Wednesday 27 May 2009

PoP: Not just 'kiss kiss, bang bang', Jake in the 'Bu and a WDW seaside roadtrip

In advance of the Prince of Persia's preview in the July issue of Empire magazine, a snippet has been released, including a quote from Jake Gyllenhaal: '"I'm always fascinated with these kinds of stories of the hero's journey," Gyllenhaal told us. "You're playing a legitimate hero, you know? I think it's an honour to do that."'

'Newell, meanwhile, says there's much more to Prince Of Persia than Gyllenhaal roaming the sixth century with his top off [Damn.... WDW interjection]. "This isn't just kind of kiss kiss, bang bang," stressed the Four Weddings And A Funeral director. "It's like a superheated, super-actioned Noah story. It's what happens when the gods get angry and so fed up with humans they want to rub them out and start all over again."'

Jake in the 'Bu

This past holiday weekend, Jake Gyllenhaal attended a rather glamorous beach bash in Malibu. We've seen Jake enjoying the 'Bu before, with friends, dogs, sea and surf. These stunning surroundings and the weather, that ranges from exhilerating to beautifully tranquil, provide a fine context for Jake.

I'm very fortunate in having been to Malibu on a few occasions, usually in the early Spring, and I remember on one occasion sitting below one of the elaborate wooden houses on stilts, chatting to its owner, while we watched a family of dolphins playing in the surf.

There's a reason for a seaside post today, quite apart from how good Jake looks by the sea. Pack your bucket and spade, dig out the suntan lotion and please find me a road map, as WDW heads to the seaside for a long weekend. It may not be Malibu, there may be no hobnobbing with Tom Hanks, but there's a good chance I may stumble across the King Arthur Fish & Chip Shop and Ye Olde Round Table Antiques, for yes, I am heading to Camelot itself - Tintagel (and other bits). I hope you'll join me!

In order to get ready for the trip, Ruby and I indulged in a seafood platter tonight. An adventurous and indeed perplexing meal... As for the little red guy (Cray) at the front - I insisted that the waiter take him backstage and release him. It's well known that I cannot eat cute food and, once I have given my meal a name, consumption is unlikely. The ugly thing on the plate stood no chance.

Includes pictures from IHJ, WDW and the Cornish Tourist Board.


acquaalta said...

As for the little red guy (Cray) at the front - I insisted that the waiter take him backstage and release him. It's well known that I cannot eat cute food and, once I have given my meal a name, consumption is unlikely. The ugly thing on the plate stood no chance.looool

I hope the ugly food tasted well!!
Have a nice trip, the pictures look absolutely gorgeous.
Bon Voyage!!!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there Acquaalta! The ugly thing was tasty but blimey it was hard to get at, despite the alarming set of tools we were given to get into these things. I'm an oyster person, anything with more than 6 legs went Ruby's way!

Thank you! The weather looks like it'll be good so I'm hoping for some scenic walks along the cliff paths. It'll be fun taking WDW with me :D

BBMISwear said...

Great pictures (of both Jake and friends as well as where you are about to go)! Have fun...don't forget to give us updates! *jealous*


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks BBMISwear :D I've never been to Cornwall before - I understand its gorgeous. But I'll be around! We're housesitting so internet assured, thank heavens... :-) xxx

Anonymous said...

Hello WDW, have a wonderful time in Cornwall. It's probably my favourite county in England (needless to say for a Med girl like, beach- and sun-obsessed) not just for its climate and beautiful coastline, but also for the so many places of historical or mythological significance.
I was in Tintagel 4 years ago at the beginning of a 3-day stay in north Devon & Cornwall. Simply beautiful.

Good to see you, acquaalta and bbmiswear!

Hugs from Rome,

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Paola! I hope you're having a good time in Rome, I'm sure you are :D I've had some wonderful holidays in south Devon but the north is a mystery to me and I can't wait to see a bit of it. I love the mythology of that region too. I think it's about time I got to Cornwall :) Have a lovely holiday!

Rob said...

Cray wouldn't have stood a chance against me. Om nom nom, and the seafood is gone!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Rob! I know you're a seafood gourmet (I've eaten the fish pie and drooled over the fried prawns) but you've never seen a crustacean as cute as Cray. Unfortunately, Cray's friend was a goner - Ruby tore him to bits with pliers, crushers and some kind of dental tool.

Anonymous said...

You`re taking us on a road trip? Yay! It looks like a beautiful place. I'm on vacation this week but am staying home working on my garden, I'm very jealous of you and Paola. :) I hope you both have a lovely time.

I am so very late for the "Jake bits" discussion but I want to give my votes to the hands and the treasure trail. But I will be polite and force myself to read all the posts you choose to do on other bits, because I'm a good gyllenhaalic, you know. :D

I didn't know Mike Newell directed Four Weddings and a Funeral. That's great, Four weddings is one of my favorite movies.


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Olympia! Glad I caught you before I head off for the night. I hope you're having a good break :) Thanks for voting - glad to hear you're a good Gyllenhaalic though and can appreciate all of Jake's bits - although I agree the hands and TT are rather delicious. Mike Newell has directed some treasures - I loved Enchanted April. I watch that every spring. I like to know Jake's worked with him. I hope the sun stays out for you in the garden :D

Anonymous said...

