The two sightings include this from IMDb: 'They're starting to film at the state house this week and Jake Gyllenhaal was at the strom gym the other day and some of my sorority sister got to meet him but he wanted to lay low so they didn't get a picture with him but he said that could be sketchy and take one of him.' However, I think this post may now have been removed from the board.

And here is a great sighting of Jake from yesterday: 'Today, I was driving out to the golf course at Cobblestone Park in Blythewood with three of my student volunteers and we were looking at a wedding book and talking weddings. We were stopped at a light about to turn right and three people came out into the cross walk and started crossing the street. One of the girls in the car screamed, "That's Jake Gyllenhaal!" And it was. White henley, nice jeans, and aviators. And Jake Gyllenhaal! I'm embarrassed to say that all screamed like small children and there is no way he didn't hear us screaming. We could have reached out of the car windows and touched him-- just before getting arrested-- but we could have!'

I really enjoyed this sighting because this is just the effect that Jake has had on me when I've seen him and I'm so relieved to hear that Jake has to put up with this from a load of other normally extremely sensible people too. To make one's way through the streets and through life to the sound of giddy screaming... But there are worse things. I also enjoyed the fact that, as I've also experienced myself, sometimes you're in a position where you can reach out and touch but you just don't and never would. We Gyllenhaalics can be a polite bunch.
Of course, the important question here is 'What is a henley?'

Other people in Columbia have gone out to try and spot one of the visiting stars, Jake and Jessica (The Two Js), and haven't had any success - yet - but it is still a thrill to see the setup for a big production such as this and we can only hope they do have success and let us know what happens. Here is just such an account, but, unfortunately, it concludes: 'I had no such luck as I strolled along the Cinelease trucks and Presidential campers that lined Senate Street from Gervais to Pendleton on April 14. Even when I walked around to the back of the S.C. State Office Building - where I saw the handwritten signs that read "To Set" and "Extras Holding" - I still didn't see Jessica, Jake or Tracy. Finally, I gave up and left.'

But, as the reporter says, 'There hasn't been this much excitement in town in a couple of years ago, when there was a little extra sizzle over the numerous sightings of Kevin Bacon, who was filming "Death Sentence." In fact, he was spotted so frequently that by the end of filming, virtually everyone in the greater Midlands area could be linked to the actor by less than six degrees.'

One area has been cordoned off for filming until Sunday so there are more chances. 'Officials with the City of Columbia Police Department say that Sumter Street between Gervais and Pendleton Streets will be closed until Sunday, April 20, at 11 p.m.' The street closed early Monday morning.

Of course if you're a government official, actually working inside the state buildings where filming is taking place, then you have an advantage. Scott Malyerck in the treasurer's office is one lucky official - his office has been turned into a film set for the week - and, not only that, it's been turned into a congressman's office which to me means Jake's office! 'He says, "It's exciting to see what goes on behind making a movie." Malyerck works in the treasurer's office on the State House grounds. For the movie "Nailed," it's been transformed into a congressman's office. That means new blinds, new curtains, and even a fresh coat of paint. Malyerck says, "I think we get to keep all of that stuff when it's done." Scott will be working around the crew for the rest of the week, watching as stars Jessica Biel and Jake Gyllenhaal make their way in and out. He'd really like to meet Biel. "I hope they don't have to issue a restraining order, but I do hope to meet her."'

