It looks like, after a weekend off, Jake Gyllenhaal has now made his way back to South Carolina and back to work on Nailed. These pictures were taken today (Monday, 21 April) as Jake departed LAX. I can't help wondering about the big red stick... I do like the grey sweater and black shirt combo.

Big thanks to
IHJ for the new pics.
Hey WDW! Glad to see Jake is back in Columbia!
Yeah! Are you going out Jake hunting again Nicole?
He looks yummy!
Jake and Reese are so predictable. Ryan had the kids this weekend and Jakegoes back to L.A... I wonder with whom he spend the weekend with? ;)
Jake certainly looks yummy!!
Morning everyone :D So good to see these just before I went to bed last night!
Hi Nicole! I reckon Jake was on his way back to Columbia so you'd better be on Jakealert again D Good luck!
Hey there Birdgirl :D
Morning Rosie! Blimey, you were up early... And yes he does :)
Have a good day everyone :D
My goodness he's sooo delicious... how I love his profile *__* absolute perfection <3
On IHJ they say his grandma died and that's why he was in LA: hope it's not true, that's a sad news :(
Well, good luck Nicole, Jakelicious is back in town ;)
Morning WDW and everyone!:)
Oh my, how I love this man, he's so beautiful...
Our Precious is back in town, so back to your stalking duties, Nicole!
I'm guessing the stick is to beat off over zealous admirers with and the wheelchair is for those whose knees give way at the sight of Jake;)
That's very sad news if it's true, Good Girl, although I wonder why someone would post that on the net, it's in very poor taste imo. Jake does look subdued though...Hugs to (((Jake))) either way.
morning everyone... jake and his cell phone. i wonder if he name his phone, the way he can't separate from it :P
TL... that's pretty good logic for the wheelchair and the stick. but have mercy, jake!
I agree Jake did look subdued and sometimes even mildly pissed off in some pics. maybe he needs some space.... :(
Hey TL, yes that'd be a very sad news, actually I don't even know *how* some people have this "infos" out there, and as I always wonder, are they reliable? And in this case I definitely hope it is not true :-/ Jake seems to be in a bad mood anyway :(
[quite ashamed to say he looks so good and sexy anyway ...a warm hug would definitely be nice TL ;)]
Hi there everyone :D It doesn't seem right, having to work when there are new Jake pics and a discussion going on :\
I saw that comment about Jake's grandmother and there is no reason to believe this is reliable and nor is it desirable to put such personal information out like that. As you say, TL, why would anyone want to post that?
If it's true it's extremely sad and I'm sorry for Jake. I hope it isn't true.
Like the idea of the use for the wheelchair and stick, TL :D
That's funny, Winterbird, about Jake and his phone! I think my family would say the same thing about me!
Hey there Good Girl and Xenia - yep, Jake's looking gorgeous! Definitely lots of hugs for him here :D
Hope everyone's having a good day :)
G'day, y'all!
Jake looks incredibly young, clean shaven. Happy/unhappy, o gosh I have enuff worries about my goldfish. I definitely don't wanna go there. Dont wanna know when "Ryan has the kids", either. NOMB. Please folks.
Love black t and grey sweater, love the picture of Jake's lovely body turned sidewise, what have we done to deserve such beauty?
I ache for Jake.
Morning Pia :D
One thing I love about Nailed is that it's keeping Jake clean shaven. Just beautiful.
I wish I had a goldfish :( All I have is a big Pluto adopted in Florida at Disney World (or WDW!).
It's an amazing beautiful spring day here - t-shirt weather :D
Jake is looking good here. Very mellow and chilling while making his way thru the airport.
The red stick was apparently connected to the wheelchair.
Jake just happened to be passing by.
I once saw a picture of Naomi with her parents. Presumably it is still online somewhere.
I'm looking at a copy of Jake's family tree, to see if he had any Scottish ancestors (I need to get a life). His great-great-grandmother's surname was Nelson, which can be English or Scottish. Or, it can be Anglicized from Nilsson, which is more likely.
But if you go back 40 or 50 generations, we are all cousins...
