Saturday 24 May 2008

One hell of an adventure

A highlight of this holiday weekend is the return of Indian Jones to our theatres, which, more than ever, puts me in the mood for the advent of a new adventure hero on to the big screen - Prince Dastan, Prince of Persia. Instead of hat and whip, we'll have silks and scimitars, and instead of tanks and trucks, it'll be chases by parkour, with almost every inch of the landscape - urban and rural - utilised with high energy and power. And right at the centre of all the action and the source of the energy will be Jake Gyllenhaal.

Last year, Latinoreview, that great source for all things PoP, published a preview of the Prince of Persia Sands of Time script. There are light spoilers but there is also great enthusiasm for the script's faithfulness to the spirit of the highly regarded games. The verdict is that this is 'one hell of a script' and that: 'Prince of Persia is one hell of an action adventure script which will be sure to thrill general audiences and fans of the game. I can’t wait.' Neither can I.

The preview also mentions that big element of the game and movie - Parkour - for which Jake has been doing all of the physical training to stunning effect (with hopefully that ankle injury well healed): 'What is also super-cool about the script is the use of PARKOUR. Parkour is a physical art of French origin, the aim of which is to move from point A to point B as efficiently and quickly as possible, using principally the abilities of the human body. It is meant to help one overcome obstacles, which can be anything in the surrounding environment — from branches and rocks to rails and concrete walls — so Parkour can be practiced in both rural and urban areas. The Prince of Persia games utilized Parkour and it is cool to see it intact in the script and a part of the storyline... Parkour is finally going to be given a worldwide audience with Prince of Persia. Because of the incredible athleticism and shape you have to be in to practice Parkour, I would think that narrows down the choices to play Prince of Persia’s lead character – DASTAN.' The choice has, of course, been narrowed down to one (Thanks to a reader for the link).

Despite a WDW reader reporting that archaeological excavations of a royal burial at a Persian palace had revealed evidence of spandex and the possible remains of a Nike swoosh, there has been speculation about the garb that Jake will be wearing this summer (setting trends no doubt). Here are some ideas (thanks to everyone who sent me pictures).

It's encouraging to see that a shirt is clearly not considered necessary by many. And I'm liking the armbands, the swathes of fabric and the concentrated expression (although I'm not so sure of the goatee). I'm also not so sure that this look is practical for Princess Tamina, although the prince looks appreciative.

Another update on Nailed (again)

This is becoming a regular feature at WDW - an update on the problems hampering the Nailed production and a prediction on when work will resume. According to Hollywood Reporter: Capital Films' 'head of business affairs, Ray Reyes, said a high-profile commercial bank and bond company were on board Friday, working "feverishly" to close the deal... Production is expected to resume Thursday. Reyes said the financial problems are a result of a financing deal that fell through... "Obviously, five weeks into production was not how we planned to do this," he said. "Things didn't work out as originally planned with what we were doing and we had to fall back on a contingency plan. The whole chapter will come to a close, thank goodness, when we close our loan."'

'Despite the setbacks, Reyes said the project has only lost a few days and while a shutdown was not expected, he said it comes at a time where the producers were rearranging the production schedule anyway. A source close to the production said it already was planned to start a Thursday-Monday production schedule - rather than Monday-Friday - following the Memorial Day holiday because many of the scenes being filmed are in public buildings, including the state capital.'

So, all in all, this sounds quite promising (again) and it also means that Jake had better put his feet up this holiday weekend, because next weekend is going to be a busy one on set (hopefully...).

THINKFilm, of Capitol Films, has some big films on show at Cannes but, according to this report from the film festival, 'the company's presence at the festival so far has been reserved, almost timid.' Not surprising.

