In what has just been declared International Jake Gyllenhaal Week - a week that will be forever commemorated with public holidays, festivals, rose names and street parties with bunting (expect one day to be driving around in a Dastan) - it comes as no surprise that WDW is bursting to the seams once more. Today has been extra busy because research for the post has been competing for time with buying Prince of Persia shirtless and feathered lego.

First off, we have a new Prince of Persia featurette, which focuses on the baddies - the Hassansins. Or, as Mike Newell calls them, the Hassaaansins. Or, as Jake Gyllenhaal, calls them, the Hassansiiiins. Or, as everyone else calls them, the Baddies. And, from this featurette, we can see that they are indeed bad - with slithering snakes and knives up their sleeves. Almost like the dragons in How to Train Your Dragon, these Hassansins can kill a man in countless excruciating ways. But Dastan is no ordinary man...
Lest we forget, Prince of Persia is based on a fine and much loved game. It's therefore not surprising that interest for the movie is high in the gaming world. The May issue of GamePro features a full article on the Prince of Persia game and movie franchise and includes snippets of interviews with Jake Gyllenhaal. It also provides fascinating facts, such as 1,114,894 bottles of water were drunk on set and that snakes and scorpions were moved out from set each and every day (rather like seeking out endangered newts on British archaeological digs before the first scrape of the mechanical digger - sort of, but not quite). We have scans of this article thanks to our very own Intrepid WonderCon Roving Reporter!

Was Jake able to master the game?: 'From your GamePro point of view, no!.... From my point of view, I mean, I'm an actor, so, yeah, I was fantastic. But seriously, I was pretty, pretty good, but I'm definitely not as good as any gamers out there who were practically born with the controller in their hands.'

Sequel? 'I'd be honored to if that was a possibility that became an opportunity... It was nice to have the challenge of being a part of something that I know and a lot of gamers are critical of when it comes to translating a game to a movie. Gamers have high expectations for the Prince of Persia movie because it's such a treasured franchise. And we definitely didn't take that lightly.'

Jake Gyllenhaal put everything into his portrayal of Prince Dastan, so much so it made him spotty: 'I started playing [the game] incessantly throughout the filming of it, when I finally took the role and I would use it as reference - almost as research for the part, like I would look at something the prince would do in the game and I'd say like 'Can we do this? Can we pull this off in the movie?' and I'd bring the stunt guys in and we'd like look at the move and then we'd try it and then I'd end up hanging off a wire for like four hours and I'd get a really, really bad rash. But it was worth it - the rash was worth it.' You can listen to this here.
The interviews from WonderCon keep on coming, reminding me how much I've been missing Jake since the wonderful days of May 2007 and Cannes. Like then, we now have interview after interview, full of wit, fun, confidence and joy for the project. Without doubt, Jake is enjoying being the centre of a great deal of attention and his spectacular debut at WonderCon has seduced bloggers and writers across the board. There are two more interviews today. The first is from Quint at Aintitcool, a fun column to visit at any time, and there are some GyllenGems.

We learn that Jake is an Alfred Molina fan, that he's proud of Brothers and that - wait for it - Nailed has a new name! The Nail. While this name isn't much different from the older name, this is significant. It means it's being discussed and it means it's moved on enough to being called something new. This interview is later than the other one in which Jake reflected on Nailed's woes and so hope again emerges... (no doubt to be dashed again in another week). 'I did BROTHERS and then right after BROTHERS I did this movie with David O. Russell which has yet to come out, but that’s its own beast. David is incredible, but it was like BROTHERS, NAILED or THE NAIL I think we are calling it now, and then it was PRINCE OF PERSIA and then from PRINCE OF PERSIA I did this movie with Ed Zwick and now I’m doing this with Duncan...'

There is more about Source Code and its predecessor Moon and the director Duncan Jones: 'Quint: I saw Gertie in person. Jake Gyllenhaal: Nice. Quint: I love Duncan. He’s very cool. Jake Gyllenhaal: Duncan is so awesome and he is an extraordinary director. Working with him has been that exactly and I think this movie that we are making is mind boggling.'

