'I've seen it twice now and five minutes into the movie I always go like `Aren't they bored by now? Aren't they bored with this face?' Because I'm looking around waiting for people to go, `We've seen enough of this guy, he's already been in almost every single shot and every single second of this movie.'' (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

The appeal of Jake's face, and the rest of him, may explain director Joe Johnson's comment to the Chicago Sun-Times: '"I don't think you sell it as a teen movie. We were surprised to find after our first test screening that the film appealed to females over 30 more than anyone else," he says. "They doubled the numbers of any other group. I wasn't expecting women to love a film about four teenage boys who shoot off rockets."'

'"It's tough to convince a studio you can do drama when all you've done is giant ants and dinosaurs coming through walls." It's even tougher to persuade a studio to cast Jake Gyllenhaal ("Josh and S.A.M."), Chris Owen ("The Party"), William Lee Scott ("The Opposite of Sex") and Chad Lindberg ("City of Angels") as the leads. They auditioned some big names, but "we didn't have the money. We didn't want to make it a huge movie," Gordon says. And Gyllenhaal, who was 17 when he was cast as Homer, "was the only guy I ever had on my Homer list. He was interesting, watchable and subtle," Johnston says.'

Jake's co-stars included risky rockets and launch pads: '"There were times where the look of fear on my face was real," Gyllenhaal says.'

And, after all that, it turns out that the tradition of delaying Jake's movies is not a new trend - it did indeed begin with October Sky, which was pushed back from 1998.'"When we screened it with an audience, the studio said, `Maybe we should take a little more time and a little more care and push it to 1999,' " Johnston said. [Producer Chuck] Gordon says he isn't worried about the cold-weather launch. "They haven't had test scores like this in 15 years at Universal. Plus we have confidence in this film. I felt great because I went to a sneak peek in Los Angeles and this big, burly guy sitting next to me was crying like a baby when the film was over. I could have hugged him."'

Includes pictures from IHJ.
Um...What's wrong with Jake in the last picture? LOL! He looks kind of unsteady there, like he really needs people on either side of him to keep him from falling or something! If he were older and not on set, I'd say he looked tipsy! :D
"...interesting, watchable and subtle...". That's a very good way to describe Jake. :) Ten years later, you would have to add "hot", tough. With a capital H.
Oops! There's an "h" missing in my "though" !
Hey Olympia :D That last picture did make me smile - such an odd expression and pose from Jake. Yes, now we'd add the H-O-T. What a change from October Sky to PoP :D
Hope everyone's having a good evening :) Is it Friday yet...?
He was kid on this pics, but cute kid :)) Now he grows in to (I agree with you Olimpia) very HOT man, i think that all this young actors who worked with him, are confused with his life now and what he done in Hollywood. I think they can't believed that he date someone like Reese W.
Hi Flower :) Jake was such a good looking youngster in October Sky.
Sometimes when pictures are being taken someone can move or start to say something or any number of things and in that split second that is caught. The picture to me doesn't mean anymore than that.
That's true, Anon, and nor should it, but it's still a funny picture :)
Anonymus 20:45, I wasn't implying Jake was in any way impaired, I just tought the picture looked funny.
Posting at the same time, Olympia! It's a funny picture! (You've lost your h again :D)
Damn those seemingly randomly placed "h" ! English is hard! :D
Those hs are pesky and possibly unnecessary :D
What a nice post WDW. It's making me want to watch October Sky again. Haven't seen that one in awhile.
What a lot has changed in 10 years. Cute has most definitely been replaced by hot:) I got quite a few strange looks at work during the week for sneaking frequent peeks at the PoP pictures. I have to say they are still putting a smile on my face and that's most definetely going to continue:)
Off topic just wondering if anyone here has been to see advance showings of Angels & Demons. I am curious as to how Ewan McGregor measures up as a priest. From what I have seen of it he looks a bit miscast.
Awwww...October Sky...as Carol said this post really makes me want to watch that again. It's been a while. It's one of the few Jake movies I can watch with my 12 year old! I always cry at the end too (like the big burly guy in LA)!
Good morning everyone! And what is going on with the weather - it's chucking it down.
Hi Carol :D I love how you put that, how over the last ten years Jake's gone from cute to hot - he really has. I feel like we've watched him grow up :D I didn't know Ewan is in Angels and Demons. Hmmmm. I may go and see that this weekend but I hated the first one, although I did enjoy the book (possibly because I read it on an island in the South Indian Ocean... sigh).
Morning BBMISwear! I've not seen it for a while and this is the film that my mum likes too - October Sky and Jarhead (possibly for different reasons).
Have a good day everyone - another long one for me. I'm ready for a weekend :)
LOL that October Sky was appealing to female audience over 30!! you know Jake just has that effects on older women :P :)
He definitely has a great change in appearance.. for me, he was still a boy in TDAT or the Good Girl, but he made the jump from boyhood to manhood "within" Brokeback :)
urgh... finally Friday!
I love the film October Sky. One of those well made films you just come across and can watch again with or without friends, no agenda, easy and relaxed. Perfect!
I saw Star Trek this week. Oh wow! Brilliant, and JJ, or whoever actually thought up how to do it, must be a clever one. I laughed and I cried. Just like with October Sky.
Hi there everyone! What a ROTTEN day...
Hey Winterbird :D Yes, thank heavens it's Friday and finally I'm home. Jake's appeal definitely goes beyond age - and I do agree about BBM. The contrast with TDAT which wasn't that long before at all.
Hi TD! October Sky is such a feel good movie - all that Homer overcomes in a dream for the stars. I love that. I'm so glad you enjoyed Star Trek - I was quite moved in some of it too - especially in the scenes with Leonard Nimoy.
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