Includes pictures from IHJ.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, WDW... can always rely on you to know what's going on in the mysterious "Nailed" camp... :P

Despite all the troubles, I kind of think if Jake went into this project knowing the risks involved (I am guessing he has some idea at least, given his knowledge in the business) and he still took on the project, then maybe he saw something he really liked in the project (the script? the genre? working with O.Russell? who knows? ) and that's something I can have faith in. :)

I honestly still cannot imagine Jake with that hairdo of PoP :P... but I guess that's why they hired stylish and custume designers. I can see Jake in that one with the head-band though... mmm... yeah, he would look sexy in that :)

have a good day everyone... I might go out later, cos today will be the only sunny day in this holiday weekend.

sheba said...

Nailed is becoming like the hokey kokey ... you put your whole self in, your whole self out, in, out, in, out, you shake it all about..! Who would blame Jake and Jessica for jumping ship based on the fiasco going on behind the scenes but to their credit as professionals they're supporting David and that's what matters. I think I'm looking forward more to Nailed than to Brothers because like childbirth it's been a difficult gestation period and we can't wait to see this baby born.

As for the hair, please watch Moonlight Mile DVD 'from script to screen' interview with Jake with his hair parted in the middle, he looks adorable and I can just imagine it long. Please let me know what you think ;DD

Hey, thanks for the shirtless and non-shirtless Prince pics. I'm on my way down to North London so this has put me in a very good mood. Will try to visit if we can get a break from the inevitable 'Keith Hamilton Cobb-Fest' that will be taking place tonight (I feel like I'm cheating on Jake a little ... ah well, there's enough of me to go around).

Have a peaceful, restful and wonderful bank-holiday weekend everyone.

Anonymous said...

Jake is probably resting and hiding away at the Ojai ranch this weekend, since we haven't seen him

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there everybody :D What a beautiful day - just as well due to the rain on the way. And Mr WDW and I are out with Mr & Mrs Ruby this evening :D There will be Jaking; there will be rolling of eyes :)

Hey Winterbird :D Hope you're having a good Saturday over there in the Smoke. That is a very good point about Jake and Jessica sticking with Nailed in spite of it all - it does suggest that they believe in it, that they really wanted to do it and that they're professionals Russell can count on.

Jake with a headband.... hmmm. I agree that noone at Disney is going to want Jake looking silly - they want a heart throb - reckon they've got one. But over the coming few weeks, in all forthcoming pap pics, we must take special note of the direction the hair is going in :D

Hi Sheba! At this rate, Nailed is completely overshadowing Brothers in terms of drama. I'll be relieved to see Nailed but I'm really looking forwrd to Brothers - big sexy Jake with the tattoo :D But can't wait to see Jake do comedy and I'm intrigued to see how Nailed interprets that bizarre plot.

I'm a big fan of Moonlight Mile (love the commentary again). But I never cared for his hair in it, and judging from teh commentary, Jake didn't care much for it either! I'll check out that feature and interview though as it's a long time since I've seen it.

Sounds like you're in for a great weekend - have fun! Hope you manage to pop in :D

Anonymous said...

Hi y'all - t'morrow seems a lovely day in the northeast, and farmers markets open this weekend -

Ive been less than thrilled about Nailed, not being a fan of David O, bored silly by I Heart Huckabees, etecetc. I suspect political satire is interesting to Jake, but gimme Stanley Kubrick, Monty Python, Michael Moore and his piecharts, etcetc.

Im glad Jake will have lots of other stuff to talk about while promoting films. Good for us, or maybe just speaking for myself, attention being drawn away from fantacizing about his personal life.

Thanks for the delicious pictures! Energy abounds!

KeepCalm+CarryOn said...

Hiya folks. No Pia,you're not just speaking for yourself! ;-)

As for Parkour,it looks to me to be pretty similar to "tomb-stoning" i.e. a pretty effective way to cripple or kill yourself!("Tomb-stoning" is the name given to a craze here in Britain where young people,usually male,jump off cliffs etc into unknown waters, which are often too shallow or disguise hidden rocks, and participants often end up quadruplegic or dead). I hope "Health and Safety" advice is taken on this film and that Jake is well insured!

