Listener Vera phoned up this morning to say, 'I could have sworn I saw Jake Gyllenhaal eating a Homewrecker at Moe’s Southwest Grill on South Main yesterday at lunch. Oh, my gosh! I’m still tingling. Talk: Settle down, Vera. Thanks for steering the discussion away from that boring Earth Day stuff. And thanks for giving us the sixth “Nailed” sighting of the morning. I can’t get enough of those. I would have guessed Jake would have ordered an Art Vandalay instead.'

I'm obviously an ignorant Brit who has no idea what a Homewrecker is - although it does sound a little intimidating to my ears - so I looked it up. According to Moe's Southwest Grill's website, the Homewrecker is a burrito containing a 'Choice of grilled meat, beans, rice, shredded cheese, pico de gallo, lettuce, sour cream and guacamole.' No idea what a 'pico de gallo' is but otherwise, if I could have a veggie version, sounds better than my lunch of sushi and melon, which left me hungrier than I was before. But anyway.... The Art Vandalay is a veggie burrito and comprises 'Beans, rice, shredded cheese, pico de gallo, lettuce, sour cream and guacamole.' Be great with a jug of margarita.

Incidentally, one poster on IMDb has placed a comment today, which suggests, if we didn't know already, that not all is as it seems with thirdhand accounts of shennanigans on the set of Nailed: 'I was there at the state Treas. Office last Wed and saw nothing to indicate that Jake or Jessica were anything but professional. They were particularly nice to the kids on set. In fact the entire crew went out of their way to help the kids and make them feel special. James Caan did not walk right off set. He hung around trying to work things out. He seemed upset but not the crazed lunatic depicted in these posts.'

Jake's stature as fashion icon grows...
USA Today had a feature today about Green Clothes - or environmentally friendly clothes as opposed to clothes the colour of limes or fresh horse chestnut leaves. And hot on the heels of the Guardian's association of Jake with plaid (not so good) and Roger Daltry of the Who seen on UK TV wearing a version of the lung/bird t-shirt (much better) - now we have Jake named as a man who has made ecoclothing trendy. It appears that one of Jake's supposedly favourite lines - Loomstate - will now be made more widely available in cheaper versions. But if I ever see Jake wearing a pair of shorts like those pictured at the top of the article (Libertine shorts designed by Bono), we will have to have words.

Thank you, Waterstones
I was in the book shop Waterstones this week and they had a display of 'life-changing' books with quotations from staff about what these books had meant to them. There among them was Annie Proulx's Brokeback Mountain, with the tribute: 'Never have fewer words moved me so much. Painful, explicit, tender and tragic. The firt time a book has broken my heart - something everyone has to go through once.' Absolutely.

Includes pictures from IHJ.
Jake and food, what a wonderful combination. Those burritos both sound good. Pico de gallo btw is a tomato and chili relish kinda thing. :)
Good words about Brokeback Mountain in Waterstones. Very true. Everyone should read it.
Afternoon all,
So Jake likes big burritos. Ha ha me too. You are making me hungry WDW.
So people are just now realizing that Jake is a fashion icon? Green fashion or not he has revolutionized the white-tee.
I am having a great day today how are all of you?
Hi WDW. Apparently a "Pico de Gallo" (literally "The Beak of The Rooster") is a Mexican salsa made with onions,chillies,tomatoes,lime juice and cilantro. I thought Jake didn't like cilantro/coriander,but maybe it blends well with all the other stuff it's mixed with in this "Homewrecker" burrito - sounds more like a Gut-Wrecker to me ;-)
And those shorts on Beach-Jake seem perfectly acceptable to me WDW ;-) Do you remember Kumari imagined him in some Daisy Dukes once? it getting hot in here?
Hiya Rubes! You were already posting about the salsa while I was researching it :-)
Hi Rubes :D You can tell I was hungry when I did this post - still am :) That pico sounds a bit spicey for me but I'd give it a go. I need Jake to talk me through the menu!
Hi Bird Girl - hope you're feeling better :) don't think I've ever had a burrito - hmmmm. I'm so glad you're having a great day! I've had a good day too - busy and a bit fraught but there've been some fun bits and the weather is gorgeous!
Hey Nadine - it's getting hot and it's getting spicey ;D Jake in hot shorts and eating hot food. That sauce sounds like real heartburn fodder to me... I cannot see Jake in Daisy Dukes!!