So fingers crossed for all these spotters - who have been successful or so far just hopeful - and for everyone else thrilled to have Jake in their town, including our own Nicole. Good luck!
Pictures from IHJ and Just Jared.
Hey Nicole he was sighed at the gym "late at night" accg to a poster on imbd.
oh joy he's out and about and workin' ! !
thanks WDW - see y'all later
Hey Nicole! This is so exciting - for me so heaven knows what it's like for you. Glad to head you have a charged camera. Take pics of anything - I do about 50 when I watched An Education filming - and I love them. And I'd be so thrilled if you could email me any pics at all of the set/commotion/street/signs etc (anything in other words!) so that I could put them on the site for everyone. The emails's on the front but just in case (;D) wetdarkandwild@googlemail.com This is so exciting! :D
oops didnt mean to delete that post...ok im free all day tomorrow and i think im just going to walk up and down the streets until i see him..haha that sounds crazy! my camera is charged and ready!! if i do meet him im just going to go with the flow and hopefully not pass out! I seriously cannot tell you how excited I am!!
i was thinking of writing him a note or something in case i couldn't say what i really wanted to say..what do you guys think?
Oh Nicole's gone - come back!
Good to see you Pia :D
Ooh you're back! That's not a bad idea about the note. It really is hard to say something sensible. I can just about manage words of one syllable and that's about it.
I will write the letter tonight..im not really good at it but I will give it a try! if anyone wants me to write something to him I will be glad to put it in the letter! or if anyone has any ideas of something memorable to write in the letter that would be great too! I will carry the letter with me wherever I go until I find him!
That's kind of you Nicole :D The best I can do is for you to say how much we love Jake here and wish him every success for Nailed and Brothers. Personally, I would love you to mention that his British fans always love to see him over here. Is that OK?
sure! that sounds great and I will definitely add it to my note!
Thank you :) It'd be great if it had a message of love on it from everyone at WDW.
I really wish I had better creative writing skills...my rough draft is not looking too good right now..i guess what im trying to tell him is how much I appreciate him and his movies and maybe try to write a little humor in there too..this is hard
Sounds like you're doing a good job to me - and if you see him a big smile counts for a lot :D
How exciting! Good luck, nicole!
WDW, I think a henley is some kind of t-shirt? Named after the town we know and love, maybe? :)
Hi Anouska :D I've been having a look round and Henley's seems to be a make - they do t-shirts and hoodies etc, with a kind of autical theme (well they're often stripey or they just havehenley's written over them). So yeah, I reckon they're to do with a town on the Thames :) You know me, I know nothing about clothes, except if it's a t-shirt, a hoodie, pair of jeans and a pair of Nike :D
^^^ when I say 'autical' y'know I mean 'nautical' :)
I love it the photos and sightings!
I would like to meet you!
I know someone who has already found in NY. She said he is very kind.
Hi Monica! That is so true - when you meet or see Jake, he doesn't disappoint :D
There were two girls in our forum. They were cross the street when they saw Jake pass.
Again and followed Jake to a restaurant.
He took no picture, but it was kind. Nevertheless they took a picture of it.
It was after Toronto.
Oh yeah, I think I remember reading about that.
Hey WDW,evening all.Just like the Queen thinks the world smells of fresh paint,Jake Gyllenhaal thinks he hears the perpetual sound of women screaming (and,let's face it,some men too!).
I've met various favourite bands in the past (in a strictly non-groupie situation!)and a couple of actors I admired too and that was really exciting,but none of them were as special to me as Jake is,so I can't begin to imagine the feeling of meeting him. It makes me smile to read about other people coming over all unnecessary at the mere sight of him - or just the thought that he's close by.
By the time you bump into him,Nicole,you'll need to be "nailed" to the floor ;-)
It would be great if you would include the love and good wishes of everyone here,as WDW said.
If you've any space left on the paper could you tell Jake that Nadine from England wants to know if he might consider coming to Stratford-On-Avon to perform with the Royal Shakespeare Company? It's my dream to see him play Hamlet at the RSC. Don't worry if you can't fit it into your letter,just to let him know how much we love him will be enough :-)
One of the girls in the car screamed, "That's Jake Gyllenhaal!" And it was. White henley, nice jeans, and aviators. And Jake Gyllenhaal! I'm embarrassed to say that all screamed like small children and there is no way he didn't hear us screaming. We could have reached out of the car windows and touched him-- just before getting arrested-- but we could have!'
A Henley t-shirt is a t with a button-down placket, like Jake is wearing in your first pic, so named for what was worn at the famous Henley-on-Thames rowing regatta.
How exciting - I'm getting interested in this movie. I think screaming upon seeing Jake would be a fairly universal reaction - we'll let them off with a warning this time! :)
Here, here Nadine :DD Not that we need Jake as an excuse to visit beautiful Stratford-Upon-Avon but I'd be camping out for a week to see that!