Always good to see Jake, especially without crutches. Here's hoping he has a good and fun-filled week full of laughter and creativity. It's a beautiful warm spring day here and I'm inside Jakeing;)
Hey WDW and all WDWers :-) I should apologise that I've merely skimmed over the last post,WDW - normally there's very little I'd love more than to lose myself in one of your "Brokeback" posts,but as you know my old "friend" the Black Dog is upon me at the moment,so I'd be asking for trouble to dwell on it today (especially a Tuesday :-( 13 weeks since we lost Heath.I'm sure I'm not the only one counting Tuesdays since January 22nd).
And as a rule I would be delighted to see new pictures of Jake and he does indeed look clean-shavenly handsome in these latest LAX pics...but very subdued and preoccupied. I share everyone's hopes that the rumours of his paternal Grandmother's death are just that - rumours with no truth in them - but I feel so sad for (((Jake))) if it is true. It would be something of an awful deja vu,working on a film, away from home and receiving the news that someone he loves has died, for the second time in a few months. And once DOR shouts "Action" once more he'll be expected to be funny and on the ball.
Ah well,let's hope the bereavement is a tasteless fabrication and he isn't really as sad as he looks in these photographs...
(((Nadine))), I am with you and hope these rumors of his grandmother's passing are not true. (((Jake)))
Hi there everyone :D
Lucky Sheba, Jaking away there. I'm designing posters - very tempting to put Jake's face on all of them...
Good to see you Get Real :D
Hi Paul - yep, we're all distant cousins (lots of Nelsons round here...).
Hey ((((Nadine)))) - I do hope you feel much better soon - I'm always here when you fancy a chat, as are all your friends here.
I don't see someone in these photos as sad as some are saying - I just see a traveller preoccupied. The state of me sometimes when I go through airports, especially if I'm in a rush :)
But I definitely hope, as you say Nadine, this is not true. And if it is, it's not our business.
Roll on hometime - it's too beautiful to be inside at work...
Bird Girl - how are you feeling today?
Hi Get Real :D
Well Jake doesnt look sad to me at all, it looks like common airport concern gettin' to the gate on time. although he may be sad. I dont know. maybe he went "home" to a seder service on Sat. night and is thinking about the trials of the Jewish people. maybe his grandma died. maybe he's greiving Heath. maybe his ankle hurts. maybe - oh well, I wont go THERE -
I figure the red pole is to identify disabled passenger who need to board first.
I hear that magnolias are gone by in southern Pennsyvlvania but dogwood are out.
Hi Pia! Posting at the same time. And you must be reading my mind - I agree that Jake looks like someone just trying to get through an airport.
Magnolias are gone here too - but now the tulips are out in force :D
.. And the dandelions in the back garden LOL!
Guilty feeling on Jakeing as I'm being harrassed by my little'un so I'll be taking him to cinema soon. I missed your last post on Heath and Jake and wanted to comment on that. I'd love to see the day come when I can look at Heath's work/pictures without tears springing up. I understand the circle - it's unbreakable as well as the link now with BBM forever. It's still so unbelievable he's not here.
The red stick is a pole attached to the wheelchair to prevent it from being removed from the terminal. The chair belongs to the airline. You can sometimes see the same thing on shopping carts so they are not removed from the store.
Have a good time at the cinema, Sheba. Sounds good to me :D And I'm glad you enjoyed the last post.
Thanks Anon :D Call me thick but I've often wondered what those are - you don't tend to see them round here anymore.
Thanks for the hugs WDW and Get Real :-) Always good to come here!
I hope you and Pia are right,WDW,and I'm wrong, that Jake's not sad, just going through the motions of the airport ritual,which can hardly be the most entertaining of activities!
thank you for red pole info, anon!
And ((((Nadine))) I didnt know what "the black dog" meant until I googled it, as I often do with expressions you Brits use that are new to me. I read that the expression originated with Churchill, describing his depressions. what a vivid metaphor! Bad dog! Hugs to you, luv.
Well, it's good to see you too Nadine :)
I find having an all day veggie breakfast at an airport does wonders for intercontinental travel :D I wonder how long the flight is from LA to Columbia - anyone know?
Hi Pia! That's a great expression of Churchill's and it's one I've always used myself for the bad days.
