There is a great new interview tonight with Jake Gyllenhaal - not from WonderCon but from a day a few weeks ago when Jake had to don a wig (and full costume) to get back into character for a Prince of Persia press day. It's a fun phone interview (Jake has always been so good at these) and you can read the full interview at UGO. But here are some snippets of loveliness.

'Jordan Hoffman: So what do they have you doing right now? Are you in costume? Jake Gyllenhaal: I am. It’s strangely embarrassing. [I’m not 100% sure he was joking here.] They made me put my costume back on. Jordan Hoffman: Really? Are you in leather straps right now on the telephone? Jake Gyllenhaal: Leather straps, and this wig that’s very hot. But I never wore a wig in the movie; but since my hair is short they’re forcing me to wear a wig today.'

'Jordan Hoffman: What’s your favorite scene from Top Gun? Jake Gyllenhaal: When the dude [James Tolkan] is like, “You jokers are goin’ to Top Gun!” You know that scene where he’s like “Damn you Maverick!” Jordan Hoffman: You know what I love about that, is that he says the name of the movie in that scene. Jake Gyllenhaal: He does, it’s the best. He’s like...what does he say? What are the other names, the craziest names of the characters? Jordan Hoffman: Uh, you mean Ice Man? Or Goose? Jake Gyllenhaal: No, not them, but Goose and Ice Man are awesome. They’re like Green Leaf and Dirt Man, or something [Cougar and Merlin, actually.] Like, “Daisy fell off so you two jokers are goin’ to Top Gun!” That’s my favorite.'

'Jordan Hoffman: Sands of Time is pretty damned addictive and aggravating. Did you ever finish? Jake Gyllenhaal: No, I never finished it. But you know that section, the water section? Where you have to run from wall to wall, to get over the water? My God, that took me days and days and days. Jordan Hoffman: You could make a call, though, you can call them up and be like hey I’m going to be in this damn thing let’s give me some ways out; but you stuck with it, I like that. Jake Gyllenhaal: I stuck with it...but I would you know, bring in the stuntman to my trailer when I was playing and I’d be like, “guys can we do this? Can we figure out how to do this move?”'

'Jake Gyllenhaal: I trained with David Belle, the inventor of Parkour and a lot of different acrobats. I had a few doubles on the movie, one named is Mark Fichera. And he was extraordinary; and we did – I did training with acrobats in Los Angeles before I went to London for a month of preproduction and prep. And I learned all the basic moves of parkour, which surprisingly were much harder than I’d expected them to be; and since then I have not really applied those skills to the rooftops of the cities I live in but don['t] put it past me.'

And on Source Code: 'The movie is called Source Code. Duncan is directing it, and the character I play is a character named Coulter Stevens and he’s a helicopter pilot who flies helicopters for the Air Force in Afghanistan and all of a sudden – well you learn that, but he wakes up on a train in the middle of Chicago and he has no idea how he got there or where he is. And uhm, there’s a woman talking to him across from him who seems like she knows him but he doesn’t know who she is and when he sees his reflection in the mirror of the train – as another train passes the opposite way, he sees it’s not his face. And he doesn’t recognize this face.'

And some not so good news about Nailed: 'Jake Gyllenhaal: The financing for the movie, uh, we had one last scene to shoot of the movie. We were pretty much, I would say 98% done and uh, the financing fell through. So that movie is yet to be finished. Jordan Hoffman: So this is something that’s 98% done and we’re waiting for somebody’s uncle to put up some dough to finish this thing? Is that basically the story? Jake Gyllenhaal: Yeah, talk to the financer. Jordan Hoffman: Wow. Well, I hope it comes out. Jake Gyllenhaal: You never know. You never know. Jordan Hoffman: Would you ever endorse sort of an unfinished version or something? If your schedule and his schedule can’t get back together once the financing does come back through? Jake Gyllenhaal: Well my role is done. I shot all my roll in the movie but, uhm, yeah I would without a doubt. I think David is like, an extraordinary filmmaker and I always think there’s a way around it. It’s just, you know all those contracts you gotta get through.'

