'On what drew him to Prince of Persia: There are a lot of things. One was the character, 'cause for me, whenever I choose a movie it's the character. I thought — at least as it was written — [Prince Dasdan] was wry and funny and had a good time, but at the same time kicked some ass. But then I also like the idea that it was based on a video game. I like to do things that people have tried their hand at and haven't succeeded. Maybe it's a riskier thing to do, but I like that. And I knew that there would be a huge audience of people that I would be trying to appease and that kinda turned me on too. And we're bringing it to younger kids, kids who have never played the video game before and never experienced it.'

'On whether he's played the original Prince of Persia, and if he's a gamer: I have played it, but I'm not a gamer in general. I definitely have had my fun on the Wii. Being an actor you have a lot of time on your hands in between set-ups and things so there's always the opportunity on set. A portable gaming device is always fun. I played a lot of video games when I was a kid. I really loved Metroid when I was a kid. I played that game all the time. Zelda was super dope and it may have been one of my favorites only because the casing was gold. I'm not really sure actually if it was the journey of it or that the casing was gold but I loved that game, and traditional things like the classic Super Mario Bros. and Mike Tyson's Punchout.'

'How he feels about 3D in the film industry: Well, I think it's all about intention. Like Jim Cameron made Avatar, and his intention was to use 3D. Subsequently I think people have tried to join the bandwagon without understanding the creative side of what 3D is. Whenever you have a tool, I think someone should become proficient in that tool. I don't think you just add it to your arsenal and be like "I know how to do this." Regardless, Avatar wouldn't be as amazing as Avatar is — although it's extraordinary on a visual level — without a great story. And I think storytelling has lasted thousands of years as a result of the fact that twists, and turns, and unexpected things happen in stories that blow people's minds, and that's what lasts. We want to tell a great story — 2D, 3D, a great story is a great story.'

'On if he's caught the action genre bug, and if he liked doing his own stunts: I kinda am, yeah. I kinda am. I was [excited to do my own stunts], I mean that's the reason to do it. You're making a movie based on a video game, It's gonna be physical, and if you don't do it, how lame is that? I really had to ask myself, "Are you ready for this? Would you learn how to do Parkour, would you learn how to sword fight for real?" And I tried to be game for everything. I really tried to be. And I was. I did it even though sometimes I didn't succeed at it all the time, I tried each one of the things.'

On with the post!
It never rains but it pours delights over here in Prince of Persia Gyllenland. Hot on the heels of Jake Gyllenhaal's triumphant debut at WonderCon, we have two new TV spots for Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. We have a little more accent, more snakes, more dagger and a lot more sand. The music stands out more here, too, and I like it. If this film doesn't rush headlong into the theatres soon, I swear I could...well, pop.
A couple of pictures here from the clips: Our world could end and Is that all you got?

All of the WonderCon panel is now available to watch in HD on YouTube thanks to The Network. You can see all of the six videos here, including the wonderful moment when Jake appears on the stage under the spotlight of 4,000 pairs of eyes. Here are the final four.
Jordan Mechner has described his rather unreal experience of attending WonderCon in the company of a movie star, a legendary film and TV producer and a much-respected director (I wonder if Jordan got an iPad like Jake...): 'I’ve been to Comic-Cons before, but this WonderCon was a new experience for me. Being flown in by the studio for one day to take part in a Prince of Persia movie panel felt a bit like visiting a parallel universe — one from which parking, waiting in line, negotiating crowds, showing ID, figuring out where to go next, and other ordinary aspects of flying and attending conventions have magically been eliminated.'

'Instead, I was whisked along with Jake Gyllenhaal, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Mike Newell from car to plane to car and from one place to another with such efficiency that all I saw of the show and conference center were underground parking garages, service elevators, corridors and backstage areas — only to suddenly emerge on stage in front of 4,000 people. Feeling the energy of that crowd was a rush I won’t soon forget.' Do visit Jordan's blog for his wonderful sketch of Jake on the plane on the way to WonderCon.

