Mysteries of Pittsburgh - or MoP as another Gyllengaard tradition would have us call it - finally got its premiere in NYC this week, three years after filming. I hope we don't have to wait quite as long for Nailed but at least MoP is out. Or is it? MoP got its premiere at Sundance back in January 2008 and even now, despite the showbizzy premiere this week, it's unlikely to reach many theatres. According to Reuters, in an article where Peter and Sienna reflect on the slowdown in the Indie film industry, MoP will have a limited release tomorrow in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago and Minneapolis. There is a site that lists its DVD release in August.

An Education got its outing at Sundance in 2009 to the kind of critical acclaim that one hopes will get it a distributor and a wider release. At the moment, I'm feeling fortunate that I saw Elegy on a big screen. I'll feel more fortunate when I've done the same with Nailed, with Brothers even. One can see why Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal have done their Dark Knights and Princes of Persia.

Nevertheless, it's great to see Peter getting (almost) centre stage in the press, next to Sienna in her red dress and red lips. Sienna did get into a little trouble for a slip of the tongue regarding the name Pittsburgh (it's not hard to guess) and Peter came to her defence: 'Have you ever taped yourself while sitting around with a group of friends and then gone back to listen to it? It’s never fun. If I had said it, people would have laughed. I’m from St. Louis, and I’ve said all sorts of things about St. Louis. It’s also because she’s British and she’s a pretty girl, and the combination is deadly.' One wonders what he means...

Peter also reflects that MoP is older than Ramona and that karaoke took his mind off the worry: '"I did Behind Blue Eyes because it sounded very right for (character) Cleveland. That’s (karaoke) always good for chemistry."... "My 'wife' was about to have a baby and I was flying back every 10 minutes on a Seneca airplane and I’m a bad flyer."'

And some useful restaurant tips from Peter: 'The Brooklyn resident chose Park Slope trattoria Al di Là as his go-to spot. “It’s incredible Italian food. They don’t take reservations so you have to stand in line, but it’s really, really good,” he said, as Miller made a mental note to write the name of the restaurant down. “I also like going Marlow & Sons for a beer. You know, it’s a hip, happening crowd. It’s very sexy and cool, and always crowded. I like to sit at the bar and just babe watch.”'
And finally and memorably, one reporter from the New York Post had this to say about Peter after her 'interview': 'Peter Sarsgaard just possibly might be the most adorable, delicious, fun, talented, cute, lovable, lousiest interview I've ever had.' Her certainly charmed the socks off me when I met him.

I do hope that sooner rather than later we will all get to enjoy Peter's hairy Pittsburgh pain in the ass biker called Cleveland.

Includes pictures from Just Jared and Ace Showbiz.
I am very much looking forward to seeing this film! I love "The Mysteries of Pittsburgh" the book, Michael Chabon is a terrific writer.
Although I was horrified to discover that the character "Arthur" seems to have disappeared from this movie version - that means they are changing the core dynamic of the story (Art, the protagonist is supposed to be bi-sexual or at least bi-curious), I still don't know how they could have made this movie without Art's male object of desire.... I am getting off track here... oh well.
Still gotta see it - at least for Peter's sake!
Very nice of Peter to come to Sienna Miller's defence, even though I don't have high hope for Ms Miller's performance, to be totally frank.
Ooh Winterbird - what an interesting comment! I didn't realise you'd read it - or that characters are missing. I believe that Peter plays a bisexual biker but I'm not sure of the dynamic of the relationships - I'm looking forward to finding out. But yeah not too much faith in Sienna, unfortunately...
The trailer to MoP shows Peter being gay sexy, he does this so well: cf Dying Gaul.
Peter from St Louis! So am I! I love Pittsburgh, those great rivers. Don't know Michael Chabon, must get acquainted.
o geeze, this is all me me me.
hey, everypeeps. new moon for Pesach and Easter. happy springtime! (I used to be a Peeps fan before Jake - I was having minor surgery some time ago and they said I could take my Peeps into the operating room. freaked out one MD who shrieked they were staring at her, get them outta the OR - very amusing)
Good to see you Pia! The trailer's great, I think I posted it a while ago, with little hope of seeing the film. Now I feel I may, even if it's just on DVD. Peter does do this so well :)
A lovely time of year. I don't have a garden, just space for one tulip, and it's in flower :D Purply pink...
Just a small correction:
Torontonian not Toronton :)
Great post - I'm excited to see this film! I don't know if I'll get into the city to see it or not - it depends on where in Boston it is playing and for how long (not good timing on Easter weekend with family commitments, etc). But if I miss it at least we know the DVD is coming.
BTW - I've always liked Peter but never quite checked him out as much as I did in the pictures from MoP that you posted here - hot body Peter!!!!
Hi, Peter looks good tho I like him a lot with his head shaved in Jarhead, I tend to notice his quiet eyes more. He's very cool.
Just btw, for someone unfamiliar with Peter and/or the WDW blog, this post might be a bit.. impenetrable? not sure if I got all the details as I found it a bit difficult to follow in places.
Also btw, I've been watching that 'Too Late' youtube clip, and y'know, I think maybe, possibly, the paps were laughing WITH Jake (not at him). I hope anyway.
Oh well. Happy Easter. TD
Well, maybe there was some taunting at first but Jake decided to play it down and be cool with them, hence the smiling and pointing at them as he drove off. That just makes me admire him all the more. I would never, ever chose his life in the spotlight. What he has to endure just to bring us gemstones of movies that will last a helluvalot longer than our lifetime even. Jake..... my retirement plan.... xx
The reporter describes Peter in such an interesting way, and having never met him, I get that same impression about him,
"the most adorable, delicious, fun, talented, cute, lovable, lousiest ......
LOL at being lousiest.... I can imagine her not having got much seriousness and sense out of him. Keep on doing what you're doing Peter and never change xx
Good morning everyone and happy holidays to all those who have today off work - just a shame about the weather...
Thanks Anon - I wasn't sure of the word so I thought I'd make one up :D
Hey BBMISwear! So glad you enjoyed the post - Peter is a fine actor and I hope you get to see it in Boston. But otherwise thank heavens for DVDs :D Oh yes, love that chest pic.... :P Have a good Easter!
Hi TD :D Not all posts are for everyone, quite often I write them with noone other than myself in mind and then it's a bonus if anyone likes them at all :) Peter is the coolest actor I can think of and he definitely comes with the territory of WDW :D Have a good Easter!
So nice to have a Friday off! Have a good one everyone.
Hi Sheba! Posting at the same time :D I don't get anything positive from that pap video at all, excet for Jake's admirable restraint.
That is an amazing description of Peter and I think it manages to capture a lot of what makes him so cool and interesting!
Hey WDW!
Hope we get to see this film ... everything I want to see seems to spend one week in central London and then vanish. :(
Have a gaticog (my word) day. x
Trying to post again as I got something wrong, how very vatinst (next word).
Hey Nouskie! I know just what you mean. Our art cinema here is pretty good - where I saw Elegy - but you've got to be soooo alert! I doubt MoP will show there though, or even anywhere in the UK, more's the pity. I hope you're having a lovely day *) - chucking down with rain here...
Both coffee shops in my village are closed for Easter - sob, caffeine withdrawal twitch, sob....
Nothing for it WDW but to wander further afield ... a day without caffeine doesn't start.
Yeah, you have to be alert and *available* for the single 1.00 am showing of whatever it happens to be ... >(
I can see why Jake drives out for his coffee... The rain is so heavy and it's all dark and spooky.
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