I never knew I had so many salsa expert posters :D I have movie experts and I have salsa experts (I do know a little bit about plonk though ;D....)
I've got a Q for you WDW-nothing to do with this post-sorry!
What has hapened to the Zodiac 2 disc DVD???? I had mine on pre-order, supposed to be released yesterday, but it now doesnt seem to exist. Amazon and Play etc only have a Director's Cut listed with no release date. Do you know anything about this? Thanks! I never bought the original vanilla dvd released ages ago as I wanted to wait for the special edition but that seems to have gone now. Hope you can help.
PS Love your site.
Oh no. A food post! I'm trying to cut down... A homewrecker hey.. I guess if you have one of those before you go home for your dinner, the other half won't be mightily pleased.
Brilliant comments from Waterstone's staff - a very good bookshop.
Thanks again WDW for posting the other side and the positive things that may be happening on set. Its hard to know what to believe anymore however, from previous accounts this seems more like the Jake we know. I just hope he keeps it real for himself and all of us.
Hi Anon - thanks for the question :D
I'm sorry to hear about that with the Zodiac director's cut release. I'm presuming you mean a European version. As far as I can see there's still no release date for that. That's shameful if they said it was supposed to be released this week and now it's gone. I would recommend you buy the US version - I bought mine from Most DVD players can play R1 DVDs with some tweaking. I am sorry to hear your troubles though. Zodiac is my favourite film and I want as many people as possible to see it.
I'm so glad you like the site, thanks. Do come back and I'd love to have a name for you :)
Nadine - I married a foodie, it kinda rubs off! :D
mmm, just riffing on hot and spicy Jake for a sec.............. :P
And I'm back. Yeah, what Sheba said, good to have some balance to the other reports, thanks WDW :)
Hi Sheba! I do like to do a food post. Talking of food - this evening I decided to eat my second chocolate easter bunny and so I hit it with a rolling pin and bits of it went everywhere. Not good.
I'm a Borders girl but I've been won over by the local Waterstones branch - not only by their picking of BBM but because of the other books in the selection. I go in there and browse through books I must read - Charles Palliser's Quincunx is another and that is one of my favourite books of all time.
I just think that we have to take all these 'stories' that come off the Nailed filmset with a big pinch of salt. The media are expecting trouble from Russell and so are looking to blow up the smallest thing.
Jake - Hot and Spicey :P
Hi Ruby!
Jake - Hot and Spicey :P
Hot and spicy
BTW Kate, I watched Southland Tales last night. Loved it! But I am so confused. Richard Kelly is a strange and amazing man.
I'm looking forward to seeing it too, Bird Girl, but I think I definitely have to be in the right frame of mood :D Richard Kelly does like to confuse me and it's taken me years to get a handle on Donnie!
WDW, I spent quite a bit of time late last night looking at pictures of Heath I'd never seen before. I haven't yet thanked you for the video in yesterday's thread of the BBM Venice photocall.
Seeing the still photos is one thing, but watching the video brings out a whole other dimension of Heath and Jake, and of Jake and Heath's relationship. They were clearly very close. I saw admiration, affection, and support there, as I did other times.
Their lives and their schedules might have been pulling in different directions, but I am certain they remained friends.
I also remembered a quote from Ang in another interview, where he said that these two particular actors captured a quality of innocence that was hard to define. For me, that innocence was part of their "chemistry."
I still have some bad days. Still find it hard to use the past tense.
It is just so entirely unacceptable. I really miss him. I'm glad there are other people I can share that with.
Bobbyanna - you can share all those feelings here as I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't feel exactly the same.
That's why I included that Venice photoshoot video - as it animates those glances and touches and smiles captured in the photos. There's real chemistry there and friendship. And it's a quiet friendship, not a showbiz one - I like that.
I'm enjoying Heath's films but I do have a hard time reading interviews with him right now but the films are a real source of comfort.
I remember that innocence quote of Ang's. He saw something and couldn't let it pass.
If it hadn't been for Brokeback and Jake and Heath, I would never have met you - that's not a good thought :)
When Ang said Brokeback healed him at a time when he needed it most - it healed me too. Now, to watch it is too heartbreaking. I can't imagine how Michelle is doing - God bless her and Matilda both. Bobbyanna, Sass, you've come to the right place. This grief and longing can't be quantified and given an exact lable because it's different and the same for us all (if you know what I'm getting at.. sorry).
