There can be only one reason for a
second post in one evening and that reason is an out and about Jake Gyllenhaal. On 6 January, Jake decided not to stay in, instead he visited that old familiar haunt of the BH medical centre, wearing last winter's blue plaid shirt. Hopefully, this does not indicate the imminent reappearance of the shirt with birds... but always good to see smiling Jake!

With many thanks to
IHJ, I can now update the post with pictures of Jake and Reese spending their pennies at
Ralph Lauren in LA (6 January).

More pictures at
Hey Jake! Come here! ::::tears the beanie from his head::::
Dude looks cool and everything, but come on!
I think he's had it surgically attached to head. It changes colour to match his mood ;)
I have this nightmare that Jake will show up to the Golden Globes in his tux..... wearing the beanie....and....and I can't say it.... ok... I will...
His Crocs ;)
Hi there Amy! Good to see you :D I like the idea of a beanie that changes colour with your mood - Jake could market it. Please don't give Jake ideas about his GG outfit! Crocs? No!!!! I hope we never see those again :D
You'd never know from the pictures you've selected, that Reese was with him, waiting in the car. Those were shown at justjared, too.
Yes, anon, as you say, those very poor quality pics of inside the car are there at the end of the link in the post. The link in the post is Just Jared. Don't fret, more pictures are coming for this post...
I've now updated the post with pictures of Jake and Reese shopping in LA today (6 Jan), thanks Stephanie!
I agree with anon 00:37, why did you fail to mention Reese was with Jake, she does exist you know (even though it seems you wish she didn't).
Er, other/same anonymous person. I'll grant you the benefit of the doubt and think that you haven't seen all the recent posts that have got Reese in them.
I am not Anon 1:03, but I am the first anon. I like coming here because it is interesting and you seem to work hard to make a good blog. You seem like a nice person, too. Like maybe you are fun.
But I am often disappointed, especially recently, by the sniping and the nasty comments some of your regular bloggers make about Reese, and not liking her, and trying to ignore her, but "I still love you, Jake!" comments.
Those kind of comments are what I feel lends to an attitude that you ignore her and don't care for her even if you don't feel that way, personally.
Some of these bloggers who post snarky, nasty snipes ought to really see what kind of people post on IHJ. I know a lot of us go to IHJ. I see the generosity and the respect and the maturity of people younger then a lot of us, and I realize, if you really are a fan of Jake and you love Jake, then you have to respect the people he loves.
You don't have to date them, or be in their company. But you should at least respect Jake's feelings. I am not meaning this necessarily for you, WDW, but I am disappointed that people can refer to her as "that blond thing" or in other ways show their hostility and it goes unremarked.
The comments I read on some of the gossip sites are really terrible. They are vicious and disrespectful, and I guess it is a matter of degrees. I know it's been the holidays, but I do remember a few months ago, when you put the law down about people being respectful, so maybe we need another reminder.
I am not trying to be a negative troll person. I am speaking as someone who is really depressed at the cruelty and the negative stuff out here. This can be a really fine blog most of the time.
Nice post, WDW. How fun is it to have a steady stream of Jake pics, enough to warrant a same-day update! Feel free to delete this post if it comes across as hostile or too off topic. :o)
Anon 2:03, I'm not a Reese hater, neither am I a wannabe president of her fan club, but I'm not quite following your comments. Are you in fact saying that if she's in a pic with Jake we are obligated to gush over her otherwise we're bad Jake fans? Fans aren't allow to just focus on Jake? He loves her therefore we have to as well? Sorry, but that's a bit too dictatorial. It's one thing to request courtesy, but it's quite another to insist everyone toe the party line.
If there have been any disparaging remarks her at WDW about Reese then I have definitely missed them. You're right about the celebrity gossip sites though. Their comments sections are generally poisonous. Skip them for your own sanity.
