On with the post... It turns out that Jake Gyllenhaal's part-time job helping out at a Beverly Hills Medical Center when things are particularly busy is not the only call on Jake's valuable time. Over the last three years, Jake has been involved in a project to develop Hot Spandex for the Hot Man - possibly in tandem with his forthcoming series of Exercise with Jake DVDs.

Since the infamous summer of 2006, when Jake spent more days on that ridiculously narrow saddle than buying coffee (all in order to train Lance Armstrong to face just one more Alp), Jake has perfected the art of Decorous yet Functional Spandex and, judging by the spandex-clad commuters I'm faced with five days a week, this is not to be sniffed at. Here is Jake's History of Spandex and How to Wear It: A Beginner's Guide.

Colour is vital. Obviously. Does one want to be subtle, does one want to shock? Does one want to blend in with the traffic? Does one want to avoid being hit by drivers overcome and woefully distracted by your Hot Spandex? There are several options open to you: White, Black, Yellow, Orange and Revolting.

Spandex is a layering tool. Warm up and then strip off. However, there is one rule so revered that it may as well be carved into an Alpine rockface: never, EVER wear the long sleeved/trousered layers on top of the short sleeved/trousered layers. While this may seem sensible on the surface, if you break this fundamental rule, it will mean you won't get to strip off both layers behind a tree/bush or in a car. Ideally, one will also alert paparazzi to said tree/bush/car.
However, you may find that Jake and Austen prefer these nifty armwarmers* (*dubious thanks to the friend who poured cold water over this chapter of Jake's hot guide... she knows who she is).

There are only three rules here: 1) remember to bring along sandals so you can slip those over your white socks during bicycle maintenance moments; 2) Never ever wear orange socks; 3) Never ever wear orange socks.

Half and Half
How spandexed should a beginner go? In the early days you might not be prepared to take the full leap and immerse yourself in your newly discovered spandexed self. In this case, you could follow the half and half path - which half and half is entirely up to you.

If you want to ride bikes with wheels this narrow and saddles this high and handlebars this low, not to mention having your feet welded into pedals, you have to wear a helmet. This could well leave alien marks on your forehead, it could squish your ears, but better safe than sorry.

When you're this hot, sponsorship and branding is a real possibility. There may be days when you'll find more writing across your chest (or somewhere else) than in your morning newspaper.

Cycling makes you hot - it makes hot people even hotter. Ventiliation is therefore vital and compulsory.

If you can coordinate your look with similarly hot riders then this is all for the good. Cyclists are also known to travel in packs, cycling at least three abreast, especially down narrow urban roads at rush hour, and it's good to follow a look.

The back side
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the back view may not quite measure up to the front view, but if you follow Jake's guide you'll be good from whatever angle. What to put in the little back pocket may be awkward... especially while trying to throw your bike through a hedge.

Spandex will allow you optimum movement for bicycle maintenance and even bicycle construction.

And finally
You wear the spandex, it doesn't wear you. If the spandex becomes too hot for you, one option always remains - take it off...

Includes pictures from IHJ and Just Jared, bicycles from Jake's bikeshed.
Appendix: If you're going to wear spandex, please remember your bike....