On Source Code: 'No, we are shooting in Montreal. We are shooting the coolest shit right now, man. I can’t even tell you... I’m telling you man, [Duncan] is really quite something. His mind… He comes from quite a pedigree, just artistically, but on his own I believe he is the next generation. He is blowing my mind on a daily basis. Quint: What’s interesting with him is he is kind of like the quiet Quentin Tarantino, where it’s like he has such amazing film knowledge. Like when I went to MOON he was wearing the most badass CLOCKWORK ORANGE t-shirt I’ve ever seen. I’m like, “Wow, I know I like you already.” Jake Gyllenhaal: He has collector’s edition t-shirts on like every day and people come up and they are like “Dude, where’d you get that shirt?” I’m “It’s just a shirt, I have no idea.” [Laughs]'

'To me, working with him… It’s surprising, his instinct, his sense of collaboration, but at the same time truly being an auteur… I don’t know man, it’s nice, because I feel like I’ve talked to a lot of journalists who have really responded to his movie and know that and I knew that when I saw it and I think people… Everyone I’ve been like “Have you seen MOON?” They’re always like “Everyone says it’s so good, I need to see it.” He’s the real deal man. Anyone who has seen it knows that and this… you are really going to like it!'

Working on Prince of Persia: 'I would be on one unit and they’d be like “Okay, we are done. We need you to come over to this unit.” I would be like “When’s lunch?” They’d be like “Well, you know we started on second…” and I’d be like “Wait a second, I started on first unit, my lunch should be now!” [Laughing] They were like “Well, second unit started at this time, so lunch is at 3.” I’m like “I started at 6!” And then go over to special effects. It was funny, because it’s like tag team, like I would finish with Mike and then I would move over to second unit and then there’d be like a guy who looked like me doing stuff and I’d be like “Alright, tag you out. It’s my turn now.” They’d be like “Okay, we’ve got Jake, time for close ups. Time for that thing. We are going to do this and…” “Okay, tag you out” and “Special effects needs you.” I would go over there and I’d take off all of my clothes and they’d scan me and I’d put my clothes back on and go over to second unit again.'
'I’d take off all of my clothes and they’d scan me' - this line bears repeating at least once. I could be a scanner... We also hear Dustin Hoffman gave Jake a zimmerframe. Invaluable. This is a great interview so do check out Aintitcool for the rest and for his verdict on Jake.

Wired interviewed Jake, as well as Jordan Mechner, Mike Newell and Jerry Bruckheimer, in a San Francisco hotel before the grand WonderCon event. In it, Jake describes why he likes Dastan: 'What I liked about him is that he had this attitude in the game... Not that he was a complainer, but he never really liked to fall. It was always a pain in the ass for him. If he got cut, he’d be like, ‘Argh, God!’ The fact that he put that spin on it: ‘Really? You just cut my fuckin’ arm off?’ I like that attitude. Eye-rolling when something doesn’t go your way, but not in an obnoxious way.'
'In the games, you have the prince fighting with the woman, and you have this natural sense of romance... Both are always abrasive with each other, which is in the movie. That tit-for-tat, she’s-a-bad-ass-and-he-can’t-deal-with-it, that sexual tension is the same.'

Again Jake talks about trying out stunts and ending up hanging around as a result: 'When I was in the middle of shooting at lunchtime, I’d play that game, figure out the moves that he could do and try to incorporate them into the stunts that we were doing,” he says. “I would bring the stunt guys into the trailer and be like, ‘Can we do this? Can we pull this off?’ And they’d be like, ‘Yeah, we could try it.’ And then like a week-and-a-half later, I’d be up on a harness, and be like, ‘What the fuck is this?’ And they’d be like, ‘You asked, man!’... Whenever there wasn’t a wire, they were very worried... Not that I wouldn’t make it, but the landing is scary.'
'“I didn’t want him to get hurt,” Bruckheimer says. “You have an actor who is very physical and does a terrific job, but he’s still got to come back to work the next day. A stuntman, unfortunately, if he gets hurt, you can put another one in there. But you can’t replace Jake.”' Indeed you can't. There is more at Wired.