Does someone know what happened with BOO?

Monica said...

Good night, wet dark!

I'm anxious to see the scenes of fight!

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is one of my favorite movies with Robert Downey Jr.!

Thanks for the photos on the beach. Especially the picture with boo. I miss Boo!

Have a great trip.

Monica said...

Anon 04:28, I think Boo died.

Uli said...

Oh, I didn't realize the connection between Devon and Cornwall... I thought Devon was "just" south, not so much south-west.

I went to Tintagel last summer - it was breathtakingly beautiful! I had wonderful weather on that day, there were/ was quite some breakers/ surf (?) and I stood there shaking my head, not able to believe how amazing it was!
I even saw a seal down there in the water (LOL, probably not very impressive for someone who saw dolphins in Malibu :D :D), but I was like "Ooooooooh! Wildlife!!!" (Kind of old joke from a time when a friend and I went to Britain many years ago and when we saw the first animals we hadn't seen in Germany yet (grouse, partridges etc.)we did the "Oooooh! Wildlife!!!" thing. At some point we also did it when there were hedgehogs or rabbits - or unidentifiable roadkill... :D :D (still laughing about the roadkill crow, whose wing waved gently in the wind - next to the roadkill hedgehog... :D :D I guess that's what you could call "caught in the act")
Enjoy your trip! I really hope you will have perfect weather for your trip!

LOL at your seefood experience... Glad you saved Cray - Ruby on the other hand is a monster it seems! :D :D :D
If I had been with you I probably would have just watched you two eating with widened eyes, though... That guy on your plate there, ugh, I don't know... :D :D

Oh, err, am I supposed to write something about Jake, too??
Uh, yeah, hm... Oh, right: Can't wait to see PoP yadda-yadda-yadda

Argh, and somebody needs to vote for his derriere!!! It's losing!!!!

Have a great day everyone here - and special waves to acquaalta, Paola and Rob (if you are the Rob I think you are... :D :D)

Anna said...

How many inches was that, Uli? ;)

Beautiful pics, WDW! (Both of Jake and the landscapes... ;))

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Good morning everyone! I'm packed, having a cup of tea and trying to train a satnav. Good to see you all :D

Morning Monica! I fear you're right about poor Boo :(

Hey Uli! Wow :D Devon is more than just Devon due to having two beautiful coasts. Ooh, I'm really looking forward to seeing Tintagel now. I love your 'Wildlife' sightings! I hope I see seals, I really do. They get lots of dolphins round there too so I'll keep my eyes open.

I'm sure fellow diners in the restaurant enjoyed watching the seafood massacre - possibly why the next table had a burger and cheese...

OMG, thanks for the yadda yadda yadda laugh!!

Morning Anna! I have my tape measure out...

Have a good day everyone! I see the tummy is still winning and the derriere is behind ;D

Carol said...

Have a lovely holiday WDW. Where you're going looks fab. The pictures remind me of Guernsey, Channel Islands. I lived there for a year so those pictures are bringing back good memories:)

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Thanks Carol! I hear Guernsey is gorgeous, what a wonderful place to live :D

winterbird said...

*fly-by comment - i am too damn busy and my boss isn't even in the office!*

I love some seafood myself :)

have a wonderful time by the seaside! you pick a gorgeous day to be out there!

get real said...

Have a great trip, WDW!!

I have seen Cornwall on travel shows and it looks beautiful. Have a lovely time by the water. :)

The seafood looks yummy and I would have eaten it all. ;)

Jake looks even more yummy in those pics!

bertie said...

It's what happens when the gods get angry and so fed up with humans they want to rub them out and start all over again.Sounds exciting! I love a myth-based, fantasy story. Very much looking forward to PoP, and it sure has some good credentials, like Mike Newell's being attached to it, and of course, a handsome hero like Jake.

The pictures of Cornwall are gorgeous - I also like historical and places associated with myth. Have a great time, WDW!

I know how you feel, I was once introduced to a handsome lobster, and after almost shaking claws with him, couldn't bear the thought of having him for dinner either, so he was put back into his tank (I hope!). :)

Ania said...

paulh said...

That quotation about only needing one man doesn't work if there isn't at least one woman to continue the species.

I'm going to assume that the plot of PoP will be similar to the one in the graphic-novel version that I read. I hope it all turns out well!

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there everyone! Relaxing with a glass of wine after a wonderful day - a long drive but then some stunning views and some great fish and chips an old inn :D

Hey Winterbird :D I hope your day was ok. The weather's not been so good down here today but the clouds diappeared this evening and it's supposed to be good now for the weekend :)

Thanks Get Real! Jake looks so good in those pics :D

Hi Bertie! I know how you feel about the lobster :) 'Only' a year now til PoP...

Thanks Ania! I'd not seen those pics before.

I hope it turns out well too, Paul :D I wonder if they want a cliff hanger to keep us waiting for PoP 2?

Have a good evening evenyone :)