Recently, we heard Toby describe Jake as 'a lovely kid'. In the latest interview to the British press, Toby gives away a little more information when asked where he is at the moment:

Toby is 'In London, working on The Prince of Persia. After RockNRolla I was out of work for 11 months, to shoot down the idea of the glamour. Then I was in Morocco for two and a half months learning to ride on a horse and fight with an axe for the Prince of Persia, but these big projects go on and on, so I'm shooting at Pinewood now. My co-star Jake (Gyllenhaal) is a lovely fella. He's been training hard and pumping iron; he's all about doing his acting right. It's more like doing a marathon than it is like acting, you're delivering these lines that are a bit obscure and you wouldn't normally say like (adopts OTT theatrical voice) 'The mystical dagger of time is going to save us all!' So it's a tricky one, but Jake's got the bull by the horns. We sat around and had a bite to eat a couple of times. He's a typical Yanky chap.'

So, apart from hearing what a great job Jake is doing on set (what is a 'typical Yanky chap'?), we also learn that the film has moved to Pinewood, which means Jake may well be back in London now. I do like to hear that Jake is impressing with his focus on acting things right and that he's put so much dedication into this role, even though it's a million miles and years away from what he's used to. I'm also glad to say that the sun has come out in London for Jake's return and he won't be needing that parker or a hood...

This post is illustrated with pictures of Jake out and about in Notting Hill, where I spent the day today in happy company, and with some amazing food in The Ledbury, one of those places where Jake has been seen in the past (no doubt enjoying the incredible desserts).