Dunno about leather or silk,I'd like to wrap him up in cotton wool ;-)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi everyone :D Back from a wonderful night out at a French restaurant with Mr and Mrs Ruby - and I ate snails for the first time in my life - So, a round of applause please for WDW :D

Hi Pia! I can't wait for Jake to get back on the interview circuit - I've missed that voice of his and I want to hear him talk about Nailed :)

Hey Nadine - I'm sure they'll look after Jake on PoP. I love all this leaping about and I think Jake is going to have a lot of fun doing it.

A very windy night out there - spooky. Hope you're all having a good Saturday :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, snails. What brought on the sudden urge for gastropods?

No lamb skewers on the menu then?

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi foodieoodie :D I ate snails in honour of Jake but no lamb skewers as I don't eat meat, just fish. This did bring up some kind of moral conflict as I didn't know if I ought to eat snails as a veggie who eats fish but then I thought if I ate other types of slimey invertebrates (oysters, squid and muscles) then I should be able to eat snails! It's not often I go to a restaurant with snails on the menu - once in a blue moon - and, so I thought, go for it! They were delicious, tastier than muscles, and Ruby had one too :D

I put a chunk of blue cheese in my bag and now I can't find it... :\

Anonymous said...

Congratulations WDW - were you sober when tossing down snails? My love affaire with snails began somewhere during two martini Madison Avenue business lunches. Days of kissin' frogs and eatin' snails whadda life.

Anonymous said...

p.s. Im having to toss down a couple to make No Country For Old Men palatable (sp?) Like snails, its worth it.

Hope you find yr blue cheese.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Pia! I was kinda sober - just a cosmo and some gorgeous orange tequila cocktail. I love to try new things to eat but I don't go to too many French restaurants. I don't think the day will come when I ever eat frogs legs though! I don't eat things with legs if I can help it :D Those buisiness lunches sound good!

I've still not seen No Country - not been in the right mood yet. But thanks for the encouragement, we have two wet days ahead of us, maybe I'll give it a go.

I'm worried about the blue cheese... where on earth could I have put it? :D

It is so windy out there right now - spooky ...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found this site about actors and working, it is a good read about what goes on to make a movie
worth reading through, there is also a section about costumes and makeup

Uli said...

There will be Jaking; there will be rolling of eyes :)

Good to see that you had a nice evening! I hope I can also roll some eyes with you soon...
And you are very brave for eating the snails! LOL!

I have to admit this whole PoP thing is slowly but surely growing on me... But sometimes there is still this fear, that Jake will look and the movie will be completely ridiculous!
So I really appreciated this comment of yours... I agree that noone at Disney is going to want Jake looking silly - they want a heart throb - reckon they've got one.

paulh said...

Nadine, that's a good point about "tomb-stoning," but I imagine
the folks at Disney will be investing too much money to let Jake hurt himself. They'll think of ways to get the effect of parkour, with no harm to Jake.

As for the worries about what Jake will wear in "Prince of Persia," I think it's time to lighten up. PoP is a video game, after all. It was always about virtual reality, not historical reality. The prince will wear what the costume designers come up with, and historical realities be hanged!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good morning eveyone! Great weather for ducks and fish out there.

Hi Anna - thanks ery much for the link :D I'll have a look at that.

Hey Uli! Just give in to PoP - you know it makes sense... And I'm looking forward to rolling eyes with you soon :D

Morning Paul! It's because it's 'virtual reality' that makes all the options so intriguing. There is so much scope to do something really interesting. If it were historical reality then it would be much less fun to speculate.

Indiana Jones day :D Might need a boat to get there... Have a great Sunday everyone :)

Zodiac said...