We have had more Source Code updates thanks to the invaluable tweeting of Duncan Jones. We learned that it's the second unit that has been filming in Chicago this week, while he and the first unit finish off 'shooting in our highly surreal "Pod" sets!' Duncan describes them in a way that no human can comprehend: 'Sets are so bizarre... like Geiger had a baby with Escher, and then fooled around with Picasso in his randy cubist period!' And after lunch: 'Right! Back to set for our last half day of shooting in the seriously weird-arse surreal set! Hoooya!' There's more: 'I also have to say that Jake G is funny as hell, and Russell Peters had his hands full trying to keep up with Jake's on set improvs.' You can read Duncan's tweets on (not surprisingly) Twitter and also get regular updates on the ManMadeMovies blog.
Today, we also got a glorious technicolour first look at Jake's May cover for GQ! I don't know what it is about GQ, they always seem to put Jake in pale suits. But Jake looks simply stunning. And how I long to hear what he has to say.

And now, for any Brits reading, it's almost time for Brokeback Mountain on Film4 this evening (9pm).
Includes scans from WDW, pictures from IHJ, Movie Surfers, Disney and links. Many thanks to the Intrepid Reporter and to you all for your patience!
Hello! Sorry to everyone for the delay in posting - it turned out to be a mega post and I hope you find it worth the wait. And thanks to the Roving Reporter for the scans!
Dear Goodness! I won't be able to keep up! Every little interview I want to play over and over and my eyes go searching for the quotes and the pics...! How am I going to deal with all of these treasures!?
Huge thanks, tho. I'm loving every minute of this warm up with this blog!
Thanks so much, Alejandra! There's just so much - I swear this week has completely worn me out - but so worth it :D Treasure is the right word for all of this! Thanks for commenting!
I'm loving reading all these interviews.Jake is so adorable.
To stay away from spoilers, I do not see these videos with scenes of the movie.
Every time I read about SC, I am more anxious.
Thanks for all the scans and photos.
Is that really the best GQ could do? Maybe I'm just in a bitchy mood but when you have the most beautiful man in the world as your model, why put him in such drab colors, on a drab colored back ground and make him look like he's got a big head? You don't even notice his gorgeous blue eyes! And I'm not that fond of the clothes either.
That said, this is another excellent post, thanks WDW. :)
I'll be going Lego hunting tonight so wish me luck!
He really is, Monica! I don't think there's any need to feel anxious about Source Code - I think it'll be incredible. As it would be with Duncan Jones at the helm :)
Hey Olympia! I love the cover to be honest, although I can't stand the suit. I love Jake's face and his build and hair etc... but GQ always do this to him! I do prefer the Interview pics of Jake. But I can't wait to see what's inside the cover :D
Ooh good luck with the lego hunt :D Talking of which - here is my take on Prince Dastan defeating the Kraken!
Hey, aren't you watching BBM?
Well, the GQ cover is not the worst pic of Jake I've ever seen, I just find it a little disappointing. I bet I'll love the interview, though. :)
LOL! Lego Dastan looks fierce! Is the Kraken supposed to look this cute and cuddly? :DD
I am, Olympia :) But it took hours to get the post up and so I need to unwind and I can't get in to it too much or it'll do me in :) It's getting near the end so I should turn it off... Sigh...
Yeah, can't wait to read the interview! And those NYC crowd pics looked like they'll be hot :D
I collect dragons, so there's no shortage of mighty foes for Dastan to tackle! He is a little cute and cuddly (and Dastan's not bad!
Wonderful post. To top it off there's a new video on facebook :)
Glad you like it, Anon! The new fan question is addded to the post :D
Just home now. I'm involved in a play at the moment and we were rehearsing this evening so just catching the second hour of BBM on the plus one channel and checking out tonight's post.
