The same day (7 April), Jake returned to the Medical Center in Beverly Hills where, I have come to the conclusion, Jake must be helping out when they're busy. 10 out of 10 for the new Nike top!

Updated to add: Later on, chores completed at the Medical Center, Jake and Reese met up for dinner with Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow at Il Ristorante di Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica. The hat went too.

Many thanks to IHJ for the pics - great to see Jake again! Dinner pics from here.
Morning everyone! New Jake pics :D happy sigh...
Am at work, but this made me LOL: Jake returned to the Medical Center in Beverly Hills where, I have come to the conclusion, Jake must be helping out when they're busy.
Hehe, I wonder what that woman was thinking!
Have a good day everyone!!
Morning Uli! That lucky lady :D And she has a Prada handbag.... Jake should feel free to hide behind me any time he likes... Have a good day!
I think that lady is a friend/PR of Reese, she is in some of the Madrid pics.
Thanks Anon! I thought she looked familiar :D
Such a beautiful day out there...
Good morning, wet dark!
In the first picture, I thought he was playing with the baby that is on the supermarket trolley!
Jake is very funny and sexy, beautiful, hot ...
My prayers are with all of Italy!
Have a great day!
Morning Monica! I know, that's a funny pic :D
I've been thinking about Italy too, and our friends there.
First day this year when I've not needed a coat to walk round :D
LOL! Love the first set of pics! That's what he should always do when he sees paps instead of looking pissed. We get great funny pictures, I bet the paps found it funny too, Jake doesn't get his good mood ruined and he probably made that woman's day, so everybody wins!
I don't know how that woman stayed so cool with Jake so close. I probably would have tripped over myself with nerves!
Have a great day everyone!
Hi Olympia! Those pics are so funny and it's good to see Jake having a laugh about it :D Well, at least the woman didn't trip Jake up... But swooning at his feet may be one way to get his attention :D
And now new pics from going out to dinner last night. You go for days with no pics and then three lots of pics from the same day again!
I hope everyone's having a good day - it is absolutely beautiful here :D
Hi all!
Great to see Jake out and about. :D
Even if I don't know about them doing another movie together, I think it is great that Jake/Reese are friends with Gwyneth/Chris. I love Coldplay and I do think she is a good actress most of the time.
Great to see some new pics:)
OT just saw some pics of Peter with Sienna Miller at the Mysteries of Pittsburgh premiere in NYC. He looked great, not sure about Sienna though...
Ewww.... Gwn & chris..,
I am sorry but Jake, do you have to ?
The medical centre pics are so funny!
Hey WDW! See, I do come by. ;) Thought I'd say hello. Hello All.
LMAO to Jake hiding behind that woman - too funny. Liked the all out conspirational smirk on the guy too.
Dear God, please pray Gwyneth isn't going to be Lola in that "Damn Yankees!" musical with Jake and Jim Carey!!!
I'd even rather see Reese, then see Gwyneth play Lola.
Lola is supposed to be working for the Devil and tempting Jake's character? Gwyneth being a temptress is just too taxing on my imagination! Just picturing her singing, "What ever Lola wants..." makes me queasy!
Yaaay new pics :)
Glad he's okay..my womans intuition was telling me he wasn't well :(
I might of missed it being mentioned but "that woman" with the black hair is Reese's PA or in some way connected to her. I would imagine he's "just Jake" to her.
Having worked with Gwyneth I imagine he thinks she is o.k. She was also at the Thanksgiving get-together in London.
Haven't seen any mention of 'Damn Yankees" lately so don't know when or where or who else.
They could just be hanging out together after talking at RDJ's birthday party and decided to go to dinner.
We'll see.
Hi everybody! Sorry for missing you thi evening - this is entirely the fault of Ruby who has been feeding me raspberry martinis while trying to sell me on Ed Harris...
Hi Get Real! I love Cold Play - one of my favourite bands - I saw them in Vegas and it was an incredible night. I think Gwyneth is great in plenty of movies.... just not Proof, aherm... I'm glad to see they're still friends though.
Hey Carol! I saw those - Peter looks wonderful - Sienna looks... red. I'm going to do something on that - the premiere, not the redness.
Hi Winterbird! Do you have an anti Coldplay thing? You mean you don't sing along when the adverts come along :D I have the Brit Awards recorded, I must see that again as I thought Coldplay were really good - loved the Sgt Pepper throwback outfits. But my feelings on Gwynnie are well known! I remember seeing her in person on the Jonathan Ross show last year.
