On with the post!
I hope you're ready for some more Jake Gyllenhaal... First off, apart from telling Latinoreview that the swordfighting was all done with makeup and 'the tan was actually practised over and over and over again', Jake also had some more to say about Source Code. He revealed that it actually has the same plot as the Prince of Persia, just without the dagger.
When asked what the story of Source Code is about, Jake does put his head in his hands - hinting at complications and subtleties in the plotting. 'Oh man!... It's science fiction and it's so good... It has little bits to do with time but it's really about a government programme where they're able to insert somebody into a certain period of time, only for a very short time, and within that period of time they can do it over and over again but only in a very small period of time. It's really hard to explain! But I will tell you one thing - Duncan is incredible and the movie is going to be so good.' Jake also reveals that the filming is almost over.

In a longer version of yesterday's PoPsugar video, Jake talks some more about such things as whether his eastern philosophy studies have helped him in any way to recreat Dastan (one of the strangest questions to date).

Jake also talks about the lego: 'It's great. It's really awesome. In fact, most of the kids I know who've seen that there's a lego actually now think that the movie is cool because there's a lego character that's based on it, so that's great fun!'

These comments of Jake are indeed fortuitous. Because what should be waiting for me in my letter box this evening but my very own Mini Jake! Several things to note - I always remembered lego being bigger and secondly, I have no idea how some of it works (ie, the back sword brace thing). However, I did discover that not only does his head come off (or at least I hope it's supposed to as it does now) but also his mullet comes off to reveal a snarling face on the other side! Perfect. I decided to put him to work so that you can get a good look at him. I wanted an ostrich fighting scene, but I don't have an ostrich. I do have a mallard duck - I'm sure you can hardly see the difference.

In this second picture, with the mighty ostrich vanquished, you can now see Mini Jake's other face.

In these pictures you can also see another goodie from today: the June issue of SFX, hot from the presses and my scanner. Here are the scans, including the preamble pages and, at the end, an advert that shows the two versions of the cover side by side. Much of the interview is with Mike Newell and it's a fascinating insight into filming in heat and dust that Brits may be less accustomed to than Jake. It also shows well Mike's vision for this project that clearly seduced him with the mystery, history, danger and romance of the desert and this exotic Arabian Knights world.
In one section, Mike and Jerry Bruckheimer discuss the selection of Jake (and not a Middle Eastern actor) for the role. Jerry comments: 'Jake has a following and hopefully we'll get his fans to come see the movie.'

Jake: 'Normally in videogame adaptations we see characters do incredible things that we know are not possible and in this movie none of that ever happens. He does things that are seemingly impossible but might be possible. I think it's similar to things Chris Nolan does with the Batman stuff. Batman's doing those things too, but there's a reality to the situation.'

Includes images from SFX, scans by WDW and stunning action lego pictures. No ostrich was hurt during the filming of this post.
OMG! LOL! Are you trying to kill me with your recreation of a Dastan - ostrich fight????!!!! I'm at the office and almost suffocated trying not to laugh out loud! Poor mallard! :DDD I'll be back later when I'll have looked at the videos, I have to wait for my collegue to leave.
There's also an half page article on Jake speaking about Source Code in SFX (p.17), I'm sure you've already posted this or am I having an alternate universe experience? :D
Am going to take another pass at the veritable smorgasboard of information your delighting us with
Hey Olympia! You like my ostrich? :DDD I think little Dastan is going to be very busy! Enjoy the vids when you get some peace - glad I made you laugh. I'm having a good giggle too! I still can't work out how to get the sword thing on Dastan's back.... I need a kiddie or a Lego Afficianado :D
Hi Sheba! Thanks for letting me know, I still haven't read this due to messing about with lego - ahem - but adding it right now. FAB!
Found your blog whilst surfing for items on the gorgeous Jacob....wow if you don't deserve an OBE for your services to jake fans worldwide, I don't know who does!! Thankyou so much for such an informative and amusing blog, (Jake would love it, in fact he's probably an avid reader!)Can I ask where you found the script for Nailed? (You mentioned that you'd read it in a recent entry). Would love to read it too!!