Pictures from IHJ.
I wondered about the 'typical Yankie chap' comment too. I don't know anyone who talks like that! :D
Thanks WDW and Anouska for good company on a beautiful day. Mr R. liked his pressie, but the poor baby isn't well and is in bed. :(
Hey Rubes! Thank you so much for your company today :D But I'm so sorry to hear Mr R is unwell - I do hope he feels better tomorrow :(
That was such a strange and weird comment of Toby's. I've never heard anyone talk like that either. But it did sound like a compliment.
Huge thanks to PlayUsa for getting the DVD of Iron Man to me so, so quickly - I'm enjoying watching that now.
Hugs to (((Mr R))) and to you both. What a nice restaurant, and a beautiful day :)
Hi Nouskie! A lovely day, thank you :D
Iron Man doesnt release here until Sept 30! ! O well that's pretty soon, Im watching Torchwood and Bardem films, Im cool.
Never seen Yankee spelled Yanky and have no idea what is a 'typical Yanky chap' Would love to know - anybody have Toby's e-mail?
Gorgeous weather for a get together, WDW Nouskie and Ruby! The Ledbury Menu looks to die for!
(do you thnk I should add a pear and avocado to my chicken curry tonight? if I finish up my Scotch will I have to go cold turkey tomorrow that is Sunday nite and also Monday? should I wear my trousers rolled haha I dont wear trousers, prufrock you dork!)
I am upset because my friends are all in NYC watching Harry Potter nekkid on stage tonight. I think I'll finish off the Scotch.
Hi Pia - posting at the same time :D I couldn't believe it when I found Iron Man in my letter box today, way too early but I'm not complaining! Love it.
Very odd use of 'Yanky' - I have no idea what Toby means. I wonder what he and Jake talked about when they were out to eat...
The menu was incredible at the Ledbury. I can see why Jake would eat there. The squid risotto was beautiful. I am completely out of whiskey :( I don't think I'd want to see Harry Potter naked, I avoided it in London. Have a good night!
Toby's comment is odd. I must admit I worry that Jake is being "overly earnest" as he is often wont to be and maybe that is part of the definition of a typical Yank.
What's the movie where the Italian hottie tells K Hepburn that its okay to want steak, but she should enjoy spagetti - hah hah hah.
Okay, pears and avocado in the curry.
Great comments from Toby on Jake!!
I really just think Toby meant that Jake is a typical American guy. He does seem to have a funny way of talking because he also called Jake a "kid" in that previous interview, when Jake is older than him. It (both) did seem like a compliment, imo. At least I hope so. :p
So he is in London!!! We need the UKers on the lookout.
Glad, WDW, Ruby and Anouska has a lovely day out together. Sorry Mr. R isn't well (((Ruby))).
Pia, I am actually very interest in seeing Equus.
Hey Pia - maybe Toby just means that Jake is open and friendly. It could be just that. Enjoy your dinner :D
Hi Get Real! You're right - Toby has a very odd way of expressing himself - he sounds like quite a character but I think it's all complimentary. We're trying to keep our eyes open here in London but we get distracted by good food and wine! Notting Hill is such an amazing part of London, no wonder Jake likes it :D It's just great to think Jake could be about. I really hope we get a sighting/photos soon - I miss him! Hope you're having a good evening :)
Agree with you WDW. And that restaurant you all went to looks fantastic and yummy.
Off to enjoy the nice fall weather here...
Have a lovely evening, Get Real - the weather is gorgeous :)
Yes, WDW, I expect Toby means Jake is open and friendly. The view from across the pond is helpful!
So what did you guys eat today?
Ticklin' you till you tell!
Hi Pia! Open and friendly is good :D
Ok, here goes. We had a squid risotto and a beetroot salad, John Dory with leek, gnocchi and truffle (so delicious...), Panacotta with strawberries and a little lemon cake thing. One of the best meals I've ever eaten :)
Yum yum yum! Had to google the "John Dory" - sounds like a formidable fish - and tasty -
my chicken/avocado/pear curry was delish!
globilzation rocks!
Yep "typical American guy" would just about cover it. Pragmatic, ready to roll up his sleeves and pitch in when something needs to be done, (think of the barn-building in "Appalachian Spring") not inclined to stand on ceremony when aristocrats pop in, ready to work hard and play hard, that's Jake.
Morning everyone! I envy you so much, WDW (but in a good way:), I love Notting Hill.
I do think that Jake is a typical American guy in many aspects and why is everyone so worried about the kid comment? To me, it's a compliment. It means he's still playful and honest and uncontrollable at times, ready to burst into a showtune rendition or cover his face with a shaving cream. I love people who don't take themselves too seriously. He is probably a handful though(but also in a good way:)You have to listen to him, nodding enthusiastically (what did he say about having an audience?) and give him reassuring hugs. IMO, he does give off a vibe sometimes like he's a little bit spoilt and wants to be the centre of attention. But I don't blame him too much. He's been blessed in the looks department and apart from what he says, he KNOWS what effect his eyelashes and other body parts have on others and is used to people not refusing him anything because how could they?:)
Morning everyone.
It's good to hear more PoP news. I agree with everyone that Toby was being complimentary of Jake but he does have a strange turn of phrase. The overall impression from what's been said is a lot of hard work but good fun.
Best thing is to hear that Jake could be back in the UK. Do keep a lookout as I am really missing him and in need of some new pics :)
Sounds like a lovely day was had at the Ledbury. Nothing Hill is a great place. Will definitely have to visit there when I'm next in London
Have a good day :)
Good morning everyone! And what a beautiful day it is - beautiful, warm, sunny day :)
Hey Pia! You curry sounds good :D I love pear in cooking. As a big Finding Nemo fan, I was a little hesitant at eating Dory but it was just delicious. I'm getting hungry again... It's an ice cream day today :D
Hi Paul! I have an image in my head of a hot and sweaty barn-building Jake - I'm liking it :D
Morning Zodiac! Lovely comment - I do agree that the kid comment is just something a bloke would say here. And I simply love how you descrive Jake - that's how I see him too - a completely irresistibe handful and a real pleasure to be around and to talk with and to look at :D It sounds like he was having a good time in Morocco and I bet Toby's a laugh too.
Morning Carol! I'm so missing Jake it's not funny - I really hope everyone is keeping their eyes open everywhere! Notting Hill is a great part of London - I love the architecture and shops etc but it's so good for people watching too.
Have a lovely day everyone!
Morning! I am suffering from caffeine withdrawal (headache headache... or maybe it was the merlot from last night?)... so I need to make a cup of real coffee first because I can think of what a typical yanky chap means :P
I would have to say to me, there's nothing typical about Jake. But then, I am thinking Toby means he's approachable, fun-loving, easy going kind of "yanky chap". Like the boy next door - although I've never have any next door boy looking as gorgeous as Jake :P
Ironman is out?? I have it on my DVD rental list, but it's not out until October, I think.
In any case, I watched "Be Kind Rewind" last night, and now I have a new wish: I hope Jake will make a film with Michel Gondry (Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind) one day.
Morning Winterbird :D Ooh, I'd love a proper coffee right now. The nearest latte is a drive away...
I think that's what Toby meant too. Imagine having Jake living next door. I'd be forever in need of cups of sugar :D
I ordered the US Iron Man and it arrived a week early :D I really enjoyed that last night and it put me in the mood for Tropic Thunder today.
Have a good day :D
Good morning all. Beautiful day. Toby's interesting and I'll bet he challenged Jake a lot. His 'bull by the horns' comment reminded me of Jack. I do suspect that there must have been some detailed filming over there, not just practicing. Maybe after London filming they'll be heading back to Morrocco to finish up. I do hope they leave the film set there as a tourist attraction - it's such a waste when they pull them down. I understand why they do though.
I do like Zodiac's description of Jake, it's spot on.
WDW, you got Iron Man already?? Is it region 1 or 2? Hope you're enjoying RDJ's performance. I've just got to wait for Zodiac Director's Cut out end September - then Iron Man soon after - what a treat.
Chicken curry .... mmmm, I'll go traditional today and add coconut milk. Have been getting a little bored with food so any new spins on regular meals is welcome.
Why is Johnny Depp so cool and sexy - can't quite put my finger on it? Same with Jake :DD
Good morning, Wet Dark!
My co-star Jake (Gyllenhaal) is a lovely fella.
That puts a smile on my face!
Very good to know that Jake is an actor devoted to his films.
I found that in site of Pinewood studios:
POP Pinewood Studios
Hi there! It's too gorgeous to go to the movies today so I've ended up in a deckchair outside with a latte :D
Hey Sheba :D I reckon that the filming has been quite physical and by the sound of it Jake's thrown himself into it. Just can't wait to see it. I'm amazed they sent me Iron Man so soon but I'm certainly not complaining... Enjoy your curry!
Hi Monica! Thanks so much for the link - it makes it all feel so real. I just want to see some pics of Jake out and about. It's such lovely weather he must be out in it somewhere! I love the 'lovely fella' comment too - we all know Jake is but it's good to hear it :)
Have a lovely Sunday everyone!
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