On with the post!
Enough is enough, Jake Gyllenhaal!

Although 2009 is well underway, so much so that 2010 and Prince of Persia are as good as imminent, still the trends of 2009 persist, still we are denied a glimpse, still the head of Jake is hidden by a Beanie. I do protest, and will continue to do so, despite any attempt by Jake to distract me with cute faces (and a matching sweater).

And not just one Beanie either, Jake has a drawerful, all ready to leap to attention and protect Jake's hair from the foraging eyes of his fans. Jake has a Beanie for every jacket.

...with matching scarf.

For each shirt or sweater.

For every occasion.

I wonder if he has matching dressing gown and socks. Time for a change, Jake! This is a start.

But every so often, just now and then, we get a peek...

Includes pictures from IHJ and Just Jared.
well, I guess you just can't help yourself, WDW? :P
Maybe Jake needs some encouragement about his long hairdo - maybe he thinks it only suits his PoP costume and that he has to hide it when he's not filming.
So Jake - we love your long hair! hey, I am not so keen on the "stiffness" of it, but there's nothing a good shampoo and conditioner can't improve (I recommend Aveda men pure performance)...
A raggedly handsome Jake - let your hair down!
Hey Winterbird! I was a fan of the Beanie - and I still think that Jake wears one better than anyone - but I've had enough of 'em and I want to see some flowing locks, stiff or not stiff. Love the shampoo rec! I reckon Jake's still got some filming to do...
Yes please for the raggedly handsome :D
Cold out there...
Oh my gosh...seems like I've been to outer space for centuries! I'm not sure I can survive a Jake overdose!
Let's do it in parts (quoting my friend Jack)
1.Happy belated Birthday, WDW my dearest!
2. Happy New Year, WDW ...You are the best, so you deserve the best!
3. I knew he would spend Christmas with Naomi
4.Oh, I love seeing the boy out there again, walking around the city I love, with the smile I love, simply making good use of the body and looks I love!
(of course I can't see any blond thingy in any of the pictures. My brain decided to ignore that part. It's called "instant-photoshop-brainster" - a plug in I just found out I was born with. :P
4.My new favorite Jake's smile is the first picture of the Lakers post. sigh!
5. I love the beanie as well. Jake wears it like no one else, and it makes him look so cool. But I'm really tired of it. Maybe it's time for him to get rid of two of his favorite "accessories": the beanie, and that other tinny little thing he keeps hanging from his hands like a key holder - the blond thing. Blah.
(yes, I'm that mean)
I'm glad to be back.
Monica O
Hey Monica O! I hope you had a lovely sunny New Year! (not jealous at all... :D) Thanks for the birthday wishes - I had a lovely day. Glad to hear I'm not the only one tired of the beanie... but some lovely smiles. Happy New Year!
OMG, LOTS of new pics!!! Very nice. :D
Well, I guess a Laker's game and shopping don't can go with beanie (although I like the beanie too) on but I would hope that we can see the hair at the Golden Globes next week.
I love raggedly handsome Jake too, Winterbird. :p
The word is deragie?
I don't think those are beanies at all. They're knitted ski caps, and I wear them every day from December through March, every single year. So, I feel as if Jake and I have something in common. :-)
I think the funny faces at the Lakers game are cute. It's only right and proper that Jake should have fun with the characters he plays, and the trappings of Hollywood films. He's just being Jake, which is a good thing, right?
Maybe Jake isn't trying to hide his hair at all. Maybe he's just trying to keep his head warm. Around here, that's just smart thinking.
Morning everyone! I am an icicle...
Hi Get Real :D Ooh yes, the Globes - can't wear a beanie on that red carpet - unless it's sparkly. Have a good day :D
Hey Paul! Well, I wouldn't blame you wearing a hat in the weather you're having - brrr. It's below freezing here too. I like the cute faces too :D
Have a good day everyone and wrap up!
Drive safely, WDW!
It's freezing cold this morning... I wonder where in South East England got -11C though?
A writer I know who lives in LA County (not city centre) said it snowed there 2 weeks ago! No wonder Jake needs to wrap up! Maybe he loves the beanies (or ski caps! as Paul put it!), maybe his ears are sensitive to the cold, he needs to cover them. :P
One more reason to wish for warm weather...
I got "dipout"?!?
Argh, now he can wear the beanie till he rots! He cut the hair off anyway! :(
Do I come across as harsh here? LOL!
LOL at Monica Other's instant-photoshop-brainster! I should have gotten that when his hair was still long so that I could have shopped hoods, beanies and other hair-obscuring stuff out of the pics! Too late for that now...
Hehe, I liked Jake's cute faces! I wonder what made him do it - did he maybe see that they had him and R kissing on the scoreboard, billboard or whateverboard? The pics of that made me go "Ugh", though... LOL!
But Jake, I still love you!
My word: sunot! That's right! No sun here - just snow...
New word, I took to long for posting this, so there was time out, I guess... gashl! Huh?
Hi Winterbird! Maybe we should all fly south. I think it snowed in Malibu a couple of weeks ago! That's a good point about protecting Jake's ears...
Hey Uli! Hope you're enjoying your week off in the snow! Beautiful sunshine here today. You do make me laugh! Poor Jake, hiding his hair from you - it's all your fault!! My word is Pariz :)
I am definitely lovin' this new year. All these new Jakey pictures for me to drool all over...
WDW- a letter was written to Ted Casablanca and signed Kate, London. Some people @ WFT2 say you wrote it. I highly doubt that. You didn't, did you?
Happy New Year Dailing! I hope you had a good break - great to come back to so much Jake!
Hi Anon! Nope, that is not me :)
Hope everyone's having a good day - is it Friday yet?
Hello everybody!!!
I hope we have a 2009 full of Jake and all things Gyllenhaal
I'm not a Beanie person. I don't like wearing hats, caps or any head covering in general and Beanies are in the bottom of my list. But... well, what can I say?, it's Jake and he has the ability to look hot in anything. Maybe it's because he looks happy and that makes me happy too. Whatever and whoever makes him happy is fine with me.
Jake's smile is one of the few things that make my day brighter. Sometimes I'm tired or sad and I come here and see a pic of Jake smiling and/or read something funny he did or said and it helps me to go through my day. Thanks WDW for that ;O)
So, the Beanie... mmmmm, I like Jake's head and I love his hair so I would prefer him not to cover it. But he looks cute anyway.
(maybe Beanie makers should start paying him for making the thing cool)
New Year hugs to everybody (and a extra big one to WDW)
You guys just reminded me, I wonder how Jake will have his hair at the GGs? I think he looks great with long hair, but I believe he's hiding it from us so we'll be pleasantly surprised (and entranced) when PoP comes out. I do like the beanies and fedora too. My word is ourizo, sounds like something to put in soup on a cold day (orzo) or an anise-flavored beverage from Greece that is also good on a cold day. :)
Oh, forgot to say Happy New Year! :)
Happy New Year Sara! Hope you had a good one :D I'm not a hat person because I spend money on products that make my hair stand up so I suffer for it! But Jake looks good in or out of a beanie - he's lucky like that. And Jake's smile makes me feel good too, it really does. Thank you for the hug, that's lovely *)
Hey there Anon :D I was thinking that, too, about the GG hair. Can't wear a beanie with a tux/suit. So.... I can't wait to see! I love your word - so good to be reminded of the warm beaches of Greece :D Happy New Year!
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