BTW WDW, your ostridge is soooo cute and Lego Dastan's expression is so funny. Can I play, you seem to be having too much fun on your own over there. I've been banished to the computer (which I don't mind at all) as the Man U game is on and my Jakeing time keeps getting interrupted by shrieks of delight and anquish and "Referee!"
I like the Editor-in-Chief's foreword on what's inside. He says he's gonna celebrate SFX's 15th Birthday by playing on an old Prince of Persia. He also went on to say "I was capitivated by the first Pirates move, so if Jake can do for Sinbad-style fantasies what Johnny did for the swashbuckling genre, I'll happily get off my couch and queue up at the multiplex."
That's ma boy ;D
Annie! Thank you so, so much!! What a wonderful thing to say and I'm so happy to see you post a comment :D I'm glad you get a laugh here. I hope you find some things of interest looking back through the dusty archives too :D
Just drop me a line to my email address (on the front page but originally - ahem - wetdarkandwild@googlemail.com ) and I'll send the script on to you :D
Thanks so much for commenting!
Hey Sheba - I love that quote too :D So glad you like my ostrich! I have an affinity with them for sure :D I need more lego now to complete my commentary on the themes of PoP! I may do a remake :D
i'm sort of confused about Source Code.tell me if i got it right:Jake will be the body on the train who the character Colter is transferred into.so he's playing the Colter in.. well Jake's body.but who's playing the "real" Colter?(lol do i make sense?)
LMAO at the caption under Duncan Jones's picture.
"David Bowie's son Duncan Jones, son of David Bowie"
lol.oh in case you didn't get it David Bowie is Duncan Jones's father.
Hi Gretchen! I know, I'm confused by that too - maybe the body stays the same... at least I hope :D We need to find out.
I was gonna quote than in my previous comment and I forgot! It's so so funny! Yeah, just in case it's not clear...
but Jake said when he looks in the window the reflection is not his(meaning the "real" Colter).so i assumed there'll be another actor playing Colter.
also how do they get the guy from a helicopter in Afghanistan? o_O
yeah,this is all very confusing.
i think i'm gonna love this movie.lol.(well considering my love for Donnie Darko) :D
Before I even get into the WonderCon stuff (which I want to a bit since I haven't been able to read/comment in a while) I have to say that today's post is hysterical!! I love your prince Lego and your ostrich?!?! All set up in front of a great background! I have to get shopping for PoP toys soon!!
Now, regarding Wondercon (sorry I'm a little late) but...Wow. I'm not sure I can say very much at the moment and everyone here has already said so many wonderful things so I'd probably just be repeating a lot. I was slammed with commitments this past weekend so was unable to take in any of the wonderful Jake/WonderCon stuff on Saturday or Sunday...but I will say that I certainly made up for it on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday! Wow! What a load of great stuff there is!!!
Absolutely fantastic job, WDW, on keeping everything current and organized and entertaining right here on WDW - I knew that was what I would find when I finally got here!! And Stephanie at IHJ did a great job with the gazillion photos and downloaded videos. The two of you are the best!!!
I am so glad I did not try to rush through this stuff in the little bits of time I had over the weekend...spending as much time as I needed to look at everything slowly and sometimes two or three times (hee hee) was the way to do it. I am still reeling from it all. Just think, we have all this and there hasn't been one premiere yet! Whatever will we do throughout the month of May? *quitting ones job and moving into ones own apartment has crossed ones mind* :-)
Seriously...thank you so much WDW and all those who commented here...what an enjoyable "catch up" I just experienced!!
