Saturday 6 September 2008

Jake Gyllenhaal in London? You must be Donnie Darko

After yesterday's 'Roast Beef Award Video', in which Jake Gyllenhaal spoke of the support he had received from the British public for Donnie Darko and This Is Our Youth, it seemed entirely approporiate to post links to these segments from an ITN interview. This interview took place during one of Jake's infamous flying visits to The Smoke, this time to publicise Brokeback Mountain, but, as is the wont with British interviews, the talk soon turned to that film with the rabbit.

When the interviewer informs Jake that she had just attended an outdoor screening (can't have been in the summer then) of Donnie Darko in Kensington Gardens, you can see that Jake is chuffed, just as he is when the interviewer also says that she saw a Donnie Darko rabbit drawn on to a wall in Hampstead. Jake says that the day before, when he had ordered room service in his hotel, the guy who brought it up had said that Jake looked familiar and then, before Jake had the chance to say anything, the chap said 'Darko!'. What is great about this moment is that this is the first time I have heard Jake say a word in an English accent. As a result, I want to hear more - in my mind I can now hear Jake saying 'Give me those sands of time, or else...'

In the final segment, Jake is asked what he likes to do in London and he mentions that the previous night (clearly Jake had been extraordinarily hungry the previous day, but this was probably due to the travel..) he had gone to Providores on Marylebone High Street - an intriguing mix of Spanish and New Zealand food. Completely irrelevantly, this is also the street in which I saw Stephen Gyllenhaal's poetry reading back in December.

It is also good to hear Jake admit to being an appreciator of Britain's Pub Culture although, as he says, he's not quite certain if he caught that bug in London as it's something he enjoys to do everywhere.

In a previous interview (in the Evening Standard back in 2002), it was noted how the three stars of This Is Our Youth had enjoyed exploring their bit of London: 'Their London experience may be confined to the walk from their apartments in Covent Garden to the theatre in Charing Cross Road, but they have managed to pin down some of their favourite things en route. "I would definitely credit Wagamama," says Hayden. "That's the place where we learn all our lines." "And Sheekey's," chimes in Jake. "We also like Teatro."' I will never see Wagamama in quite the same way again... It is also interesting to hear that 'The things they particularly like about London are somewhat surprising: the taxis and the Tube, both of which they consider models of efficiency. And they don't have a problem with the weather.' They were in London, England, right?

But to get back to the ITN interview, there is a wonderful piece in the second segment in which Jake discusses how Ang pulled him towards Brokeback Mountain because he turned the focus onto love. It is also captivating to hear Jake describes how all of Ang's movies, including Hulk, are all love stories and speak from Ang's very personal experiences.

Includes pictures from IHJ.


Anonymous said...

My gosh, he is magnificent in these ITN interviews - I love what he's wearing, the facial scruff, his masculine voice and intensity and consideration when he expresses himself, the intense concentration, and those thighs. He's very sexy. :)

Thanks, WDW!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Anon! Thanks so much for such a great comment - what a great way to describe Jake in these clips - the intensity... the thighs... Very sexy indeed :D

Anonymous said...

And the hands! He's got beautiful hands. The simple ring really accentuates them. :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

I noticed the ring too, anon. It really did show just how elegant and expressive Jake's hands are :)

Anonymous said...

Another new video, or, at least, one Ive not seen! Thanks WDW - I enjoyed this even more than the Venice interview on the Dutch site. He is comfortable with the interviewer, and it is his ease and innocence at this time that, in my view, would never be quite the same. No bobbing and weaving necessary.

Ang was rightfully pleased to have been able to work with Heath and Jake at an age when they were - how did he describe it? - my own word would be "guileless"

Tres charmant! Merci!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Pia :D I enjoyed this too, because Jake is so relaxed and comfortable in his talent. And sexy too... So glad you liked it :D Hope you're having a good evening.

Zodiac said...

The thighs... This is an image to behold.

I love London myself. The vibrance of this city, its energy-it's just incredible. I feel it every time I come to visit.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey there Zodiac :D Oh the thighs... :P London's a great city, exhausting but just full of life and things to do. And it's the first place in which I saw Jake, so just have to love it. I like to think of Jake walking round Covent Garden, Soho and the West End. I don't think he'd ever be bothered much walking round there. Good to see you!

Anonymous said...