Can you imagine being him, walking down the street and someone screaming your name - that would freak me out or make me a nervous wreck, but he handles it with so much grace and patience. I'm sure I'd turn to jelly too. Good luck with the sightings.
Sending love and best wishes for a great and trouble-free, paparazzi-free shoot where genuine people will treat him and others with the respect they deserve.
Hey Nadine :D I've seen all kinds of people over the years - including Brad Pitt (and I don't just mean the hand of his I saw at Toronto!), Justin Timberlake (gulp and sigh) and Macca and some big big bands - but they just don't do it. I don't know what it is with Jake. I could stand and look at Orlando and Nicole quite normally although thrilled, I can walk past Daniel Craig and James McAvoy. But just a glimse of Jake in real life and I'm transported to another wonderful universe where it's sunny all the time and the sea laps on the shore. Just nothing like it - and the expectation of knowing that he's just about to appear - through a door or out of a car - and then seeing him there right in front of you is the most exciting thing I've experienced. I think that's partly because he really is even more gorgeous and charasmatic in real life. OMG I'm whittering again... (Your fault Nadine *))
Yep Jake on the boards of the RSC would be amazing :D
Hey fashion police :D Thanks for clearing that up. So I actually posted a pic of Jake in a Henley. Well, I love Jake in shirts like that!
Screaming at the sight of Jake is a scientifically verified method of geeting. Anything else would be rude :D
Hi Sheba! Posting at the same time. I reckon it's something Jake can get used to. It must be strange being in a new city for a few weeks, trying to get to know it while everyone else knows you! Weird. But if you're a top actor then if noone recognised you at all it would be a sad state of affairs. So long as he gets some peace and respect which means he can have some quiet time while at other times he can burst out for a full photo shoot in his henley!
I am happy to know that Jake is working!
Me too, Monica :D
Haha... the encounter in Columbia is quite cute... i mean, screaming like school girls - i'd say normal "I see Jake Gyllenhaal" behaviour!
And good luck to Nicole, it will be great she gets to meet Jake and give us first hand report!!
Thanks for the report, WDW :)
That's good news about Jake being seen around town.
I don't mind a bit that the different states are competing for movie shoots. I think jake should sign up for a movie shoot in each of the 50 states. ;-)
He's already done Massachusetts ("Moonlight Mile"), and New Mexico ("Brothers") and now it's South Carolina. To please all his fans worldwide, he'll just have to do a remake of "Around the World in 80 days."
Hi Winterbird :D Seems like classic 'It's Jake Gyllenhaal!' behaviour to me too - I mean, we're only flesh and blood.
Hey Paul - so many states and so little time. And then there are the counties and towns of the UK, although, if time were pressing, I could limit those to a particular few ;D
Night everyone - I'll catch up with you in the morning :D
Good luck Nicole!! Thank you for being our rep. out there. :D
So exciting to get all these SC sightings. Jake is getting fully immersed in SC live and luckily we will have Nailed to show for it. :)
Hi there Get Real - it's very exciting. I wonder how Jake's settling in. So good to know he's making the movie and sooner or later we'll get to see it. Just a few months ago I would never have imagined that Nailed would ever be anything other than a rumour. Something must've happend to postpone the Moon project - I wonder if Liman postponed it or if Jake did. Interesting...
Night all :)
It would be interesting if two films were shooting in the same town, and Jake was in both of them....
Morning WDW and everyone,
it's good to know that someone is 'seing' Jake in the flesh.
In Rome (do you remember WDW? :)) I couldn't look him in the eyes *sigh* but even if I got to see him at a distance it's been exciting as well, I could feel the electricity all around when I heard people scream 'It's him!
It's him!'. I remember wanting to take time to simply watch him walk, that sexy and goofy unmistakable walk of his...*re-sigh* :)
Good luck Nicole, tell him I want him in Italy more often and that a certain Italian ten-years-older-than-him woman would be honored to teach him Italian!! ;)
Off to work now, have a good day!
Morning everyone - blimey, can't see more than a foot in front of my face this morning (hmmm just realised how how that sounds...) pea souper.
Morning Paul :) That could be good, watching Jake run around, he'd probably have to get changed on the go as well :D
Hey Xenia! Oh my, do I remember Rome ?! He was pretty speedy down that red carpet but he just looked so good in that suit and purple tie. It was good to see him do the walk - oh we are bad, aren't we :D
Nicole's already telling Jake to come over to England ;D
good morning everyone! operation find jake day one is on its way..haha! im getting ready to head out and look like crazy while walking the downtown streets..i have my note and my camera! i will let you guys know about my journey when i return!
Good luck Nicole! I wish I could come with you, over there in Jaketown:D
Yay Nicole! Columbia weather report says a couple of sunny days.
Makes me wanna put a sprig of wisteria behind my ear and sing all the love songs in the world -
You jump start my heart