Jake has also been talking about the experience: '"It's so great to hear everybody cheering after the clips," Gyllenhaal told Moviefone. The 'Persia' star and first-time Con attendee was unintimidated by the raucous crowds. "That's the scary thing, people are seeing a little piece of this movie that's just been our own for so long. Granted, 2,000 people worked on it [laughs]. It's great to hear people get psyched, and see the sea of cameras and people."'

Jake has been spotted last night returning to Canada. Source Code, or at least one unit of it, is leaving for Chicago on 7 April. However, the news that they wanted to hire doubles may suggest Jake may be continuing to film in Montreal for the week. We shall see!

Many thanks to IHJ for the new WonderCon pics - there are plenty more there!
Wonderful pics of Jake at WonderCon! And more footage of the Panel - that's great... With all those different videos from the panel maybe I will finally understand everything of what Jake said... You know there is the potential of strange misunderstandings - I won't go into detail here... :D :D :D
But there is one thing - and I'd never thought I'd say this, but I feel a little bit like asking you to delete that second screenshot of the new PoP trailers! I think that has to be the most hideous pic I have ever seen of Jake - he looks an awful lot like one of those stoneage guys from Quest of fire... Not that I don't appreciate you doing screencaps for us, but...
(LOL, you might think of another pic when hearing the words "most hideous pic of Jake" :D :D :D)
I need to scroll past that one very quickly - and take a look at what he looks like in motion in that scene... Will it be "stoneage guy in motion"?
Going back to watching the panel for now, though!
Hope everybody has a wonderful day!!
Oh shit, it is stoneage guy... :D :D :D (oh and the title is Quest for fire or The War of fire)
I love the new trailers, WDW! Thats for the links as well.
Time out for a rant:
I am so tired of these fools criticizing Jake, sight unseen, for not being Persian!!! I forget, but was this an issue when Gerard Butler was cast as King Leonidas for 300? No. As I recall, once he had his beard affixed, Butler was praised for looking just like the character in the graphic novel.
I can't think of anyone who more resembles the character of Dastan in the PoP games, than Jake. I am truly sick to death of this stuff and I'm mystified as to why it is given any validity! Not one of the principal actors in the film is Persian as far as I know! At the very least, this nonsense is misguided. Some people are just negative. I am so happy Jake was well received at Wondercon.
Are people really still complaining about this? You are right, that is stupid...
I mean, I am sure nobody complained that the guys in Quest for Fire were no real stoneage guys...
Sorry, I'll shut up about the stoneage now... :D :D :D
Like I said, you are right - it is stupid, and I am glad that I only seem to come across the positive reception PoP is getting - like at Wondercon!
Wow, I am just realizing, that after we have waited for so long for this movie and we kind of felt like May 2010 would never come, we are almost there!!!!! Just a bit over a month till the world premiere!!! And for once Germany doesn't have to wait 6 months longer than the rest of the world till the movie is released here!!!! (Still no release date for Brothers in sight! Weird!)
Hello! Chuckling at Uli with Stone Age Jake! I'll remember that you don't like it and I'll keep it in reserve as vengeance for Ukelele Jake! As for the 'Quest of Fire' thing - what on earth are you talking about?!
Hi there 13:41! I know what you mean - all that talk has driven me mad too - but there's much less of it now. And events such as WonderCon demonstrate very well that this is a film based on a video game and not medieval history. And yes the nationality thing is ridiculous. But I do think this stupid argument is now just put about a few and they're only showing their own ignorance.
I'm glad you liked the trailers and links :D
Yep, it's nearly here Uli! Just over a month to the premiere - gonna have to dig out my Lucky Nike :D
PS Updated the post with a fab new interview which contains more Jakeisms! I love that Jake has played the wii - I bet I could beat him at tennis though (*runs away*)
Okay, I will neer mention Ukulele Jake again... :D :D :D
And this is one of the stoneage guys from Quest for Fire - isn't the resemblance amazing?? :D http://www.movieactors.com/photos-stars/ron-perlman-questforfire-6.jpg