Today is such a beautiful day - Oxford's looking gorgeous :D Good to be home.
Awwww (((Pia))) you're a sweetie,you too (((WDW))).
Good to be back home. I love you Jim Carrey but if you ever make a stupid movie like Horton Hears a Who again... I'll hunt you down and gut you like a fish!
I wonder what's happening on set today. Seems to have all calmed down.. 9 more weeks of suits, ties and sleek, slick congressman Jake in Columbia.
Just found out LA to Columbia is 2,420 miles - yikes!! About 300 miles short of going to New York. Flying time must be at least 3 hours long. Imagine having to do that every weekend and we know how much Jake suffers from jet lag. Be safe and healthy baby.
I guess Ive assumed film crews and actors go straight thru, more or less, circumstances permitting: how can productions afford to give folks weekends off? as for flying back and forth coast to coast every weekend, managing airports, family time, etc. I think this would be horrendous. Id take off for Myrtle Beach, instead. also, do family visit film locations regularly?
"Good to be back home. I love you Jim Carrey but if you ever make a stupid movie like Horton Hears a Who again... I'll hunt you down and gut you like a fish!"
sheba, I think I love you!!! :)
I think actors negotiate their work schedules as part of their contract when they agree to do a movie. I've often heard of family visits to sets. It doesn't seem unusual.
A shooting schedule might stop and go for any number of reasons. A director changes his mind about something. Rewrites of script are needed. Weather intervenes. Someone gets sick. Something breaks.
Maybe an actor has other schedule commitments and so their scenes have to be done first, or last, or in between. The thing is, everything costs money.
Sometimes a set shuts down to save some money in between things. And if a director is not very organized and things aren't planned out in advance, the director ends up spending more money, goes over budget and overtime.
But somehow they still keep figuring out ways to raise money for their next project, no matter how awful their reputation or mismanagement is.
Personally, I would love for David O. Russell to make a movie with Russell Crowe. I'd pay to do a documentary, "making of..." of that!!! I think people who make movies have to be a little bit crazy to start! :)
(Waves to WDW!)
Hey there Sheba! That film sounds... interesting. It's been ages since I've been to the pictures - I'll make sure I don't see that one :D
Hi Pia - I seem to remember that Jake was flying around a bit during Brothers. I don't think he was ever allowed out of Fincher's suight during Zodiac! But I suppose all films are different and sometimes actors just aren't needed. Jake must have had his publicity for TDAT written into the filming schedules for BBM.
It certainly is a long, long commute though!
Hey Bobbyanne - * waves back * So good to see you - and you are my movie expert :D Thanks for all that, so interesting. I definitely agree that making movies belongs in a world of its own. Just suits some people.
Hi WDW:)
I'm staying away from your beautiful new post though I love the idea of Jake having a hearty meal. I think it's must be the date(April 22) cause I can't shake my black dog either...hard to believe it's only been 3 months since Heath left us.
Thanks for being here for us:)
bobbyanna, you are a girl after my own heart:) Russell and Russell :lol TY
Hey Pia, I was wondering whether Jake's mom and dad would visit him on the set. I expect so. Don't seem to hear much about them nowadays. Isn't Myrtle Beach where Homer's mom said she would go to leave Chris Cooper? Sounds like a sleepy, senior citizen's retreat (heaven).
WDW, I couldn't recommend it to anyone, I'm so disappointed. I guess I was expecting some underground adult humour somwhere that young children couldn't understand but I should have brought a microsope to find it.
Bobbyanna, thank you too. What we have to go through for our children - kids just don't understand! hehe...
I can't imagine working solidly for 10 weeks without a break although I seem to remember LOTR was 3 years but with breaks. I also understand its uniqueness, hence the huge salaries these short amount of work commands.
Now, can I be your assistant on the 'behind the scenes'? I'd love to see the two Russells working together - but I guess we'd need gladiator armour for that shoot!!
Sass, I'm feeling you today. Did not realise that it's 3 months today, now I know why I couldn't shake this feeling. Hope we all find some peace today.
Black Dog is a metaphor for depression? I wish I had known that when I was reading about Harry Potter's Godfather, who morphed into a black dog at times.
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