Really wonderful interview and great post! I love hearing about Jake's time in London.

I do however, think he was also wonderful and at ease in the Cannes/Zodiac interviews. I don't think Jake or Heath could be the same after BBM. I do think a good interviewer makes a huge difference.

Anonymous said...

Also, I have heard very good things about Jake's English accent in PoP!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I like how he said "Darko". I really, really cannot wait to hear his accent for PoP.

His comfort or confidence level is wonderful in these interviews too. You Brits are very good for and to him! Where is he? I'm missing him. :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Get Real! Oh I love the Cannes interviews, I think they're my favourite of the lot to date and I could listen to them til my ears fall off! I definitely agree that a good interviewer makes all the difference - BBM had such an impact on so many interviewers just as it did on us, the viewers. I get emotional thinking about it this evening :)

That's great about hearing good things about the accent! I've heard nothing myself but I was amazed hearing Jake say just this one word how authentic it sounded so I have high hopes.

Hi Anon :) I'm missing Jake too, and I hope the Morocco section of filming finishes soon so he can come back to London and give us some sunshine back :D

Anonymous said...

Lov'd that little first intro to the interview where "toucher" is touchin' up Jake. eyelashes! my heart goes all a-flutter.

paulh said...

British weather? I sit here at my computer listening to the heavy, endless rain fall outside--the remnants of Hurricane Hannah are coming through Massachusetts now, with danger of some flash flooding.

I kinda like it, though. As long as a dying hurricane is mostly rain and only a little wind, I think of it as a nice warm shower.
When I was 7 or 8, my grandmother was babysitting for me during ahurricane, and I got her to let me put on my bathing suit and go out and play in the warm rain. It was *wonderful*!

It strikes me as odd that "Donnie Darko" would hit such a responsive chord in England. But maybe the runaway success of Douglas Adams's "Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" book and website ( tells you something about a British love of speculative fiction. Harry Potter's saga is another example.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good morning everyone - I don't want to speak to loudly but I think it's stopped raining...

Morning Pia! Ahh the job of the Toucher. I expect that only the most experienced of all the Touchers get to touch Jake :) My eart fluttered too...

Hi there Paul! Good luck with the storm. We've got some serious flooding going on here at the mo. There are just too many rivers in England... I've been in a few hurricanes and a twister in Florida over the years and it's just too scarey.

That's interesting about why Britain just got on so well with Donnie Darko - I think you're right, it does appeal to that Douglas Adams, Philip Pullman and Harry Potter gene. I think the soundtrack helped too as many of the tunes are from British bands.

Have a great day everyone and stay dry :D Maybe we should all stay indoors and watch a Jake movie?

Anonymous said...

O yes the steady rain all night was lovely. G'day everypeeps!

The NYT men's style section has a video interview of Javier Bardem with that same few seconds of "touch up" - I find these moments charming! so intimate! the guys kinda - haha submissive! - yes I AM a dominatrix. haha again.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

G'day Pia! To think there are people who do this for a living and actually get paid for it... I'd be a One Man Toucher though :D

I have a new raincoat and I'm going to test it on my way to see The Duchess :)

Anonymous said...

Haha Id be a One Man toucher if that One Man would get his gorgeous self back home - in the meantime, if I cant touch the one I love, I'll love up the Spaniard.

Anonymous said...

Lov'd that little first intro to the interview where "toucher" is touchin' up Jake. eyelashes! my heart goes all a-flutter.

Me too, Pia, watching that part of the interview. I loved when the toucher-upper brushed his beautiful nose, and his eyes fluttered then. :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Chuckle Pia! Ooh thanks for making me giggle :D Hope Bardem doesn't mind you making do!

Hi there Anon :D That was a wonderful moment and I think I'm going to have to watch it again now. Making Jake's eyes flutter - sigh...

Anonymous said...

Oh I love Javier, Daniel-Day, all of our wonderful, handsome actors - but Jake is something spesh-all! Wheeeeere is he?

Even my mother said he has a beautiful jawline, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree re our taste in handsome men. ;)

Sun comin' through today after a bit of Hurricane Hanna yesterday, but it was nice. Take care, our friends Down South though, another one's comin' through.

Anonymous said...

The toucher musta been dazzled/out of sorts because they touched up the side of Jake's face that was next to the wall, not towards the camera!

Zodiac said...

