Wednesday 10 September 2008

'Let's ride' - from tandems to the Alps - Jake Gyllenhaal and Lance Armstrong

Back in the summer of 2006, we were an anxious bunch. Jake Gyllenhaal was cycling around the busy roads of Hollywood and Malibu and one feared that Jake would constitute such a lethal distraction for drivers - most especially when he undid his spandex shirt and shifted on his saddle - that at any time he could come a cropper. But fortunately Jake survived the Cycling Summer of 2006, albeit it his legs were the sometime victim of merciless waxing, even managing to scale the Alpine heights of the Tour de France.

This week the rumour surfaced that Jake's cycling champion Lance Armstrong is to return to competitive cycling and this is indeed confirmed. Lance aims to use his 2009 return to highlight the never diminishing risk of cancer which claims 8 million lives every year. Wet Dark and Wild is a supporter of LiveStrong and, in particular, the incredible fundraising of one Jimmy Fowkes, who, also back in 2006, participated in the Texas Ride for Roses alongside Lance and Jake.

Back in September last year, we had a little fundraising mission of our own here and I'm proud to say some money was raised for Jimmy's charity fund. Unfortunately, since then Jimmy's cancer returned and again he has had to endure chemotherapy and all that that entails, but he has been determined to enjoy his summer with his friends (even going to see Jack Johnson in concert, but nobody's perfect!). So the fundraising continues and if you fancy helping Jimmy and his sister Molly, here is the link.

Jake had a whole succession of 'pinch me' moments during his time on the Tour de France with Lance. You can hear all about it, in Jake's words, in this podcast which you can download. And, even better, you can see Jake here discussing it.

I love that Jake's love of cycling began on the back of a tandem: 'My best friend is a cyclist and he had a tandem bike. One day he was like, "Let's ride." I got on the back of the bike and we were riding and we just started pushing so hard, working together on this tandem bike. It was so much fun. I just remember that one ride — from then on I started riding. Then I guess Lance Armstrong heard that I biked and so he called me one day: "You want to go for a ride".

When Jake was asked if he managed to make the Tour de France Alpine climb, he replied: 'Yes, I did (laughing). You don’t ride the Alps with Lance Armstrong and not make it. The movie’s not definite yet. Matt Damon is developing it, so it’s his movie at this point. But, I would love to play Lance and make a movie about cycling, because it’s my favorite sport.' I think it's time for Jake to dust off the spandex...

Includes pictures from Kreutz Photography.


Anonymous said...

Oh God, he's so unearthly beautiful in the last picture... It's ridiculous how good-looking this man is.

I'm going to comment later.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Anon :) That picture is one of my all time top five pictures of Jake - absolutely stunning. Just beautiful. See you later :D

sheba said...

Yep, just saved it, it's yummy, serene, quintessential Jake.

Previous posts WDW, were fab again. Thank you - so little time to comment these days....

I doubt Jake's doing much bike riding in Morrocco, although it would be ideal if it weren't so darn hot. Toby Kebbel is a honey isn't he? I hope for lots of behind the scenes fun on PoP.

I had a thought... is the film going to become a Play Station new game and I wonder if Jake would be doing any of those shots especially for the video game.

I wonder if Jake would be wearing Lycra suits covered in reflective dots where infrared cameras tracked the dots, logging the action in 3-D for the video game. That would be awesome to have his facial expressions and the famous Gyllenwalk that he just can't hide - no matter the character. Even as Swofford, a marine, he still had the slouch when off duty.

I feel like PoP should be a relief for him, being away from the public eye, actually working and creating something new and intriguing. I wait patiently for new pics - just hope he's enjoying himself and happy.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Sheba :D Toby Kebbell is a goodie - I love how Jake introduces us to new people!

I think I mentioned here in a post somewhere that there isn't supposed to be a game from the movie but who knows?! It'd be great to have Jake doing the voice to a game version of his story.

Ooh, like the idea of Jake in a lycra suit with the laser dots :D I trust that Jake's having a good time too, doing what he enjoys and really revelling in such a fun project.

Zodiac said...

If he makes a game based on the film, I'll be afraid to even touch him, let alone make him fight or leap off the walls or run around the moving saws or... Too precious.

This picture is killing me, it's killing me.

Good night, everyone.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

OMG Zodiac, that's so true - if Jake were the game prince, how could we risk him in a game? It's a beautiful picture... G'night *)

sheba said...