I agree with all on the GQ cover....what's the story with the suit. Some of the other pics that were floating around would have been better for the cover. I can't wait to read the interview though.
I will be back once I've had a proper look at the post. Thanks again for another great post WDW:)
Thanks Carol! I watched BBM until the dozy embrace :) Enjoy the catch up!
i agree with Olympia about the GQ cover.it's so..pale.his head really does stand out, looks bigger than it normally does.
well at least they didn't photoshop the hell out of him, gotta give them that i guess.
loved the interview/chat with Quint.
thanks for gathering the stuff for us WDW. :)
Great post:) I love that Quint interview too. Loved hearing him talk more about Brothers in it.
Dozy embrace is just about to come on so I think I will have to leave BBM after that. I can feel it getting to me already.
Thanks again WDW for giving us up to date bulletins of all the week's happenings. It's been such a great week and this is only the beginning.....
Dragon training! lego action! Flying! BBM! Dragons! WDW! Ostrich races! Jake interviews and is that really Tiger Woods actually playing golf? Whooeee!!! as Jack Twist would say.
what a weird and fabulous week!
God I think that Dragon 3D has sunk further into the brain than Pandora. I can still see dragon-spines as we go into a dive...
Hi Gretchen! I'm relieved they didn't attack him with the Photoshop too...
That's a great interview with Quint, Carol - absolutely love it. And it's definitely more of a chat :D And so much information from it!
Yep, I turned BBM off then too. It was good to see it again after quite a long time :)
It's been a pleasure! Thanks for commenting *)
Hey TD the Viking! Fab comment! What a week :D And yes, I loved How to Train a Dragon - it was a pure delight. I wrote on it on MB. Loved it! Weird and Fabulous :D
Night all! Good dreams tonight, I think! I'm looking forward to catching up with you all in the morning :)
Well, I have to say it again: Wow. Just Wow. There is so so so much stuff out there right now it is a wonderful, wacky and quite overwhelming but a most enjoyable whirlwind (and it's not even May yet)!! I'm enjoying every minute of it (every minute I get time to indulge, that is). I Swear my family is seriously considering kicking me out of the house at this point (and again I say - and it's not even May yet)!!
Thanks for another fantastic post WDW! You are working your British butt off and it shows. I feel I should pay a subscription to this blog...shall I pay a subscription to this blog? It is THAT good! Just let me know!
I can't say much more here tonight because I printed the articles to read later when I don't have...ahem...people around me asking me goofy questions like "what field is baseball practice at tomorrow?"...jeez. Can they not see I'm looking at the May GQ cover over here?! (Which I think is gorgeous, BTW, but I definitely would have chosen different clothes).
I do have to say something about The Nail (OMG that cracks me up)! Just hearing Jake talk about this movie makes me smile...I may never see it...but him talking about it makes me happy! I have this strange feeling it's going to be one of those bizarre things that pops up in a weird way someday when we least expect it. Maybe not officially released but something somewhere (I won't give up hope - LOL)! Like I've said before, whether it comes out or not I got what I needed out of it so no complaints here!
Meanwhile...loving all the great Source Code stuff. Between SC and LAOD coming after PoP I'm out of the house for sure!
Ahhhh...the joy of all this stuff...amazing!
Back again tomorrow I hope...thank you WDW!!! Oh...wait...why isn't anyone talking about the PoP Facebook fan question vid from today? Maybe because it was out late today? Well Jake watches You Tube!! Do you think he watches it as much as us? LOL! (I'm thinking he watches it but not the same videos we here watch most often...hee hee)!
Okay...bye for reals now...I've got some articles to read! :-)
Your blog is ,as ever, beyond wonderful!
It's definitely Happy Time for me when i get a quiet moment to read it.
On the GQ cover: even in an unfortunate beige suit,with hair a touch shorter than I might prefer,with not even the most flattering lighting for his icy blue eyes,he is beyond gorgeous and my heart still skipped a beat...wow!
