' to be able to argue about it :D Night.
Good Night sweetie.
I clicked on the link to Maggie's interview, only to find that it was a blog about the article (which won't be out until April 21 anyway), and there were some really nasty comments about Maggie from some of the people. Poor Maggie!
Morning everyone :D
Sorry about that Paul - I don't read the comments and so didn't realise but some people can't resist being mean about beautiful and talented women.
Yes, it's the May issue.
Have a good day everyone :D
Morning, sweetpeeps!
Jake working out at Strom gym in Colmbia, SC. (Silly smile spreads across Pia's face. Can;t help it)
Have you got a pick up line yet, Nicole?
Thanks for that lovely image,Pia!
Just dropping in because I forgot to say how gorgeous Maggie looks on that "Interview" cover (I think a pre-requisite of being a high-profile star is a thick skin,Paul - either that or avoid all press,good or bad)....
...and I must wish Nicole the very best of luck for a Jake-sighting/meeting (hopefully the latter!) when she gets to the "Nailed" set! You go girl! :-D
I find Maggie totally believable in every movie she is in. In later life, this will matter far more than whether she is classically beautiful. For now, it's something to get through.
But for the record, I think Maggie is totally gorgeous.
Great news that Jake is in SC! Thanks for the sighting info Pia. Very interesting stuff about Jake, DOR, their connections and their studies. Always love seeing pics of the G family and DD still one of the best movies out their. Brilliant work from Jake.
Paul I agree and don't understand when people say such nasty things about Jake or Maggie. I think they are both talented and beautiful people inside and out. She looks wonderful in the new pic.
Hi there everyone - OMG this work thing is overrated - I'm in need of a bucket of wine right now :P
Hi Pia :D It is so so great to know Jake is back at work over there in SC. Puts a grin on my face too.
Hey Nadine! Thanks for the flyby. I agree about the thick skin. A thick skin and knowing that you're better than them.
Definitely, Paul. Maggie is a real beauty and unusual looking too :D
Hi there Get Real :D I love all these sightings we get when jake is filming - it's going to add even more to the film when we get to see it in the theatres.
Good luck Nicole!
thank you everyone!! i havent thought of a pick up line yet but thats all i have been thinking about for the last couple of days..what will i say! great news about jake at the strom gym..thats also where my brother works out! i will keep you guys posted
How about, "I saw in your eyes that you hate the world. I hate it too". Good luck in your sighting Nicole.
Damn WDW, don't you hate it when work or real life gets in the way of what really matters..... Jake! Yeah, work is way overrated LOL!
I was just as frustrated that people hadn't heard of Rendition and didn't even know what Rendition mean. Only today, I asked a group of people at College that question - not one of them had seen it or even knew what rendition meant. If movies are deemed to be preachy or 'too message' people don't want to know. Hopefully, Nailed will pull people in more because of the comedy element.
Sorry to deviate but I can't wait for Iron Man.
Hey Nicole - it's so exciting to have Jake in your town. Just stay cool and be prepared :D Enjoy having him around. I love it when he's in London even though there's not a hope of seeing him. Good luck!
Hi Sheba :D I know, work is doing its inconsiderate best to get in the way of what matters :(
It's ridiculous that people don't have enough knowledge of current affairs - or the acts of their government - to have heard of Rendition. But if you're able to talk to them about that and teach them about it, then what a thing to do :)
I saw a trailer for Iron Man the other day - cannot wait! I thought RDJ was extremely eccentric casting for this role but maybe that's what the genre needs - RDJ as Iron Man and Jake as the Prince of Persia. I love the idea of seeing Jake in a film so successful (in a blockbuster kind of way) that I can enjoy him in the cinemas for weeks.
Afternoon peeps,
A day late but happy to read about a relationship I knew nothing about; David O. Russell--middle initial;)-- and our Jakey are well acquainted.
Who knew.
How do you ferret out these facts? TY, TY, TY.
I hope that maybe be Mr. Russell will not try to make more of his reputation with Jake:lol:lol, though I'm sure Jake will give as good as he gets, for himself and others working on the film.
Jake is so interconnected in Hollywood and has such deep connections, it might give one pause if they want to behave badly towards him...not that he can't take care of himself. Is there anyone in Hollywood Jake doesn't know? NOT!:)
I like how you describe my Jake defense system. I fret all to much, but that's the price of Jake love for me:) I may have gone too far... calling for boycotts of certain Jake bashing forums, who allow it in the name of we allow celeb criticism, but hey, that's how I roll when Jake is critiqued unfairly and negatively:):)
Waiting with bated breath for Nicole's Jaking reports.
Back to read and listen to this wonderful post; this is my first look and listen to Jake's and David's professor. I can't thank you enough for relieving my Jake fretting.:)
Hi Sass :D Just check out the new post with Nicole's pics from the set!
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