Natrally there are the "usual"comments on Ain't It Cool News after Quint does his report on it.
He does mention the reaction to Jake and how it is usually the fanboys who react to the leading females in various fan gatherings like this.
And since probably almost all of the comments on these things are from guys there might have been a kind of "jealousy" seeing the ladies reaction to Jake.
Someone does say this 'Persian' thing is ridiculous.
Of course fan-boys were big on Donnie Darko. But since then Jake has gone on to do many different types movies and probably one that they would say they would never watch.
The fan-boys and Gamers are just one segment of the movie going public and there are millions more who just enjoy going to see a fun, entertaining summer movie.
Of course there was a "v" missing in neer = never...
Sorry about the double post..take one off if possible. Thank You.
Are people still on that? You can go over and over the facts and it doesn't seem to make any difference. There was big time cross-cultural exchange during that era - Greece, Rome, Arabic, India, China even as far as Russia. It's a beautiful thought. I love the fact that Dastan is a street boy, and that at least for know, we don't know his heritage. That is something I always am amazed at in history. I'll spare you any more geekthink about it tho! ;) I can't wait for the movie.
Love all of these Jake riches, and I loved Jordan's blog and sketches.
Hello! Just back from replacing the eggs that smashed all over my kitchen floor this morning - ahem...
I must be in some parallel universe or something - did Uli just compare Jake to Ron Perlman?? :DD
Hi 14:19 :D I do think that it's the same old same old people, some gamers - I don't know what they were expecting. I mean they do know it's not real, right? I always like those Aint It Cool features, but I ignore the comments. What is really cool is that Jake has really caught the attention for this role now and yeah they went crazy for him at WonderCon! As if they couldn't - just look at him - perfect for the role. And.... scorching :D I don't know if I've ever seen Jake looking that sexy before and tgat's saying something - bodes well for SC!
Hey 14:33! I love that and you're right - so many cultures passed through Persia then just as they have done for millennia. And yes, Dastan's origins are enigmatic.
These TV spots are so good, I think. They really hone in on what this film appears to be about. They have a real pulse to them.
Hope everyone's having a good Monday :)
Good morning!(well, for me)
I'm getting to know regulars and such. Uli, I'm gonna have to agree a bit about the screen cap. Although, at the same time, when he's speaking in the actual clip, it's strangely rather sexy. Haven't had this much fun fangirling in ages.
Anyway, something I wanted to say yesterday, I love how in all these videos and such you can tell how unassuming Jake is. I think that's what elevated him from just one of those actors in my top ten to someone that could rival Leo Dicaprio for my obsession, I mean, affection. Ahem. I mean, that comment made by Jordan Mechner really spoke volumes when he said that it didn't hit him that Jake was a movie star until they got in front of all those people. I love that someone that's so naturally great at what they do doesn't let it affect who he is. Well, it does affect who he is...it just makes him better.
And on a side-note I am so giddy seeing everyone notice how hot this man is. I love the twitter comment from the airport sighting. I think that is going to be everyone's reaction to him this year. It's about time people noticed it. Although this is one of those moments as a fan where you start being possessive. You want the general public to embrace your fave but at the same time you kind of like the novelty of keeping them to yourself. I think we're going to be sharing much more of the Jake-ness soon.
And speaking of fanboys and Donnie Darko, my ex is a HUGE Donnie Darko fan and Jake's subsequent movies have not affected his love of that movie or Jake for that matter. And he's a PotC fan so he may end up liking PoP as well. I'm not sure if he's played the game, but I know of another male friend that was very wary of Jake playing the prince. But, I generally discount most things he says because he's very selective about what he likes(read: he's a snob). I think that, in general, people will be pleasantly surprised(especially here in the states). Women and kids will want to see it so the family will go and dad will end up liking the movie more than anyone else.
