Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, recommended Zodiac as his film of the year, forever sealing his place on my Christmas Card List, and, at long last, at the end of this month, Zodiac is about to get its Director's Cut release in the UK. This means Zodiac is getting some extra plugging, as in this feature for Time Out, which includes an interview with David Fincher.

'Zodiac is a mystery movie with no solution. ‘This may be my particular perversity, but for me, those films are the most interesting. I don’t think we’ll ever know the answers.’ So does Fincher suffer from the kind of obsessive behaviour that crippled and galvanised reporters like Graysmith? He’s currently editing his new film, ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’, for a Christmas Day release in the US. ‘I don’t think of myself as obsessive,’ he says uncertainly. ‘But you only get so many hours to make a movie. If you want to make it as good as you can, you may have to stay late.''

While Jake's relationship with David Fincher was possibly irritating at times, but definitely productive and creative, we have had concerns about Jake having to work with the notoriously bad tempered David O Russell on Nailed. But, despite the James Caan cookie moment, it all seems to have gone surprisingly well. Could this partly have been, ironically, because of the other pressures on set? In a feature this week, Nailed's ladies, Catherine Keener and Jessica Biel, were keen to show that they pulled together under Russell's leadership and for the first time we hear what it was like to have to work through all those shutdowns:

'“He’s wonderful,” Catherine Keener said. “I love him,” co-star Jessica Biel echoed. “He pulled such a bizarre cool interesting performance out of everyone. It was quite an interesting experience. David was amazing.” What’ll be equally interesting, no doubt, is how the final film, a political satire Keener called “a screwball comedy” about the adventures of a brain damaged waitress in Washington D.C winds up, given the massive delays and stoppages in production. “That was the only really sh–ty part. The shutdowns were killing us,” Biel said. But if there’s a silver lining, it’s that the stoppages have inspired an attitude of perseverance in the cast, Keener insisted. “This felt like it was happening despite all of the obstacles,” she said. “It felt like us against the man. We were like — you cannot shut us down!”'

Includes pictures from IHJ, Just Jared and Fitz News.
Hey, I love this post. I am you finally watched Once.
I also watched Once based on Jake and Heath's recommendation (even though a friend had told me to watch it even earlier - but since he's not Jake... lol) , I loved it. It such a sweet and poignant story of two ordinary struggling musicians, but together they created that magic moment, making something beautiful together.
Good to hear about "Nailed" news, I hope we'll find out more about the future release date etc. Screwball comedy, that sounds in the same vibe as "I Love Huckabees", which I liked some scenes, but not the whole film. But Jake can always make a film better, imo :)
Hey Winterbird! I'm so glad you liked the post. I have had such a busy day today and so I thought I'd unwind to Once. I've owned the soundtrack for a while and I'm glad I knew that first as I watched the film and the songs were so familiar and loved. I just adored the film and I saw it through a romantic haze :) Very sweet and all about turning love into something else that will last when the love itself is impossible. But not sentimental at all. A wonderful way to spend an evening, and no wonder Jake and Heath loved it. I admired the filmmaking techniques as well.
I really want to see Naied. Everyone seems to have put a lot of heart into it and seen it through. Now we need it to get to us. I do think the film's troubles drew everyone together. PoP must be such a contrast for Jake!
Thanks for commenting :) Hope you're having a good evening.
Yes I too enjoyed this post.
It was cheering to me that both Heath and Jake loved this film - gave me some idea of the direction in which their careers might take. Naturalist films, low budget, hand held cameras, mature stories - and a love of music.
Ive not been impressed at all by DOR's previous films, thought Ihearthuckabees unfunny and three kings boring. whatever.
Hard frost tonight. Pumpkin time. Harvest moon and all that.
Wonder what Jake's friend, Chris, does in the winter season - does he stay on the island?
Happy Friday, y'all - its been a wild week, but good. . .
(oh, yeah, forgot its TLAP day
"fifteen men on a dead man's chest
yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
drink and the devil be done for the rest
yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!"}
I'm SO looking forward to Nailed. Mostly because Jake's had on-screen sex in this movie or so they say. I'm shallow.
