Jake was No. 2 in Esquire's Best Dressed Men of 2005: 'He's a beacon of light in young Hollywood, preferring the look of American classics rather than tawdry Tinseltown trends.' The Editor David Granger said of Jake: 'It's great to see a young man in Hollywood who actually cares about what he looks like.' Granger had an interesting recommendation for the type of shoes men should wear for public life: '"An American brand," Granger says. "Make sure they're solid so they make you look substantial, not too slight."'

In 2006, People awarded Jake with Best Insouciant Style: 'Looking casually thrown together is an art, and Jake Gyllenhaal the master.' It's not easy to say, either.

'Design consultant and celebrity stylist' Edward O'Sullivan said in 2007: 'I loved working with Jake Gyllenhaal, Patrick Dempsey. They're genuinely nice people and totally got the art of red carpet dressing.'

Mind you, it's not surprising Jake dresses so well, he gives it thought. He told the Sentinel in January 2006: 'The people that I respect all say it's all about tailoring. The men that I respect look good in suits that fit them. They're not afraid to ask the tailor to change them. Same with scripts. I want it to fit me.'

Jake was also quoted in Fabric magazine as saying 'I think of a role as a suit that I’m trying on and I have to make it fit me. I just wish to represent myself. If you give me a suit that’s too large, I’m not going to gain weight: I’m going to tailor it to fit me. That’s a metaphor for how I act and I feel it’s therapeutic for your life. Even if I’m playing a particularly intense or affecting character, like I did in Jarhead or Brokeback, I can always see my way back to my own self.'

Talking of public events... On December 10 2003 Jake attended the NYC premiere of Mona Lisa Smile along with Maggie and Kirsten. 'Jake has probably more reason to be here than anybody,' said Maggie. I rather liked this anecdote... 'In New York, Julia Roberts and her “kittens” — Julia Stiles, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ginnifer Goodwin and Kirsten Dunst — celebrated the premiere of “Mona Lisa Smile” at the Plaza. A radiant Roberts flitted around the hotel ballroom in Chanel and a scent that made the men — or at least Maggie’s brother, Jake — swoon. “You smell so good,” Jake told Roberts, before giving a congratulatory hug.'

On the same day, one of my favourite pictures of Jake was taken on the streets of New York.

Includes pictures from IHJ.
Nice post :)
I love jakes fashion sense!!
Seemingly effortless.
Now and again he could maybe get some tighter fitting jeans though ;) :D
The people that I respect all say it's all about tailoring. The men that I respect look good in suits that fit them. They're not afraid to ask the tailor to change them. Same with scripts. I want it to fit me.Very nicely said! :)
Thanks 17:22! I had a lot of fun checking out Jake's changing look for this post. He really does seem to have an interest in it - there have been some shockers but on the whole Jake's fashion sense just suits him. Effortless as you say. Jack Twist jeans :D
It was very nicely said, 17:29 :D I love the analogy.
I hope everyone's having a good day - I've spent most of it in bed, wrapped up with a bug unfortunately :(
Quest' uomo รจ da urlo !!!
Da mangiarselo con gli occhi !
Hi there Rosadimaggio and welcome :D I think I understand and Jake really is food for the eyes.
Talking of food, Jake's pal Mario Batali is doing a masterclass on Hell's Kitchen tonight...
This was great! (And doing something this involved while not feeling well...you're the best! But you better get yourself to bed)!
I have always LOVED that picture in NYC with the hat, scarf, headphones, etc. - never made the connection that it was the day of the M.L. premiere - cool tid bit!
Hope you feel better...thanks for the great post!
Hey BBMISwear! Good to see you :D I'm in bed with my little notebook and a jug of juice feeling sorry for myself, but picking Jake pics for this did cheer me up.
I just adore that NYC pic, I have it on my wall. It's good to get some context for it. I wonder what he was listening to... Thanks for commenting :)
I know I say it alot, lol, but these pics are perfect! They really show off Jake's style and his connection to his co-stars and friends. Sure put a smile on my face. :D
A radiant Roberts flitted around the hotel ballroom in Chanel and a scent that made the men — or at least Maggie’s brother, Jake — swoon. “You smell so good,” Jake told Roberts, before giving a congratulatory hug.I didn't read this part - wow! I'll bet he's a great swooner. :)
WDW - I'm so sorry to hear you are not feeling well and what a horrible humid gray day for it too (tho come to think of it also a horrible day for work).
WDW, I do hope Jake knows about your blog as it is just so cheerful and uplifting - I think of it as the blog equivalent of Jake's smile. I just got a really weird LJ comment, and a horrible spam email I thought was from BT, and then I thought I'd check WDW - and now I feel so much better! Gosh the web can be scary. I do hope you feel better soon too.
Yeay Get Real! I'm so glad you liked the pics - I was trying to find the more 'unofficial official' ones if you see what I mean. Jake's public face but with friends and colleagues etc. I love the reactions of others to him. He shines at these events.
Hi 21:44 - I loved that story! I can just imagine Jake saying that and then hugging Julia - he knows just what to say and how to say it. Such a flirt too :D
What a nice thing to say, TD, thanks! I'm sorry you had some bad times on the net today - it can be scary but it can be so so great!! I'm so happy to hear that this is somewhere you feel happy - it is for me too. To be compared to Jake's smile is just so nice, especially when I'm feeling a bit crook - thanks for making me feel better :D More of this weather tomorrow but hopefully some sun for the weekend :)
I hope everyone's having a good evening - thanks for keeping me company :)
(((WDW))) feel better, sweetie!
(((Get Real)) Thank you! I'm feeling quite a bit better now, just tired and groggy (nothing new there then...)
Sorry you're not well, WDW. Thanks for doing this great post while feeling under the weather. Have a good rest, you deserve it! :)
You used a couple of pictures I had never seen before. The first one with Jamie Lee is really sweet but LOL at the fifth one! I usually love bed-head Jake but this is just too much! It's way past "casually thrown together". :DDD
And I love the picture of Jake with Penelope, they look really good together.
Thanks Olympia! Oh I love that scruffy pic - it did make me laugh - at least he wasn't wearing pajamas... That picture with Penelope is one of my favourites of the year so far.
Morning everyone! Back at work (in the pouring rain) but it's Friday :D I hope everyone has a good day. My word is... swello...
I've said this before, but I do like a man in a tux with the bow tie undone. That end of the evening, slightly disheveled and drunk look. But Jake still looks pretty smart in that one. He needs rumpling up a bit. And I think I know just how to do it. :D
Nice to see lovely Heath too. :)
Hey Rubes! I'm a bit partial to that look myself - I volunteer to rumple Jake a bit, just to help you out there... :D
I love that pic of Jake, Heath, Anne and Ang - it's sunglasses heavy, makes me think Ang's lost his.
Sooon be the weekend....
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