They should have different scenarios - make up your own ending :DD

Nighty Night - early night for me too xx

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Happy Ever After would be good :D Night, Sheba :)

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if that biopic of Lance Armstrong was still in the works. It would be great if Jake played Lance in the movie. Seeing him going through the ups and downs of Lance's life, especially going through facing cancer. That would be intense. I do hope it happens


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Trekfan :D I susoect that Jake isn't involved in the development of the biopic of Lance anymore but I would have enjoyed it. I'm a cycling fan and I could cope with a film with Jake in Spandex for two hours. Really the plot would be secondary... ;D

Anonymous said...

last picture: I assumed Jake was affected by the death of Chris's mother, from cancer, that had happened recently.

Im a fan of LiveStrong but not of Lance A., don't care for his style, and possible doping history. Hope Jake doesnt make that biopic, and doubt that he will: -

Hope you Brits get to stake out London Jake, Ive had enuff of him being gone to places so remote.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Pia :D I'm a big fan of LiveStrong myself. And I like what Lance has done, turning something dreadful into a real positive. I admire him for it. I had a dreadful diagnosis myself years ago and there's no way I could have had that strength so my hat's off to Lance.

I did enjoy all those cycling pics in 2006 :D I wouldn't mind more now.

I reckon the Morocco part of the shoot will be over soon enough and Jake'll be back in the UK enjoying our cloudbursts :D

Nicole said...

Hey WDW!! I've been keeping up with all the posts daily but haven't had time to comment on anything because im so busy with school..but I just wanted to say I love that last picture too!!! I hope everyone is doing alright!

Anonymous said...

Hello peeps!

Been away too long, also to comment, but have visited.

Thank you WDW for excellent posts and to keep our Jaking thoughts and needs afloat in this "jake-less time":)) I'm in anticipation to see him soon. He has been away too long:( But him working on something great helps me think of something wonderful to come! POP!

I think Sunday's post, I LOVED the Film review mag cover...*i'm melting*...Oh and *lips, thighs, feeding and kissing..Oh MY!!*
Whewww. (and running fingers thru his hair;)) I shouldn't be this worn out;)

Yes, Happy B-day to Michelle and Ava, I think the 8th and 9th** and ((hugs)) to both:D

Yes, and thanks WDW and Zodiac for the Heath vid. I cried a some, once again, and probably will for quite a while. Much appreciated since I've had my Heath moment a few days ago myself. WDW, have you got around to watch Heath's Casanova yet? You've definately been very busy here at the posts, and much appreciated:) Great work!

Good night...and hope all is Jaking well! Oh and the eyelashes:D


Anonymous said...

I just love Jake no matter what he does or say.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good morning everyone :D Is it Friday yet...?

Good to see you Nicole! Hope school's going ok. I'm happy to share the pic ;D

Hi Viv! I know, we have to entretain ourselves while Jake's busy. But hopefully he'll be around soon :D I've still not seen Casanova but I may get the chance at the weekend. I am so hglad to hear that you've been enjoying the posts - thank you :D

Hi there Dailing! I love him too :D

Have a great day everyone :D

Anonymous said...

I think Brokeback will be on Film4 this week or next too.

Love the last picture - yes, that's some unearth beauty :)

Don't know much about cycling or Lance Armstrong. But I'd ride a bike if Jake asks me to :)

miserable weather again.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Morning Winterbird :D It is downright yuck out there... I'm hopeless on a bicycle and I seem to attract punctures, but for Jake.... :D Thanks for the Film 4 tip, I'll be keeping my eyes open. Have a good day :)

Xenia said...

Hey WDW and everyone!:)

Yeah I heard of Lance going back to business...not so sure what to think of it.
I'm not a cycling fan really but my father is and the soundtrack of my childhood summer memories is mixed with TV commentaries on the Giro d'Italia and Tour de France...who could have ever imagined that seeing a man in spandex riding a bike would have messed up my hormones...:D

Oh I can remember well of that joyful time when Jake went to the Alps with Lance and spoke in French on that radio-interview...*sigh*

And the last photo is one of the most beautiful Jake pics of all time, he IS truly the most gorgeous man I've ever seen...*le sigh,again*...

Have a good day. :)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there Xenia! The Spandex Summer of 2006 was a joyous time indeed and I think Jake had an amazing time in France. 'Le sigh'! Love that! Have a good day :D

sheba said...

"I think Brokeback will be on Film4 this week or next too."

Yes, it's on Film4 on Saturday at 9pm.

Oh I can remember well of that joyful time when Jake went to the Alps with Lance and spoke in French on that radio-interview...*sigh*."

Jake speaking French? I don't think I've heard this. When and where is this interview please?

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Sheba! Thanks for identifying the date of the Film 4 BBM. The French bit referred to is in the podcast I uploaded in this post for you to download :D