I have so much to say about each individual article, interview, photo, etc. but it would take pages and pages of comment space so I'll just say that I think Jake is more amazing now than I ever thought before and that animated voice, moving hands and marvelous facial expressions in the interviews brings back such vivid memories from my (no food eaten) lunch with him that I literally got tears in my eyes at certain points! For an idea of EXACTLY WHAT HE IS LIKE when you sit down with him and listen to him tell a story just play the About.com video from yesterday's post when he explains being on the SC set and doing the types of things he did on the PoP set and you will get a very clear picture. That is Jake for reals!!
*heavy sigh*
Back to real life now I guess.
Oh...and welcome to so many new regular peeps here commenting...awesome to have you here! And I was laughing at the various comments about being closeted Jake fans from some people...OMG I have no idea what that is!! I am out to everyone everywhere...even him!! That's just me I guess!!
Until next time... :-)
P.S. No need for this cheer but keep up the GREAT work WDW (as if you wouldn't without me mentioning it...ha ha)!!
Very confusing, Gretchen, but I definitely think I'm gonna love it. I can't help but think that we always see Jake - it's Coulter who sees someone different. But who knows? I think they'll be surprises.
Good to see you BBMISwear! I've missed you - I'm glad you've finished feeding your 19 people and can do some catching up. So much to catch up on... OMG... so much...
You have to get some lego - I know Elmo will be jealous but it must be done. I wonder when I'll get my figurines... But I still want so much lego. I wonder if the UK ToysRUs is selling it. I digress...
Love, LOVE to hear you talk of your foodless lunch. It's wonderful that you recognise Jake here - his mannerisms and expressions and that spirit! Just incredible.
What amazing days :)
I am officially in mourning this evening that Man United are out of the Champions League so I knew where to come to drown my sorrows and I'm not disappointed!!
I love your recreation of the ostrich fight WDW:) Even Jake looked a bit confused trying to explain the Source Code plot. This movie is beginning to intrigue me more and more.
Thanks for finding all these Wondercon gems WDW. There is so much going on at the moment it's great and I only found out now that BBM is on Film 4 tomorrow night. Now all I have to do is figure out how to hijack the TV for the night!!!
Hi Carol! I know, I feel surrounded by ManU tears here too... glad I can cheer you up! And yes, BBM tomorrow at 9pm on Film4 - excellent! I've been dropping hints that the TV is booked for tomorrow.
Source Code sounds incredible! Jake does look very perplexed at how to describe it - and can I say I find that... adorable?! Sounds like a great mix of puzzles and action.
Source Code does sound really good. Well it will be if it's anything like Moon. That was definitely one of the best movies I saw last year.
It really is a great time for all us fans....well we are the most patient fans around so we definitely deserve it :)
WDW, bravo on another amazing, amazing post!!! I am loving all the promotion going on, more Jake interviews, pics, videos, Legos, etc.....Gyllen-information overload!!!!!! :D :D :D
It was for me too, Carol - Loved Moon and I saw it again a couple of weeks ago :D Love Gerty! Yeah, we have learned the art of patience all right!
And I've had no chance to listen to my new Rufus CD!
Thank you so so much, Get Real! And I now have more than enough for tomorrow's post! Crazy... But fun :D
I finally got rid of my collegue! She's nice but she gets in the way of my jaking (I know, I'm a bad employee). :) The videos were great, I love when Jake pulls faces, he's so animated and funny.
I checked on the Toys are Us site and they have the POP Legos but I don't know if they have them in store yet. I just might go and see tomorrow night. I really want the ostrich but the shirtless Dastan is in another set. Argh! Am I really gonna buy two Lego sets? Thank God every Jake movie doesn't come with merchandise like this or we'd be ruined! :D
I agree with BBMISwear, it's really nice to have new people commenting. The more the merrier!
And Annie, if Jake reads this site, I hope to God he doesn't read the comments. That could be very embarassing for some of us! *blushes* :DD
You're in luck, Olympia! The shirtless Jake is with the Ostrich race lego! You can tell I've been doing my research... My problem is I also want Dastan on the horse and that's in another set. I also want the princess. I thin I need to get the ostrich set and another one, which I think is Quest for the Dagger or something like that. Ahem.... not that I know anything about this of course... ahem...