I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, but I have to confess it irks me when folks insist there can only be one acceptable attitude toward Reese. She's a celeb in her own right and, as such, fans *are allowed to have a separate opinion of her*. I do-- my opinion of her remains the same, formed in pre-Jake. Barring outright insults, I have no problem if some fans prefer to keep their focus on Jake, even when she's clearly in the picture. After all, Jake is who this site is about.
Joe Ann,If you read my post, I did not suggest EVER that anyone play president of the Reese fan club. I really do not care what your opinion of her is or when it was formed. This is about Jake. This is about showing gnerosity and respect of Jake. There absolutely has been sniping. Tehre has been rudeness here. And I am dispappointed a will remain so. My comments are directed at the owner of this blog. I am not being dictatorial. You are taking slights where none are given.
If you think the expectation of basic courtesy is too much to ask, and seems dictatorial to you, then you are very misguided. And deliberately so. I have said all I need to. I will not compete with you for the winning argument. My motive was sincere. Find someone else to bicker with.
WDW sorry I not here much today or yesterday let me explain after begging you send me meat there was 2 big FedEx trucks pulled up at the house yesterday morning and blocking the street and the police were there cuz of traffic and the trucks they was filled with beef, chicken and deer and duck and horse and buffalo and rabbit and turtle and elk and lamb and pork really good smelling meats and I was sitting at the window watching and drooling and then FedEx knocked at the door and I barked and then they asked Daddy to sign for the packages which he did but then when they asked him where our 500 pound fridge is so they could load the meat in he got all suspicious and looked at me real funny like kinda mad but not too mad and then he had them FedEx people drive away and go give all them meats to a animal shelter and then he went and locked up his computer and then right after that he went out and I took a nap and then he came back with a huge bag of some organic crap he wants me to eat and he got me some really cool toys too. But I want my meat back. *cries* Sorry I rambling WDW but I hurry cuz Daddy left his computer unlocked now and he in other room yappin on phone and I just want tell you and friends thanks for the meats and I sure the homeless animals thank you too but we have to do it next time when he gone a long time okay? I love you WDW oops I gotta go I hear Daddy.
I am the one who called Reese "that blond thing hanging from his hand like a key holder."
I am also the one who said I'm mentally deleting her from the pictures.
And you know what? I have nothing whatsoever against her. But I still CAN say that I come here for Jake. Or have this blog changed to something like: "WDW - Jake and Reese out there"?
I've never been mean, I've never offended or harassed anyone, not even Reese. I don't even go to other sites reading about Jake or her.
you speak like you are personally offended. I'm so sorry to say that even if Jake was my son (which he could be) I'd have no obligation of loving his fiance.I'd respect his choice, end of story.
I have fun in this place and I mostly feel free to posting my little jokes. WDW is indeed a good person and she works hard here. I don't see the need for your angry post, and I'm not changing my tone, sorry. Unless of course, WDW herself asks me to.
As for Reese, tell her I'm sorry if I offended her. It was more a joke about her "size" compared to HIS height than anything else. As for Jake, I respect him more than you'd ever dream...even if he gets married to some weirdo (which is NOT Reese's case). I'm more interested in his beanies and crocks right now.'s a free planet anyway. And the best part is: Jake is still out there.
not picking a fight either.
Monica O (the mean-horrible creature)
P.S. Atticus...I love you so much it hurts! Smooch!
Oy. No bickering here. My reading skills are just fine. Peace.
I'm looking forward to seeing Jake all cleaned up for the Golden Globes this weekend. Seems like it's been forever since we've seen him in dapper mode.
How disingenuous and twisted your explanation is, Monica. I am not angry. I get angry about world affairs. I get angry about war and injustice, but this does not anger me. It is a matter of scale. I am merely disappointed.
Jake's sister is someone of controversy. Many people do not like her. Perhaps even some who post here. Peter is not necessarily universally admired.
There are people who do not care for the music of Maroon 5 and might think Adam Levine is not a very nice person. People who are offended by the mere presence of Robert Downey.
These are all people in Jake's life. They, and others often appear with him in pictures. It is very obvious that no matter what we might think of them, we don't single them out and objectify them and snipe at them, because we respect their place in Jake's life.