Great posts, WDW, but I don't think Jake will be doing lots of stunts in PoP. We'll see A LOT OF special effects and there'll be a lot of blue screen. These things are terribly difficult and he might hurt himself and put the whole project at risk. I know a couple of young guys (16-18 years old) who do parcour- you have to train for months, years even, to become good, you have to be really young when you start and some of the stunts are really dangerous.He's already 27(don't shout at me, I'm three days younger than him:)and 27 is not 17, that's why for many sportsmen 27-30 is the end, not the beginning of their career. He's, without doubt, in a good physical condition but he's not a professional athlete, he's an actor. Two months training (he's just started biking again and he had a very loooong break) is just not enough.Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about this project. But what we'll see on screen won't be Jake doing everything himself. What's Industrial Light & Magic for?:)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Zodiac :D Oh, definitely, they're going to make sure Jake is safe at all times, which, as you say, will mean blue screens and stuntment. But there'll be plenty of opportunities for Action Jake to show himself :D I'm not shouting but I don't think 27 is over the hill as far as sports go, just for some sports :D For many sports, experience is a useful asset, as well as muscle and I don't just mean golf :D But yes, Jake is not a professional athlete except perhaps in his dreams :) Good to see you, Zodiac! Hope it's not raining as much where you are.

Anonymous said...

Hey there were Jewish prines in Ancient Persia! And Jake may be professional athelete in his dreams only but he's mastered the art of time travel travel, sure enuff. Donnie Darko Lives!

Oh, g'day, sweetpeeps! See ya later!

Zodiac said...

Thanks, WDW:) No,it's not raining at all in Wroclaw, but it's quite cloudy. Yesterday I went to see Midsummer Night's Dream and thought about Jake doing Shakespear. What it would be like?

Anonymous said...

There is an 'elasticity' to your bones at 16, that you simply do not have at 27. I'm hoping that while they get some "action close-ups" they will have the right people doing the right stunts...none of whom are Jake.

Anonymous said...

27 is definitely not over-the-hill athletically, especially if you've been athletic all of your life. Unless you've been completely sedentary, and even then the body can "learn" very quickly. Time was that athletes approaching 30 were nearing the ends of their careers; but today, more and more have careers that go well beyond that. I daresay that at 27 Jake is, *ahem* in the prime of his manhood. I have no doubt that he will be just fine doing his own stunts, and some may have had to be done in the realm of special effects anyway. Primarily, PoP is fantasy and a film for entertainment, and I don't think anyone expects stunts worthy of a professional athlete, nor does it minimize the film to have special effects or a stunt double. I'm just looking forward to seeing it! :)

Monica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monica said...

Good Morning, Wet Dark!

I am anxious for the result of Cannes!

I ordered the game POP! I will play to see if he is as good as they say!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey everyone :D Just got back from seeing Indiana Jones - loved it!! And I was thinking, like Pia did, how in a year that same order or all ages will be queuing up to see our Jake! A good feeling :D

Talking abut age etc, Harrisford Ford's doing bloody nicely :D

Morning Pia :D Love thoughts of superhero Donnie.

Hi Zodiac! I'd love to see jake in a summer Shakespeare play - he'd be great in it and it would be so atmospheric. I love that play, I saw Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson's production of it years ago - Richard Briers was Bottom. Love to see it again.

Hi anons :D As far as physique goes Jake certainly looks in his prime right now, he's never looked fitter. Although it's certainly true that the older you get the more time it takes to recover. I'm just happy that Jake will be able to do some of the action himself and will no doubt enjoy it.

Ola Monica :D Good to hear from you. I really hope you enjoy the game - I've lost mine so I've been turning the place upside down looking for it. I may give up and try and buy it tomorrow as all this is making me remember how much I enjoyed it. Thanks for the comment :)

I am having a Pimms evening - I have all the bits to put in them, including mint. If anyone cares to join me, you're more than welcome :D

paulh said...

I'm glad you liked "Indiana Jones," WDW. I saw it yesterday and had a lot of fun watching it.

I agree with you, Zodiac. 27 is not the best age to *start* learning parkour. However, there is a lot we don't know about jake's level of preparation. What if Disney contacted him 6 to 9 months ago about the role, and gave him a first-rate trainer? Sure, stuntmen will do most of the heavy lifting, but for closeups Jake is going to have to look authentic--which he probably will do.

Can we call him Donnie Dastano? ;-)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Paul. Good to hear you enjoyed the movie too :D I agree that the fact that Jake looks as if he can do parkour (whether or not he actually can!) would have been quite an attraction to the producers of Persia. He will look the part.