"The toucher musta been dazzled/out of sorts because they touched up the side of Jake's face that was next to the wall, not towards the camera!"

Aha, I noticed it too yesterday and I thought "What are you doing? Can't you see where the camera is?" :)

But who can blame this person, really? What sort of will power do you have to have to STOP after brushing Jake's face, anyway? I'd probably be dazzled to the point where I'd find myself brushing his other body parts. Like thighs.

Yes, I'd probably be fired right away and next time I'd see him would be in court.

Zodiac said...

"next time I saw him":)

Anonymous said...

^^ :) It would definitely be hard to concentrate.

Some of these restaurants sound great, WDW - I love the NZ one and looking over their wine list. I love a noodle shop too. That Jake - all kinds of gorgeous, funny, plus he likes to eat! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks WDW... food and Jake is always a good combination :)

I have to say I never see the attraction of Wagamama. I don't like long bench like tables ... although if Jake likes it (or maybe it's only Hayden?), I'd take Jake to Cha Cha Moon (similar new restaurant place, also by Alan Yau) next time he's in town :P

I think Jake might be more into fine-dining though, so J Sheekey sounds like his kind of place.

arrghh... now I am hungry. you always do this to me when you get Jake talking about food! :P

I am happy that London agrees with Jake - do come more often... in fact, why not move over here? heehee.

Have a good day, everyone.

Anonymous said...

Cha Cha Moon - I like the sound of that. I like that Jake loves London too, the Tube and taxis. :)

All this talk of food, touching up noses, etc. has me thinking of a private alcove table at a restaurant, ordering something delicious to share, feeding him a taste, and kissing his lips after. I'd better sign off. ;)

Have a great day, all -

Anonymous said...

People, I'm supposed to work today at my computer, and you're not being helpful with all these images of feeding and kissing Jake! Now I'm thinking about stealing a kiss or two across the table, or playing a little footsie underneath it, before barely making it home.

Thank you very much, I may as well forget about getting anything done in the next couple of hours.

Zodiac said...


Well, thank YOU for generating some very nice images. Everyone's being a little naughty today but it's all Jake's fault:)

paulh said...

I think it's very lucky indeed that you ladies can agree on One Man. If only the rest of life were that simple.

However, *no way* am I agreeable to letting him move to the other side of the Atlantic. No! No! No! (Of course, if he *wanted* to move, he would figure out how to fo it over my objections, and all I could do was hope he'd at least Summer in martha's Vineyard...)

Javier Bardem is in a current Woody Allen movie with Scarlet Johanson.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

OMG! You lot have totally cracked me up! I have images now of stroking Jake's face, feeding him food, kissing his lips, playing footsie under the table, while all the time giving him leaflets on relocating to Blighty :D And this is all good! I just got back from seeing The Duchess which has made me all sentimental and romanticy :D

And I love how we all have the same taste in one man!

I noticed that about the Toucher touching the wrong side but I suppose if you're Jake's Toucher you have to do the lot...

Zodiac, you made me laugh with the court comment :D

Hi Anon - I like the sound of the NZ place too - one to add to the list :)

Hey Winterbird! There's a Wagamana down the road from me but I've neevr fancied it, but maybe I should. But yes I do agree that the other places sound more like jake's kind of thing. I wonder if they used to argue on where they'd go to eat during TIOY.

Hey there Paul :D We could come to some arrangement where we'd let Jake go back to MV for maybe 3 weeks a year... ;D

And hi anons, Because he's worth it (oh yes...) and Mmmmm :D I'm finding it hard to concentrate on anything now...

Have a great afternoon/evening everyone!

Anonymous said...

We could come to some arrangement where we'd let Jake go back to MV for maybe 3 weeks a year.

I could go for that arrangement. *sigh* ;)

I was curious about seeing The Duchess too, WDW.

Have a good afternoon, all - off to watch the surf and maybe have a last of the season swim. :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi BK :D I do recommend The Duchess - I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would; what a story and quite a weepy in places.

Oh how wonderful to be able to see the ocean - thanks for putting that lovely thought in my head :)

paulh said...

"The Duchess" has not yet opened in my area. I wonder what it is with all these period dramas Keira Knightley insists on doing.

3 weeks in Martha's Vineyard is not enough, WDW! I mean, he needs time to spend with his family. Family comes first! Six weeks is the bare minimum, though it doesn't all have to be taken at once.