In fact, the exact opposite seems to be the case, and we seem to embrace people who are part of Jake's life no matter how peripheral they are to him. Yet with this one person, we extend ourselves.
We make the special effort to mention her, without even calling her by her rightful name. We "pointedly" ignore her, figuratively cut our eyes and sneer.
Jake spends much time with her. They travel together and he is with her children. But she is "that blond thing." Parse it and twist it you may, but you cannot alter what you have already done.
So I am disappointed. Because I like Jake, I respect the fact that he cares for people. It isn't about who you like. It is about respect. WDW has made her feelings perfectly clear about this on other occasions. It would seem to me if you respect what her stated policies are, on her blog, the you would demonstrate that respect, and not take advantage of WDW, this person who is very nice.
"beanie (this is Jake's only wintry miscalculation)?" Why all the hate with Jake's beanie?? I think it looks very hot on him. He looks very sexy with a beanie. Ot maybe everything or anything that Jake wears automatically labels as hot in my fashion book.
Morning! Snow, snow and more snow - and ice. And snow.
Sigh... nothing causes bickering like the subject of Jake and Reese. This blog is supposed to be my happy place so please be tolerant for the views of your fellow posters and accept that not everyone has the same opinion and they are entitled to it. There is no need to argue a point. This blog originated as a Jake fansite - and so it shall remain.
Anon, I do work hard here, I am a nice person and I am fun :D
There are far more important matters to argue over - the Beanie for one.
Atti! OMG the FedEx plan was foiled and all you got was a bag of organic dry stuff :( I love you too!! I'm glad you got hold of the computer :D
Hey Dailing :D I love Jake in a beanie and he looks so good in it - but to see that lovely hair... :D
Good morning to you all! Have a good day :D
oh excuse me, all the anons, just because I find Jake irresistably handsome, hot and talented - I have to love his whole family, all his friends and everyone he hangs out with? Errr... no. Honestly, I am not even particularly interested about Maggie, is that a violation and should I be expelled from his fanclub?
And why are people always anonymous when they want to "spread their wisdom" and spoil other people's blog?
This fanblog is a labour of love from WDW, she can choose to mention whoever she wants...
oh actually, I just re-read those anon comments, it seems like you're more upset about other posters here than the blog itself - well, that means... moi??? The problem I don't really want to change and I like posting here, so there's nothing I can help you. Sorry.
Morning Winterbird! I like you posting here too :D Is it Friday yet?
Morning WDW!
I know... it's only Wed! arrghh... and it's going to be -3 tonight in London.
can Jake lend me his cashmere scarf? (or better, his body heat....)
Good morning, wet dark!
Jake, you look sexy with beanie, but my love, I need to see your hair!: D
Have a great day, wet dark!
Hi Winterbird :D It got to -10 here last night :( But the snow looked pretty. Mmm, like the idea of the Jake body heat - lovely way to keep warm :)
Morning Monica - I'm sure it's a lot warmer where you are! Not long to the Globes when Jake can wear his sparkly beanie :D
good morning!
WDW, move here. It's warm and sunny today.
Yes yes I love this place, I also love myself so much I'd even be born as myself once more if I could. And in this other life, I'd be blond and tall and beautifull again, and as smart, funny an clever as I am now (and modest too). Than I'd say funny ridiculous things about celeb girlfriends again. All over again.
For now, it's still the same life, so I need to enjoy southern hemisphere's summer...which is simply delightful right now.
Hey you, WDW! I'll be waiting for you at the beach.
Morning Monica O! I'll get my bucket and spade - It's snowing again here... Enjoy the summer!
Hi WDW, hi everyone! :)
I'm happy to see I've got a HUGE amount of stuff to catch up with...
but I'm also crazy busy with work today so just a quicky to say hello and Happy New Year to everybody, Happy Belated Birthday to Zodiac and WDW and...what else?