If anyone wants to play very "zodiakish" ping pong game with identical sounds, which apprears in the scene with RDJ where Jake says "My kids would kill for it", go here:http://www.naprzerwie.pl/naprzerwie/1,89389,5711676,Tennis_for_You___klasyczny_Pong.html
the end is "Pong.html"
Hi Pia! It really is interesting to think that these films are the type Jake remembers from the year. I haven't seen any of DOR's previous films so Nailed will be my6 first, but I'm encouraged by these comments. I really want to see it.
We seem to have a late flowering of summer here... about time :)
What a week - I'm glad it's over. I like the Pirate talk. I can't believe it's been a year since the last one, when a friend of mine refused to talk anything but Pirate talk for the whole day.
Hey Zodiac! Thanks for the link. I used to love ping pong when I was a kid. I cannot wait for Nailed and foor similar reasons to you! It has naughtiness :D I'm shallow too and proud of it :)
Hello everyone,
I'm so giggling over Jake's "boobaholicism"!:DDDD There are a few pics out there where he has been caught in the act:) The Jennifer Aniston pic out there is completely obvious! I'm still LOL! I think I'm blushing and it usually takes ALOT for me to blush:)
This being caught in the act brought me to thinking of Heath and Michelle at the 2006 Acadamy Awards, when Michelle was wearing the bright, low-cut, yellow gown. Well they were on the red carpet posing for pics with this huge wall of photogs and cameras rolling. And the breeze kept blowing Michelle's "lapel"-like on to her chest, so Heath placed it back and looked straight down into her cleavage:))) He then looked up into the "wall" of cameras and had this cute, boyish smile on his face! Obviously knowing he had been "caught"!! So, So cute and funny!:D I tried looking for a video clip of it, but just found lots of their lovely pics.
Anyway, I've got to collect myself and I'll be back in a bit.
I promise I'm only on my 2nd rum:)
Jake! Jake? Jake. . . ! yoo hoo! time to come home. . .
arf arf woof woof howl howl howl howl howl
Oh, hello again!
Just wanted to say thanks WDW for the ice cream pic of Jake.:) To know that he's still on planet earth!:) I bet that if it isn't choc. chip mint then it is some kind of mint ice cream. You know, I have never tasted pistachio ice cream? It is on my to do list.
Thanks for all of the Maggie and Jake, Peter and Jake, and of course I love the Jake and Heath pic of them in white shirts with BIG grins on their faces.:))) It makes me go "awww".
I have yet to see Once. I will see it soon.
Yes, to see Nailed will be a different type of Jake that is welcomed here!
Thanks again WDW:) Everyone have a great weekend:D
Oh, too funny atti!
"arf arf woof woof howl howl howl howl"!!!
Poor Atticus, he misses his Jake:(
Hope to see Jake home soon:)
Good morning everyone! What a beautiful day :)
Hi Viv! Sorry I missed you last night. I love those pics of Jake with Heath and how there are so many pics of Jake that make me laugh and swoon. I don't know how he manages it. Have a good day :D
Morning Pia! The sun's out, it's time for Jake to go out and have an iced mocha :D
Atti - I hope Jake will be home soon (or here...) :)
Have a lovely day - weekend at last... :D
Good morning.
Glad that you enjoyed Once WDW. It is such a sweet, beautiful movie. Glen Hansard is one of my favourite musicians so I was thrilled to see him and Marketa win Best Song Oscar this year. It was great to see the lovely Colin Farrell introducing them at the awards aswell :)
I am looking forward to seeing how Nailed will turn out after all the setbacks and problems they had on set. I liked Three Kings but didn't really rate I Heart Huckabees. But I'm sure Jake will bring something special to it as always.
Off the point I went to see Tropic Thunder last night. I would highly recommend it. Ben Stiller is hillarious and RDJ is on form as always. The cameo from Tom Cruise is priceless.