On a lighter note, I was reading a comical account of Jake at LAX on the phone to his agent begging him to get back a gig with David Fincher with Jake saying: He can't work with Russell anymore. He wants Fincher back to do take after take for 10 straight hours... haha!
I'm routing for David O Russell, he stands up for himself, he doesn't pussyfoot around the actors and I think he can be a visionary - maybe he just needs to let the actors have their time to gel and 'get' his vision. I'm confident of Jake's natural abilities and with other cast members, James Marsden, Tracey Morgan etc, it will be something to remember, maybe naughty but nice with a dollop of pico de gallo!
Hey WDW! I love it when you do these posts with all kinds of different tidbits - it's like a Jake lucky bag, you never know what you're gonna get:)
Not keen on the sound of that burrito, but if it's an excuse to post the fingerlickin' (in every sense of the word!) pic of Jake eating in the car then it's fine by me:D
I agree with you about those shorts btw. Bono has been my hero since I was a teenager, and it's great that he and Jake are doing their bit for the planet and all that, but I ever see Jake wearing a pair of shorts like that I would just HAVE to rip them off him.Er,ok, the shorts wouldn't even come into it, but you know what I mean;)
Nice to hear about Waterstones recommending Brokeback Mountain. I couldn't agree more. I can't even think about BBM or Heath right now without getting upset, so I won't go on about it, but thanks for bringing it to our attention, I always love to see anything connected with BBM getting any kind of recognition:)
It is different and yet the same - strange that, but true, I think.
Sheba - I love that tale! As a big big Fincher fan, how I love the thought of Jake begging him to do another film :D But when we see Nailed it's going to be so interesting after all of this colour! And it could be so much more than the plotline suggests. Maybe it needs the frisson!
naughty but nice with a dollop of pico de gallo!
I'm gonna remember that one - perfect :D
Hey TL, oh spooky twin, posting at the same time!
I enjoy these posts too. I was going to do something completely different but this type of post kind of evolves!
Oh yes, it was a perfect excuse for that pic :D
You know me, I'm a big Bono fan too, I own every album he's made, but those shorts - ugh :P Yep, they should be ripped off Jake should he wear them and I volunteer for the task :D
If it weren't for Nadine and Ruby, I'd have gone thru life thinking Pico de Gallo meant a mountain in Wales.
WDW, you're a Quincunx buff! Yaaayyyy! I've never met another one! We won't even have to argue about this :D *
I love the Ang quote about innocence, but I remembered it having the opposite meaning. Here it is:
"Jake, I sometimes had to remind him that innocence is on his side. As a young actor they are scary good, but they can forget that innocence is on their side. They are too skillful; they take away some of the innocence. So, basically just remind them."
I eat at Moe's all the time! They have great food and they have really funny name's for their food! I will have to keep a look out for Jake next time I go..
by the way the Homewrecker was the best choice..thats my favorite on the menu!
'Mountain in Wales' - good one, Anouska! :D
Oh yes, I love Quincunx - which I suppose I must being a fan of Wilkie Collins and Bleak House. I think that Quincunx has been the one of the most enjoyable reads of my adult life - completely unputdownable. I took it abroad with me and I lost it so I must buy it again and enjoy it this summer. Another was a novel I read about Charls Duc D'Orleans but I can't remember who it was by.
I'm so off topic - Jake is hot (and spicey) :D
Lovely quote, Anouska :)
Hey Nicole! Now when you go there you'll think of Jake and enjoy your Homewrecker even more :D Any sign of our boy down there?
no..I'm trying my hardest not to think about Jake and going over to the set (it's very hard) because next week is my last week of school which means final exams (nursing school is VERY hard so I really have to focus and study!!) but once school is over..jake here I come! i will be free for 2 whole weeks before my summer semester starts again!
Well, good for you, Nicole. That can't be easy but Jake will still be around when you finish and you have had an amazing experience! That should keep you going should the studying gets too much. How great to have those two weeks - who knows what could happen.
But, seriously, good luck with the studying :D
Thanks WDW!!
Seeing the still photos is one thing, but watching the video brings out a whole other dimension of Heath and Jake, and of Jake and Heath's relationship. They were clearly very close. I saw admiration, affection, and support there, as I did other times.
To me it's very obvious that they LOVED each other.