Glad you threw everyone out of the office! It is great to see new faces just as it's great to see the old faces - and maybe some medium faces too :D Can you believe, it's almost 3 years!
PS If Jake saw the comments, I think he'd have a laugh and a chuckle :D And then he'd offer to cook us all a big meal and even do the washing up afterwards.
You will enjoy the Rufus CD when you get a chance to listen to it WDW. And to go off topic for a moment it's simply beautiful and his lyrics are so personal as always. I have listened to it a lot since I got it. Can't wait to go and see him live again in three weeks and counting!!!
I'm sure Jake probably has read the comments on occasion. If I was him I probably wouldn't be able to resist!!! Although I'm kind of blushing with embarrassment now thinking that too:)
There are going to be a lot of new faces on here this Summer I'd say. It's great to be able to drop in here with others who understand how I feel about Jake as most of the people in my life just don't get it.
Well that's weird, I just checked again and the sets they have are The Ostrich Race (dressed Dastan) and Hassansin's Hide Out (shirtless Dastan). Could there be different sets? Damn! I had forgotten about Dastan on the horse! *sigh* I guess I'll buy 3Lego sets... Thanks for nothing, WDW. :D
Jake cooking a big dinner for the WDWers, now that would be nice! And exhausting for him, poor baby. Oh! I know, maybe Chris could come and help. :D
Now that is weird, Olympia, cos on the box of the Amazon.co.uk ostrich lego, Dastan is clearly shirtless! I think we're going to have to get a few sets and bite the bullet :D I don't know how many Hassansins I want though... :D I want the skelly.
Yeah Chris would be welcome too! That way Jake would have more time for pouring wine :D
I can't wait to listen to Rufus - I'm seeing him in just under 3 weeks :D It's nice thinking you'll be seeing him too.
Well look at the Toys are Us set:
That's a very overdressed Dastan!
I wonder if the shirtless Dastan has 2 faces and a removable wig.
Hmmm! Those are most definitely different, and I don't know why but I'm kind of veering towards the Amazon one :D Mind you, I saw some pics someone had taken who actually has the ostrich set and Dastan is indeed shirtless and on an ostrich. Maybe you can... er.... take his clothes off... :P
Maybe this is a good time to say good night!! I have a duck to revive...
With all this talk of the Lego I don't think I'm going to be able to resist getting some now:)
It's nice to know you'll be seeing Rufus in a few weeks too WDW. For any other fans of Rufus on here who might have missed that BBC documentary shown last year on him and his opera it's being repeated on BBC 4 next Monday night for those that have the channel.
Night all. I need to lie down after another exciting night:)
Good night, WDW!
Carol, I know what you mean about people in RL. Being a gyllenhaalic wouldn't be as much fun if I didn't have you guys to share it with. :)
I had a good giggle at the post tonight, I need snarly face Dastan lego! I bought the new empire and SFX today :D It took me ages to find SFX and eventually i saw it behind a stack of FHM! Grrr. So i lifted the pile of Jake faces out and put them in an empty display case thing. (I'm not crazy) :D
I love the idea of Jake reading your blog WDW you so deserve his recognition ;) and if he pops in to read the comments all the better. I think some of the regulars here have to be some of Jakes most loyal fans? I think we can call stephanie from IHJ and WDW joint #1? Although i'm sure there's plenty who are worthy ;)
A dinner cooked by Jake sounds lovely! Save me a seat. Where shall we have it? London i think :)
Oh I know its late/early but so glad I came here its given me such a laugh, your lego pics are brill!
Following Gretchen and WDW's discussion, I think Source Code may be a bit like Quantum Leap (anyone remember that?) where its the same actor all the time apart from when he sees his reflection, possibly. It sounds very interesting anyway :D
Hiya WDW,
I feel so behind the times with everyone because I'm in the states and it seems most of you are in Europe, where I'd actually love to be. Well, that's not true...wouldn't mind being in Cali or Canada right about now. In any case, lovely post and the Dastan lego story was fabulous. Hadn't considered purchasing on, but now I think I might.