Have a good day :)
Aw missed the pirate talk... drink up me hearties yoho... it's an indian summer experience today ahhhh.
Thanks WDW for the news on Nailed. From what we saw with the cast sticking around SC even when asked to leave the set showed their committment to this David Russell vehicle and Catherine and Jessica have just confirmed it. I love it already even though I have yet to see a single frame.
I hope to see Once now that there have been so many recommendations. Any inspiring movie that overcomes obstacles will always interest me especially if they have been thoughtfully made.
Loved 3 Kings and the extras but Huckabees was far too abstract for my tiny mind to draw a simple conclusion to.
Viv, looks like your party last night was a hoot - what kind of rum you drinking anyway? JB? :DD or Wray & Nephew? If you're talking about Jake 'looking at the twins' pics I love 'em - shows us his hard to contain naughty side :DD
I'm seeing Tropic Thunder on Monday, can't wait. RDJ's crazy performance and staying in character has reminded me of HRH and his British accent. I have confidence in Jake's abilities to pull it off and erase the memory I have of the horrible cockney accent he did. I don't think I could love him any more than I do when I hear that accent for the first time. It's gonna be awesome ;D
I hope he gets to keep his costume after he's finished PoP (like he did for the Santa hats).
Arrr....I missed Pirate Day....arrr...
Adored and loved Once, glad you finally got to watch it and love it too, WDW. Everyone should see it based on Jake and Heath. :)
I liked DOR's movies and I am really looking forward to Nailed. Glad they were able to pull together in the frustration of all the stops in filming.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. We are having beautiful weather here too!
Howl . . . how he usta say attaboy atti. . . howl howl . . . scratch me behind my ears . . . howl howl howl. . . I woulda done anything for him. . . gone after black tailed ferrets. . . grrrrrrrrroowwwlllll. . . hooowwwlll. . .
Atti, you crack me up. Stop howling,darling, you'll wake up everyone in Brentwood. What have you and your master done to Boo? I still miss him.
"I don't have my puggle, I don't have my puggle..."
WDW,I don't know any pirate songs except for the one pia was singing. Shame on me.
Hi there everyone! I hope you've all had/are having a ovely day. I've had such a good time out there in the beautiful sunshine with Anouska and Ruby in the Big Smoke. We went round Notting Hill and the Portobello market and had a leisurely dinner at the Ledbury - an amazing restaurant, as frequented by Jake, in which we dined near a famous TV vet :D Wish you could have joined us - I really recommend the John Dory...
Hi Carol! I'm seeing Tropic Thunder tomorrow - I can't wait :D
I haven't seen DOR's movies but I really am looking forward to Nailed, especially as I suspect the script has some hanky panky in it - I know, I'm shallow.... And good acting!
Hey Sheba :D I do hope you see Once, it's a lovely film. I was listening to the soundtrack again on the train. I have a real treat for this evening - PlayUSA delivered my copy of Iron Man!!
Hi Get Real! I remember how much you enjoyed Once and that was another reason why I had to see it. I'm glad you're having beautiful weather over there too. Just glorious today, sitting outside a pub having a glass of wine, chatting abut Jake, the seaside and other lovely things :)
Atti! You leave those ferrets alone! We saw lots of big dogs in London today, you should come over and enjoy it with Jake :D Ssshhhhh!
Hey Zodiac! Sob, poor Boo... I have no pirate songs except for that one which I can't remember at the start of Pirates 3.
It's such good weather this weekend, we should all have a WDW day out - Jake's invited... Have lovely evenings :D Thanks to Nouskie and Ruby for the added sunshine today xx
arf arf arf ahem cough woof
I dont especially care for small dogs.
Wooo wooo wooo (wooops! here come the Brentwood cops - better summon up my dog-gone "who, me?" grin. . .)
"A dog without his master
is like a ship without a sail
is like a boat without a rudder
is like a kite without a tail. . ."
Hey Atti! A small dog in Notting Hill today had the fiercest bark I've heard in a long time and I thought he was going to go for me - could have done with you then!
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