Armwarmers? armwarmers! Oh, I'm getting with it now! (slow TD, v slow) Legwarmers were rather..notorious in my day, so the concept of armwarmers and Jake did not co-habit in my brain (given the orange socks however, obviously they should have!)
This is a post and a half and a half, WDW - I'll be drooling very very slowly all day tomorrow at work. I wonder if anyone will notice? Maybe when the monitor melts from the hotness and me and it disappear in a puddle... phewweeee! phoawarr! sssspaaandexxx
OMG! This is hilarious! :DDD Good work, WDW, I almost died trying not to laugh out loud at work reading this post. What a thorough research!
My favorite picture of spandex Jake is the seventh, with the white and red top. But I had never seen the first one in the "Branding" section. Is it really Jake with an add on his butt? This really is a prime location, he should rent it! :D
I can't decide which suit is the worst: the orange one (OMG the horror!) or the very last one when he went running with Chris (why did he even need spandex to go running?). And LOL at Jake trying to throw his bike through a hedge! I remember thinking that the first time I saw that picture. :D
P.S. I would totally buy the Exercice with Jake video, even tough I hate exercising!
Hi TD! Yep, it looks like Jake and Austen are wearing arm warmers, and Austen's wearing legwarmers as well! I still like to think that some shedding of clothes behind trees still goes on... ahem...
Orange socks - vile. Sorry Jake but I have to say it :P
I'm so glad you liked the post - it took me aggggeeees and so now I'm gonna take it easy with a cosmo of two - recipe courtesy of Rubes :D
Thanks Olympia! I had such a laugh doing it as well! Trawling through all those spandex pics, what a trial, eh? Yep, Jake's bum is a prime advertising place - he should by the side of every sporting event. The orange outfit is actually the worst outfit worn ever. Fortunately, Jake regularly makes up for it with the best outfits ever.
I love that throwing the bike through a hedge pic. I know, I know there's a car there but it just looks so crazy!
Expect the Exercise with Jake DVD in all good outlets before the year is out :D
I'll order that DVD too, pls!
wow... what a gorgeous post - it's like a mini encyclopedia of "Gyllenhaal Biking A-Z" :P
armwarmers and legwarmers? Why do people invent these??? Why don't they just let Jake and Austin take off their clothes in places where we might be able to take a peek? arrggh.... damn convenient product design!
In any case - those zippers are real handy too, aren't they? Especially when they are open? *winks*
Thanks for the great post! Most enjoyable!
My word is cinarse! it's the funniest word!
I'll let you know when it's available, TD. I understand there's still work to do on the optional extras :D
Hi Winterbird! I know! Arm and leg warmers - disgustine - everyone should just let Jake and Austen take their clothes off (and photograph it...). I'm so glad you liked the post, and what a great word. I can't write mine, it's in an ancient language no longer able to be pronounced, no vowels.
There's gonna be extras on the exercise DVD? *Claps wildly* Oh! Wait...it's a Jake project so I guess I shouldn't get too excited, it will probably be pushed back for a year *rolls eyes* :DDD
Hey Olympia! There'll be extras, Easter Eggs to please Sheba (:D) and all sorts of associated merchandise. And I envisage more than one DVD. Of course, as you say, it will be delayed for lots of different artistic and financial reasons but there will be leaks :D
Good night, wet dark!
Brothers (2009/II) (completed) .... Tommy CahillMore news about Brothers:
I'm anxious to see the first trailer and some official photos!
Funny indispensable guide to Jake and the wonders of spandex WDW! :D
I absolutely love Jake in spandex, his body is so defined in it. :)
Yay for Brothers news, thanks Monica.
My word is mates. :)
Have a good day averyone.
Good morning everyone! Too wet here for spandex today, so I'll just have to look at Jake's :D
Morning Monica! I noticed that yesterday on pro. Fingers crossed that this means a date for the US/UK will be announced soon. The dates so far cover 2 October to 3 December.
I watched Brokeback last night pretty late and it did me good. Have a good day everyone!
Morning Xenia! Posting at the same time again :D I'm glad you enjoyed the post and yeay for Defined Jake. Have a good day!
Hello, I'm new here.I'm Spanish. but I work in England as a Teacher.
I love Jake as an actor and some of his movies, Donnie Darko and Brokeback Mountain are my favorites, anyone knows when his next movie will be release?
Hi there Nela and Welcome!I hope you're enjoying it over here. Ahhh, the million dollar question - I think Brothers will be the first film to come out, in the Autumn I would have thought. Lots of fingers crossed that Nailed won't be too far behind. Thanks for commenting :D
Hello, wet dark and wild! Thanks for your quick reply. Yes, I'm enjoying my time in England, I've just come back from Spain(I know, the weather was better there....)to spend Easter Hols with my family. I love your website, I think is one of the best about Jake, congrats!. I can't wait for Jake's next movie,thanks for the info. I'll keep visiting your web.
Take care
Hi! Much cooler here, unfortunately. I'm so glad you like the site and thank you for telling me :D Do keep coming back and to say hello - there are some lovely people here :)
Hi WDW!!! I haven't been on line much over the last few days and am now just getting caught up on all I have missed (which is a lot of fun, actually). This Spandex Post is absolutely wonderful - what a way to enter back into my on line world!! I may not be able to concentrate on anything else for hours now!!
Of course, as we know, Jake loves to exercise as much as possible but with the recent biking and gym visits I'm starting to think it's "get ready for next movie role" time. Maybe preparing to be Joe? He did say he "definitely" was going to do this movie (but we've yet to see official info). Hmmmmmm.
Hey...my word is Faces...how stupid since I barely looked at Jake's face in any of the spandex pictures...LOL!!
Hey BBMISwear! Good to see you - I hope you had a good Easter! Missed our chats :D Just don't bother reentering the real world, just wallow in Spandex Jake! I was looking at them today during what was a very irritating and noisy day at work! (We had the builders in...)
I get that 'getting ready for a movie' vibe too. I really do. So what'll it be? Those Damn Yankees, UMP, Namath? I really want to know! He's had a good 4 months off now... Jake'll be singing Crazy again...
My word is shousp - which I just can't understand.
Strange old world... the French are blockading us :/
Hi everyone!!!
Although I have to admit that I am not such a big fan of Jake in spandex - and you posted some of the pics that are the reason why, LOL (although there ARE definitely some veeeery nice pics, too) - this post was just great! Made me LOL!
Hey Uli! Glad you liked it, despite those irrational Spandex feelings of yours :D I'm very happy you had a chuckle!
I can't post this evening so I hope the spandex will keep you going!
What a brilliant post, WDW, and the perfect way to get rid of my post-holiday blues :) Not sure about J&A's matching arm-warmers though, Jake's arms shouldn't be hidden away for no good reason (mind you, that applies to pretty much every part of his body;)
Morning TL! Good to hear from you and I'm so glad you liked the post. I know, the post-hol blues are very unpleasant - the least Jake could do is show us his arms :D (and the rest of him...)
Have a good day everyone! Is it Friday yet...?
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