Jake is hot, maybe? Yes, HE IS, he's hotter than ever IMO. And he's got (sort of) Rendition hair too (under those damn hats...)! I hope he's gonna keep that hairdo for presenting the GG...:)
A good day to you all. :)
Daddys sleepin he left computer on good thing he forget and I got up go to baffoom so me here. Just wanna add I get along with all Daddys friends some I love a lot some i love less some I don't like at all some I hate and I tolerate but you don't see me nipping and biting anyone now do you. I just be quiet stand back stay distant be polite do what I told and wait for Daddy smarten up and see what I smelled on day one. Bad bones take longer to chew thats what I say and Daddy he don't sniff good like me.
Hey Xenia! Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely break. Oh yes - Jake is hot (that is my mantra, stitched on my pillow...). The sort of Rendition hair is very tanatlising. A very happy belated New Year to you :D
I'm sitting next to someone who has just given up smoking - it's frightening...
Hi Atti! (Posting at the same time) Glad to hear you're not a nipper... :D
winterbird, your reading comprehension skills fall short. I did not say we have to love everyone connected to Jake. I only expressed the wish that respect be show FOR JAKE by not sniping and ridiculing people he cares about.
Why go out of your way to say you are "ignoring" someone, or saying that you have to overlook someone to admire him, or to add the caveat, "I still love you, Jake" after a thinly veiled slam at Reese Witherspoon?
I repeat: It is not about who WE like, it is a matter of respect for Jake. WDW, I am afraid the puerile responses of some of your close knit band of followers borders on the callous.
I do not need to submit to this figurative waving of the middle finger in my face. I think it is best for me to leave this place. I out grew schoolyard bullying two decades ago.
Bye bye!
I do not want this discussion about Jake and Reese on this blog. This is NOT because I do not want to talk about Reese, it is NOT because I disapprove or approve of anyone Jake spends his time with, it IS because I do not want the arguments that ensue.
I have always wanted posters to be polite and courteous to all and again I would urge people to resist the desire to lecture anyone who has a different point of view. Respect towards one another, Jake, Reese, me and anyone else is important to me.
Jake's private life is his business and it is not the reason why I started WDW. I started this site because of my passion for Jake's films and the fact he shines on the red carpet and is hot. I wanted to share this passion with like-minded grownups. I will not tolerate bickering.
If anyone doesn't like it, I am not forcing them to read the site. WDW is a lot of work and I do not want it to stop being fun.
Jake is hot.
Jake is hot.
Atti is right.
WDW rocks.
Not as hot as me with my big thick coat Rawrr
Are we back on having some fun and Jake-hotness yet?
MonicaOther I want you pet me over and over real hard and I kiss you lots but no tell WDW she might get mad if she hear I cheat.
Thanks Monica O!
We most certainly are, Winterbird :D
Err, Atti, are you cheating on me?
No cheating WDW I love you I can explain everything uhoh I hear something gotta go see you later
so cute!!>///<
The newspaper "USA Today" ran an article about Anne Hathaway today. It mentioned that there is Oscar buzz building about her performance in "Rachel Getting Married." Among other things, it mentions her superb work in "Brokeback Mountain," as Jake Gyllenhaal's wife. It praised her for playing a character who aged appreciably during the film.
All right, Atti, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt :D Oh, my heart...
Hi there Sora!
Hi Paul :) I read that and just thought it was a great article - I love to see how Anne's career goes from strength to strength and to read her thoughts on Brokeback.
Oh my gosh Atti, you made me blush. (also made my day)
Maybe WDW can be nice and generous, and agree with the theory that says "Life is Sharing". I've heard that once...just don't know if it works...
Err...hmm...okay, I know. :(
My word is easymi. Hahha! Fits me right now.
JoeAnn, Monica Other, Atti, love your work on this thread.
Thank you.
We don't have to like everyone.
I'm not a big fan of Reese. Love Austin though :)
We aren't all the same, we don't all have to agree, and we certainly don't want to be lectured.
PS Jake is hot, lest I forget the blog mantra :)
My word is unchu - bless me.
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