Oh the rambliness...now off for more Jaking to get my day going...thanks again for your diligence, WDW.
Um, sorry about the Ron Perlman thing... So that scene in PoP will definitely be one I will dread coming on and it will be the scene where I will remember Ron Perlman. Doesn't every movie have such a "remember Ron Perlman" scene? Hm, maybe not... :D :D :D
Hi Stace! Glad you could handle the Ron Perlman scene - I unfortunately also think in the movie it is rather odd (err, to put it mildly...)
Although this is one of those moments as a fan where you start being possessive. You want the general public to embrace your fave but at the same time you kind of like the novelty of keeping them to yourself.
I absolutely know what you mean... Just the other day I was mentioning something like this to some jaking friends...
Here in Germany the average person does still not know who Jake is and when I come across this fact I always feel like "WTF?? How could anybody have missed THIS??", and in a way I wish him all the success he deserves, but on the other hand it is a weird feeling to suddenly have to share him with the rest of the world - and I think this is finally about to happen after PoP... The people who only get to know him via PoP will be so surprised to see what quantity and variety of movies he already did... Like "What? That was the guy who also did XXX (insert any of Jake's movies)?"
Like that clever girl said... He went from adorable and bubbly to Unghhhhhhhh! (although I personally think he took a detour via sigh, awwwwwwww and mmmmmmmmh...)
He, my word is indiancl
Hi Stace! Glad you can get past Uli's Stone Age moment to enjoy how sexy Jake sounds in that bit :D
I know just what you mean about the world now falling for our boy and how he's not just ours anymore (a bit hoe Jake talks about PoP in the quote in the post) and I seem to remember someone talking to me about that the other day. Oh yes! It was Uli!
I rather like the idea of seeing Jake in a packed cinema :)
Hey Uli! I'll thin of you when I see that scene, you and Ron Perlman - that's if I have any greycells left after my first glimpse of the film!
I've just been playing Avatar on the Wii - I crashed my banshee and then got blown up. I'm hoping for more success with PoP: Forgotten Sands.
New post at MB on How to Train Your Kraken.
I've been promised some pizza!
I too feel like Stace about sharing Jake with the rest of the world. So many people don't know about him and it's like having a special secret you share only with a few people. I think we'll all miss that.
My little trip to Beloeil to see POP at the D-Box theater is turning into a group outing! Aside from my brother and my sister-in-law, my sister and her fiance are now coming along and my parents are thinking of joining us! :DDD That'll be a fun day! Now I really have to go see POP before the trip so I don't make a complete fool of myself in front of my entire family when I get my first glimpse of Dastan on a big screen. I'd rather they not see me drool and giggle and gasp like a fangirl. It's not very becoming at my age and anyway I'm still a closeted gyllenhaalic. :DDD
There are a number of actors who are not well known to the general public (at least by name) who have a fan base but have not thought of Jake as being one of the "not well known" ones. Maybe people have heard his name but don't know much about his films but he's still got some name recognition.
He Has been nominated for an Oscar and been in one of the most talked about movies in recent memory.
No doubt more people will see POP who haven't seen but a few if any of his movies and that will be Good.
I have known people tho who have felt that a certain "not known" actor or singer are their secret (tho Jake wouldn't be a secret) and as soon as they get attention and become popular they leave them because they aren't "theirs" anymore.
I don't think anyone here would do that but have noticed it over the years. We Want people to know about him and we can say "We told you so!"
You're right, Anon 18:58, Jake is not the biggest of secrets. He does have some name recognition but nothing like big movie stars like George Clooney or Brad Pitt, well at least not where I live. I bet many people knew him as Reese's boyfriend. If POP does well, a lot more people will know about him and I'll be happy for him because he worked very hard to get there. :) And no way am I leaving, he won't get rid of me so easily! :D
Im curious to why Jake feels the need to adjust himself 6 times as he sits down for the press conference..hehe
