We have another event to add to the Prince of Persia release schedule for May and that is a preview of the film on 12 May at a NYC event for Sprint. We have already seen that the iPad has been marketed with a PoP scene and now there is also PoP phone wallpaper. But so far, still no sign of PoPsocks or Dastan Pillows. I'd like to put in a request for some PoP Towels.

Gemma Arterton is interviewed in the new edition of Details magazine and in it she says that she has experienced some bad feeling because her character Tamina does not look like the videogame heroine Farah: 'They want me to go to Comic-Con. It kind of worries me... I've gotten letters telling me I'm not right for the part because I don't look like the girl in the video game! She really is this sex goddess. They've got massively high standards.' No, they just may not realise that Farah is not a human being.

I have come to the conclusion that Prince of Persia has been made and is being released purely as a marketing tool to promote the launch of Prince of Persia: The Lego. As is demonstrated by this amazing trailer for the sets. I feel unworthy - I stuck Dastan on a camel and put a snake in the hand of a baddie and that has been the extent of my lego construction skills. (Is Dastan really pronounced like that?)
Pictures from Disney, via IHJ.
"Is Dastan really pronounced like this?"
I was thinking of the same thing! How strange... I am sure I heard Gemma pronounced it the way we do in the movie... :P
The lego commercial is full of fun.
ah. one more reason to get the iPad!
Good evening, Winterbird! That's true - in the movie, Gemma definitely doesn't pronounce it like that. It made me chuckle here - I love that lego ad! You need another reason to get the iPad? :D
I think we should decide what type of PoP merchandise we would like to see - I could put a few things before phone wallpaper... a towel :D
That Lego vid is great. They should bring out a Lego version of the game like they did with Star Wars and Indiana Jones. :D. I'd definitely play that on my Wii.
I still haven't got a Lego Dastan. :(.
Hey Rubes! It's fab :D I may actually have a little pressie for you...
Good news tonight - British airports will all reopen at 10pm tonight and all British airspace will be open from 10pm and all schedules will be resumed in full at the airports tomorrow!
This may mean I can no longer pass off dirt on the car as ash - ahem...
Ooh, I love pressies. :D
That's good news about the airports.
I'd love a PoP lego game - the Indiana Jones one is so cool. I don't know the Star Wars one, Rubes :) Good - there may be a little treat for you when Rufus come tos town :)
Very good news!
Evening! Erm...sorry to change the subject from wonderous lit up lego for a sec: I just watched The Delicious Miss Dahl for the first time, it was on this evening, did you see it? I couldn't help but think that she's perfect for Jake (never thought I'd be a matchmaker, but I don't recognise myself generally these days 8>). She made Martha's Vineyard clam chowder and talked about her childhood memories of the island, she cooks (duh!), she's blonde, and then she started talking bout a Bollywood film. And she is from a family of storytellers.
Is she married? Should we keep her away from Jakey, or send him a video? ;DD
All this news about the Legos has me disappointed that my 2 PoP sets have not been set up yet - where are those kids that were suppose to help me?! I don't care that they have baseball and lacrosse practice and the Bruins are in the playoffs!! I need my Legos set up!!
Sorry for the rant...but it's the fault of all this Lego talk! LOL!
Good news about the air traffic WDW - let's hope all just keeps getting clearer and clearer over there!
See you next time...can't even imagine what may be new! :-)
P.S. Just wanted to add that I laughed at TD's comment about Miss Dahl (who until 2 minutes ago I had no idea who she was but then googled her)! Hmmm...I don't know...the cooking thing is a plus though!
is it wrong to say I've fallen in love with Lego Prince? :D
I love these commercials. I don't think they pronounced Dastan correctly, I wouldn't do that since he's the one with the sharp swords :D
thanks WDW
I watched one of Sophie Dahl's programmes. One was enough. I think the cooking is secondary to her babbling inanely about melancholy and simpering at the camera in an exaggerated immitation of Nigella Lawson! :D
Morning all!
Chuckling at the Sophie Dahl chatter :D And at TD matchmaking for Jake! Hi TD :D Isn't Sophie recently wed? I think maybe Jake would tire of her floating around!
Hi BBMISwear :-) You haven't got your lego set up yet?? Maybe you should not feed those kids until after they've done it...
I saw plane trails in the sky this morning - it made me realise how quiet it's been out in the country!
I don't think you're alone, Sweetpea :D He's a real cutie... sigh... Yeah, I'd not mess with Jake when he's waving swords around like that!
Morning Rubes! I agree - I saw the first one and that was enough for me. And I don't think she eats the food she cooks... She doesn't half whimper.
Is it Friday yet? Have a good day everyone!
Hiya, Happy lunch-hourers,
Oh well so much for my short lived foray into matchmaking. Thank god I can give that up!
However if you lot want the lego- Prince, I'm very very happy to be 'set up' with the real Prince...:)
I printed out the horse pic. at work. Best use of taxpayer's ink in the history of...tax.
TD [Tax (re)-Distributer]
^^ :)
Hey there T Robin Hood D! Sounds like an excellent use for tax payers' ink. May you fill your workplace with PoP images in order to brighten the day of your colleagues :D I'm waiting to hear who you'll come up with next for the matchmaking!
Hi 15:14 :D
It must be hometime but for some reason it isn't...
I've never seen so many plane trails in the sky as I have today!
That does it. Next paycheck, Lego Dastan will be all mine! *insert evil laugh*
Is it weird that I plan on hiding the set from my niece and nephew for fear they will lose pieces of it? I never thought I'd be hiding Legos at my age. A random aside: One of my friends is nicknamed Lego and I've never asked her why. Hhhmmm
TD, it is your week to keep me endlessly amused. All us Gyllenhaalics are so clever. I mean, you'd have to be, right? To be Jake fans and all. I've been secretly matchmaking for Jake, too. I know he likes the blondes but I keep finding brunettes for him. Is Gemma single? Because you know, they could totally go for it now that Jake is single. Who knows what could happen during all the intense promotional stuff that they will do next month? And she looks to be a good match for him. Although, he probably needs to stay away from showmances.
Speaking of showmance, Glee was so much better last night!! The only number I wasn't that much into was the Borderline/Open Your Heart mash-up. And, good lord, Like a Virgin was HOT! And who knew Santana/Naya could sing like that!!?? I'm completely in love with Kercedes(LOL) and wish I had my own Kurt to play with. You guys are going to really enjoy it. Sorry for the extended interlude, WDW.
Hi Stace! I get no end of amusement here, hearing what everyone's up to and all these way sof fitting Jake into their day :D Gemma is about to be married I believe, so good luck to her!
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