Great stuff! I never thought I'd hear Jake talk about Top Gun but here he has and so I am happy... One thing about a Jerry Bruckheimer movie - you know it'll come out and with a tidal wave of publicity behind it. And the more I learn about Source Code, the more I want to know.
I would like to update the post with this from GeekSugar...
Pictures from the Visual Guide to Prince of Persia, via IHJ.
I always knew that wasn't a wig in the movie :D
This doesn't fill me with too much hope for Nailed...
I think at first Jake had some hair extensions just because he had to give his hair time to grow to the length it needed to be. But at some point during filming it was all his hair. So there never was a wig. I wonder how the wig he had to wear looked?
To tell the truth, I'm not that big on Nailed, so I'm not going to hold my breath for it to come out. BUT I am very excited about Source Code. This movie intrigues me alot. I love mystery, suspense and action and this movie sounds like it has it all. (Jake can't get away from movies that have war related themes. But I suspect the actual war scenes for SC might be limited and we get more into the sci fi stuff as to why his character wakes up on a train and we take it from there.
Jake and wigs - never a good combo! I remember the Jarhead wig...
Hi Sweetpea :D I would love love to see Nailed and I will always hold out hope. But yeah SC sounds amazing. I don't think it's a war movie at all - it sounds scifi through and through to me but we should find out more :D
I wanted to see Nailed. The script was so funny.
I wanted to see all those expressions of Jake after having sex with the character of Jessica Biel.
I love Ice Man, he was one of my favorite characters from Top Gun. I also like the character of Anthony Edwards!
Great interview!
Me too, Monica! I read the Nailed script and I really want to see Jake play it! But I'll always have hope... Top Gun was a big bit of my youth - good to hear of Jake watching it. A great interview! I love this guy (can you tell?)
Everytime I pop by this weekend there is something new...not that I'm complaining:)
That sounds like the final nail in Nailed's coffin. I can't say that I'm too disappointed with it as the storyline never interested me that much. But it is a shame that it nearly got across the line before the money issues kicked in.
It' s fun to hear Jake talking about Top Gun - a classic!!! The more I hear about Source Code the more interested I'm becoming.
I wonder when those TV spots for PoP are going to start airing or have I missed them already. I'm looking forward to seeing Jake pop up during the ad breaks in Corrie St or something:)
Great interview & playing dress up (forced or not) be still my beating heart, Ive been growing my hair for months for an couple of inches our guy grows his long in what months typical really that men have lush long eye lashes & fast growing hair & dont even want them - whinge over.
Ice man was always my fav i could never buy into Tom Cruise as maverick xx
Hi Carol! Oh yes, Top Gun is a classic all right... I wouldn't hold your breath with waiting for PoP TV spots over here. I've never seen an ad for Jake's movies on TV - sigh...
Hey T! Jake's hair and beard grow on demand :) IT's like he tells his body what to di and it does it - wonderful :D
Great interview! I wonder if the wig looked better than his POP hair...
If anyone see's a pop trailer could they let me know (UK) :) i know there's on before clash.. but there may be for iron man, robin hood, shrek..i hope its not just clash of the titans.
Fun interview. I loved Top Gun too, my fave line has always been the one after that, I think it's the same scene:
James Tolkan (Stinger): "And if you screw up just this much, you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog sh*t out of Hong Kong!" lol :)
Morning all! Back at work... that is not good news...
Morning Olympia! I have my doubts... :D
Hi there Jenni and welcome :) I wouldn't be surprised if the PoP trailer playes before Iron Man 2. The trailer was definitely the best bit about Clash!
OMG I love that line, 0:28!
So much great Jake stuff from yesterday. I feel llike I need to take it all in :)
Good morning. What a weekend. I want to drink in all the praise and recognition Prince of Persia is getting. Now it begins. We have to be THE most patient fans in the world, from the moment we heard he was cast, his London stay and his little 'adventures' along the way. It has been the longest journey for many of us here.
You mentioned Zelda in your previous post but no comments made about it. I think Jake was referring to Legend of Zelda (probably the Phantom Hourglass) That is a fantastic game and one I adore. It's very addictive, clever, has logic puzzles and it really is an epic journey. You begin to care about the characters and I think it's also about love and the bravery one shows when you do what you do for love (conquering all). There are lots of side quests that take you on other journeys. I loved it and so psyched that Jake loved it too.
I'm glad that Jake has acknowledged that he's attached to Damn Yankees so one to look forward to. I think he'll do ok with the dancing (after all he did with Parkour? Dancing should be a walk in the park).
Nailed *sob*. I can't believe we may never get to see not even one shot of that movie. It is gratifying to know that all Jake's scenes were shot. I think Jessica said she had a final scene to do and that it was a cruicial scene integral to the storyline. I get the dread when Jake says 'you never know, you never know' - that means in Gyllenspeak 'yep, it ain't never gonna happen'.
If Jake has done ANY body of work I wanna see it. Even if it's walk on 2 second part in a Compare the Meerkat commercial, I wanna see it. He has the most expressive face that says so much without having to contort it beyond recognition (like Jim Carrey). Even when he's being enigmatic (Rendition).
Just wanted to say it's been a great weekend for Jake which has fuelled my own enjoyment of this weekend. A little sad of me really but I really check for this guy and wish him all the love and success that he can handle.
Sorry for my long post, not to rub it in to y'all at work now but I'm going back to bed. This weekend and excitement has worn me out. Have a great week everyone.
Morning Sheba :D It really has been a long ride but I am very ready for it to end :D I can't wait to move into the cinemas at the end of next month!
I like Zelda too - and glad to know Jake likes it. What I didn't understand was the expression 'super dope'! Love it though :D
Yep, this doesn't bode well for Nailed, although it's good that jake has finished his filming on it. I still have hope that Nailed may come out on PoP's coat tails. I want to see all his roles too - sigh...
It's been quite a weekend - work feels quite relaxing by comparison!
Ha, I understand now. Super dope is I guess a rap term for 'off the hook' or in English 'extremely good'.
I was saying I can't wait to see the 360 degree shot where Dastan jumps off with a rope attatched. I think already this is my favourite scene of all that I've seen so far.
Love all your coverage of WonderCon, he looks even more beautiful than ever, yum yum ;D
Are you going to the Premiere on May 9th? I am very tempted but a bit scared! Never been to one before and I may faint if I see him! How do you control yourself?
ooh, I can't wait to see that scene, Sheba! It looked amazing just seeing it in the trailer on a ig screen :D
Thanks so much, Karen! I'm glad you're enjoying it. There's so much stuff! I think I'm due a weekend in London :D I can't say that I do completely control myself! But it is scary, intense and unbelievably exciting all at the same time :) Red carpets are hard work, like nothing else I've ever done - but the rewards... :D It is easier at a film festival like Toronto.
I can't believe it but the sun is out!
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it's so cute when he talked bout his dancing skill..hahahaha...
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