Oh, there is no doubt that he is well-known, but most people don't think of Jake and 'hot male lead' in the same sentence. (And yes, he's probably more known for 'that gay cowboy movie' or dating Reese) I think that this movie along with his subsequent upcoming films will change that. That's really what I meant.
And I am sure not going to stop loving him and what he does because teenyboppers or non-indie fans get into him. Personally, I love the fact that we, as fans, get to go along on the journey with him. I'm sure he never imagined being on par with such actors as Clooney or Pitt. Although I see him much more of an indie boy at heart that loves big movies(like Dicaprio and Depp). There is always going to be more substance in the things that he does no matter how mainstream they are.
I love the fact Jake is getting more recognition for this film, i really want to share him with everyone! Being a gyllenhaalic has so many benefits! So far it hasn't taken me travelling but i know many of you have been places because of him, im hoping to go to one of premieres one day. I've met lots of interesting people because of him and even some of the things he has said himself are inspiring, i love this recent quote "We never know what’s going to happen in the future. All we have is right now, so what do you have to lose but to go for it?" He's just so entertaining and the films he has made have seriously made me think: DD, BBM.
I love that you're a 'closeted' gyllenhaalic olympia! That would have been a perfect way to describe me until a couple of months ago. I don't talk about Jake much with my family but my friends know i love him now :) and i don't think i could ever stop being a fan no matter how popular he gets.
I can't wait to sit in a packed cinema with Jake on the screen :) the first time i saw him on the big screen was Brothers and there was me, my friend and one other person in the cinema and my heart sank. It was on the day of release. But i know this will be popular :) God i hope so.
Hello! Just got back from a lovely dinner of pizza and apple pie and custard :D Mixing the cultures...
Hi Olympia! OMG that's quite a trip! I definitely think the first time you should sneak off on your own and have your own Jake time. I intend to take that day off work and just enjoy it, quietly and happily :)
Hi 18:58 :) It's just such a pleasure watching Jake's career blossom over the years and now it feels like the world will see him. Over here in the UK, Jake isn't a big star yet. PoP could change quite a bit. I feel, I have to say, rather proud that I've been following him for so long :)
Hey Olympia! I am so glad that maybe people in the UK etc will get to know Jake now for his FILMS! That makes me happy :)
Hi 19:43! I noticed that :D But I think he was nervous and it was a full-on event. I think he loveed it though :D
Hey Stace! I think that like it or not Jake is going to find himself in years to come up there with Clooney and Depp. Jake has the whole aura of movie star around him and it grows every year. He is breath taking. I look at him at WonderCon as if with non-boased eyes - well I do try! - and he has movie star writ large across that beautiful face :)
Hi Silver! Oh yes, Jake leads us all on so many adventures - the miles and seas I've crossed for Jake and the people I've met - wonderful. I'm not 'out' with everyone' but with those I care about I am and my family love it - whenever I speak to them they ask how Jake is!
Yes, I saw Brothers in a very quiet cinema here - PoP will be different!
Cracking new interview (i think) :)
Hi there Anon :) Yes, that was for the post tomorrow!
Aww Jakes on the IMDb homepage :P Scroll down a little bit.
Jake is lucky he didn't immediately become a "big star" with his first movies. Donnie Darko was a cult film. I rem. reading about it but never seeing it and seeing Jake's name with it but not knowing who he was.
Anyway, his career has gradually progressed year after year and with as said an Oscar nomination and a variety of roles. He's mature enough and understanding of the business enough to be able to handle something like POP.
When you think about Pitt and Clooney tho - they are in their
40's and neither one of them had an Oscar nomination when they were Jake's age. George Clooney really didn't start to be the "big star" he is now until he was in his
30's. He was around before ER but just kind of "around".
Thanks for the info 22:10 :)
Hi 22:16 - I think Jake'll handle PoP just fine and he has the advantage on Brad and George as he's been a 'movie star' from such a young age.
New post :)
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