Yeay!!! Monica!!!! And a happy belated birthday to you. Good to see you come by now and again. Love to you and your guy :D
Hi Minnie :D Gwynnie in Damn Yankees? Oh my, I may have to lie down for that one. Surely not... The thought doesn't make me feel too good either!
Hi Anon 20:19 - He's looking pretty good here :D Good to have new pics.
Hi 20:23 :D Yes, this was the lady who was in Spain so she'll be well used to being around Jake, the lucky thing! I was wondering if the idea of the dinner came up at RDJ's birthday the other night. Very possible, I'd have thought:D
I hope everyone's having a lovely evening - good to see you all here. I have 5 days off :D
I have to say I am anti-Coldplay and if I get hold of Jake's ipod, I'd delete their songs from it! *evil grins*
I also have a problem with the snobbish Goop great advice on life, so no, the Martins are not on my Christmas card list... :P
But my, that woman (PR? Assistant?) has huge hair! Maybe she's Jake's personal "pap block"!
Go Ruby!!
Ugh, Gwhiny Gwinny
PS my word is 'unelves' !
Hey Winterbird! Coldplay are gtreat in Vegas - and I didn't have far to get home, only six miles of poorly lit hotel corridor.
The big hair clearly helps if you wanna be part of Jake's camouflage and deflection plan :D
Hi TD! I fear Gwynnie is not on my top ten list of most desired dinner guests, but maybe she's fun when she's had two bottles of red?
My word is noidei :D
I also like Coldplay!:) I love Chris Martin!
See what the paparazzi did to our Jake:
Too late
Morning everyone! A day off and what happens? It rains...
Morning Monica! Thanks for the link. There are words for morons like that pap but this place is too polite for them. Yeah, taunting someone is such a good way to get a great pic... What an idiot.
Have a good day everyone!
The lady with the big hair who is hiding Jake in the supermarket pictures is also the same one who went the France with Jake and Reese and the kids. I saw pictures of her in Luxembourg Gardens.
I also saw her walking with them in the recent Spain pictures. If she ever gets tired of her job, or bored, or whatever, if she needs knee surgery, or dental work, I will happily substitute for her. She may just want to rest, or take a sabbatical. I can help.
Those paps are awful. No wonder celebritys often look so cross in pictures. They are being harrassed. It reminds me of a documentary I saw where they followed the paps chasing Britney. They were vicious.
I love Coldplay too. They have a great sound and I love Chris' voice:)
Hi Anon! Thanks for the info :D I could definitely do that job, definitely. Jake, travel and shopping - I'm made for that job :DD
Hi Carol! This one seems particularly stupid. I love Coldplay too - I remember reading that Jake skived off from TDAT one day to go to a Coldplay gig :D
Hope everyone's having a good day! Almost the holidays :D
Oh dear, oh dear Jakey, what kind of toss-pot do you look in those shopping shots?! :-/
He was probably accompanied by Mrs.P.R. because such people are obviously telling him how often he should draw breath at the moment. Maybe that's why he's at the Medical Center so often,trying to get his head straightened out after getting himself trapped in a Hollyweird Publicity Pantomime.
Oh woe is me! >:-( Maybe that's why I like Gwynnie...and I love "Proof" (Intellectual Specs-wearing Jake is Gggrrrrrrrrrrrreat!)...and "Coldplay" are fabulous! Just wish I could "Fix You" Jake, hon!
I'm hard put to think of any celeb more Hollyweird than Paltrow. She certainly didn't get where she is on talent.
Each to their own, I suppose.
If anyone feels like calling Jake a toss-pot on WDW, please a) don't, b) don't and c) er... don't.
Someone pass the creme eggs...
Hi Narcissa :D
The intention was not to offend you,WDW, or anyone else for that matter. My inference was not that Jake IS a toss-pot but that he was allowing himself to be SEEN AS one because of his increasingly unpredictable and bizarre behaviour in some of his public appearances.
Believe me, I love the guy, it just makes me sad that he seems to have lost his way somewhat. Just my opinion, sorry if that annoys you.
Hi there - your opinion didn't annoy or offend me as we all have opinions and that's great. You described Jake as looking like a toss-pot and I do object to Jake - or absolutely anyone else - being described in such language on WDW, there are other words which are less offensive.
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