Olympia, I simply love reading your posts. You're amusing!
Anyway, that is all for now.
Oh! Karen, I remember Quantum Leap, I loved that show! I think that`s a very good comparison with SC. In fact, SC sounds like a mix of Quantum Leap and Groundhog Day.
Thank you Stace, I`m glad I amuse you. :D
Thank you so much, WDW. I can't wait to see both POP and SC. Jake looks so relaxed during the interview and is having so much fun.
I wonder how he'll incorporate parkour into his everyday life :D
Good morning! And what an absolutely beautiful day here today :D
Good to see you all and glad to see the chat continuing. There's a lot more stuff to post but I'll do it all in one again later today.
Hey Carol! Hope you got some rest - another late night for me too! I may sleep for a month after PoP...
That's so funny, Silver, lifting the magazines clear like that! I did that once with Zodiac DVDs on the floor in HMV. I thought, you can't put them on the floor!
Hi Karen! Glad you got a giigle :D I remember Quantum leap and that's how I've been imagining SC too. It is interesting :D I'm intrigued!
Hiya Stace! The time gap is a pain in the bum but there are plenty of posters from your side of the pond, which is great! I always like catching up with what's been said overnight my time :D
I know what you mean about the lego. I want more than just my one little Mini Jake, lovely as he is :D
Morning Olympia! A mix of Quantum Leap and Groundhog Day (one of my fave films) sounds great :)
Hi Sweetpea :D I suppose Parkour could come in handy to beat that LA traffic!
Have a good day everyone :D
Morning all.
Source Code definitely sounds like Quantum Leap. That used to be must see after school TV viewing for us:)
Looking forward to more gems today.
Morning Carol! I just bought more lego :D I'm looking forward to doing the post later!
A reminder that Brokeback Mountain is on Film4 at 9pm tonight for any Brits out there :D
Ah yes! Groundhog Day, I love that too!! In fact I have just realised, I do like any film to do with time travel, it is fascinating. Back to the Future, Donnie Darko and of course looking forward to POP and Source Code. I love a good Sci-fi too, really enjoyed Moon so really lots to look forward to!!:D
Just seen the GQ cover! Arrgh! Beautiful. Cant wait for your post tonight WDW
Hi Karen! I like scifi more than any other type of film so I love to see Jake in anything like this :D
Hi Anon! That's what I call a cover!! Another big post coming :D
Oh, Quantum Leap! So glad to be fangirling with people my own age. So many younguns' in fandom makes me feel so old. LOL Anyway, use to love that show and I know I'll love Source Code because I'm a sci fi geek, anyway. Well, hell, I love anything(almost) with Jake in it.
Also, this may be improper so tell me if I'm being too nosy, but am I the only one that wonders/doesn't know what's up with the ring Jake wears on his pinky? I've only seen it when he's doing PoP interviews so maybe it has to do with that. If it's an established thing then I am embarrassed and hope I don't lose my Gyllenhaalic status. :-)
Anyway, on with my day...new job starts tomorrow so need to get chores done. Plus, babysitting the nephew who is making me sing and recite things he's seen on Disney Channel.
oops...the anon at 16:06 is me! Darn laptop keys...
Just saw the GQ cover......I'm speechless which doesn't happen often:)
Hi Stace! well, I'm a scifi fangirl geek and proud of it! Although I'm more of a Trekker than a Quantum Leap fan.
Jake's worn that ring off and on for years. He's been given rings (including an engagement ring he gave to himself!), and there's one from his mum, which says Carpe Diem, or something like that, and this ring looks like it could be it. Although on a couple of recent pics I swore it said WDW :DD Although when I mentioned that someone said it could be a gift from Disney - sob... :D
I know - me, too Carol!
About ready to go home and do a whopper of a post...get supplies in!
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