I don't know if they remained as close, but they definitely were during filming and promotion of the film.
When BBM premiered a few years ago, there was a Q & A with Heath and Jake in a theater after the movie was shown. Posters on IMDB who were there said that the fondness between them was very obvious and that they were whispering to each other all the time.
Wet Dark, could watch the videos!
What is that story about the grandmother of Jake?
just checked it out it's Annie PRU
not Annie pro-lu -
what a powerful story! and so much dialogue was straight out of the story. the strongest pieces, in my view, pace Diana and Larry.
but the screenwriters are wonderful and as Jake said, all Heath and Jake had to do was to put on the clothes and walk the story. well, yes, so he said - but Ang bless his heart, made it happen.
Im sorta glad we went on past the BBMt love story in short (oh please no short shorts)order, so painful. but also beautiful. Heath sorta uncomfortable, as usual: and Jake in his catlike repose, chewing gum.
sigh! Im off to warch Bardem in a film called Golden Balls a short (oh no shorts) break from Uma doing Kung Fu.
i just checked out taht Moe's southern grill menu... the homewrecker sounds good.... and seriously... how did Americans always come up with such names? Homewrecker burritos, Wife-beater vest-tee??? they sound stranger than spotty dick, surely.... :P
i knew there would be some silly on-set rumours on "Nailed"... people just can't wait to make noises and stories just because of David O. Russell's reputation. But seriously, if this director is still getting fund to do his movies, he can't be THAT "unworkable"....
I don't really know how to be green when it comes to clothing. I'll try not to buy too many :P
oh... and good for Waterstones to recommend BBM novella. boy, my BBM copy has 58 pages and I cried from page 35 to the last page. That book breaks my heart.
The first BBM interview I saw was the special they showed on US's GLBT cable channel (the name escaped me just now), before its release? I thought Heath was very articulate and sincere in that interview. Michelle was insightful as well... and Jake... he's just the gentlest and the sweetest.
Hi Sandy - it must have been so cool for Jake and Heath to spend some time together for the promotion of BBM - such a long time after the filming itself :D
Hey Monica! - that's great you were able to see the videos at last:D I don't know anything about Jake's grandmother - it was one comment somebody put up on IHJ and that's it. I personally think it's none of our business and we should leave it at that. Enjoy the vids :D
Pia, I love your description there of Heath and Jake - you put them in my mind's eye :D Enjoy Bardem!
Hey Winterbird - I was thinking wife-beater too! Homewrecker is a strange name for a burrito.
I agree about Nailed - the rumours were inevitable and Jake would have known what he was getting into and I think the director is usually a big part of his decision to do a film.
I have no money to buy clothes so that may make me pale green - sigh.
Winterbird, I always love to think that when we were at the Baftas dear Mouk had her copy of BBM with her and in my best picture of Jake from that evening her book is in the corner. My eyes go to both.
Gentle Jake :)
Hey, Winterbird, you may perceive me as being picky, but so I am: BBMt runs from 29 to 30 pages so is considered "short (oh no shorts) story" whereas novella is at least 100 to 200 pages.
Amazing to me that AP can pack so much power ito thirty pages!
She has a short story called "The Mud Below" in the same collection as BBMt, that is, "Close Range" that I consider even more powerful than BBMT! ! !
Just sayin'
Hey Picky Pia! Whatever it is, I just like the direction Annie was going in :D Amazing to say so much with so few words and then for Ang and Heath and Ennis to take the words over as they did and make them fit.
I s'pose I'd better go to bed :( It's been so good chatting away here about Hot and Spicey Jake as well as the film and story that brought us all together in the first place :D A great mix. Cheers everyone (not forgetting Jake :D)
G'nite, WDW. G'nite, everypeeps. HelLO Javier, you hot tamale! with dimples, yet. :D
Night Pia *)
I love how everyone is going green including the shirts on our backs. I did like the birds that Jake is wearing.
also I appreciate your continued support of BBM. It is a story that will forever affect people's lives. Thanks for that last pic of the two cowboys :D I just love Ennis and Jack (forever)
For all we know, Jake isn't even *interested* in wearing those shorts. We might be working ourselves up over them for nothing.
He likes to wear jeans and a simple T-shirt.
He also is said to like chicken chili. We know he's eaten burritos before. It could be that this is his second favorite cuisine after Italian food.
