You know what it's like, you can tear your heart out for months on end waiting for a release date for a Jake Gyllenhaal movie and then, just when you think you can hardly bare to stand it for another instant, you get three a week. Yesterday, hot on the heels of the curious possible 23 July Ukranian release date for Nailed, Coming Soon released a date of 4 December for Brothers. This, rather worryingly, mirrored the movie's original date of 4 December 2008 and so did not exactly inspire confidence. Today, we have a slightly readjusted date from
Movieweb of 9 December. Is it possible that this date, which happily parallels the 9 December 2005 date of the release of Brokeback Mountain, is the true one?

An aside: In order to try and come to terms with the emotional upset of unsteady movie dates while still reeling from the muscly appeal of Jake's Prince of Persia, Ruby and I consoled ourselves this evening with chocolate fondues and cocktails. As a result, the blame for the indulgence of excessive calories and alcoholic units can be placed squarely at the booted feet of one armour-clad, sword-wielding, princess-kissing Jake. Just look what you made us do!
The Tags say it all:
Brothers, chocolate, cocktails, Jake, Jake Gyllenhaal
I love it!!!
We will continue to wait for more release dates...and more...and more...and more...
Hey BBMISwear :D We were both sending you our love tonight - hope you felt it *) Yep Jake, chocolate, cocktails - perfect. Makes all the additional release dates worth having. I'm thinking that this date of 9 December is more realistic than the previous one, which was too coincidentally the same as last year's date.
Can I just say how smug I felt when I saw that my Margarita was so much bigger than Ruby's Cosmo?
LMAO and jealous as hell!! Wish I was there!!!!
*needs to plan trip to England soon*
This is wqhy we love you, WDW!
I want that margarita! :)
4 Dec, 9 Dec... a few days won't kill me - especially if I get to watch in London film festival in Oct/Nov! :)
Now that looks like a good night. I am quite jealous! Hope you guys are all good. One day I hope to have some free time again.....
Mmm Jake+chocolate = nice thoughts to start the day with.
Morning everyone! And the head's not too bad :D Just keep the coffee coming...
Just get over here BBMISwear *)
Hey! Thanks so much the Entire McGillicuddy Clan - what a lovely thing to say :)
It was good, Winterbird :D Keep your fingers crossed for London, I certainly am.
LJF! Where have you been?! Good to see you - and I hope you get that free time soon. Hope things are good with you *)
Have a great day everyone!
Your head must be worse than mine since your cocktail was so much bigger! :D
You didn't mention the pretty view in the restaurant. ;-)
Good to see you LJF.
BBMISwear - plan that trip!
Morning Rubes :D Mine was a PROPER cocktail - oh yes, very nice view ;D Thanks for a lovely evening and I hope your day is good *)
I should have known if I mentioned a trip to England "out loud" then WDW and Ruby would be after me to start planning...LOL! When I do get there I won't be drinking either of those large, pretty cocktails however. But I'm sure you can find us a place that offers some nice wines!!
We'll take very good care of you and find you lots and lots of lovely wine. :)
Definitely! You've done it now, BBMISwear :D We're good with wines too....
LOL! Add me to the jealous crowd, that must have been a wonderful evening. Jake, chocolate, cocktails and good company, perfect combination. :) And there was a pretty view? How pretty?
Is there a curse on Jake or something? I can't believe how long we have to wait for his movies to come out and how many times they change the dates! Are they trying to make us crazy? I hope Jake appreciates how patient and devoted we are. You're lucky we love you so much, Jake! :D
If someone has a little extra sunshine could you send it my way please? It's really depressingly grey here.
Hope everyone is having a good day.
The Pretty was in the form of three cute guys at the next table. :D
Oh! Nice! :) A lovely view can really add to an evening. :D
Hi Olympia! I know - all this waiting just isn't right!Jake should spend the next few years working none stop just to line 'em up. I never want to go this long without a movie again... I wouldn't mind some sunshine either :) It was a charming view, even distracted me a little from the fondue... :D
Waves to Rubes!
I fear this day may never end....
I want that Magharita too. Although mine is usually a Cosmopolitan in honour of a certain Ms Bradshaw and friends:)
Cocktails and a nice view what more could a girl want....maybe a definite release date for a Jake movie sooner rather than later. I never want to have to wait this long again either.
BBM the tags is just great..
Thank you :)))
I am ready for waiting..
Every news related with Jake brings smile on my face..
I send my chocolate to WDW.. :))
Every day brings joy..
Hi Carol! I am rather partial to Cosmos myself, lovely. It was a rather dreamy evening and it was very pleasant to talk about Jake and Ruby listened very nicely while I went on and on about how I fancy this Prince of Persia!
Oh thanks so much Flower :D I'm so glad you have a smile on your face. Any Jake news is good news, that is so true. I hope we get more very soon.
We will get more.. :)))
Thanks to you WDW..
C'mon Jake do some shopping, take out your workaholic girlfriend.. do something..
Summer is coming, sun is shining... time to show yourself :))
I doubt that "Brothers" will debut on December 9, because that is a Wednesday. The vast majority of films debut on Fridays. Take your pick, the 4th or the 11th, but probably not the 9th.
I rather like the view from the table that you so kindly illustrated. but then I am biased...
Hi Paul - I think I'll take any date I can get!
A lovely view, Rob, and the strawberries weren't bad either... Good to see you, mate!
People can see a movie on any day of the week they choose. And, there are a *few* movies that debut on Wednesdays or MOndays or whatever. But mostly they start on fridays, which is a big date night, and start of the all-important weekend.
Hi Paul! That's a very good point and most films open here on a Friday too - but the premieres are on Wednesdays or Thursdays often and that makes me wonder if that's what this date might refer to.
Chocolate fondues and cocktails?
(Quietly heads for a place with those things, while humming "You made me love you")
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