like a shot of acqua velva blue booze
and Im dreamin' that im smoochin'
with yooze
lotta love goes with you, Nicole, and smiles.
Hi everyone! I finally find some time to come and say hi again!
So thank you WDW for this new post and.. good luck Nicole!! You go girl!
Oh I'm so excited for you! I so hope you get to see, meet and talk to Jake! As for Xenia, memories of Rome can't help to come to my mind aswell! 4 hours waiting for him in the freezing cold, Jake should know this too :P what his fans are ready to face to see him! :D Just kidding, it was a wonderful and worthy freezing cold!
And I remember spending those 2 day s walking around Rome and being like a radar hoping to see him somewhere (and that would have been with Reese btw, no idea of my possible reaction, considering at the time he declared himself as single!) So I can only imagine how it feels knowing that Mr Jake Gyllenhaal in bones and muscles is in YOUR town, and you may meet him at the bar or.. at the supermarket :P
So my greatest wishes of good luck to you Nicole!
Hi there Pia :D Good to hear you in fine voice this morning/afternoon :) Oh to be in SC...
Hey Good Girl - oh yes, it was cold in Rome all right. I had to sleep in all my clothes that night to warm up. Not quite as cold as the Baftas though - I caught flu and was in bed for a week after being out there for nigh on 12 hours :D Opposite extreme in Cannes and Toronto - baking hot :D
I wonder too if Jake knows what we go through but he is so worth it and it's all part of the adventure :D
It is so great when you know Jake's in town - and you just never know who might be round the corner!
Wow, compared to your experience at the Baftas (and the flu after that) Rome looks like a lovely promenade ;D but you're so right, Jake is worth all this, I remember that my journey back home was pretty cold aswell, since the heating on the train was off, but actually I think I was rather shaking for the excitment than for the cold :)
Well, I really hope Nicole you get to meet him! How lovely that would be running into him around a corner and like in Proof he asks you worried and in a sweet voice "Did I hurt you?" ahh... bedtime is still faraway and I'm already dreaming..
Hi Good Girl :) Thanks for reminding me of some amazing memories. Roll on the next film release...
Ahhh, another good way to get Jake's attention - running into him round a corner and falling over. That rivals the 'I'm lost' tactic :D
I've got everything crossed for Nicole right now...
well guys no luck today! I went to the statehouse and saw all of the trailers and lights and crew and I started getting really excited..I waited and walked around the area for 5 hours and no sign of Jake or even Jessica..I did see some paparazzi and those cute little 10-11 year old girls in cute little uniforms...I wasn't even sure if Jake was in the building filming or not...I will definitely try again Friday or Saturday..
oh and I tried to take pictures of where they were filming but there really wasn't much going on..i think all the good stuff was happening inside the building..but i will still send you my 3 pictures
All this remeniscing about Rome is making me a little envious of your wonderful experiences. Hope you got to sightsee (and not just Jake and Reese).
I was in Rome end of July 2007 for 4 glorious days drinking in the beautiful sights and not wasting a single day. The Spanish Steps, which I nearly fell all the way down because the stone was so smooth, Gladiator School, Via Borghese (beautiful trees and ampitheatres) and Vatican City - never mind the gorgeous shops - all with a sweltering temperature of 90F. And, the best tiramisu ever.
The whole time I was imagining what if I turned a corner and bumped into Jake. Everywhere I looked people were 'macking' like it was the most natural thing in the world. Only to find that 3 months later, around my birthday, he was there with Reese for the premier. What rotten luck. Seeing the two of them in places I had visited just 2 months earlier was exciting.
Anyway, I've fallen in love with Rome and I made sure I threw my coins in Trevie so I've got to go back. If there is a premier in Rome this year or next - I will be there (with a little creative accounting).
Tough break Nicole, I'm sure your efforts will bring unexpected rewards - look what happened with WDW and Peter :DD
That sucks Nicole. I am sure you will have better luck this weekend. We are all there with you.
Hi everyone:D Sorry for being late - I was out with Ruby doing som Jaking while enjoying some wine and swordfish on a kebab.
I got home and what do I find - pics from Nicole on the set! This absolutely made my day Nicole. Don't worry that's all you saw today - thats a lot more than the rest of us wil see and you've shared it with us - I'm so grateful and thrilled. I'm thousands of miles away and you've brought it into the next street for me. Just don't give up - you never know - I wasn't expecting to see Peter but I did and I got a hug. You just don't know. And if it doesn't work out, well, there's always next time. Jake's worth the wait :D Thank you!
Hey Sheba! I was walking round Rome that weekend, maybe only a ruin or two behind Jake, you just never know. But then when I was in Toronto I saw Peter in the street (asking directions) and Chris so you just don't know. Rome is so beautiful - next time I'm going when it's warm though!
Hi Bird Girl :D Nicole did good!
Thanks for the updates WDW and Nicole - keep us posted ! ;)
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