As for pico de gallo, it sounds a lot like the salsa I ate before supper tonight. I like salsa with corn chips.
'morning everyone :)
Thank you WDW for another yummy post :P ;) feeling so hungry now and it's just 10 a.m., how am I going to make it till 1 p.m. (my lunchtime) now? :P
I've never had a burrito, I'd really like to try but have no idea where to find one here :P is it tex-mex?
And it's good to finally have some positive report from Nailed set :) it cheers me up :D btw, any news of James Marsden there?
Bobbyanna what you said is so nice and true, Jake and Heath definitely had something special together, a beutiful friendship, something particularly rare in "our" world, I think even harder to find in "theirs".. I still can't believe Heath's gone either and I haven't been able to watch BBM again since his death, but I want to do it asap, it's too beautiful :)
Have a great day guys ;):)
Morning everyone :D
Hi Trekfan, Paul and Sonia! I certainly hope Jake hasn't got his eye on thos shorts :D
Typical - yesterday was beautiful and today it's chucking it down :(
Have a good day!
Don't worry, it's gonna be beautiful again. Goodmorning Peeps.
Yesterday was apparently Earth Day (was your post in honour of that WDW? Good timing).
I enjoy reading all your thoughts and observations of BBM, getting new perspectives on a beautiful story and all that goes behind it.
Pia, I've read three stories from Annie Proulx's short story collection and was slightly dissappointed that they didn't capture my heart and soul the way BBM did (which is a little unfair as it may never be repeated). However, now you've recommended The Mud Below, I shall be reading with pleasure today.
Morning Sheba! Hope you're right about the weather.
Yep, Earth Day yesterday - I can feel a Green strand threading it's way through the week :D
"I can see clearly now the rain has gone, I can see all obstacles in my way, gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.. it's gonna be a bright, bright sun-shiney day"
Happy St George's day UKers and beyond. Hope its a bright sun-shiney day for everyone today. Will get out later to take advantage of today.
What has really impressed me is that there are still many people who have not yet watched BBM and some comments I've read recently of peole who have recently seen it (perhaps since Heath's death)have been overwhelmed by how the story has stayed with them and how universal it is. For everyone that was attached to it - cast and crew - what a wonderful legacy to leave the world. Soon I will have the courage to watch it again.
Sheba, you were right! It's absolutely gorgeous out there now. I could tell it was St George's Day as I just bumped into a Crusader knight dressed in full armour and helmet melting as he walked round Oxford city centre.
It is good that another audience is now discovering BBM- I don't want anyone to miss out on that.
O good Sheba, tell me if you like that story - for me it is a prequel to BBMt and maybe I just wanna see Jake as a bullrider in another film.
O g'morning sweetpeeps.
You few, you happy few, you band of Brit - oh that's St. Crispins Day - here's to St. George, then!
Happy days!
see ya later
WDW, London's weather is clearing up too... it's my hubby's name day today, so we are going out - for chinese :P
btw, nameday for Jacob is 21 March... i guess we missed it :)
Winterbird, Aww, missed Jacob day (must remember for next year) and Chinese food is a fine British staple food LOL! I absolutely love Thai food, it's delish!!! See, it always comes back to food.
Pia, will do - I'm looking forward to it now.
WDW, at last I see you've met your knight in shining armour (or semi-buffed). I'm sure when I venture out later I'll see some Morris dancers - always good fun to watch.
Happy St George's Day! I should be sitting in a pub garden drinking lager. Oh well... It's a beautiful sunny day here too, I've got The Beatles' Dear Prudence stuck in my head :
The sun is out
The sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Jakey, won't you come out to play? :D
Hope you are all having a great St. George's Day UK'ers. The weather is beautiful here too. We have all of the windows open. It is almost hot.
"Dear Prudence" is a great way to describe it TL.
Hi there everyone - sorry for being late here this evening - I got completely carried away by doing this evening's post...
Hi Pia! I love St George's Day - makes me feel like summer is round the corner. How I love that speech from Henry V - as today is also Shakespeare's day :D
Have a lovely evening Winterbird :D
Hey TL! Just love Dear Prudence... :) Ditto to the pub garden dream - just beautiful today - but, please, no lager, have some ale instead. I want to initiate Jake into the merits of real ale :D
Hi Bird Girl! Glad to hear you're having a lovely warm day too. It's gorgeous here and now it's 8.30 and it's still light.
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