Thank you so much for posting it,and making my evening!
Not sure if these are new or not WDW but i dont think ive seen them yet
Succes! I have before me a shirtless Dastan on an ostrich and an overdressed Dastan on a horse! Contrary to the pic I found online yesterday, the ostrich did come with the shirtless Dastan.
There was a lot of different merchandise at Toys R Us for other upcoming movies like Toy Story 3 and Iron Man 2 but only the Legos for POP. There was stuff for How to Train your Dragon too, I almost bought a cute stuffed dragon. :)
you'll have to forgive me, WDW, but I'm still stuck on the "I had to take all my clothes off" sentence and the visual that is in my head :D wow that poor body scanner (I'm unemployed how can I get that job of scanning Jake's body :D, I'd even pay HIM :P)
I can't wait to see both POP and SC (of course there is the question of how many naked scenes do we see of Jake in LAOD)
Morning all! Friday :D And another beautiful day - hope it keeps like that for the weekend.
Great comment, thanks, BBMISwear :-) And thank you! And yeah, not even May yet...
I love The Nail! I think it's better name and still fun. The fact that Jake talks about it like this, as a film with a new name etc, seems significant to me - like it's still being discussed. Yeah, I think we could see this eventually, and possibly in a weird way :D And you most certainly got the best possible thing out of The Nail!!
And I love that Jake watched the Parkour vids on YouTube cos when i found out Jake had the part so did I! Makes me want to make the WDW Channel pretty :D Catch you later :-)
Thanks so much JoJo! There are some strange things about the cover - typically GQy I thought - but Jake is such a stunner, that's what I see most of all. But the suit is horrible...
Thanks very much for the links, Anon! I'll put those in the psot later! Fab :D
Yeay Olympia!! Good news about the shirt (lack of). I get mine delivered to work today - no doubt they might attract some attention in the office :D I've got the ostrich and horse ones coming too! OMG - I think I need one of those dragons to add to my dragon collection - I wonder if I can get one in the UK...
That is quite some sentence, Sweetpea :D Grabbed my attention too. Great stuff coming!
Have a good Friday everyone!
Oh god! I must have legos and stuffed dragon. I've been trying to resist... sigh.
Don't fight it TD the Viking!! My lego has just arrived - now the countdown is on til the end of the working day :D
Thanks again WDW, let the weekend countdown begin :DD Can't wait to see what you've got lined up for us tonight (no pressure).
Is that 'courage' picture in the GamePro issue? Can we get that mag over here? Must try Smiths later.
Two things. I love, love, love hearing Jake talk about visiting youtube and watching the parkour.
Looking at all these interviews Jake did at Wondercon,it's obvious the internet movie sites have definitely come into their own as far interviewing major stars and directors about their films.It means E! and the rest, aren't the only chance we get to see Jake.
Thank God Bobbyanna because E and shows like that are the worst interviewers and can finally stop watching them. If Jake and some like him weren't so good at improv the interviews would be so bland.
Hello! Back home for the weekend - just me and 100 or so little pieces of lego not suitable for very small children...
Hey Sheba! Yeah, no pressure :D Chuckle... Unfortunately, GamePro isn't really available in the UK. I seem to recall that pic was in another mag recently. I'm wondering if it was Total Film...
Bobbyanna! It's been a while - good to see you!! And definitely :D I think it also shows what a very different film this is from Jake's recent movies - it's got the attention of the movie going and the gaming websites, many of which would have had little interest in Rendition or Brothers. Everything abbout PoP is on such a bigger scale and so there's so much more opportunity for Jake to wow, rather than just doing the same old entertainment shows. And yes - video interviews definitely coming into their own here :D
Toime to get busy!
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